Final Reg Exam Questions Flashcards
Does a tax-exempt organization lose their tax exempt status if they have unrelated business income > $250,000?
NO, an exempt organization that earns unrelated business income does NOT lose its tax exempt status.
What are non-conforming goods?
Goods other than what is specified in the contract.
In this case, the buyer never bears the risk of loss since the contract was not fulfilled.
Who is NOT allowed to be an S-Corp Shareholder?
(estates and trust are okay)
Custodial fees on IRA, CPA tax prep fees, union dues, publication dues - how much can be deducted?
NOTHING - no more miscellaneous itemized deductions
What is the amount of the Accumulated Earnings credit?
As a result of the TCJA, which cannot be traded in a tax free like kind exchange?
Machinery for machinery.
Shares of stock were never allowed.
ONLY real estate can be exchanged tax -free.
Is ownership interest in an LLC freely transferable?
NO, unlike a corporation. This is because the other members would vote to admit of not admit new members.
S-Corp: Married filing jointly and both own the stock. How many shareholders are they counted as?
In order to assign partnership assets to creditors, does it require majority or unanimous consent?
It requires unanimous consent.
If a partner in a general partnership disassociates from the partnership, is it considered dissolved?
NO, does not automatically take place.
As a result of the TCJA, casualty losses are only deductible for individuals if
they are part of a federally declared disaster.
This rule is for individuals only in regards to itemized deductions.
Under the TCJA, a qualifying relative who is not a qualifying child would enable to taxpayer to qualify for the ____ credit. How much?
Family Tax Credit, $500
On the CPA exam, if they want a partner to recognize a loss on a liquidating distribution, they will
distribute cash less than the partner’s basis and no other assets.
IF an S- corp election is filed after the 15th day of the 3rd month of the calendar or fiscal year, the election is effective on
the 1st day of the next calendar or fiscal year
What is a “partner by estoppel”?
Refers to a situation where an individual who is NOT a partner makes a representation or allows a representation to be made that they are a partner.
QBI deduction is ___% and is calculated on the lower of _____ or _____.
Compare 20% of taxable income to 20% of Schedule C profit
What is a section 1244 loss and what are the limits?
Worthless stock
Write off $50,000/single $100,000 MFJ against ordinary income.
Can also take capital loss limit of $3,000 on top of this.
Claims against someone who filed bankruptcy in which the creditor did not file timely go where in the food chain?
When a corporation makes a distribution to a shareholder in a non-liquidating distribution, how are gains and losses handled?
Come out at FMV, compare to basis.
Gains are recognized.
Losses are ignored. :(
IRA contribution limits
6,000 under 50 & single
12,000 under 50 and MFJ
7,000 50+/single
14,000 50+/MFJ
watch ages!
QBI, multiple businesses. Net business incomes together or assess as stand alones?
Net all incomes, apply 20%. Compare to 20% of taxable income.
What entity type has the most favorable fringe benefit rules for owners who also work in the business?
C-corp - owners who own at least 2% have unlimited fringe benefits
Active participation, rental real estate, losses deductible up to $____. Phase out is $0.50 on the dollar for every dollar over $_____.
Active participation, rental real estate, losses deductible up to $25,000. Phase out is $0.50 on the dollar for every dollar over $100,000.
Are warranty costs includable in the depreciable basis for an asset?
NO, only cost associated with getting the asset ready for use.
S-corp stock basis, calculated annually on last day of the year in this order:
1) increased for income items
2) decreased for distributions
3) decreased for non-deductible expenses
4) decreased for items of loss and deduction
Tax planning: for items with appreciated value:
give to charity
Tax planning: items that have dropped in value
Do NOT give directly to charity because they will go in at FMV. Sell it, deduct the long-term capital loss.
Inherited property sold at a gain. What is the holding period?
donor’s holding period, typically long-term
Do unrelated dependents qualify you for head of household?
substantial authority
C-Corp, liquidating distribution. Marketable securities. How to tax gain or loss?
Gains recognized.
Losses ignored.
S-corp, Accumulated Earnings and Profits (AEP) from days as a C-corp. Explain what happens in an s-corp distribution?
1) AAA (tax free), reduces basis
2) AEP (dividend), does NOT reduce basis
3) analyze remainder of distribution vs. basis
4) excess over basis is a capital gain
In regards to inventory - are on-site inventory storage costs capitalized?
NO, only if they can be traced to off-site storage.
Quality control is capitalized to inventory.
Maximum carryover period for charitable contributions:
5 years
Both individuals and corporations
If you see provision for income taxes, treat it as an expense
An individual’s charitable contributions cannot exceed:
60% of AGI
distribute all of its earnings
Self-employed, travel to clients is ___% deductible
Self-employed, entertaining clients is ___% deductible
Are partnership profits subject to the self-employment tax?
Do S-corp profits qualify for the QBI deduction?
COrporate distributions: when determining if the distribution is a dividend or capital gain and the prior year had a loss and the current year has a profit?
Apply profit in current year first. DO NOT NET. Current year profit is a dividend. Any excess distribution is a return of capital. Excess past basis is a capital gain.
What year do retirees have to begin taking distributions from their IRA?
Earliest distribution = 59.5 years
At what age must a person stop making IRA contributions?
CARES Act - can make contribution at any age, as long as you are working
Where are real estate taxes on rental / investment property claimed?
Claim on Schedule E, deductible against profit.
Not part of SALT itemized deduction limit of $10,000
if the word HOBBY is in the question, are expenses deductible? Is income claimed?
Income claimed, expenses not deductible.
Must prove that there is a profit motive in order to be deductible
ON your PRIMARY RESIDENCE what amount of debt forgiveness by mortgage company is EXCLUDED from income?
What must you have in order to deduct IRA contribution
Earned income. Just unemployment or something of the sort is not sufficient.
Qualified business income is:
the net amount of
- qualified business income
- gain
- deduction
- loss
- Dividends paid out do not count.
- Wages paid out do not count.
It is just on the income allocated to the shareholder or partner.
Tax free life insurance paid by company amount $_____
Amount over above amount is taxed based on the tax tables (will be provided)
Jury duty pay remitted to an employer in exchange for a regular paycheck is what kind of deduction?
DEDUCTED TO ARRIVE AT AGI but not an itemized deduction.
What do you need in order to qualify as qualifying widow?
Young children.
If not, the person files as single in the first subsequent year.
What awards are tax exempt to an employee?
pen, plaque, ring, watch
The Federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits
unintentional age discrimination and protects workers age 40 or older from discrimination on the basis of age.
**do NOT prohibit mandatory retirement
Can a general partner also be a limited partner?
Created to protect a beneficiary from creditors or from her/his squandering of the trusts’ assets. Prevents assignment. Prevents creditors from obtaining principal/income.
Statute of Limitations begins when?
Either on filing POSTMARKED date OR
if filed early, the IRS begins on April 16th of that year
What duties does a principal have to an agent?
Duty of indemnification
Duty to compensate
Duty to reimburse
Covenants NOT TO COMPETE are an intangible asset. What is the amortization period? How is it determined?
Intangible - 15 years. The duration of the contract has no bearing on the amort period.
Holding term on property received as an inheritance is always:
Best defense for a CPA in a negligence suit?
Exercised due care
Lack of privity
Married taxpayers must do what in order to be eligible for the EARNED INCOME CREDIT?
Calculating basis for an LLC that elected not to be taxed as a Corp: how to handle debt of the corp?
Add to basis at appropriate ratio
Do cases tried in the Small Cases Division of the U.S. Tax Court set precedent for other decisions?
NO, do not set precedent. Only for tax disputes less than $50k. Speedy judgements. Simplified procedures. NOT PRECEDENTS.
Generally, a partner’s holding period for property received in a distribution from a partnership has a holding period equal to
the holding period of the partnership
Is FUTA based on a percentage of all compensation paid to an employee?
NO. It is based on the first $7,000 paid to each employee per year.
In order to be deductible real estate taxes must be paid by
the person on whom the tax is imposed.
IF a C-Corp has average revenues that exceed $____ million, they must use the accrual method of account.
$26 million over a 3-year period