final pt 3 Flashcards
places where bone begin to form
occification centers
decreased bone mineral density and bone mass
Primary Epiphyseal Plates
shaft of long bones and the body or irregular bones
continues after primary is done (epiphysis)
Secondary Epiphyseal Plates
long distance running
use of type 2 fibers, harder & quicker exercises
increased tension without change of length
“negative” portion of muscle contraction -> elongating
- also the strongest
“positive” portion of muscle contraction -> shortening
loss of hearing sensitivity
unable to see close objects
information about balance & movement
vestibular sense
information about relative positions of limb & body
proprioceptive feedback
widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a
particular type of person or thing
value and perception of ourselves
identifying the factors that cause a specific outcome or
casual attribution
expend a significant amount of time and energy processing
information in order to understand what they’re trying to d
after they have mastered the basic form of the movement and begin
to refine performance of the skill
not having to allocate conscious attention to the skilled movement
practicing a variety of skills throughout a practice yields
better results than the aforementioned
random practice
being focused and expending effort toward a specific skill
Blocked Practice
breakdown and analysis of performance to improve
structural and coordination mistakes
knowledge of performance
focus solely on the end game result and base feedback
upon that only
knowledge of results
Berstein’s Model - locking joint that are not specifically used
1st degree (freeze degree)
Berstein’s Model - begin to release tightly locked joints to begin to
allow more fluid movements and work together in a coordinated fashion
2nd degree (release degree)
Berstein’s Model - enough repetition to allow to move effectively and
efficiently by adjusting their bodies to their environment
3rd degree (exploit degree)
Constrains: persons’ unique physical and mental characteristics
- structural: body structure
- functional: behavior function
Constraints: Individual – including the goals and rule structure of a particular movement or activity
Constraints: Individual – relating to the world around us
environmental “obstacles”
- stair - how high? how many? how long?
affordance scaling
physical “limitation/constraints”
- running, fast enough? skinny enough?
body scaling
when teenagers are more self-focused and have
difficulty differentiating their own thoughts from those of others
adolescent egocentrism
a person believes that others are constantly watching and
judging them
imaginary audience
person belief held by the majority of adolescents that they are
unique and special - somehow protected from life’s problems and difficulties
personal fable
cognitive bias causing a person or group to believe
that are immune to risk and danger
illusion of invulnerability