final pt. 2 (career, school, college counseling) Flashcards
Important aspects:
-The need for ______ counseling is greater than the need for psychotherapy- deals with the inner and outer world of individuals
-can be therapeutic as there is a positive correlation between career and personal adjustment
-is difficult because the counselor must be aware of both personal and work variables and how they interact
career counseling
info related to the world of work that can be useful in the process of career development
career information
facts about occupational and educational opportunites
career data
all activities that disseminate info about the present or future vocations in such a way that individuals become more knowledgeable and aware about who they are in relation to the world of work
career guidance
traits of clients should be assessed and then matched with factors inherent in various occupations
6 categories of personality and occupation:
realistic, conventional, enterprising, investigative, artistic, social
trait and factor theory
creator for trait and factor theory (was used by EG Williamson during the Great Depression)
frank parsons
people associated with developmental theories
Donald Super and Eli Ginzberg
developmental theory:
more inclusive, more concerned with longitudinal expression of ______ ________, and more inclined to highlight the importance of ____ _______
-Super believed career choice is linked with implementing one’s vocational self-concept, he suggested 5 stages of __________ ___________ (growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and decline/disengagement)
career behavior
self concept
vocational development
assumes that personal attributes, the environment, and overt behavior operate with each other in an interlocking bidirectional way
-most important part is self-efficacy (one’s belief regarding their ability to successfully perform in a particular task)
-4 factors influence career choice (genetic endowment, conditions and events in environment, learning experiences, task approach skills)
social cognitive career theory
based on meaning-making; its an interactive process, as clients talk, career counselors communicate with them about their understanding of the client’s own world
-careers do not unfold, they develop as individuals make choices that express their self-concepts and substantiate their goals in the social reality of work roles
constructivist career theory
become better adjusted academically and developmentally while feeling safer, having better relationships with peers and teachers, believing their education is relevant to their futures, having fewer problems in school, and earning higher grades
goals of school counseling programs
ASCA national model:
4 components of comprehensive programs:
f__________ (beliefs, philosophy, mission)
d_______ _____ (guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services)
m_________ _______ (agreements, action plan, data, calendar)
a_____________ (results reports, performance standards, program audit)
promotes 3 main areas to support mission of schools:
academic achievement
career planning
personal and social development
foundations, delivery system, management systems, accountability
Tasks include implementing effective classroom guidance
-Provide individual and small-group counseling
-Assist students in identifying skills and abilities
-Work with special populations
-Develop career awareness
-Coordinate school, community, and business resources
-Consult with teachers and other professionals
-Communicate with parents
-Participate in school improvement and interdisciplinary teams
elementary school
-4 C’s- counseling services, coordinating activities, consulting with others, curriculum development
-Focus on 3 primary subsystems- family, school, and school x family interactions
-Multiple concurrent actions- counselors access more than one set of services within the community at one time
-Peer mediators- specially selected and trained students who serve the school and the counselor in positive and unique ways
-School wide positive behavior support programs
-Support students’ development of self esteem
-Help at risk students in these areas: academic competencies, self-concept, communication skills, coping abilities, and control
-Use needs assessments to determine what needs to be remediated and at what level
-Engage in date-based decision making where the school counselor uses data about student performance and behavior that identify problems that need to be addressed
-Play therapy and games
elementary remediation activities
-Stress growth, development and transition
-Provide individual counseling, group experiences, peer support systems, teacher consultation, student assessment, parent consultation, and evaluation of guidance services
-Help students make decisions so that students can help themselves in the future
middle school
-Succeeding in school approach
-Developmental counseling and therapy (DCT)- provides a systematic way for counselors to relate to middle schoolers in their preferred developmental orientation
-Peer mentoring- cooperative learning arrangement and both students learn and benefit
-teacher-advisor programs (TAP)- an emphasis on everybody, including teachers, being responsible for guidance
8 service areas/service clusters vital to a comprehensive middle school guidance program:
(Comm, curriculum, assessment, career, counseling services, crisis center, community contact, professional growth)
middle school prevention activities
-Tasks include providing direct counseling services individually, in groups, and to the school as a whole
-Providing educational and support services to parents
-Offering consultation and in-service programs to teachers and staff
-Delivering classroom guidance
-Facilitating referrals to outside agencies
-Networking to postsecondary schools and businesses
-Advising academically
-Prevention activities
-Primary prevention: educational experiences that help students’ intellectual and personal development. Programs can include the following: Popular songs,
Interactive bibliotherapy
-5 examples of problem areas in which prevention can make a major difference in secondary school: bullying/cyber, substance abuse, adolescent suicide/homicide, prevention of HIV infection, abusive relationships
-Student assistance programs- composed of school personnel from a variety of backgrounds and function in ways similar to multidisciplinary special education teams
-Wraparound programs- multiple services provided by a team of many mental health professionals who work together to provide direct assistance to youth at risk of violence
high school
Prevalent behaviors ______ counselors deal with:
Parental divorce
Teenage parenting
Substance abuse
-Treatment may include individual interventions, motivational interviewing, psychoeducational groups, and support groups
high school remediation activities
associations for college counseling
_____ organized in 1924 and ____ organized in 1992
German university tradition- emphasis of research and scholarship
English residential liberal arts tradition- emphasis on education of the whole person (essence of WFU)
U.S. paradigm- emphasis on vocational or professional preparation
differences in institutional focus
In loco parentis- faculty and staff have a parentified role of teaching moral values
Student services model- students are consumers and services must facilitate development
Student development- creates research-based environments that help students learn and develop
ideological traditions
Psychosocial- competence, autonomy, managing emotions, identity, purpose, integrity, and relationships; 3 key issues of career development, intimacy, and formulation of adult philosophy of life
Cognitive structural- focus on how individuals develop a sense of meaning in the world
Person environment interaction- various conceptualizations of the college student and college environment and the degree of congruence that occurs when they interact
Typology- focus on individual differences such as temperament, personality type, and patterns of socialization
developmental theories
counseling as _______: long term counseling with a small percentage of students
counseling as ____: emphasis on helping students productively related academic and career matters
vocational guidance
counseling as __________: emphasizes a broad range of counseling services including short and long term relationships and those that deal with personal, academic, and career concerns
traditionally defined
counseling as ____: emphasizing working with the various organizations and personnel who have a direct impact on student mental health
counseling as _______: is an interactive approach in which the staff work interactively with other members of a college community to create a mentally healthy environment and use personnel and other resources within a campus
academic and educational, vocational, personal, testing, supervision and training, research, professional development, administration
college counseling functions
violence, neglect of children, spouse, siblings and older adults (two most prevalent forms are emotional and physical)
interpersonal abuse
acts of commission (hitting) or omission (neglect)
child abuse
is pandemic and can have fatal results (40% is physical and 85% verbal aggression); reasons may include rivalry for dominance and power struggle for resources; can take sexual, physical, or psychological form
sibling abuse
most life threatening form is battering (violence including severe physical assault and risk of injury)
12 signs include jealousy, controlling behavior, unrealistic expectations, isolation, blaming for problems and feelings, hypersensitivity, threats of violence, breaking or striking objects
spouse abuse
cycle of abuse
1) t______ b_______ (victim becomes fearful and feels need to placate abuser)
2) i_______
3) r_____________ (abuser apologizes, gives excuses, blames victim, denies the abuse, says its wasn’t as bad as made out to seem)
4) c___ (incident is forgotten, no abuse, honeymoon phase)
less of a cycle and more of a spiral as abuse gets more severe every cycle and the calm phase gets smaller; all stages also do not have to occur
tension building, incident, reconciliation, calm
infliction of physical injuries, dehydration, confinement, lack of cleanliness
prevalence of ______ ________ _______ is likely to increase as the baby boomer generation ages
older adult abuse
Implications for counselors;
_____ abuse
-CPS, individual counseling, parenting classes
Duty to report to CPS and also call the police- ask practicum!!
-Individual, group, couples counseling is contraindicated when physical abuse is present
-APS, individual or group
child ipv older
four components of ASCA model:
delivery system
management systems
promotes 3 main areas to support mission of schools:
________ achievement
career ________
_________ ___ ______ development
academic planning personal and social
developmental theory:
suggested 5 stages of vocational development
(g_____ ,
e__________ ,
e____________ ,
m__________ , and
d______ /disengagement)
growth exploration establishment maintenance decline
trait and factory theory:
6 categories of personality and occupation:
realistic conventional enterprising investigative artistic social
elementary remediation activities:
-4 C’s- __________ services, ____________ activities, __________ with others, __________ development
counseling, coordinating, consulting, curriculum
elementary remediation activities:
-Focus on 3 primary subsystems- f_____, s_____, and school x family i___________
family, school, interactions