Final Prep Flashcards
abdominal bloating and distention, possibly pain, symptoms induced by overeating,
acid regurgitation, loss of appetite:
- food stagnation
abdominal bloating and distention, resistant to pressure, abdominal tightness and
pain, constipation:
- yangming fu syndrome
Poor appetite, slight abdominal distension after eating, tiredness, lassitude, pale complexion, weakness of the limbs, loose stools,
Spleen Qi Xu
Eye pain feels like there is a foreign object inside the eye, or needle like pain, redness
in the eye:
fire toxin in the Heart channel
Pain, swelling and redness of the eye:
exterior wind heat attack or liver fire
Distending pain or feeling of pressure in the eye:
Kidney yin deficiency with Liver yang rising
Severe itching on the eyelid, may include redness and excessive hardened yellow
Mild itching, usually occurs in both eyes, intermittent symptoms, dry eyes:
Blood xu
eyes feel dry:
Lv Kd Yin Xu
tearing without redness, aggravated when exposed to wind:
Liver blood deficiency with exterior wind attack
frequent clear tearing without redness, may be worse during winter:
Qi and Blood deficiency or Kidney and Liver deficiency
tearing with redness and swelling in the tissues surrounding the eye:
Liver fire, or damp heat in the Liver channel
warm tearing, tearing during the day, dryness at night:
Fire due to yin deficiency
blurred vision with dry eyes, worse after reading:
Liver blood deficiency
blurred vision that gets worse with age:
- Deficiency of Liver and Kidney
acuity of vision decreases during the night:
Liver Blood Deficiency
small specks or filaments floating in the vision: 2 patterns
Kidney essence deficiency, Liver blood deficiency
aversion to light or sensitivity to light, may be accompanied by mild headache
Liver blood deficiency