Final Practical PE + OSE + Tx Flashcards
CC: Asthma (exacerbation)
PE: Pulmonary
OSE: Ribs
Tx: Rib HVLA
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (chest, lips, fingers)
- Palpation of anterior and posterior chest walls
- Percussion (2x anterior, 4x posterior)
- Auscultation 2x anterior posts
- Auscultation 4x posterior posts
- Specialty test (tactile fremitus)
- Rib respiratory motion
- Rib tenderness (name rib body, angle, ICS)
- Rib asymmetry
- Name SD (Rib x-y in/exhaled)
Seated (ribs 1-2) or supine (ribs 3-10)
CC: Tarsal tunnel (numbness on plantar foot)
PE: Peripheral nerve
OSE: B/L knees and ankles
- Hand hygeine
- Sensation: 3x dermatomes of UEs and LEs
- UE DTR 1x bl (biceps)
- LE DTR 1x bl (patellar)
- Cerebellar: rapid alternating movement
- Gait: casual, tandem (2 types)
- Special test (romberg)
- Knee F/E, tenderness, symmetry (rename 3x landmarks)
- Ankle DF/PF/Inv/Ev, tenderness, symmetry
MET on knee or ankle
CC: GERD (acid refulx)
PE: Abdominal
OSE: Abdomen
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (bruises, scarring, swelling)
- Auscultation (4 quads)
- Percussion of liver borders (midclavicular 10cm and sternal 6cm)
- Light palpation (4 quads)
- Deep palpation (4 quads)
- Specialty test: Murphy, McBurney, Heel strike, etc.
- Assess TART of abdomen (colon and SI for tenderness, texture changes, asymmetry)
- Palpate ganglion (celiac, sup mes, inf mes)
- Assess liver capsule for strain (ROM)
MFR tx (probs ganglion release)
CC: Bronchitis (cough and fever)
PE: Pulmonary
OSE: Thoracic
Tx: ST
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (chest, lips, fingers)
- Palpation of anterior and posterior chest walls
- Percussion (2x anterior, 4x posterior)
- Auscultation 2x anterior posts
- Auscultation 4x posterior posts
- Specialty test (tactile fremitus)
- Pt. seated
- Palpate for tenderness, asymmetry, PTP (landmarks)
- Assess F/E
- Assess SB
ST tx (tapotment, rib raising, pec traction)
CC: Fibromyalgia (shoulder pain)
PE: Shoulder
OSE: Shoulder tenderpoints
Tx: Counterstrain
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection: 3x findings (bruising, erythema, scars)
- ROM: F, E, ABd, ADd, HABd, HADd, IR, ER (8)
- STR: F, E, ABd, ADd, HABd, HADd, IR, ER (8)
- Palpation: AC, SC, spine of scap, clavicle (4)
- NV: brachioradialis reflex, 3x dermatomes, pulses (3)
- Special test: drop arm (+ = uncontrolled drop = supraspinatus tear)
- Check supraspinatus, lev scap, biceps (long and short), subscapularis for TPs
- mention tissue texture, asymmetry, tenderness, landmarks
CS tx (ID TP, 10/10, 2/10, hold 90, return, reassess)
CC: Pneumonia (cough and fever)
PE: Pulmonary
OSE: Ribs
Tx: ART or pump
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (chest, lips, fingers)
- Palpation of anterior and posterior chest walls
- Percussion (2x anterior, 4x posterior)
- Auscultation 2x anterior posts
- Auscultation 4x posterior posts
- Specialty test (tactile fremitus)
- Rib respiratory motion
- Rib tenderness (name rib body, angle, ICS)
- Rib asymmetry
- Name SD (Rib x-y in/exhaled)
CC: URI (runny nose, sore throat)
OSE: Cervical (OA, AA, C2-7)
- Hand hygeine
- Ear: TM, malleus, umbo (3)
- Nose: external, mucosa, turbinates, septum (4)
- Throat: lips, oral mucosa, teeth, tongue, tonsils, pharynx (6)
- Thyroid: verbalize and palpate
- LNs: anterior cervical, submandibular (2)
- Sinuses: frontal and maxillary (2)
- Pt supine
- Palpate down neck for tenderness, asymmetry, PTP (landmarks)
- Check F/E (if not AA)
- Check SB (if not AA)
CC: Constipation (no bowel mvmnt 5d)
PE: Abdomen
OSE: Abdomen
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (bruises, scarring, swelling)
- Auscultation (4 quads)
- Percussion of liver borders (midclavicular 10cm and sternal 6cm)
- Light palpation (4 quads)
- Deep palpation (4 quads)
- Specialty test: Murphy, McBurney, Heel strike, etc.
- Assess TART of abdomen (colon and SI for tenderness, texture changes, asymmetry)
- Palpate ganglion (celiac, sup mes, inf mes)
- Assess liver capsule for strain (ROM)
Tx MFR (probs colon release or SI scoop)
CC: Dizzy (dizzy after URI)
PE: Cranial Nerve
OSE: Air hands for L SB Rot and R lateral strains and verbalize axes
- Hand hygeine
- A&Ox4 (person, place, time, situation)
- CN 2: pupillary reflex and accomodation
- CNs 3, 4, 6: H pattern
- CNs 5, 7, 8: dermatome, smile/frown, hearing
- CNs 9, 10: open mouth swallow and say ahh
- CNs 11, 12: shrug, stick out tongue
- L SB Rot = Lt hand gets wider, Rt hand gets narrower
- Saggital axis (same), 2x vertical axes (opposite) - R Lateral strain = parallelogram, pinkies shift left
- Parallell vertical axes (same direction)
BMT tx
CC: Dysmenorrhea (abd pain)
PE: Abdominal
OSE: Sacrum
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (bruises, scarring, swelling)
- Auscultation (4 quads)
- Percussion of liver borders (midclavicular 10cm and sternal 6cm)
- Light palpation (4 quads)
- Deep palpation (4 quads)
- Specialty test: Murphy, McBurney, Heel strike, etc.
- Seated forward bend to lateralize
- Feel bases, ILAs for A/P
- Test lumbar spring if feelin froggy
Sacral MET tx
CC: Thoracic outlet synd (lt hand numb)
PE: Peripheral nerve
OSE: Ribs
Tx: CS
- Hand hygeine
- Sensation: 3x dermatomes of UEs and LEs
- UE DTR 1x bl (biceps)
- LE DTR 1x bl (patellar)
- Cerebellar: rapid alternating movement
- Gait: casual, tandem (2 types)
- Special test (romberg)
- Rib respiratory motion
- Rib tenderness (name rib body, angle, ICS)
- Rib asymmetry
- Name SD (Rib x-y in/exhaled)
Rib CS tx
CC: TMJ pain
- Hand hygeine
- Ear: TM, malleus, umbo (3)
- Nose: external, mucosa, turbinates, septum (4)
- Throat: lips, oral mucosa, teeth, tongue, tonsils, pharynx (6)
- Thyroid: verbalize and palpate
- LNs: anterior cervical, submandibular (2)
- Sinuses: frontal and maxillary (2)
- Palpate TMJ (3x landmarks TMJ, temporalis, ramus of mandible)
- Assess tenderness
- Open/close for asymmetry, ROM
PE: Cranial nerve
OSE: air hands for inferior vert and left torsion strains
- Hand hygeine
- A&Ox4 (person, place, time, situation)
- CN 2: pupillary reflex and accomodation
- CNs 3, 4, 6: H pattern
- CNs 5, 7, 8: dermatome, smile/frown, hearing
- CNs 9, 10: open mouth swallow and say ahh
- CNs 11, 12: shrug, stick out tongue
- Inferior vert = hands rotate back
- parallell transverse axes (same) - Left torsion = hands rotate opposite (Lt index up, Rt index down)
- saggital axis (opposite)
BMT tx
CC: Carpal tunnel
PE: Peripheral nerve
OSE: wrist and elbow
Tx: wrist or elbow CS
- Hand hygeine
- Sensation: 3x dermatomes of UEs and LEs
- UE DTR 1x bl (biceps)
- LE DTR 1x bl (patellar)
- Cerebellar: rapid alternating movement
- Gait: casual, tandem (2 types)
- Special test (romberg)
- Wrist and elbow palpation (landmarks)
- Wrist and elbow tenderness, ROM, asymmetry
CS tx for wrist or elbow
CC: Shoulder pain
PE: Shoulder
OSE: SC, AC, GH joint screen
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection: 3x findings (bruising, erythema, scars)
- ROM: F, E, ABd, ADd, HABd, HADd, IR, ER (8)
- STR: F, E, ABd, ADd, HABd, HADd, IR, ER (8)
- Palpation: AC, SC, spine of scap, clavicle (4)
- NV: brachioradialis reflex, 3x dermatomes, pulses (3)
- Special test: drop arm (+ = uncontrolled drop = supraspinatus tear)
- Palpate GH, AC, SC joints
- Assess for tenderness
- Assess ROM for GH, AC (step off/on), SC (shrug, protract, etc)
- Mention asymmetry
CC: Low back pain (radiates to hip)
PE: Hip
OSE: Innominate
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection: 3x findings (bruising, erythema, scars)
- ROM: F, E, ABd, ADd, IR, ER (6)
- STR: F, E, ABd, ADd, IR, ER (6)
- Palpation: ASIS, PSIS, glutes, greater trochanter, hammys (5)
- NV: patellar reflex, 3x dermatomes, pulses (3)
- Special test: Log roll
- Standing forward bend to lateralize
- Check iliac crests, ASIS height/umbilicus distance, pubic tubercles, medial malleoli
- Address tenderness, asymmetry, ROM
CC: Sciatica (numb rt leg to knee)
PE: Peripheral nerve
OSE: Innominate
- Hand hygeine
- Sensation: 3x dermatomes of UEs and LEs
- UE DTR 1x bl (biceps)
- LE DTR 1x bl (patellar)
- Cerebellar: rapid alternating movement
- Gait: casual, tandem (2 types)
- Special test (romberg)
- Standing forward bend to lateralize
- Check iliac crests, ASIS height/umbilicus distance, pubic tubercles, medial malleoli
- Address tenderness, asymmetry, ROM
Innominate MET
CC: Sinusitis (pressure and neck discomfort)
OSE: Cervical (OA, AA, C2-7)
- Hand hygeine
- Ear: TM, malleus, umbo (3)
- Nose: external, mucosa, turbinates, septum (4)
- Throat: lips, oral mucosa, teeth, tongue, tonsils, pharynx (6)
- Thyroid: verbalize and palpate
- LNs: anterior cervical, submandibular (2)
- Sinuses: frontal and maxillary (2)
- Pt supine
- Palpate down neck for tenderness, asymmetry, PTP (landmarks)
- Check F/E (if not AA)
- Check SB (if not AA)
CC: Costochondritis
PE: Cardiac
OSE: Ribs
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection (chest, lips, fingers)
- Distal pulses (2x radial, 2x post tib)
- Auscultation 4x posts with diaphragm
- Auscultation 4x posts with bell
- Auscultation of abdominal aorta, renal aa, carotid
- Special test: edema
- Rib respiratory motion
- Rib tenderness (name rib body, angle, ICS)
- Rib asymmetry
- Name SD (Rib x-y in/exhaled)
- Rib direct MET
CC: Postop knee pain
PE: Knee
OSE: Knees
- Hand hygeine
- Inspection: 3x findings (bruising, erythema, scars)
- ROM: F, E
- STR: F, E
- Palpation: patella, fibular head, quadriceps tendon, patellar tendon (4)
- NV: patellar reflexes, 3x dermatomes, post tib pulses
- Special test: bounce home (start left then do right)
- Knee F/E, tenderness, symmetry (rename 3x landmarks)