Final: Mundell Fleming Model Flashcards
The MF model shows the interaction between what?
The MF model shows interaction between the goods market and the money market
Behavior of economies on the international stage depends heavily on the choice of exchange rate regime (fixed or floating)
Assumptions of MF model
Fixed price level: The price level at home and globally do not vary much. Thus,P = P*. The model is assumed for the analysis of short-run fluctuations.
Exchange rates are nominal: Forward = future spot rates
Unemployed resources take a constant value
Constant returns to scale
Analysis centers on a Small Open Economy (SOE): Actions do not affect world interest rates, Capital is infinitely mobile (sigma=infinity)
IS(Investment Savings EQ)=
IS (Investment Savings EQ)= C+I+G+NX
C= Consumption (+)
I = Investment (+)
G= Government Spending (+)
NX= Net exports = (exports-imports) (+)
LM (Liquidity Preference/Money Demand)=
LM (Liquidity Preference/Money Demand)= M/P= L(i,Y)
M= Money Supply (+)
P = Price Level (-)
L= Real money demand as a function of interest rates and output
I (-)
BOP Curve:
FA= σ(i-i)
Where σ is capital openness, (i) is the domestic interest rate, and (i) is the foreign interest rate.
(i-i) is the UIRP built into the model.
BOP= NX + σ(i-i) = 0
Fixed exchange rate
Fixed: partial control of inflation, currency attacks, less day-to-day exchange rate uncertainty, “excessive” disturbances
Floating exchange rate
Floating: control of monetary policy, currency attacks less likely, more day to-day uncertainty, immunization from foreign shocks
Fixed Exchange Rates
and the CB
The central bank loses arbitrary control over the money supply, and instead adjusts the MS upward or downward to maintain the exchange rate at a predetermined level.
CB stands ready to buy or sell domestic/foreign currency to maintain the fixed exchange rate
In the MF model, this occurs through movements in the LM curve
When does IS shift right?
When there is an expansionary fiscal policy change or the exchange rate depreciates (i.e., e increases)
When does IS curve shift left?
When there is a contractionary fiscal policy change or when the exchange rate appreciates
When does LM curve shift right?
when there is an expansionary monetary policy change?
When does LM curve shift left?
when there is a contractionary monetary policy change
When does the BP shift?
Fixed. The BP does not shift, regardless of the degree
SOE, PCM: Expansionary Monetary Policy Under Fixed ER
- ΔM>0
- LM curve shifts out
- Domestic interest rates lower than world interest rates
- Capital outflows
- Exchange rate begins to depreciate
- Central bank must contract MS before exchange rate depreciates
- LM curve shifts back to initial position
Conclusion: Monetary policy has no effect under fixed exchange rates
SOE, PCM: Expansionary Monetary Policy Under Floating ER
2.LM curve shifts out
3.Domestic interest rates lower than global interest rates
4.Capital outflows (UIRP)
5.Exchange rate depreciates
6.Net exports increase
7.IS shifts out
Conclusion: Expansionary monetary policy has a positive effect on output under floating exchange rates
SOE, PCM: Expansionary Fiscal Policy Under Fixed ER
2.IS shifts out
3.Domestic interest rates higher than world interest rates
4.Capital inflows
5.Exchange rate begins to appreciate
6.Central bank must supply more domestic currency to stop the appreciation
7.LM curve shifts out
Conclusion: Expansionary fiscal policy has a positive effect on output under fixed exchange rates
MF and Import Restrictions (Tariffs/Quotas)
Import restrictions won’t reduce the trade deficit
Fewer imports appreciate the domestic currency
In turn, this reduces exports
NX remains unchanged
However, less overall trade, fewer gains from trade
Import restrictions protect some industries but destroy jobs in exporting industries.
Employment/Output unaffected
Problems the MF model
Only fit to analyze short runs shocks, or effects of policies in the short-run
Short-run = fixed price level
Ad-hoc Model
Simply postulated. No micro foundations.
Overemphasizes the effect of fiscal/monetary policy on output