Exam 2 part 3 Flashcards
Financial Accounts records all..
“movements” of assets — i.e., changes of national ownership. FA = EXA – IMA
FA < 0 Country accumulates assets.
FA > 0 Country decumulates assets.
Financial Account (FA)
Records all transactions in assets.
EXA: Export of assets = total value of financial assets received by ROW, from the home country.
IMA: Import of assets = total value of financial assets received from ROW, by the home country.
Balance of Payments formula
This means that if CA (Capital Account (assets)) is in deficit (CA<0), FA (financial account (assets)) must be in surplus (FA>0) to equal 0
What are the three accounts for the balance of payments accounts
-Current account (goods and services)
-Financial account (assets)
Often called the “Capital Account”
-Capital account (assets)
Misnomer. Relatively small part of the picture.
Mostly capital transfers (debt forgiveness, gifts).
Plus some minor items: acquisition/disposal of non-financial, non-produced assets (patents, copyrights, franchises).
Balance of Payments Accounts
Record international transactions involving goods and services (current account) and financial assets (financial account and capital account).
Income Approach
Payments to factors of production
GNI = value of all payments earned by factor residents in the economy.
Product Approach
Supply of goods and services
GDP = value of all goods and services produced by firms, less intermediate goods purchased.
Expenditure Approach
GNE = C + I + G
Demand for goods and services
GNE = total expenditure on all final goods and services.
National Accounts
-accounting practices that measure the economic activity of a nation (GDP, GNP, consumption, etc.)
-Current accounts (production, income, expenditure), capital accounts (net accumulation of non-financial assets), and financial accounts (accumulation of financial assets and liabilities)
Paradox of Thrift
-S doesn’t equal I, therefore not a contributor to aggregate demand.
-Higher S, ceteris paribus, means lower AD.
-Marginal propensity to consume
Animal Spirits
Negative sentiment causes investors to lose their nerve
cycles causes by a lack of spending