Final Material Flashcards
What’s one of the major barriers to problem solving?
Being unable to ignore irrelevant information
What’s problem solving?
- A cognitive process that involves recognizing there is a problem, analyzing and solving it, and then verifying the effectiveness of the solution
- A multi-step process to shift your current problem state to a goal state
What’s the goal of problem solving?
The goal is to overcome barriers and find a solution that best resolves the problem
What’s a problem?
- Occurs when there’s an obstacle between an initial state and a goal state when you don’t know the solution right away
- Problems can range from small to large (planning your future career)
- What both small and large problems have in common is the mental process directed at achieving a goal when you do not know the solution right away
What are the mental processes that go into problem solving?
- First, after recognizing there’s a problem, you need to understand it by taking into account all the relevant information (including information available in the environment (bottom-up) and information from previous knowledge and experiences (top-down))
- As you actively solve problems, you search your memory for relationships between the current problem and past ones
- Information, such as specific facts, concepts, strategies, and beliefs about a particular problem, will influence the processing
- The next step is to figure out what steps to take to actually solve the problem
- To do that, you must think about the problem and generate a few possible solutions
- Thinking requires you to take all the relevant information into account (bottom and top) and manipulate that information in order to come up with possible solutions
- Once you’ve chosen a solution, you need to take the steps to solve the problem and, finally, you reflect on the effectiveness of your decision
Why is problem solving considered a cyclical, recursive, and applicable
- When something’s recursive, that means its steps are repeated as many times as necessary
- Problem solving is considered cyclical because, once you arrive at a solution, you discover a new or similar problem, and have to use information gained in the past to work on a solution for the next problem
- Problem solving is considered applicable because you apply successful cycles (solutions) to new problems
According to Pertz et al. (2003), the problem solving cycle consists of what steps?
- Recognize or identify the problem
- Define and represent the problem mentally
- Develop a solution strategy
- Organize knowledge about the problem
- Allocate mental and physical resources for solving the problem
- Monitor progress toward the goal
- Evaluate the solution for accuracy
What does every model describing the process of problem solving have in common?
An initial state and a goal state
What’s the initial state of a problem?
In problem solving, it’s the initial situation or starting point of a problem
What’s the goal state of a problem?
In problem solving, it’s the desired final state or ending situation
Describe the problem space theory model (Newell & Simon, 1972)
- It states that problem solving is a search within problem space
- Problem space includes an initial state, a goal state, and intermediate states
- You move through the problem space from state to state through actions called operators
- Overall, problem solving is a search for the appropriate steps through the problem space
What are the intermediate states of a problem?
All the possible states in between each step in moving from an initial state to a goal state
What are operators?
Actions that transform the current problem state into another problem state
How do the most effective problem solvers and experts approach problems?
- They approach them slowly and think carefully about each part of the problem before trying to solve it
- This way, they’re able to use the most effective approach possible, based on all the information available
- This turns out to be very advantageous when problem solving
What are problem-solving questions compared to?
Visual illusions
What are the 2 main types of problems?
- Well-defined problems
- Ill-defined problems
What’s a well-defined problem?
- A problem that has a specific goal state, clearly defined solutions and clearly expected solutions
- Requirements are unambiguous
- They have correct answers, and certain procedures lead us to solve them
- All information needed to solve the problem is present
- These problems have clearly defined states that make them possible to be effectively solved by humans and computers, like computing math problems or playing chess
- The initial state, the goal state, and the operators (or actions) are clearly specified
- Goal directedness -> problems with a defined goal state and set task constraints (or rules) such that there are clear steps
-Because well-defined problems have solutions that can be broken down step by step, they are easily solved by using algorithms
What are algorithms?
A step-by-step procedure that should always produce a correct solution
We can use well-defined problems and computer simulations to study what?
- How humans solve problems
- Developing instructions for computer simulations (algorithms) helps us better understand how our brains could solve similar problems
- When writing a computer simulation for this purpose, the goal is to program it to complete tasks just as humans would
- That way, we can infer the actual mechanisms used by humans
- At times, this includes making mistakes and considering irrelevant information, just like we would
- The simulation shouldn’t perform any better or worse than a human
- The challenge is to write the program to imitate the same steps, and missteps, a human would make when solving the same problem
- This gives us insight on how us humans complete the same tasks
What’s an ill-defined problem?
- A problem that doesn’t have clear goal states, solution paths, or expected solutions (ambiguous)
- Requires added information
- Computers aren’t very good at solving these (Moravec’s paradox)
- Part of the difficulty comes from the fact that these problems don’t have one correct answer -> they can have multiple solutions
- They can also be solved in many different ways, and sometimes it’s not clear that you’ve even reached the right solution
- Many real-world problems such as choosing a major in college, relationship issues, or problems where morals or values must be taken into account, are ill-defined problems
- These types of problems are situational
- In these situations, the initial state, goal state, and the operators are not as clearly specified as they are in well-defined problems
What did Anderson (1985) state about problem-solving?
“It seems that all cognitive activities are fundamentally problem solving in nature. The basic argument is that human cognition is always purposeful, directed to achieving goals and removing obstacles to those goals”
What are the 2 main theories describing how we approach problem solving?
- Behaviourist approach
- Gestalt approach
Describe the behaviourist theory of how we approach problem solving
- Behaviorism is primarily concerned with observable behavior that results from simple input-output or stimulus-response pairs
- Similar to the ideas of reinforcement and punishment, the principles of cause and effect are the backbone of their problem-solving theory
What was Edward Thorndike’s perspective on how we approach problem solving?
- Edward Thorndike was a behaviorist who theorized that problem solving was a reproductive process
- Thorndike believed that we utilize a trial-and-error model of problem solving
- As we work toward solving a problem, we gain information with each trial attempted
- That information can then be used on subsequent trials, and on subsequent problems
How did Edward Thorndike experiment on the behaviourist view of problem-solving?
- Behaviorists like Thorndike did not see any fundamental difference between human and animal behavior
- He hence carried his problem-solving research out on cats
- He came up with his theory, the Law of Effect, after placing cats into puzzle boxes and recording how they learned to escape by trial and error
What’s the reproductive process?
- The process of problem solving that uses knowledge from past experiences (such as remembered examples and rules) and uses a trial and error strategy to work out solutions
- The reproductive process is a conscious and deliberate search through possible solutions to a problem
What’s trial-and-error?
- An approach to problem solving that involves trying a number of different solutions and ruling out those that don’t work
- As we work toward solving a problem, we gain information with each trial attempted
- That information can then be used on subsequent trials, and on subsequent problems
Describe Thorndike’s theory of the Law of Effect
- A response that produces a satisfying effect will become more likely to occur again in that situation, and a response that produce a discomforting effect will become less likely to occur again in that situation
- The theory states, “of several responses made to the same situation, those which are accompanied or closely followed by satisfaction are more firmly connected with the situation … ; those which are accompanied or closely followed by discomfort … have their connections with the situation weakened”
- It’s a simple but rigid theory
- Any response that doesn’t produce a satisfying effect gradually becomes weaker, while any response that has a satisfying effect gradually becomes stronger
Describe the Gestalt theory of how we approach problem solving
- Gestaltists criticized behaviorists such as Thorndike for their rigid approach to the topic of problem solving
- Gestalt psychologists began studying problem solving in the 1920s and theorized that it was a productive process
- Gestaltists theorized that when people have insight or a-ha moments, they’re in the process of restructuring
- How people solve problems depends on how they understand or represent the problems in their mind
- Gestalt psychologists thought that how people approach a problem is based on their knowledge and experience of what has worked in the past
- The motto of the Gestalt psychologists: “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts” influenced how Gestalt researchers looked at the task of studying problem solving
- Gestaltists were not just interested in studying the steps in a problem-solving task, they were interested in all the parts that make up problem solving as a whole, and one way they learned about the process was by studying the barriers to problem solving
- Understanding where things can go wrong can help us to discover where things can go right, leading us to a better understanding of the process as a whole
How did Max Wertheimer (1959), one of the founders of the Gestalt approach, describe the difference between reproductive and productive thinking?
While the reproductive process uses previous knowledge and a trial-and-error strategy, it doesn’t explain phenomena such as insight
What’s insight?
- The phenomenon where the solution to a problem suddenly comes to consciousness
- As you’re working on a problem and manipulating information, you sometimes have these flashes of insight
- This insight relies on the reorganization of your mental representation of a problem
- Insight occurs during the productive process, when information is restructured and the solution to a problem suddenly comes into consciousness
- Insight often seems surprising because people are typically unaware of how it occurs, even though they are confident in the solutions it reveals
Describe the productive process of problem-solving
- Productive problem solving occurs when you are thinking about a problem and it’s characterized by manipulating and restructuring information about it in your mind
- Productive thinking is your ability to reconsider, reframe, rethink, or consider a problem from multiple points of view
- The key mechanism of problem solving, according to this view, is the restructuring of information in your mind
- You have to be able to think flexibly about all the possible ways to represent the problem and all the possible ways to solve the problem
- To do this, you have to actively manipulate or think about information and change its representation in your mind
What are heuristics?
- Mental shortcuts or rules-of-thumb that can be used to help solve problems, based on simple properties of the available information
- These can be used to get a quick and mostly accurate response in some situations but may lead to errors in others
- They can be thought of as rules of thumb, educated guesses, common sense, or even intuitive judgements
- They are mental problem-solving shortcuts based on simple properties such as, experience with similar problems or the idea that the simplest answer is the best answer
- Relying on heuristics often makes sense because they usually get us to our goals without taking a lot of processing power
- There are many different types of heuristics
- By using heuristics, we use less cognitive processing power and focus attention on the goal state, and perhaps even the next problem
- Using heuristics does lessen the cognitive load, but they aren’t always the best method available -> sometimes, they can create barriers to successful problem solving
The likelihood of using a type of heuristic increases when one of the following conditions is met….
- When one is faced with too much information.
- When the time to make a decision is limited.
- When the decision to be made is unimportant.
- When there is access to very little information to use in making the decision.
- When an appropriate heuristic happens to come to mind in the same moment.
When it comes to solving problems, rather than waste time and processing power, we regularly take mental shortcuts by using what?
What’s working backwards?
- A heuristic in which you begin solving a problem by focusing on the end result
- You use the working-backwards heuristic to plan events of your day on a regular basis, likely without even realizing it
- Newall et al. (1962) suggested working backwards is even superior to working forward, so it makes sense that we use it so readily
Give an example of the working backwards heuristic
- Imagine that you have a lunch date with your best friend at 1pm and that you have to pick them up on the way to the restaurant
- Before you go, you also have to set aside some time to shower and get ready
- To know what time you should start getting ready, you work backwards
- First, you start at 1pm and consider how long it takes to get to the restaurant from your friend’s house, then how long it takes to get from your house to your friend’s house, and finally how long it takes for you to get ready
What’s the means-end analysis?
- A heuristic in problem solving in which you create sub-goals as you move closer to the final goal state
- You basically break down a larger goal into smaller sub-goals which will each bring you closer and closer to the goal state
- The final goal is kept in mind, but the sub-goals are used in order to reach the final goal and make corrections or decisions along the way
- Means-end analysis is often used in artificial intelligence (AI)
- The goal in AI involves setting up smaller sub-goals on the way to a goal state and then reevaluating your decision at each step
- In means-end analysis, you move through sub-goals within a larger goal in order to analyze progress toward the goal state
- In this way, means-end analysis is more flexible than other strategies
What are some barriers to problem-solving?
- Being unable to ignore irrelevant information
- The tendency to perceive an item only in terms of its most common use -> functional fixedness
- Heuristics -> which can prevent us from considering information that may be important
Describe the “being unable to ignore irrelevant information” barrier to problem-solving
- Ignoring irrelevant information is a skill that develops in young children then declines in old age
- This isn’t a behavior that we are born with, it is something that we must acquire during development
- Information that is irrelevant often misguides people and leads them down dead-end paths
- Part of successful problem solving includes deciding what is relevant to the task at hand
- This tends to be more difficult when you’re dealing with ill-defined problems than when you are dealing with well-defined problems
Describe the functional fixedness barrier to problem-solving
- Functional fixedness is the tendency to view objects only for their intended purpose because of prior experience with that object OR the tendency to perceive an item only in terms of its most common use
- This happens when the intended purpose of an object inhibits you from seeing its other potential uses
- There’s an inability to figure out a new use for an object because of your experience using the object in another way so many times
- No fixedness in children without pre-utilization
- Ex: children of different ages solved the ‘candle’ problem
- Too much experience may lead to fixedness and the Einstellung effect
People tend to focus on what, which inhibits them from arriving at a solution?
People tend to focus on a specific characteristic of a problem, a fixation, which inhibits them from arriving at a solution
What’s a fixation?
The tendency to focus on a specific characteristic of a problem
What’s an insight problem?
A problem in which the solution occurs suddenly into your consciousness
What’s a non-insight problem?
A problem distinguished by the process of consciously working through each step of a problem to arrive at a solution
Describe Metcalfe and Wiebe (1987) study on whether there’s a difference between solving different types of problems
- They gave participants verbal insight problems or non-insight algebra problems to solve
- While the participants were working on the problems, the researchers asked them every 15 seconds how close they felt they were to a solution by indicating their feeling of warmth
- They found, when solving non-insight problems, participants were able to predict, with some accuracy, how close they were to solving the problem
- On the other hand, participants who were solving the insight problems were very poor at estimating how close they were to the final solution
- Overall, the researchers determined that there were, in fact, two different classes of problems that relied on different cognitive processes
Describe Maier’s (1931) findings on solving problems that demonstrate insight when hints to the correct solution were provided
- He evaluated his 2 strings experiment
- Out of 61 participants, roughly 40% solved the two-string problem without any hints or help
- While the remainder of the participants were trying to figure out the solution, the experimenter would nonchalantly run into the ropes causing them to swing back and forth
- This cue to the right answer (tying the hammer to the end of one of the ropes to cause a swinging pendulum, which would swing into your reach) helped 38% of the rest of the participants solve the problem. However, some of those in the 38% needed a second hint, and were provided with a hammer and told the problem could be solved using it
- 33% of those participants were unable to find the solution even with both hints
- Out of the participants who suddenly got their a-ha moment, when asked how they solved the problem, most of the participants were unaware that Maier swung the rope as a cue or hint -> some of them would even offer creative stories of how they solved the problem and very few of the participants mentioned the cue that Maier provided them
- Maier went a step further and presented more cues that would not help solve the problem, along with the original cue of walking into the rope causing it to swing
- If participants solved the problem in these conditions, they were just as likely to mention the useless cues as they were likely to mention the useful cue Maier provided them
- This demonstrates a complete lack of consciousness in the nature of insight
What is creativity often associated with?
Divergent thinking
Describe Guilford’s (1967) ideas about divergent thinking
- Guilford (1967) was the first to connect divergent thinking and creativity
- He characterized divergent thinking as a thought process that could generate many solutions to a problem in order to determine one that works well enough to consider the problem solved
- Divergent thinking can be contrasted with convergent thinking
What’s convergent thinking?
Convergent thinking usually leads to conventional solutions rather than coming up with many creative options
What’s creativity?
Being able to produce novel ideas that are appropriate and that are relevant to the situation
What are the 3 facets of human intelligence according to Sternberg’s triarchic theory of human intelligence (1977 & 1985)?
- Analytical
- Practical
- Creative
What’s analytical intelligence according to Sternberg’s triarchic theory of human intelligence?
- Basic academic problem-solving skills such as solving analogies and puzzles
- This is similar to what standard IQ scores measure
What’s practical intelligence according to Sternberg’s triarchic theory of human intelligence?
- The ability to understand and deal with everyday tasks
- AKA street smarts
What’s creative intelligence according to Sternberg’s triarchic theory of human intelligence?
- It focuses on developing ideas, applying new ideas, and creating solutions
- Creative intelligence includes the ability to use existing knowledge and skills in order to deal with novelty and create ideas that are appropriate given the current situation and that are also valuable
What’s ideational fluency?
- A measure where the number of ideas a person can generate about a particular topic or item is used to assess their creativity
- We can quantify creativeness by simply adding up all the ideas created, that are useful
- The more ideas one creates, the more creative they are thought to be
Describe how Zirhlioglu (2012) analyzed the relationship between problem solving and creativity and what his findings were
- He administered 2 scales:
1. A “Problem Solving Inventory,” developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982)
2. The “How Creative Are You Scale,” developed by Raudsepp (1979) - He found that there is a positive directional relationship between problem solving and creativity
Describe the findings of Karl Duncker’s candle problem
- As in the two-string problem, functional fixedness created a barrier to successfully solve the candle problem
- Seeing the matchbox as only being a container to hold matches, and not a shelf to hold the candle, created a barrier to successfully solving the problem
- When Dunker (1945) supplied the matchbox empty, participants were 2x as likely to solve the problem
- Seeing the matchbox as an empty container encouraged participants to “think outside the box.”
- A more creative person moves past their fixations of a box only being a container, or a pencil only being a tool to write with, and come up with novel ideas in order to creatively solve problems
Describe the nine-dot problem (Maier, 1930)
- The nine-dot problem is actually connected to the origin of the statement “think outside the box”
- The nine-dot problem requires you to connect 9 dots, arranged in a 3X3 matrix, to be connected by 4 straight lines drawn without lifting your pen and without retracing the same line; the lines need to cross through all 9 dots
- Most people don’t solve this problem, less than 5% of participants were able to solve the problem, even after several minutes of working on it
- The nine-dot problem is difficult because people are fixated on the idea that the dots create a square that does not extend outside of the dots themselves. You may assume that telling participants that they can draw outside the square created by the dots would facilitate the solution
- However, Burnham and Davis (1969) and Weisberg and Alba (1981) found that that cue only worked if combined with other cues that gave away part of the solution
- When trying to solve this problem, you must “think outside of the box” to come up with the correct solution
Describe Luchins (1942) water-jug problem
- In this problem, you’re given a few jugs, each with a different capacity to hold water and asked to measure out a very specific amount of water to end up with
- You have to solve the problem of how to use these jugs to end up with exactly the specified amount of water
- With this problem, we can see how using what has worked in the past can sometimes help you solve a problem, and other times it can create a barrier to success
- Luchins used the water-jug problem to investigate a problem solver who creates mental sets in order to find quick solutions to problems
- Luchins found that when participants created a mental set, they kept trying the same solution to a problem that they’ve used in the past, even though the problem could be solved by using a simpler method -> demonstrating inflexibility in thinking
What are mental sets?
- A mental set is the tendency to use solutions that have worked in the past, or the tendency to respond to something in a given, or set, way
- Mental sets are another example of a heuristic that can speed up problem solving or it can act as a barrier
- Unfortunately, this can make problem solvers blind to alternative possibilities and simpler methods that are available
- When creating a mental set, people usually pay attention to similarities or relationships between past problems and current ones
- Once this relationship has been established, people will keep trying the same solution to a problem that has worked in the past, even though the current problem could be solved by using a different method, that in many cases is much simpler
- Mental sets can also lead to inflexible thinking
What’s the difference between experts and novices?
- Because experts have extensive knowledge, they organize that knowledge differently than novices, they notice features and patterns that others may not, and, their expertise affects the way they perceive and represent information in their environment
- Novices, on the other hand, know little and have little, if any, experience about a particular topic or skill. Therefore, they don’t understand how the information is organized
- Experts spend more time analyzing problems and less time thinking about what steps to take than novices do
- Compared to novices, experts take more time to analyze and organize a solution before they begin to work on solving it
- Novices are conscious of their task performance process and this causes an additional load on cognitive processing
- Even though experts have a slower start than novices, they quickly catch up and outperform the novices, who spend less time analyzing problems and more time in the trial-and-error phase
- While experts have a leg up in many cases, novices benefit from creative thinking (thinking outside the box) while experts are stuck with conventional ways of thinking
- Expert radiologists use ‘global’ visual processes when viewing scans
Describe how Sheridan and Reingold (2014) demonstrated that experts were better than novices at overcoming the barrier to problem-solving of the inability to ignore irrelevant information
- They tracked the eye movements of expert and novice chess players to see if they were attending to relevant or irrelevant areas of the chessboard when deciding on their next move
- While both groups of participants spent more time fixating on the relevant areas of the board, the experts were faster at detecting which areas were relevant in the first place
An expert’s ability to remember, reason, and solve problems are affected by what?
By the extent of their knowledge
Describe Chase and Simon’s study on expert and novice chess players and their memory for chess arrangements
- They demonstrated that expert chess players are far superior to novices in their memory for chess arrangements
- Groups of expert chess players, with more than 10,000 hours of playtime, and novices, with fewer than 100 hours of playtime, were shown a chessboard with actual game arrangements for 5 seconds
- After that, they were asked to reproduce the same arrangement
- Experts did much better than the novices
- However, when the pieces were randomly arranged, experts performed no better than novices
- Experts were able to remember more pieces when the pieces were in actual game arrangements because they have stored in their long-term memories patterns of arrangements that they could remember in terms of chunks
- They have a larger and better-organized store of knowledge than the novices do
- This shows that experts are not more intelligent than novices, they just have more knowledge in a specific field, and have better organization of information related to that expertise
What are chunks?
- Any combination of letters, numbers, or sounds that constitute a meaningful whole
- It’s the proposed unit for measuring capacity in STM
Describe the expert’s approach to problem solving
- As you become an expert on a particular topic or skill, performance becomes automatic
- In the beginning, experts spend more time matching a particular problem to those they have previously encountered
- They categorize problems based on the principles that the current problems have in common with others they have faced
- Experts use what they already know, based on their expertise, in order to plan steps to take to solve the problem
- Once they have decided what to do, they quickly follow out their plan using mostly automatic processing
Why are experts stuck with conventional ways of thinking when problem-solving, as opposed to the creative thinking novices use?
- It could be the case that the experts have created such a strong mental set that they are unable to be flexible in their problem-solving techniques
- On the other hand, a novice has not created a mental set and has the advantage of being able to think outside the box
- Or, the experts’ programmed automatic response, which is supposed to help them conserve processing power, could, in certain cases, hold them back from coming up with novel and perhaps better solutions
What’s the information processing approach?
- The information processing approach describes what happens between stimulus and response
- This approach sees people as processors of information
- Information about a problem enters your system. Then, in order to manipulate the information, you draw related information from your long-term memory into your working memory
- Ideally, the related information will help you arrive at a solution because it comes form experience with similar problems
In order to solve problems, humans use heuristics while computers use what?
Why are solutions derived from heuristics not predicable like the solutions derived from algorithms?
Because the solutions derived from heuristics are educated guesses and intuitive judgements that don’t always guarantee a correct solution
What’s the difference in information processing between humans computers?
- In humans and computers, this is all directed by executive control processes which direct, monitor, select, manipulate, and interpret information
- Computers are able to use an unbelievable amount of high-speed processing power in order to work out many possible solutions to a problem and choose the best possible one quickly
- Compared to computers, humans have very limited processing power, which constrains how many steps of a problem and how many solutions can be considered at one time
- People must represent changing states as they move toward a solution which can take up a lot of processing power
What are algorithms?
A step-by-step procedure that should always produce a correct solution
What’s the tower of Hanoi and what does it say about information processing in humans?
- The Tower of Hanoi consists of 3 pegs with 3 (or more) discs stacked on the first peg with the largest peg on the bottom and the smallest on the top
- The challenge is to move the discs to another peg and restack them with the largest on the bottom and the smallest on the top
- You may only move one disc at a time
- A larger disc must not be placed on a smaller disc
- This problem shows that people must represent changing states as they move toward a solution which, as you’ll see, can take up a lot of your processing power
How can computers be compared to humans using the information processing approach?
Because they both combine new, incoming information with what is already stored in memory and both have a central processor with limited capacity
How do humans and computers differ with how they solve the tower of hanoi problem?
- Because of the limits to the processing power of our working memory, we’re only able to consider a few possible steps toward our goal at once
- With each move you make in the Tower of Hanoi, the state of the problem changes and you must reconsider the problem
- Computers, on the other hand, have enough processing power to calculate all possible moves at once and, therefore, are very fast at solving well-defined problems such as the Tower of Hanoi and playing games such as chess successfully
What’s the problem-solving cycle?
- Define the problem
- Brainstorm solutions
- Pick a solution
- Implement the solutions
- Review the results
Engaging in problem solving is …
- Cyclical
- Recursive
- Applicable
Why is engaging in problem-solving considered cyclical?
Because we enact steps that occur in a loop
Why is engaging in problem-solving considered recursive?
Because we repeat this cycle as many times as necessary to find a solution
Why is engaging in problem-solving considered applicable?
Because we apply successful cycles (solutions) to new problems
What’s an example of a well-defined problem?
What’s an example of an ill-defined problem?
Broken laptop
Describe the study by Vartanian and Goel (2005) on ill-defined and well-defined problems
- In this study they gave participants anagrams
- One of the anagrams was well-defined (constraints) -> “Can you make a type of music with ZJAZ” -> constrains one to think
only of music - One of the anagrams was ill-defined (no constraints) -> “Can you make a word with ZJAZ”
- They compared brain activity under those 2 conditions
- They found greater activity in the right lateral prefrontal cortex for ill-defined anagrams -> this region is really important for organizing
- Solving ill-defined problems carries a greater ‘cognitive load’
What’s cognitive load?
The amount of information held in mind at one time
What’s reasoning?
- The action of drawing new conclusions from existing information
- Thought process that brings an individual to a conclusion
- We often have incomplete information about the world and must leverage this limited information in order to draw further conclusions
- This process is often a prerequisite to making a final decision
- Once we have drawn these conclusions, we still often have multiple possible choices of behavior before us
- Reasoning guides decision making (people make 35,000 decisions a day)
- A high-order cognitive domain
What’s decision making?
- The action of choosing a specific course of behavioral actions from among multiple possibilities
- It represents a separate, though highly related, cognitive task in addition to reasoning
- These decisions can be about small choices (red or blue dress) or big ones (take the job or keep looking)
For much of its history, research on decision making has been driven by ideas from what?
- Economic theory
- A cornerstone of this approach is the expected utility hypothesis (EUT)
What’s the expected utility hypothesis (EUT)?
- A theory from economics that holds that people make a decision in accordance with maximizing expected value
- First investigated by the mathematician David Bernoulli, in the 18th century
- An assumption of EUT is that when people are faced with multiple options, they will choose the one that returns the highest likely value
- According to this view, people are economically rational creatures pursuing the logical course of action based on their goals
- In this case, reasoning and decision-making should be fully predictable based on mathematical analysis of the decision itself
- However, this viewpoint came under intense criticism with the groundbreaking research of two psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky
Describe the groundbreaking research of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky that put into question the expected utility hypothesis (EUT)
- They demonstrated, through many experiments, that people are often predictably irrational
- In particular, they showed that people can be induced to make systematic errors in both reasoning and decision making
- Like visual illusions, these errors in specific cases yield insight into the mechanisms underlying typical decision making, even when it leads to a useful outcome
What gave birth to the relatively new field of neuroeconomics?
- Discoveries like the expected utility hypothesis (EUT) and Kahneman & Tversky’s research, along with the rise of imaging techniques, has given birth to the relatively new field of neuroeconomics
What’s neuroeconomics?
- A field of research that combines economics (economic theory), psychology, and neuroscience in order to try to understand and predict human choices and decisions
- Studying how we make decisions, formalizing theories and linking it to the development of the brain
Before we can make a decision, we first need to do what?
We first need to determine what information we can bring to bear on the situation based on the information we currently have -> reasoning
The process of looking for your keys may rely on what?
The process of looking for your keys may rely on multiple types of reasoning
Reasoning begins with what?
Reasoning begins with a set of beliefs, or premises
What are premises?
An estimate about whether certain possible facts about the world, called propositions, are true
What are propositions?
- Any statement that can be true or false
- Can refer to properties of the external world (“I don’t have my keys”) or about our own experiences (“I remember leaving my keys on the counter”)
- This allows us to draw new conclusions from the available information (“My keys are on the counter now”)
What are the 2 basic classes of reasoning?
- Deduction
- Induction
What’s deduction (deductive reasoning)?
- Formal systems for generating statements that will be true if rules of the system are followed
- Using general theories to reason about specific observations/circumstances
- Using an idea to make a prediction and inferences
- Ex:
- My general belief is that “The Cog Dog loves Cognition”
- The Cog Dog is a dog
- I assume all dogs love cognition
- A kind of reasoning processes where the conclusion follows directly and logically from the initial premises
- So long as the premises are true, this allows us to draw a certain conclusion from them
- Ex: as long as you are correct that you left your keys on the counter and that no one else moved them, you can conclude with certainty that they are still there, based on a deductive process
- Once you realize they aren’t on the counter, you conclude that one of your premises must be wrong
- This leads you to use past information to determine the most likely place they could be
What’s induction?
A kind of reasoning which relies on generalizing from a certain set of information and extending it to make an informed guess
Who is credited with first laying out the rules of deductive reasoning in an effort to determine what is knowable with certainty based on a set of premises?
The ancient Greek philosopher, Aristotle
Deduction is related to what field?
The field of logic