Final Lab Practical Flashcards
Anterior Drawer of Ankle
Talofibular Joint
Structure/Condition: Anterior Talofibular Ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Neer Impingement Test
Glenohumeral Joint
Structure/Condition: Impingement in the surpraspinatus/long head of the bicep brachii tendon
+ Sign: Pain in the end of the motion
Talar Tilt
Talofibular Joint
Inversion: Integrity of calcaneofibular joint
Eversion: Integrity of deltoid ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Anterior Drawer of Knee
Extension, Flexion
Structure/Condition: Integrity of ACL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Posterior Drawer of Knee
Extension, Flexion
Structure/Condition: Integrity of PCL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Valgus Stress Test of Elbow
Humeroulnar Joint
Structure/Condition: Integrity of UCL/MCL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Valgus Stress test of Wrist
Structure/Condition: Integrity of UCL/MCL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Valgus Stress Test of Knee
Structure/Condition: Integrity of MCL
+ Sign: Laxity
Varus Stress Test of Elbow
Structure/Condition: Integrity of RCL/LCL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Varus Stress Test of Wrist
Structure/Condition: Integrity of RCL/LCL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Varus Stress Test of Knee
Structure/Condition: Integrity of LCL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Straight Leg Raise
Structure/Condition: Disc ruptures/herniated disc putting pressure on sciatic nerve
+ Sign: Increased pain down back of leg
Thomas Test
Structure/Condition: Overly tight hip flexors
+ Sign: Affected leg raises off of table
Tennis Elbow Test
Structure/Condition: Integrity of lateral epichondylitis
+ Sign: Reproduction of pain
Kendall Test
Structure/Condition: Tight hip flexors
+ Sign: Affected leg/knee extends
Yerguson’s Test
Structure/Condition: Integrity of biceps tendon
+ Sign: Pain, bicep tendon popping out of biciptal groove in shoulder
Hawkins-Kennedy Test
Structure/Condition: Impingement of supraspinatus/bicep tendon
+ Sign: Increased pain
Empty Can Test
Structure/Condition: Integrity of supraspinatus muscle
+ Sign: Inability to hold arm up, or pain in affected side
Tinel’s Test
Elbow- Structure/Condition: Ulnar nerve inflammation
+ Sign: Reproduction of signs/symptoms discussed during history
Wrist- Structure/Condition: Median nerve damage/nerve inflammation
+ Sign: Reproduction of signs/symptoms
Thompson Test
Structure/Condition: Possible Achille’s Tendon rupture
+ Sign: No plantar flexion
McMurray’s Click
Structure/Condition: Medial and/or Lateral menisci tear
+ Sign: Audible/palpable click
Lachman’s Test
Structure/Condition: Integrity of ACL ligament
+ Sign: Laxity
Trendelenburg’s Test
Structure/Condition: Gluteus Medius weakness
+ Sign: Unsupported leg side-pelvis will drop lower than supported side
Phalen’s Test
Structure/Condition: Median nerve damage, possible compartment syndrome
+ Sign: Reproduction of signs and symptoms
Bump/Compression/Tap/Flick Test
Hand/Fingers- phalange/metacarpal fracture
Ankle/Foot- Tibia/Fibula fracture
+ Sign: Increased pain