Final Lab Practical Flashcards
What parasites are in Phylum Nemata?
What are nematodes?
What is the kingdom and phylum of nemata?
Kingdom –> Animalia (metazoa)
Phylum –> Nemathelminthes
Nematode shape
Elongated, cylindrical,
Nematode head end
Hooks and sucker absent. Well- developed buccal capsule with teeth or cutting plates seen in some species
Nematode alimentary canal
Complete with anus
Nematode body cavity
Present. Viscera
remains suspended in
the pseudocele
Nematode sex classifications
Separate (diecious)
Nematode life cycle
Monoxenous (except
filarial worms and
Dracunculus spp.
What is this picture depicting?
Nematode digestive, excretory, and nervous system
Female vs male reproductive system in nematodes
Didelphic female vs monodelphic female nematode
Nematode life cycle
Egg –> L1 + M1 –> L2 + M2 –> L3 + M3 –> L4 + M4 –> Adult
Nematode life cycle from larvae
Larvae –> free in blood and lymph –> develop in bloodsucking diptera
What does Onchocerca volvulus cause?
Onchocerciasis or “river blindness”
What is Onchocerca volvulus transmitted through?
Transmitted to humans through exposure to repeated bites of
infected blackflies of the genus Simulium.
What are symptoms of river blindness?
Symptoms include severe itching, disfiguring skin conditions,
and visual impairment, including permanent blindness.
What is the female worm of Onchocerca volvulus?
Female worm is viviparous
Onchocerca volvulus Epidemiology
- Venezuela
- Brazil
- Nigeria
- Sudan
- Ethiopia
- Uganda
DH, IH, and infective stage of Onchocerca volvulus
DH: humans
IH: females of black flies (Simulium spp.)
Infective stage: third-stage filariform larva
Location of adult Onchocerca volvulus
in nodules in subcutaneous connective tissue
of infected persons (lifespan: 15 years).
Mode of transmission of Onchocerca volvulus
black flies deposit larvae in the skin while
Adult morphology of Onchocerca volvulus
–> Whitish, with transverse striations on the
–> Posterior end is curved (“curved tail”)
–>Male is smaller
What nematode is this?
Onchocerca volvulus
Onchocerca volvulus microfilariae morphology
- -> Unsheathed
- -> `Non-periodic
Skin manifestation of Onchocerca volvulus
Clinical features
–> Due to inflammatory response around the worm (adult and
–> Pruritus, dermatitis, onchocercoma (subcutaneous nodules), and
Ocular manifestation of Onchocerca volvulus
Clinical features
- -> Photophobia, gradual blurring of vision
- -> Total blindness.
Onchocerca volvulus Diagnosis
- -> Presence of microfilariae in skin snips
- -> Presence of adults in biopsy specimens of skin nodules.
Molecular diagnosis
(PCR from skin snips)
Onchocerca volvulus Treatment
–> Ivermectin: at least once yearly for 10 to 15 years (150 ug/kg).
–> Surgical excision of nodules when occur in head
–> Anti-endosymbiont of filarial parasites
Onchocerca volvulus Prevention
–> Treatment of infected patients (mass drug administration of the
medicine Mectizan ®)
–> In 1974, WHO launched a control program using larvicide for
vector control (spraying of insecticides by helicopters and
Onchocerca cervicalis
Found in nuchal ligament (adults), skin, and ocular tissues in horses
IH: Culicoides spp.
Onchocerca lupi
Found in ocular tissue in dogs, with associated lesions and
inflammatory response
Also reported in cats, zoonotic
IH: unknown
What does Wuchereria bancrofti cause?
Lymphatic Filariasis
How is Wuchereria bancrofti spread?
Is spread from person to person by mosquitoes
Where does Wuchereria bancrofti live?
The adult worms live in the human lymph system for many
years, leading to lymphatic dysfunction
Wuchereria bancrofti lymphatic impairment
leads to painful, disabling, and social-
stigmatized deformities of limbs, scrotum or breast.
DH, IH, and infective stage of Wuchereria bancrofti
DH: human
IH: Culex spp. mosquitoes
Infective stage: third-stage filariform larva
Mode of transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti
by bite of mosquito carrying filariform larva
Location of Wuchereria bancrofti adults and microfilariae
Location of adult
–> lymphatic system.
Microfilariae –> found in blood.
Life cycle of Wuchereria bancrofti
Wuchereria bancrofti Morphology
Whitish, thread-like shape
• Males: up to 40 mm long
• Females: 80-100 mm
Wuchereria bancrofti Microfilaria Morphology
- Sheathed
- Periodic in peripheral blood
- Biting habits of vector
- Sleeping habits of host
Which is O. volvulus and which is W. bancrofti?
Left –> W. bancrofti
Right –> O. volvulus
Wuchereria bancrofti Clinical features
• Mechanical factors + inflammatory response
• Chronic response: granuloma formation, calcification, blockage
of lymphatic drainage
- Lymphadenitis, lymphedema, lymphangiovarix
- Hydrocele
- Lymphorrhagia: chylous urine, chylous diarrhea, chylotorax
- Elephantiasis
Wuchereria bancrofti Diagnosis
Demonstration of microfilaria in blood, chylous urine, exudate of
lymph and hydrocele fluid
Wuchereria bancrofti Treatment
• Diethylcarbamazine (DEC) PO 6 mg/kg x 12d (allergic
- Mass therapy
- Ivermectin (no effect over adults)
- Doxycycline (targeting Wolbachia)
Wuchereria bancrofti Prevention
- Eradication of the vector mosquito
2. Detection and treatment of carriers
Another name for Necator americanus
American Hookworm
Another name for Ancylostoma duodenale
Intestinal Hookworm
What disease does Ascaris lumbricoides cause?
What does Enterobius vermicularis cause?
Enterobiasis or Pinworm Infection
What does Trichuris trichiura cause and what is another name for it?
Trichuriasis or Human Whipworm
What does Trichinella spiralis cause?
Trichinellosis or Trichinosis)
What are the bursate nematodes?
- Ancylostoma
- Necator
Superfamily –> Ancylostomatidae
What are the non-bursate nematodes?
Ascaridoidea –> Ascaris
Oxyuridae –> Enterobius
Trichuroidea –> Trichuris
Trichinelloidea –> Trichinella
Features of hookworms
Buccal capsule well developed; leaf crowns and teeth usually present. Direct life cycle; infection by J3 in environment
Features of Ascaridoidea
Large white worms. Direct life cycle; infection by J3 in egg
Features of Pinworms
Female has long pointed tail. Direct life cycle; infection by J3 in egg
Features of Whipworms
Whip-like or hair-like worms. Direct or indirect life cycle; infection by J1
Necator americanus &
Ancylostoma duodenale
(Intestinal “hookworms”)
What is the old world hookworm and what is the new world hookworm?
Old world –> A. duodenale
New world –> N. americanus
Location of adult hookworms
small intestine (jejunum and duodenum).
•Life cycle is direct. Female is longer than male.
DH and infective stage of hookworms
- DH: Humans, and other mammals.
* Infective form: third-stage filariform juvenile (L3) in environment.
Mode of transmission of hookworms
penetration of infective filariform larva into the skin.
Clinical features of hookworms
skin itching and rash; spoliative action (protein and iron deficiency), anemia; intestinal inflammation, diarrhea.
Dx of hookworms
eggs in stool; concentration techniques
Tx of hookworms
available (mebendazole, albendazole); iron supplementation
Prevention of hookworms
avoid barefoot walking where hookworms could happen; not defecating outdoors
Intestinal hookworm Life cycle
Filariform larvae (infective stage) of hookworm