Final IDs List Flashcards
Second Sino-Japanese War
Time Period: 1937
What was it/Purpose? A military conflict between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan.
Why was it important?: It was a fight with China because Japan wanted more free resources from Manchuria, so the Japanese started attacking Chinese troops and gaining control of Manchuria. China managed to fight back after receiving help from the Soviet union and the United States.
Nanjing Massacre
Time Period: 1938
what was it/Purpose: It was a mass killing and raping of Chinese citizens in Nanjing after the Battle of Nanking in the Second Sino-Japanese War by the Imperial Japanese Army.
Why was it important?: It shows what another country can do to another country and it’s an example of the unimaginable atrocities that people may experience.
Greater East Asian Co-Properity Sphere
Time Period: 1940
What was it/Purpose: It was an imperialist concept that propagated to Asian populations and it declared the intention that Asians nations would be self-sufficient and free from the Western Powers.
Why was it important?: This was important because it helped to show how important freedom from western powers was for the Asian countries such as China and Japan.
Unit 731
Time Period: 1936-1945
What was it/Purpose: biological and chemical warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that engaged in lethal human experimentation and biological weapon manufacturing during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II.
Why was it important?: Unit 731 was meant to conduct research that would help benefit Japanese Soldiers, but it goes to show what can happen when someone with bad morals is the leader.
General Douglas MacArthur
Time Period: 1945-1951
What was it/Purpose: Directed the demobilization of Japanese military forces, the expurgation of militarists, the restoration of the economy and the drafting of a liberal constitution.
Why was it important?: He was an American General who commanded the Southwest Pacific in World War II and he oversaw the successful Allied occupation of postwar Japan.
The Allied Occupation of Japan
Time Period: 1945-1952
What was it/Purpose: Meant to eliminate Japan’s ear potential and turn Japan into a democratic nation with pro-United Nations orientation
Why was it important?: It insured that Japan would not become a disruption to the peach of the world again.
The Postwar Constitution
Time Period: Written May 1947
What was it/Purpose: The constitution granted universal suffrage, stripped the emperor of all but symbolic power, stipulated a bill of rights, abolished peerage, and outlawed Japan’s right to make war.
Why was it important?: Was drafted under General MacArthur, The postwar constitution changed the way the Japanese were governed, and it created social change.
The “Reverse Course”
Time Period: 1947
What was it/Purpose: A shift in the policies of the US government and the US-led Allied occupation of Japan as they sought to reform and rebuild Japan after World War II
Why was it important?: As a result, the emphasis of Occupation policy shifted from the demilitarization and democratization of Japan to economic reconstruction and remilitarization of Japan in support of US Cold War objectives in Asia.
The Emperor’s Renunciation of His Divinity
Time Period: January 1st 1946
What was it/Purpose: By the orders of the Allied Powers the emperor had to give away his divinity.
Why was it important?: This would eventually lead to the promulgation of the new Constitution where the emperor is the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people.
The “Economic Miracle”
Time Period: 1945-1991
What was it/Purpose: Refers to Japan’s record period of economic growth between the post World War II era and the end of the Cold War.
Why was it important?: This showed that Japan was rapidly becoming the world’s second-largest economy, after the United States.
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)
Time Period: formed 1955
What was it/Purpose: The LDP maintains a conservative stance on social issues and a neoliberal stance on economic issues. They were in power almost continuously except from 1993-1994 and 2009-2012.
Why was it important?: The platform has supported the increase in defense spending, and they wanted to maintain close ties with the United States.
The US-Japan Security treaty
Time Period: 1960
What was it/Purpose: This treaty forced Japan to allow the United States to continue maintaining military bases on Japanese soil.
Why was it important?: It was important because it helped restore Japan’s sovereignty as a nation and it established a military alliance between the US and Japan.
Anpo Protests
Time Period: 1959-1970
What was it/Purpose: The Anpo Protests were massive protests against the United States-Japan Security Treaty.
Why was it important?: During one of the protests, they broke into the Diet and caused a huge scene with the police and resulted in one female university student dead. A second round of protests occurred in 1970 when the treaty was being renewed.
Tanaka Mitsu
Time Period:
What was it/Purpose:
Why was it important?:
Minamata Disease
Time Period: first found in Japan in 1956
What was it/Purpose: a poisonous disease that affected mainly the central nervous system due to methylmercury.
Why was it important?: This made it really hard restaurants and fishermen that worked or used fish from the infected river to sell the fish.