Final Exam: Topics 1 - 14 Flashcards


Define microbiology and microorganisms.


Microbiology: The study of living things too small to be seen with the untrained eye
Microorganisms: an organism of microscopic size

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Use the appropriate units when using metric measurements for microorganisms.


Meter: 100 m, 1 m
Centimeter: 10-2 m, 0.01 m, 1/100 m hundreth of a meter
Millimeter: 10-3 m, 0.001 m, 1/1,000 m thousandth of a meter
Micrometer: 10-6 m, 0.000001 m, 1/1,000,000 m millionth of a meter
Nanometer: 10-9 m, 0.000000001 m, 1/1,000,000,000 m billionth of a meter
Angstrom: 10-10 m, 0.0000000001 m, 1/10,000,000,000 m
ten billionth of a meter
Picometer: 10-12 m, 0.000000000001 m, 1/1,000,000,000,000 m trillionth of a meter

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Recognize the relative sizes of microbes.


about 1/10th the size of a typical human cell (7.5 um to 150 um)

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Explain the properties of being unicellular vs multicellular and autotrophic vs heterotrophic.


Unicellular: a single cell; All prokaryotes are unicellular. Eukaryotes can be unicellular or multicellular

Multicellular: multiple cells that carry out different functions (cellular specialization)

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Solve serial dilution problems to solve for OCD and calculate total dilution.


General dilution Equation: V1D1=V2D2
V1 = Volume of the first sample (or stock) added
V2 = Final volume in new tube (diluent + V1)
D1 = Dilution of first sample (=1 if stock–undiluted)
D2= Final dilution in a new tube

If D1=1 (the stock solution that is not diluted), then this is simplified to the Dilution Factor equation on the next slide.

Dilution factor: (Amount or volume original solution added)/ (total amount or volume made)

Example: You add 10 µL of stock to 990 µL of water.

What is the dilution within Tube 1?
D2 = (V1D1)/V = V1/V
D2= 10.0 macroliters/ 1000.0 macroliters = 1/100 = 10^-2

Original cellular density equation: OCD = CFU/(v x D)
CFU= # of colonies on the plate
v= volume plated
D= total dilution

Example: After making a series of dilutions of a bacterial culture and plating 0.1mL each dilution the plates are incubated, and colonies are counted. One plate has 40 colonies on it. The total dilution for that plate is 1/1000 = 0.001.

What is the OCD of the starting culture?

OCD= CFU/ (v x D)
CFU= # of colonies on the plate = 40 cfu
v= volume plated = 0.1mL
D= total dilution = 0.001
OCD = 40cfu/(0.1mL)(0.001) = 400,000 CFU/mL or 4 X 10^5 CFU/mL

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Discuss the contributions of Van Leeuwenhoek, Redi, Spallanzani, Pasteur, Jenner, Semmelweis, Lister, Koch, Flemming, Hinton, Lederberg and Woese to the field of microbiology.


Van Leeuwenhoek: “Father of Microbiology”
Linen merchant who created high quality magnifying lenses that could magnify 500X
Discovered protozoa and named them “animalcules”
“In all falling rain, carried from gutters into water-butts, animalcules are to be found;…and that in all kinds of water, standing in the open air, animalcules can turn up. For these animalcules can be carried over the wind , along with the dust floating in the air.”
Antoine van Leeuwenhoek, 1702

Redi: Used controlled experiments to test whether maggots could spontaneously arise on meat.
Open jars: Maggots on meat
Closed (sealed) jars: No maggots on meat
Jars covered with fine mesh: No maggots on meat

Spallanzani: Used controlled experiments to test whether microbes arose from nutrient broth.
Nutrient broth (not heated): Microbe growth
Nutrient broth (heated): No microbe growth

Pasteur: Numerous contributions to the field including the process of fermentation, pasteurization, pure culture, the autoclave, and developed the rabies vaccine.
Also, did experiments to test spontaneous generation.
Used an S-shaped flask to test whether microbes are found in the air or generate spontaneously. Microbes are kept out, but air is let in.
Nutrient broth placed in S-flask, heated, not sealed: No microbe growth
Nutrient broth placed in S-flask, heated, then sealed, then neck broken off: Microbe growth

Jenner: developed the first vaccine to smallpox.
Demonstrated that inoculations of cow pox could prevent smallpox.

Semmelweis: Prior to the 1800, handwashing was not a routine practice in hospitals.
Found that washing hands with a chlorinated lime solution dramatically reduced rates of puerperal fever and death in patients.

Lister: introduced the principles of sterile surgery.
Revolutionized surgery in the 1800s.
Introduced carbolic acid (phenol) to sterilize instruments and clean wounds.

Koch: developed method to prove microorganism cause of disease.
His major contribution was the Germ Theory of Disease which he developed while studying Bacillus anthracis.

Flemming: Discovered naturally occurring antibiotics, including penicillin in 1928.
Discovered lysozyme in 1921.

Hinton: Developed widely used, highly accurate tests for syphilis
First black professor at Harvard

Lederberg: Considered the “Father of Microbial Genetics”
Discovered that bacteria can exchange genes by transfer of plasmids or by bacterial viruses (phage).

Woese: Pioneer in the field of molecular taxonomy.
Discovered the third domain of life (Archaea)
Revised the tree of life

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Describe the first organisms on earth, their properties (cell type, metabolism) and how long ago they lived.


All life started from the same prokaryotic ancestor, but now there is vast diversity.
Archaea, bacteria, and Eucarya
1.3 million species named
Approximately 8.7 million species exist

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Explain the Endosymbiotic theory of the evolution of mitochondria and chloroplasts.


Endosymbiotic theory is when the mitochondria and chloroplast in eukaryotic cells were once aerobic bacteria (prokaryote) that were ingested by a large anaerobic bacteria (prokaryote), which explains the origin of eukaryotic cells.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts likely evolved from engulfed prokaryotes that once lived as independent organisms. At some point, a eukaryotic cell engulfed an aerobic prokaryote, which then formed an endosymbiotic relationship with the host eukaryote, gradually developing into a mitochondrion.

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Recognize how molecular phylogenetics led to a major change in how organisms are classified.


Each species retains some characteristics of its ancestor.
Grouping according to common properties implies that a group of organisms evolved from a common ancestor.
Molecular data (rRNA)

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Compare and contrast three domains relation to their characteristics such as cell type, cell wall composition, plasma membrane composition, antibiotic sensitivity, and ribosome structure.


Bacteria: prokaryote, unicellular, hydrocarbon chains attached to glycerol by ester linkages, peptidoglycan, and is antibiotic sensitive.
Archaea: prokaryotic, unicellular, hydrocarbon chains are attached to glycerol by ether linkages, no peptidoglycan (usually S-layer), and not antibiotic sensitive.
Eukarya: Eukaryotic, multicellular, hydrocarbon chains attached to glycerol by ester linkages, no peptidoglycan (cellulose-plants chitin-fungi), and isn’t antibiotic sensitive. Each domain has a unique rRNA structure.

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Relate how we define eukaryotic species, prokaryotic species, and virus species.


Prokaryotic species: A group of prokaryotes that have similar characteristics: appearance, physiology, and genes.

Culture: bacteria grown together in laboratory media

Clone: Population of cells derived from a single cell

Strain: Genetically different cells that have been derived from a clone

A cell characterized by the presence of a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotes can be unicellular (protists) or multicellular (fungi, plants and animals).
An organism whose cells do not have an enclosed nucleus, such as bacteria.
viral species
a group of viruses sharing the same genetic information and ecological niche (host)
the two kingdoms Carolus Linnaeus began taxonomy with
Plantat and Animals

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Explain the difference between classification and identification, and why classifying microorganisms is difficult.


Classification: Placing organisms in groups of related species. Lists of characteristics of known organisms.
Identification: Matching characteristics of an “unknown” organism to lists of known organisms.
Clinical lab identification
The species of bacteria are not stable. They regularly try to adopt into changed environment by changing their genetic material. So, it is not possible to easily and stable classification of the bacteria at the species level.

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Explain the difference characteristics used to classify bacteria: morphology (shapes and grouping), gram stain (positive vs negative), motility, nutrient requirements (different groups based on oxygen use), antibiotic resistance, and genetics and metagenetics (GC content and 16s rRNA sequencing).


Coccus: round
Bacillus: rod
Vibrio: curved rod
Coccobacillus: short rod
Spirillum: spiral
Spirochete: long, loose spiral
The ability to move is often accomplished through the presence of flagella, tail like appendages
Obligate aerobes (1)
MUST have oxygen to survive
Facultative anaerobes (3)
Can use oxygen if it is there but can also live without
Microaerophiles (4)
Require a low concentration of oxygen
Obligate anaerobes (2)
Prefer to grow without oxygen
May be harmed by oxygen
Aerotolerant anaerobes (5)
Do not use oxygen but can tolerate it
Antibiotic Resistance: Due to the presence of antibiotics in the environment, some strains have become resistant.
Acquire plasmids carrying antibiotic resistance genes by horizontal gene transfer.
Genomics is the analysis of the complete DNA sequence of an organism.

Gene content and organization
G+C content
DNA-DNA hybridization
Average nucleotide identity (ANI)

DNA extraction and analysis from microbial communities= Metagenomics
Determined 3 domains based on 16s rRNA sequence:
Domain is a distinction above kingdom.

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Describe the ways we identify bacterial species.


Biochemical tests: Presence of bacterial enzymes and Morphological characteristics: Shape/arrangement of cells, cell structures (more useful for eukaryotic microbes)

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Know the different morphologies and arrangements of prokaryotic cells


Prokaryotic Cell Morphology(shapes) and Arrangement (groups or single cells):
Coccus: round
Bacillus: rod
Vibrio: curved rod
Coccobacillus: short rod
Spirillum: spiral
Spirochete: long, loose spiral

Coccus(plural: cocci): single coccus
Diplococcus(plural: diplococci): pair of 2 cocci
Tetrad(plural: tetrads): grouping of 4 cells arranged in a square
Streptococcus(plural: streptococci): chain of cocci
Staphylococcus(plural: staphylococci): cluster of cocci
Bacillus(plural: bacilli): single rod
Streptobacillus(plural: streptobacilli): chain of rods

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Understand the difference between selective and differential media.


Selective media is used to inhibit growth of some organisms, while encourage growth of others

Differential media is used to differentiate closely related or groups of organisms.

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Describe how biochemical tests can be used to identify bacteria.


Mannitol salt agar (MSA)
High salt in media inhibits growth of most bacteria but selects for Staphylococcus species.

Differentiates S. aureus from other species based on their ability to ferment mannitol

Enzyme tests: presence of certain enzymes can be used to identify bacteria.

Indole test
Urea broth

Indole test: Hydrolysis of tryptophan by tryptophanase to pyruvate + ammonia + indole

Urea broth: tests for production of the enzyme urease.
Urease breaks down urea.
Urea is a break down product of certain amino acids that is excreted in the waste of many animals.
Urea can provide organisms with a source of nitrogen in the form of ammonia (NH3).

Metabolic tests: tests for presence of a certain metabolic pathway.

Phenol red broth: tests for fermentation of carbohydrates.
Different carbohydrates can be tested.

Tests for production of acidic fermentation products and gas.
Phenol red broth results:
Yellow: fermentation
Red/pink: no fermentation

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Understand why dichotomous keys are used in bacterial identification and how to interpret one.


Key for identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characteristics.

First characteristic should distinguish between broad categories (such as cell morphology or Gram stain)

Subsequent characteristics should an organism or separate other organisms.

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Describe the properties of electromagnetic waves: wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.


Wavelength: distance from one peak to the next

Amplitude: the height of each peak

Frequency: number of wavelengths/ unit time

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Describe the following properties of light: reflection, absorbance, transmission, interference, diffraction, refraction, and refraction index.


Reflection: when light bounces off a material

Absorbance: when a material catches the energy of a light wave

Transmission: when the light wave travels through a material
Opaque vs Transparent

Interference: when light waves interact with each other to make complex motion patterns (like two pebbles thrown in a lake)

Diffraction: when light bends or scatters in response to interacting with small openings or objects.

Refraction: when light waves change direction upon entering a medium

Refractive index: The degree to which a material slows transmission speed.

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Explain the concepts of magnification, resolution, and contrast as they relate to microscopy.


Magnification is an increase in size.

Resolution is the ability to see two different points as separate. Determined by:
wavelength (shorter= higher resolution)
numerical aperture (NA): the ability of a lens to gather light (the higher the aperture the higher the resolution)

Contrast is differences is light intensity
How we see things
Most biological material is water
Contrast between the specimen and the background is critical

Different forms of microscopy we will cover:
Light Microscopy
Differential Interference Contrast (DIC)
Fluorescence Microscopy
Confocal Microscopy
Electron Microscopy
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

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Explain the difference between a simple microscope and a compound microscope.


Simple: a microscope in which the light only passes through one lens. (van Leeuwenhoek)

Compound: a microscope in which the light passes through two lenses (Galileo)

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Understand the principles and limitations of light microscopy.


The light microscope is an instrument for visualizing fine detail of an object. It does this by creating a magnified image through the use of a series of glass lenses, which first focus a beam of light onto or through an object, and convex objective lenses to enlarge the image formed.

light microscope cannot be small than the half of the wavelength of the visible light, which is 0.4-0.7 µm. When we can see green light (0.5 µm), the objects which are, at most, about 0.2 µm.

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Discuss special types of light microscopy: brightfield, darkfield, phase-contrast, DIC, fluorescence (including immunofluorescence), and confocal


brightfield: Produces a dark image on a bright background
Can be monocular or binocular
Compound microscopes have two different kinds of lenses
Ocular lens
Objective lens
Need to calculate TOTAL magnification

dark field: Like brightfield with a modified condenser (opaque light stop)

Oblique light reflects off the edges of the specimen

Often better resolution than brightfield

Darkfield allows high contrast, high resolution images without stain.

phase-contrast: Uses refraction and interference to create high-contrast, high resolution images of live samples.

DIC: Differential Interference Contrast Microscopy (Nomarski)
Uses interference patterns to enhance contrast
Live specimens appear 3D.
Can view structures inside cells.

fluorescence: uses fluorescent chromophores. Fluorescent chromophores absorb light (excitation is usually UV) and then emit it as visible light.
Can be natural (chlorophyll) or a stain
Examples: Texas Red and FITC
Creates high resolution images on a dark background
Can do multiple staining at one time
UV is a hazard and can be expensive

Immunofluorescence uses antibodies to visualize specific proteins.
Antibodies are protein molecules produced by the immune system that attach to specific pathogens to kill or inhibit them.
A chromophore can be attached to the antibody to detect the protein in a specimen

Confocal Microscopy takes images at many different z planes, then a computer constructs it into a 3D image.
Fluorescence dyes are often used in conjunction with this technology to increase contrast and resolution.
Useful for resolving all parts of thick samples that can be examined alive
Very complex and expensive instrument

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Compare and contrast of transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy.


Electron microscopy: Light microscope are limited by the wavelengths of visible light (up 1500X)
Electrons can act like waves with a very short wavelength, so get amazing resolution and can magnify 100000x.
The specimen must be prepared so cannot be alive.
Two main types:
Transmission Electron Microscope
Scanning Electron Microscope

Transmission Electron Microscope: Uses a beam of electrons focused by magnets
Beam passes through a sample and then runs into the detector the captures the image.
Specimens are a very thin section (20-100nm thick)
Good for internal structures

Scanning Electron Microscopy: Creates an image by collecting electron that are knocked off off a specimen with a beam of electrons
Specimens are dried and often coated with gold
Good for looking at the surfaces of larger objects or smaller samples

Atomic force microscopy: can be used in several ways, including using a laser focused on a cantilever to measure the bending of the tip of a probe passed above the specimen while the height needed to maintain a constant current is measure; useful to observe specimens at the the atomic level and can be more easily used with nonconducting samples.

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Explain the different between direct and indirect counts of bacteria. You should also be able to explain all the following methods: direct microscopic count, Coulter counter, serial dilution followed by a plate count, the Most Probable Number, and spectrophotometry.


Direct counting methods count the number of organisms present in a sample.
1. Direct microscopic counts using a Petroff-Hauser chamber.
- Take a small known volume of a culture to a calibrated slide and count the number of cells under a light microscope.
- One disadvantage of this method is that you are counting dead cells too, but you can use a secondary stain to fix this.
2. Coulter Counter
- The Coulter Counter counts the changes in electrical resistance in a saline solution.
- Each bacterium causes a change in resistance and is counted.
3. Serial dilution, followed by plate count
- Serial dilution is a method for determining the number of living bacterial cells in a culture by making a series of dilutions and plating the diluted cultures on agar plates.
- Plate Counts: spread a small amount of culture on a bacterial plate and wait for colonies to grow.
-Counts viable cells
> Problem: only plates with 30-300 colonies are countable
> To do this: you would have to spread 0.0000001 mL (0.1 μl) on a plate… not possible…
> SOLUTION? Serial Dilution
> Systematically reduces the concentration of cells in a sample, so you can get plate a volume that will yield 30-300 colonies on a plate.
4. Most probable number
- The Most Probable Number method is used when bacterial count is too low for other methods.
- Evaluates detectable growth by observing changes in turbidity or color due to metabolic activity.
- Serial dilution in MEDIA to see when culture is diluted out.
- Use MPN table for final determination of titer

Indirect counting measure the turbidity (how cloudy) the sample is and is used as as estimation or to compare cultures.

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Be able to solve serial dilution problems including calculating the OCD of a culture.


General dilution Equation: V1D1=V2D2
V1 = Volume of first sample (or stock) added
V2 = Final volume in new tube (diluent + V1)
D1 = Dilution of first sample (=1 if stock–undiluted)
D2= Final dilution in new tube

If D1=1 (stock solution that is not diluted), then this is simplified to the Dilution Factor equation on the next slide.

Dilution factor: (Amount or volume original solution added)/ (total amount or volume made)

Example: You add 10 µL of a stock to 990 µL of water.

What is the dilution within Tube 1?
D2 = (V1D1)/V = V1/V
D2= 10.0 macroliters/ 1000.0 macroliters = 1/100 = 10^-2

Original cellular density equation: OCD = CFU/(v x D)
CFU= # of colonies on the plate
v= volume plated
D= total dilution

Example: After making a series of dilutions of a bacterial culture and plating 0.1mL each dilution the plates are incubated, and colonies are counted. One plate has 40 colonies on it. The total dilution for that plate is 1/1000 = 0.001.

What is the OCD of the starting culture?

OCD= CFU/ (v x D)
CFU= # of colonies on the plate = 40 cfu
v= volume plated = 0.1mL
D= total dilution = 0.001
OCD = 40cfu/(0.1mL)(0.001) = 400,000 CFU/mL or 4 X 10^5 CFU/mL

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Compare and contrast prokaryotic DNA and location from eukaryotic DNA and location.


The prokaryotic genome is different than the eukaryotic genome.
Prokaryotic genomes are smaller (1/1000 of the human genome) and usually circular.
They are haploid, meaning they only have one copy of every gene.
Prokaryotes often have additional DNA called plasmids, small circular pieces of DNA with non-essential genes.
They are found in the nucleoid and associate with nucleoid-associated proteins that package and organize the DNA.

Eukaryotic cells keep their chromosomes in the nucleus
Have multiple, linear chromosomes
Can be haploid or diploid
DNA is packaged with proteins called histones (also for Archaea).

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Know how prokaryotes and eukaryotes divide.


Prokaryotes divide by binary fission and must replicate their DNA.
Bacteria reproduce by BINARY FISSION

The bacteria chromosome is duplicated (DNA replication)
One copy goes to each daughter.

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Differentiate horizontal and vertical gene transfer.


horizontal gene transfer: when bacterial genetic recombination occurs

Vertical gene transfer is the transfer of genetic information, including any genetic mutations, from a parent to its offspring.

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Identify and be able to describe the parts of the cell making up the cell envelope: cell membrane, cell wall, and glycocalyx.


The cell envelope encloses the cytoplasm and internal structures.
Comprised of up to three layers
Cell membrane (inner most)
Cell wall (middle)
Glycocalyx (outer most)

All cells have a plasma membrane which is semi-permeable.
Composed primarily of a bilayer of amphipathic phospholipids, but also has proteins embedded
Structure is described by using the fluid mosaic model.

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Describe how molecules move across the plasma membrane by diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport.


Diffusion is the tendency of molecule to move from an area of high concentration to low.

Osmosis is diffusion of water.
Water will move from areas of higher water concentration to areas of lower water concentration. This inversely corresponds to the solute concentration. Water moves across the membrane to help ‘dilute’ the solute until there is an equivalent % of water to solute on each side.

Facilitated Diffusion: protein helps large, polar and/or charge molecules move WITH their concentration gradient.

Active Transport: protein helps large, polar and/or charge molecules travel AGAINST their concentration gradient. Requires energy (ATP or concentration gradient).

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Define the terms hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic and be able to predict which way water will flow.


Solution with the higher solute concentration
Pulls water towards it (greater pulling power)

Solution with lower solute concentration
Water is pulled from it (lower pulling power)

Same pulling power for water on both sides of membrane

Flow of water is equal in both directions, so the net flow is zero.

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Compare and contrast the Gram positive and Gram-negative cell walls and eukaryotic cell walls.


Gram positive (thick layer of peptidoglycan)
Gram positive bind stain better because they have a thick layer of peptidoglycan.
Stain Purple
Gram-positive bacteria have a very thick cell wall that often contains teichoic acid.

Gram negative (thin layer of peptidoglycan)
Gram negative bacteria only have a little peptidoglycan, so don’t hold on to the stain.
Stain Pink
Gram-negative bacteria have a thin layer of peptidoglycan and an inner membrane (IM) and an outer membrane (OM) separated by the periplasmic space.

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Recognize and describe the function of inclusion bodies, ribosomes, and thylakoids.


Inclusion bodies:
- Inclusions allow prokaryotes to store excess nutrients or other materials.
- Not membrane bound
Usually store nutrients
> Glycogen or starch for carbon stores
> Polyphosphate granules for inorganic phosphate used in metabolism
> Sulfur granules for metabolism in Thiobacilius
- Sometimes can store other things like gas or magnetic iron.

- All cells have ribosomes, but the prokaryotic ribosome is a bit different.
- Ribosomes are the protein synthesis machinery made of a mix of RNA and proteins.
- Prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller (70s) than eukaryotic ones (80s).
- Many antibiotics target the prokaryotic ribosome.

- The principal functions of thylakoids are the trapping of light energy and the transduction of this energy into the chemical energy forms, ATP and NADPH. During this process, water is oxidized and oxygen is released.

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Describe how endospores are formed and describe the life cycle from vegetative state to endospore, etc.


Bacterial cells are generally vegetative, undergoing cell division and metabolism, but some can form endospores.
Dormant bodies that are resistant to heat, radiation, and chemicals, freezing, dehydration
Metabolically active vegetative cells can undergo sporulation in response to external stimuli
Found among the Gram positive Bacillales and Clostridiales.
Most well-known genera are Bacillus and Clostridium
Endospores are desiccated and extremely hard to kill.
Consist of several layers and many of the same structures found in vegetative cells
Contain very little water
Can persist in the environment for long periods of time

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Identify the prokaryotic flagellum and recognize the mechanism involved in motility.


Prokaryotic flagellum is a rigid spiral made of flagellin protein and spins 360 degrees. This is different from eukaryotic flagella that move only 180 degrees, like a whip, is flexible, and made of microtubules.

Motility is movement towards or away from stimuli.
Flagella allow bacteria to move in response to chemical signals (chemotaxis), light (phototaxis), or changes in temperature (thermotaxis)

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Compare and contrast the cell membrane and cell wall composition and structure of bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes


Cells walls in Archaea and Eukarya are quite different than in Bacteria.

Archaeal cell walls are not made of peptidoglycan
Usually, pseudopeptidoglycan where NAM subunit is replaced with something else
Could be made of another glycoprotein or polysaccharide
Eukarya cell walls are either made of cellulose (plants) or chitin (fungi)

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Compare and contrast positive and negative chemotaxis.


> Positive –taxis: Movement towards a stimulus
Negative –taxis: Movement away from a harmful stimulus

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Identify the function of the fimbriae and pili.


Fimbriae and pili – allow for specialized attachments
Fimbriae and pili are structurally similar but have some key differences.

- Shorter and more numerous, covering the entire surface of the cell
- Used to adhere to surfaces or other cells.
- Can be a pathogenetic determinant.

- Longer and less numerous
- Involved in conjugation.

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Compare and contrast anabolic and catabolic reactions.


Anabolic reactions involve the building of larger, complex molecules from smaller, simpler ones, and require an input of energy. (requires energy, builds larger, complex molecules from smaller, simpler ones and forms chemical bonds between molecules)

Catabolic reactions are the opposite of anabolic reactions, and break the chemical bonds in larger, more complex molecules. (releases energy, breaks down large, complex molecules into smaller, simpler ones and breaks chemical bonds within molecules)

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Describe the two ways energy harvested from catabolic reactions can be stored. Know the oxidized and reduced forms of NAD+/NADH and FAD/FADH2 and where the energy is store in the ATP molecule.


Molecular energy stored in the bonds of complex molecules is released in catabolic pathways and harvested in such a way that it can be used to produce high-energy molecules, which are used to drive anabolic pathways.

NAD+ is the oxidized form of the molecule; NADH is the reduced form of the molecule.

The oxidized form of flavin adenine dinucleotide is FAD, and its reduced form is FADH2.

A living cell must be able to handle the energy released during catabolism in a way that enables the cell to store energy safely and release it for use only as needed. Living cells accomplish this by using the compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is often called the “energy currency” of the cell, and, like currency, this versatile compound can be used to fill any energy need of the cell.

This chemical energy is stored in the pyrophosphate bond, which lies between the last two phosphate groups of ATP.

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Be able to explain the following enzyme related terms: enzyme, substrate, active site, allosteric site.


Enzymes: major cellular catalysts
typically proteins (some R N A s)
highly specific as a result of structure

substrate: in reaction, enzyme combines with reactant (substrate: chemical reactants of an enzymatic reaction), forming enzyme-substrate complex, releasing product and enzyme

active site: region of enzyme that binds substrate

an allosteric site, a location other than the active site, and still manages to block substrate binding to the active site by inducing a conformational change that reduces the affinity of the enzyme for its substrate.

allosteric site: location within an enzyme, other than the active site, to which molecules can bind, regulating enzyme activity

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Compare and contrast autotroph vs. heterotroph and phototroph vs. chemotrophs.


Autotrophs convert inorganic CO2 to organic compounds.

Heterotrophs get their carbon from complex organic compounds (often from autotrophs)

Phototrophs get their energy from electron transfer from light.

Chemotrophs get their energy from electrons by breaking chemical bonds

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Identify the two different types of ATP production.


A T P generated through 1 of 3 mechanisms

Substrate-level phosphorylation: energy-rich substrate bond hydrolyzed directly to drive A T P formation (e.g., hydrolysis of phosphoenolpyruvate)

Oxidative phosphorylation: Movement of electrons generates proton motive force (electrochemical gradient) used to synthesize A T P

Photophosphorylation: light used to form proton motive force

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Compare and contrast aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, and fermentation.



Aerobic respiration:
Terminal acceptor is oxygen

Anaerobic respiration:
Alternative terminal electron acceptors
NO3-, SO4-2, CO2
Lower energy yields than O2

Fermentation (anaerobic):

Organic substrate for NADH oxidation
Low energy yield

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Know the 4 phases of respiration, what goes in, what comes out, where it occurs, and if oxygen is requires.


Four Phases:

Glycolysis: Energy is added to a glucose molecule by adding a phosphate group to each end.
Carbon-carbon bond is broken, 2 NAD+ are reduced, and 2 inorganic phosphates are added.
Phosphates are transferred from carbon to ADP to form ATP (staring material: glucose, products: 2 NADH, 2 ATP(net), and 2 pyruvate, this takes place in cytoplasm and no oxygen is required)

Transition reaction:

Starting materials: 2 pyruvate

2 CO2
2 acetyl CoA

Takes place in: Mitochondrial matrix

Oxygen required? YES

Krebs cycle (also known as Citric acid cycle or TCA cycle): Krebs Cycle

Starting materials: 2 acetyl CoA

4 CO2

Takes place in: mitochondria

Oxygen required? YES

Electron transport chain:

Starting materials: NADH, FADH2, O2

Products: ATP:
3 from each NADH
2 from each FADH2

Takes place in: mitochondria

Oxygen required: yes

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Understand the reasons organisms might use fermentation instead of respiration.


When certain organisms can’t do cellular respiration, they do glycolysis, followed by fermentation instead.

Many cells are unable to carry out respiration because of one or more of the following circumstances:

Lacking enough of any appropriate, inorganic, final electron acceptor to carry out cellular respiration. (TEMPORARY)

Lacking genes to make appropriate complexes and electron carriers in the electron transport system. (PERMENANT)

Lacking genes to make one or more enzymes in the Krebs cycle. (PERMENANT)

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Be able to explain the 2 phases of photosynthesis, their reactants, products, and major steps.


Light-dependent reactions:
Energy from sunlight is captured by photopigments and stored as chemical energy.
The light-dependent reactions produce ATP and either NADPH or NADH to temporarily store energy. These energy carriers are used in the light-independent reactions to drive the energetically unfavorable process of “fixing” inorganic CO2 in an organic form, sugar.

Light-independent reactions:
Chemical energy from the light-dependent reaction is used to build sugar molecules from CO2

The light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle) use the chemical energy from the light-independent reactions and uses it to build CO2 into sugar.

CO2+H2O –> C6H12O6+O2

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Know the difference between oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis.


Water is source of e- and H+
O2 is released

Compounds other than water are the electron and proton donor
Purple non-sulfur bacteria use dissolved organic material like succinate or malate or hydrogen gas
(1. Sunlight/energy
2. Light-dependent reactions
3. Light-independent reactions)

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Know how microbes grow in number by binary fission, including the step of binary fission.


Binary fission is the process of bacterial cell division.
Each bacterial cell makes an exact copy of itself.
The time required to perform a division is the generation time.
Wide diversity in Generation time
Ranges from 20 minutes in a well fed and aerated E. coli culture to weeks in a Mycobacterium sp culture to centuries in some oligotrophic environments

Binary Fission Steps
1. DNA replication
2. Cell elongation
3. Formation of division septum
4. Cell separation

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Describe the 4 different phases of microbial growth and what the cells are doing at each phase and why.

  1. Lag: No division
    Cells are settling into their new environment

Lots of metabolic activity as cells get ready to divide

  1. Log: Once cells have enough energy and materials they start rapidly dividing
    Growth is logarithmic

The relationship between time and number of cells is not linear but exponential.

  1. Stationary: Growth slows and population size reaches equilibrium
    of cells made = # of cells dying

Growth rate is 0

  1. Death/decline: More cells die than are being made
    Cells are killed by built up waste products or lack of nutrients
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Describe the different physical and chemical growth requirements of bacteria.


Physical requirements for growth: temperature, pH, and osmotic pressure/salt concentration

Chemical growth requirements:
6 most common elements in organisms?

Other common elements:
K, Mg, Fe, Ca, Mn

Trace Elements
Zn, Co, Cu, Mo

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Name and describe the different categories of bacteria in respect to temperature preference (psychrophiles, mesophiles, thermophiles, and hyperthermophiles) and pH preference (acidophiles, neutrophiles, and alkaliphiles).


Temperature preference;
Psychrophiles: also known as psychrotolerant, prefer cooler environments, from a high temperature of 25 °C to refrigeration temperature about 4 °C. They are found in many natural environments in temperate climates.

Mesopholes: adapted to moderate temperatures, with optimal growth temperatures ranging from room temperature (about 20 °C) to about 45 °C. As would be expected from the core temperature of the human body, 37 °C (98.6 °F), normal human microbiota and pathogens (e.g., E. coli, Salmonella spp., and Lactobacillus spp.) are mesophiles.

Thermophiles: Organisms that grow at optimum temperatures of 50 °C to a maximum of 80 °C

Hyperthermophiles: characterized by growth ranges from 80 °C to a maximum of 110 °C, with some extreme examples that survive temperatures above 121 °C, the average temperature of an autoclave.

pH preference;
acidophiles: Microorganisms that grow optimally at pH less than 5.55

neutrophiles: meaning they grow optimally at a pH within one or two pH units of the neutral pH of 7

alkaliphiles: microorganisms that grow best at pH between 8.0 and 10.5. Vibrio cholerae, the pathogenic agent of cholera, grows best at the slightly basic pH of 8.0; it can survive pH values of 11.0 but is inactivated by the acid of the stomach.

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Explain how bacteria are adapted to deal with osmotic pressure and high salt environments.


Growth is highest at the OPTIMAL GROWTH TEMPERATURE.

The lowest temperature the bacteria can survive and reproduce is called its minimum growth temperature.

The highest the bacteria can survive and reproduce is called its maximum growth temperature.

Higher up on the extreme temperature scale we find the hyperthermophiles, which are characterized by growth ranges from 80 °C to a maximum of 110 °C, with some extreme examples that survive temperatures above 121 °C, the average temperature of an autoclave.

Not much protection is available against high osmotic pressure. In this case, water, following its concentration gradient, flows out of the cell. This results in plasmolysis (the shrinking of the protoplasm away from the intact cell wall) and cell death. This fact explains why brines and layering meat and fish in salt are time-honored methods of preserving food.

Microorganisms called halophiles (“salt loving”) actually require high salt concentrations for growth. These organisms are found in marine environments where salt concentrations hover at 3.5%.

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Be able to explain the different kinds of bacteria in respect to oxygen usage (obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, microaerophile, obligate anaerobes) and how thioglycolate tubes are used to test this.


Obligate aerobes: need abundant oxygen.

Facultative anaerobes: thrive on O2 but can live for a while without it

Obligate anaerobes: oxygen is toxic to them

Aerotolerant anaerobes: do not use oxygen but can tolerate it

Microaerophiles: require a small amount of oxygen

We can test the oxygen preference of a species by growing bacteria in thioglycolate tubes.

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Explain the difference between agar cultures vs broth, general vs specialized medium, chemically defined vs complex media, selective vs differential media


Bacteria can be grown on solidified agar medium either in a test tube (slant) or in a petri dish.

You can also grow your microbe in a watery nutrient broth.

general, all-purpose and support many different organism

specialized: Enriched media for fastidious bacteria, with complex nutritional needs

chemically defined, meaning that every component is known and quantified. (Water, Glucose, NH4Cl, KH2PO4, K2HPO4, MgSO4, Na acetate, Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic acid, Cysteine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Histidine, Isoleucine, Etc.)

complex, made of extracts or digests from yeast, meat, or plants so the components are undetermined and variable (Water, Peptone, Beef extract, NaCl)

Selective media inhibits the growth of unwanted microorganisms and supports the growth of the organism of interest by supplying nutrients and reducing competition

Differential media: make it easy to distinguish colonies of different bacteria by a change in the color of the colonies or the color of the medium.

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Describe how we obtain a pure culture via plate streaking.


Obtaining a pure culture of bacteria is usually accomplished by spreading bacteria on the surface of a solid medium so that a single cell occupies an isolated portion of the agar surface. This single cell will go through repeated multiplication to produce a visible colony of similar cells, or clones.

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Explain the term biofilm.


biofilm: complex ecosystem of bacteria embedded in a matrix

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Define the terms genetics, genome, chromosome, gene, genetic code, genotype and phenotype.


Genetics: the study of how genes and how traits are passed down from one generation to the next.

genome: entire genetic content of a cell

chromosome: discrete DNA structure within a cell that controls cellular activities

gene: a sequence of DNA that codes for a single protein = one gene one polypeptide

genetic code: correspondence between mRNA nucleotide codons and the translated amino acids

Genotype: precise sequence of nucleotides found in that individual organism
For example: the sequence of the gene encoding the lactase enzyme

Phenotype: observable characteristics that result from the organism’s genotype
For example: ability to digest lactose

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Explain DNA replication, including all the enzymes involved.


DNA replication is the process by which the genome’s DNA is copied in cells.
DNA replication is semi-conservative.

Semi-conservative means that each daughter strand has one parental strand and one newly synthesized strand.

The old strand is used as a pattern to make the new strand using complementary binding.

Step 1: Helicase breaks the hydrogen bonds holding the two strands together, so they separate

Step 2: DNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing new strand, complementing the bases on the template strand

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Explain what is meant by the concept of The Central Dogma of Biology. Also, know
what is meant by “one gene – one polypeptide hypothesis.”


The Central Dogma of Biology describes the flow of information in the cell.
central dogma states that DNA organized into genes specifies the sequences of messenger RNA (mRNA), which, in turn, specifies the amino acid sequence of proteins.

a single protein = one gene one polypeptide

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List the similarities and differences between DNA and RNA.


Both DNA and RNA are nucleic acids made of nucleotides involved in gene expression.
What are the differences between DNA and RNA?

bases (RNA: uracil, DNA: thymine)
Sugar (RNA: ribose, DNA: deoxyribose)
# of strands (RNA: 1, DNA: 2)

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Describe process of transcription, indicate where and how transcription occurs in eukaryotic cells and where/how it occurs in prokaryotic cells. Be able to describe the enzyme involved, how it knows where to begin transcription, how it knows how to end transcription.


Translation is the decoding of the mRNA message into a polypeptide by the ribosome.

The language is called the GENETIC CODE.

Translation is the process of decoding the mRNA into a sequence of amino acids.

What is required for translation?
mRNA template
Ribosome: made of a mix of rRNAs and protein

Transcription begins when RNA polymerase binds to a promoter sequence near the beginning of a gene (directly or through helper proteins).
RNA polymerase uses one of the DNA strands (the template strand) as a template to make a new, complementary RNA molecule.
Transcription ends in a process called termination. Termination depends on sequences in the RNA, which signal that the transcript is finished.

Eukaryotic transcription is carried out in the nucleus of the cell by one of three RNA polymerases, depending on the RNA being transcribed, and proceeds in three sequential stages: Initiation. Elongation. Termination.

Prokaryotic transcription is the process in which messenger RNA transcripts of genetic material in prokaryotes are produced, to be translated for the production of proteins. Prokaryotic transcription occurs in the cytoplasm alongside translation. Prokaryotic transcription and translation can occur simultaneously.

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Indicate where and how translation occurs, the machinery the carries out translation, and a step by step account of translation from beginning to end.


Ribosome: Translation Machinery

Found in the cytoplasm

Made of BOTH protein and ribosomal
RNAs (rRNAs)

Made up of 2 parts: the small subunit and the large subunit

Translation: using the information carried by the mRNA to make a protein

mRNA enters the cytoplasm from the nucleus

The first tRNA is released

A tRNA with an anticodon which complements the next 3 bases on the mRNA then delivers its amino acid

A ribosome and a tRNA with the UAC anticodon and the amino acid methionine, assemble on the mRNA

There are no tRNAs that have an anticodon for this last codon; it is a STOP. The ribosome falls off the mRNA and the peptide is released

The ribosome moves to the next codon

A peptide bond forms between the 2 amino acids

In prokaryotes, multiple RNA polymerases can transcribe a single bacterial gene while numerous ribosomes concurrently translate the mRNA transcripts into polypeptides.

Is this possible in eukaryotes?
This allows prokaryotes to respond to their environment faster.


Classify the type of mutation and predict the consequences the polypeptide formed when given the wild type and mutated DNA sequence.


Reminder: mutations are random and permanent changes in the DNA sequence.

Mutations can be as small as an alteration of a single base

Mutations occur randomly and generally do not interfere with the organism.

However, if a mutation occurs in a gene it is usually deleterious, but it can also result an advantageous effect.

If the DNA in a gene is altered, the mRNA transcribed from that gene will also be altered and the protein will be altered (might not fold correctly)


Name different types of mutations and what causes them.


Spontaneous mutations come from DNA replication.
DNA polymerase makes 1 uncorrected mistake in every 30 million base pairs.

Induced mutations: come from exposure to mutagens, either chemical agents or radiation.

Point mutation: substitution of a single base

Silent mutation: has no effect on the protein sequence

missense mutation: results in an amino acid substitution

nonsense mutation: substitutes a stop codon for an amino acid

frameshift mutation: insertion or deletion of one or more bases

insertion or deletion mutation: results in a shift in the reading frame


Define the term mutagen and describe the difference between spontaneous and induced mutations, between nucleoside analogs vs those that intercalating agents.


mutagen: type of chemical agent or radiation that can induce mutations

Spontaneous mutations come from DNA replication.
DNA polymerase makes 1 uncorrected mistake in every 30 million base pairs.

Induced mutations: come from exposure to mutagens, either chemical agents or radiation.

Nucleoside analogues are nucleosides which contain a nucleic acid analogue and a sugar.

Intercalating agents are hydrophobic heterocyclic ring molecules that resemble the ring structure of base pairs, and include ethidium bromide, acridine orange, and actinomycin D. Insertion of these agents distorts the DNA double helix, thereby interfering with DNA replication, transcription, and repair.


Identify the purpose of, and outline the procedure for, the Ames test.


The Ames Test:
Uses a genetically engineered bacteria which cannot grow without histidine being added to the media (auxotrophs: nutritional mutant with a loss-of-function mutation in a gene encoding the biosynthesis of a specific nutrient such as an amino acid)

Treat the bacteria with the potential mutagen

Add rat liver extract and Salmonella to top control tube; add rat liver extract, possible mutagen, and Salmonella to bottom experimental tube. Plate and incubate both samples using medium lacking histidine.
Compare growth on plates to identify revertants, which suggest mutagen causes mutations.


Explain how radiation causes mutations and how it can be repaired using photoactivated or dark repair.

  • Radiation is an example of a physical mutagenic agent. There are also many chemical agents as well as biological agents (such as viruses) that cause mutations. One very important fact to remember is that radiation increases the spontaneous mutation rate, but does not produce any new mutations.
  • Proofreading by DNA polymerase
  • Mismatch repair soon after mistake.
  • Repairing thymine dimers
    > Photoactivated
    > Break bonds between dimerized bases
  • Dark repair
    > Endonuclease breaks defective strand
    > DNA polymerase synthesizes a replacement strand
    > Exonuclease removes damaged strand
    > Ligase seals gap

Define gene regulation and explain why at any given moment bacteria are only expressing a fraction of their genes.


Gene Regulation: Repressor Proteins Usually Determine Whether Operon is ON or OFF

Only a fraction of the genes in a cell are expressed at any one time. The variety of gene expression profiles characteristic of different cell types arise because these cells have distinct sets of transcription regulators. Some of these regulators work to increase transcription, whereas others prevent or suppress it.


Define operon.


operon: a group of genes with related functions often found clustered together within the prokaryotic chromosome and transcribed under the control of a single promoter and operator repression sequence


Explain regulation of gene expression in bacteria in both an inducible operon and in a repressible operon.


There are 2 types of operons: Repressible and Inducible

Expression of genes regulated in two main ways:
Repressible Operon:
The genes are usually turned “on” or expressed unless there is a signal to turn them “off”

Inducible Operon:
The genes are usually turned “off” unless there is a signal to turn them “on”


Know all the steps of the trp operon, both in the absence of and in the presence of tryptophan.


Trp operon: genes that encode proteins used to synthesize (make) tryptophan, which is an amino acid.

Repressible =Operon is always On, unless it is turned Off

Analogy: Ford car assembly line is always on, unless there are too many cars that haven’t been sold, then it gets turned off

In the absence of tryptophan, the trp repressor dissociates from the operator, and RNA synthesis proceeds.

When tryptophan is present, the trp repressor binds the operator, and RNA synthesis is blocked.


Know all the steps of the lac operon, both in the absence of and in the presence of lactose.


Inducer Example: Lac Operon
E. coli prefers to have glucose for energy, but if no glucose is available and lactose is present, E. coli turns on the lac operon to be able to use the lactose instead.
Genes code for proteins used to breakdown LACTOSE

Inducible= operon is OFF, unless a molecule is present to turn it on
Analogy: Gas shortage so Ford turns on assembly line for electric cars (use available food source)

Repressor (LacI) is constitutively expressed (always made).

Without inducer, the repressor is ACTIVE (meaning it is the right shape to bind to the operator DNA sequence) and blocks RNA polymerase binding.

Alloactose (inducer) binds to the repressor, changing its shape, so it can’t bind the operator.

E. coli prefers glucose over lactose if both are present.

There is another layer of control of expression of the Lac operon.

Glucose utilizing genes are expressed constitutively.

If both glucose and lactose are present in the medium, the bacterium will use the glucose first, so the Lac operon will be repressed even though lactose is available.

When glucose is depleted, the Lac operon is de-repressed (turned back on).

In the absence of lactose, the lac repressor binds the operator, and transcription is blocked.

In the presence of lactose, the lac repressor is released from the operator, and transcription proceeds at a slow rate.


Explain catabolite repression of the lac operon step by step


When high levels of glucose are present in a cell, the amount of a signal molecule, cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) is low. This inhibits the formation of a cAMP-CAP (catabolite gene activator protein) complex that promotes RNA polymerase-DNA binding. The operon is not efficiently transcribed.

When glucose levels in the cell are low, cAMP levels rise, and the formation of the cAMP-CAP complex is more likely.

The cAMP-CAP-DNA complex promotes RNA polymerase-DNA binding and increases transcription of the operon

To get efficient lac operon transcription, glucose must be low AND allolactose must be present.

In absence of cAMP, CAP does not bind the promoter. Transcription occurs at a low rate.
cAMP-CAP complex stimulates RNA polymerase activity and increases RNA synthesis.
In the presence of cAMP, CAP binds the promoter and increases RNA polymerase activity.
However, even in the presence of cAMP-CAP complex, RNA synthesis is blocked when repressor is bound to the operator.


Define the term biotechnology and describe what fields it pertains to.


Biotechnology: The science of using living systems to benefit humankind.
Biotechnology can be used for industrial, medical, and agricultural applications with synthetic biology (assembling D N A pieces into new genetic elements)


Define recombinant DNA technology and explain the example of using microorganism to make human insulin.


Recombinant DNA technology (also called DNA cloning): a piece of DNA is copied from one organism and pasted into a small piece of DNA called a plasmid.

The insulin gene from humans was inserted into a plasmid. This recombinant DNA plasmid was then inserted into bacteria. As a result, these transgenic microbes are able to produce and secrete human insulin. Many prokaryotes are able to acquire foreign DNA and incorporate functional genes into their own genome through “mating” with other cells (conjugation), viral infection (transduction), and taking up DNA from the environment (transformation).


Explain the 3 steps of creating recombinant DNA.

  1. PCR makes multiple copies of GeneX
    THe polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is DNA replication invitro, multiplying segments of target DNA(a few kbp in length) up to the billionfold during amplification.
    PCR requires the following components which are mixed in a tube:
    Template DNA—contains the target DNA to be amplified
    Primers—short pieces of DNA that designate where the copying will begin and end
    DNA polymerase—enzyme that will replicate the DNA
    Buffer solution—provides the proper pH and salt concentration for the replication reaction to occur efficiently
    Steps in PCR:
  2. Denaturation– separate strands of template D N A by heating at a high temperature
  3. Annealing: lower temperature to allow primers to bind to target sequence
  4. Extension: D N A polymerase extends primers using original D N A template
  5. Restriction enzymes cut the PCR products and plasmid
  6. Ligate the plasmid and PCR products together
  7. Transform the cell

Explain the purpose of PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and describe what happens in each step.


The P C R amplifies specific D N A sequences.
(a) Target D N A is heated to separate the strands, and a large excess of two oligonucleotide primers, one complementary to each strand, is added along with D N A polymerase.
(b) Following primer annealing, primer extension yields a copy of the original double-stranded D N A.
(c) Two additional P C R cycles yield four and eight copies, respectively, of the original D N A sequence.
(d) Effect of running 20 P C R cycles on a D N A preparation originally containing 1 copy of a target gene. Note that the plot is semilogarithmic.


Describe restriction endonuclease, where they cut DNA (restriction sites), how they cut (leave sticky ends), and what the DNA pieces they cut are called.


Restriction endonucleases (restriction enzymes) are used to cut the DNA at specific sequences called restriction sites.
Why might bacteria have these naturally?
Protect the bacteria from invading bacteriophages (viruses)

  • DNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis

Explain the job of ligase and what DNA pieces it can glue together.


Any DNA molecules cut with same restriction enzyme can be joined together by another enzyme called ligase because of sticky ends.


Explain the purpose of gel electrophoresis, how it works, including what the charge of the DNA molecule is and the positioning of the electrodes.


Agarose gel acts like a maze of small holes

Small DNA fragments move quickly through the small pores

Larger fragments take more time to “wiggle” though.

DNA (negatively charged) moves through gel toward the positive end by adding an electrical current


Define the term plasmid vector and describe the 3 essential features of plasmid vectors.


Plasmid vector: Carries the inserted piece of DNA into the bacterium where it gets replicated/expressed

Plasmid vectors usually contain:
1. Ori (origin of replication)
2. Antibiotic resistance markers, usually at least two
3. Known restriction sites often in the form of several grouped together called a multiple-cloning site or polylinker.


Explain the three different types of horizontal gene transfer: transformation, transduction, and conjugation.


There are 3 different methods:

  1. Transformation: competent cells take up DNA directly from their environment
  2. Transduction: DNA transferred by bacteriophage (virus that infects bacteria)
  3. Conjugation: One live bacterium transfers the plasmid to another live bacterium via a pilus.

For transformation: definite the term competent cells, understand the difference between artificial and natural competence, describe how the DNA gets inside the cell.


Transformation is when competent cells take up DNA from the environment.

Cells are either naturally competent or artificially competent
- Natural: Competence factors: surface proteins that allow bacteria
- Artificial: treatments can increase membrane permeability (CaCl2, electroporation )

Large (7,00-10,000 bp) DNA fragments can be accepted.

  1. Donor DNA associates with DNA binding protein on the cell surface
  2. One strand of the DNA is transported into the cell while the other strand is hydrolyzed by a nuclease.
  3. At least part of the donor DNA can move into the cell’s chromosome by homologous recombination

For transduction, describe the difference between virulent viruses that use the lytic cycle and temperate viruses that use the lysogenic cycle and lytic cycle. Explain the difference between general transduction and specific transduction.


Transduction: using a virus that infects bacteria to pass genes from one bacteria to another.

Viruses can infect using to different approaches
- Virulent viruses infect using the lytic cycle
- Temperate viruses infect using the lysogenic cycle

  1. A bacteriophage injects its DNA into a bacterium
    - During the lytic cycle of virulent phage, the bacteriophage takes over the cell, reproduces new phages, and destroys the cell
  2. Phage DNA is replicated, and the bacterium’s chromosome is broken down. Viral proteins are synthesized
  3. When new phage particles are assembled, some phage heads may get stuffed with bacterial rather than viral DNA
  4. If that phage infects another bacterium, it can transfer genes from the lysed bacterium into a new cell.
    Temperate phage can incorporate into the cell’s chromosome (lysogenic) but can be induced into a lytic cycle in which many infective phage particles are produced.

Transduction occurs when a bacteriophage transfers bacterial DNA from one bacterium to another during sequential infections.

There are two main types:

  1. Generalized transduction: when the virus picks up a random piece of bacterial chromosome by mistake during the lytic cycle.
  2. Specialized transduction: occurs at the end of the lysogenic cycle, when the prophage is excised, and the bacteriophage enters the lytic cycle.

For conjugation, describe the process step by step.


Conjugation: when DNA is transferred between 2 liver bacteria.

  • DNA is transferred between cells
  • Requires physical contact between cells
  • F plasmids; code for pilus

Describe the purpose and process of using antibiotic resistance genes for selection.


We use antibiotic resistance and a reporter gene.

Each plasmid has an antibiotic resistance gene, so if we grow the bacteria on media containing that antibiotic, only bacteria that took up the plasmid will live.


Explain the concept of using a reporter gene to check for a gene insert in a plasmid.


A reporter gene is another gene sequence artificially engineered into the plasmid that encodes a protein that allows for visualization of DNA insertion.

Blue/white screening
- Insertional inactivation of gene within lacZ (encodes the β-galactosidase enzyme) used to detect cloned D N A
- Transformants are plated on media containing ampicillin and X-gal which turns blue when broken down by β-galactosidase.
- Cells containing vector with insert are white because no β-galactosidase formed.


Explain the purpose of the CRISPR-Cas9 in bacteria.


Genome editing: Use of C R I S P R/Cas9 system from Streptococcus pyogenes to alter eukaryotic genomes in living cells

Sequence Targeting by the Cas9 Protein
- Cas proteins of C R I S P R systems function as endonucleases when guided to nucleic acids by binding of C R I S P R R N A s (c r R N A s)
- Synthetic R N A (synthetic guide R N A [s g R N A]) can be designed to recruit Streptococcus Cas9 and bind to target D N A, enabling cutting in genome of almost any cell
- At cut site, D N A can be ligated or used to insert new D N A

Sequence Targeting by the Cas9 Protein
. Also requires protospacer adjacent motif (P A M) on target D N A for complete endonuclease activity
- Various methods of C R I P S R system delivery by injection
. Plasmid
. s g R N A and mR N A can be made in vitro
- Homologous recombination can be used to incorporate new D N A (insertion)
- Nonhomologous double-stranded D N A break repair pathway can ligate after deletion


Describe in general terms how CRISPR-Cas9 can be used for genome editing.


C R I S P R Editing in Practice:
- Edit genomes of crops and farm animals
- Edit the human genome to treat genetic diseases
- Treat other diseases (for example, viral diseases)
- Diagnostic tool to detect pathogens

Ethical questions about use in humans:


Explain the fact the viruses are acellular, obligate, intracellular parasites.


acellular: not made of cells
Obligate intracellular parasites:
- Lack genes needed for successful reproduction
- Require a host cell to reproduce

obligate intracellular pathogen microorganism that cannot synthesize its own ATP and, therefore, must rely on a host cell for energy; behaves like a parasite when inside a host cell, but is metabolically inactive outside of a host cell

  1. Infectious, acellular pathogens
  2. Obligate intracellular parasites
    - Lack genes needed for successful reproduction
    - Require a host cell to reproduce
  3. DNA or RNA genome
  4. Genetic material is surrounded by a capsid (protein coat)

Define the term virion.


virion: inert particle that is the reproductive form of a virus


Describe what viruses are made of: a genome (RNA or DNA), a capsid, and some have an envelope, including its composition.


All viruses have genetic material and a capsid.
- Capsid(protective coat): made of capsomeres protein subunits
- Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA)

Some viruses have an envelope (enveloped) and others do not (naked or non-enveloped).
- Envelope (phospholipid membrane)
- Spike proteins (glycoproteins that help cell entry)


Explain the concept of host range and why viruses normally have a limited host range.


Most viruses can only infect one kind of cells or a few species = HOST RANGE
- Having a wide host range is rare.
- Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacteriophages.

Why is host range so limited?
- Cells must have specific receptor sites that the virus can attach to
- Cell must contain the enzymes the virus needs to uncoat
- Cell must have the rest of the synthetic machinery


Explain the concept of transmission, including what a vector is, both mechanical and biological.


Transmission: how a virus is passed from host to host.

Viruses can be passed by
1. Direct contact
2. Indirect contact through an object
3. Vector: which is an animal that passes the virus from one host to another
- Mechanical vector: virus travels outside vector
- Biological vector: virus travels inside


Be able to describe the three most common capsid shapes.


Viruses can vary in the shape of their capsids
The shape of the capsid is determined by their capsomeres.
Helical: rod-shaped
Polyhedral: many sided
Complex: have features of both


Identify the two main groups that classify viruses.


Viruses are not classified under the three domains of life, but still need classification.

However, they can mutate so quickly that it’s difficult to label them with a genus and species.
There are two main systems of classification:
- International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) classifies viruses into families and genera based on viral genetics, chemistry, morphology, and mechanism of multiplication.
- The Baltimore System classifies viruses according to their genomes.


Know all the different types of genomes that viruses can have and explain what they mean (ssDNA, dsDNA, ssRNA + strand, ssRNA – strand, dsRNA, and RNA with reverse transcriptase.


[Genome, family, example virus, clinical features]

dsDNA; enveloped:
(Poxviridae, Orthopoxvirus, skin papules, pustules, and lesions), (Poxviridae, Parapoxvirus, skin lesions), and (Herpesviridae, Simplexvirus, Cold sores, genital herpes, sexually transmitted disease)

dsDNA, naked:
(Adenoviridae, Atadenovirus, Respiratory infection (common cold)), (Papillomaviridae, Papillomavirus, Genital warts, cervical, vulvar, or vaginal cancer), and (Reoviridae, Reovirus, Gastroenteritis severe diarrhea (stomach flu))

ssDNA, naked:
(Parvoviridae, Adeno-associated,dependoparvovirus A, Respiratory tract infection), (Parvoviridae, Adeno-associated dependoparvovirus B, Respiratory tract infection)

dsRNA, naked: (Reoviridae, Rotavirus, Gastroenteritis)

+ssRNA, naked:
(Picornaviridae, Enterovirus C, Poliomyelitis), (Picornaviridae, Rhinovirus, Upper respiratory tract infection (common cold)), and (Picornaviridae, Hepatovirus, Hepatitis)

+ssRNA, enveloped: (Togaviridae, Alphavirus, Encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever), (Togaviridae, Rubivirus, Rubella), and (Retroviridae, Lentivirus, Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS))

−ssRNA, enveloped:
(Filoviridae, Zaire Ebolavirus, Hemorrhagic fever), (Orthomyxoviridae, Influenzavirus A, B, C, Flu), and (Rhabdoviridae, Lyssavirus, Rabies)


Explain the lytic and lysogenic cycles of viral replication.


Viral Replication in prokaryotic hosts occurs via the lysogenic or lytic cycle.
- The lytic cycle results in the death of the bacteria.
- The lysogenic cycle results in the viral genome combining with the host until induction into the lytic cycle.
1. The phage infects a cell
2. The phage DNA becomes incorporated into the host genome
3. The cell divides, and prophage DNA is passed on to daughter cells
4. Under stressful conditions, the prophage DNA is excised from the bacterial chromosome and enters the lytic cycle
5. Phage DNA replicates and phage proteins are made
6. New phage particles are assembled
7. The cell lyses, releasing the newly made phages


Know the six steps of viral replication in animal hosts.

  1. Attachment
  2. Penetration
  3. Uncoating
  4. Viral genome replication: mechanism depends on genome type
  5. Maturation
  6. Release

Explain the differences in the genomes and life cycle/replication of +ssRNA and -ssRNA viruses. Be able to explain the steps in the life cycle of each of these viral types including the function of RdRP.


Genomes of ssRNA viruses for positive(+) vs negative (-):
- If the genome sequence is the mRNA sequence it’s a positive (+) strand virus. (sense: 5’UGACCAUGGGA3’)
- If the genome sequence is complementary to the mRNA sequence it’s a negative (-) strand virus. (antisense: 3’ACUGGUACCCU5’)

+ssRNA virus:
1. Virions enter the cell by endocytosis and are uncoated to release the +ssRNA genome.

  1. +ssRNA genome is translated by host cell’s ribosomes to produce viral proteins including RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp).
  2. RdRp synthesizes -ssRNA complementary copies of the +ssRNA genome.
  3. RdRp synthesizes +ssRNA complementary genomic copies of this –ssRNA.
  4. The newly synthesized copies of the genome and the viral proteins are assembled.
  5. The virions exit the cell.

-ssRNA virus:
1. Virions enter the cell by endocytosis and are uncoated to release the -ssRNA genome and RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp).

  1. RdRp synthesizes +ssRNA complementary copies of the -ssRNA genome.
  2. The +ssRNA complementary copies are translated by the host cell’s ribosomes to produce viral proteins including more RdRp.
  3. RdRp synthesizes the -ssRNA genome using additional copies of the +ssRNA as the template.
  4. The newly synthesized copies of the genome and the viral proteins are assembled.
  5. The virions exit the cell.

Explain the steps in a retroviral life cycle and the function of reverse transcriptase


The flow of events during the life cycle:

  1. Entry and uncoating of the retrovirus.
  2. Reverse transcriptase activity, two steps.
  3. Viral DNA enters nucleus and integrates into the host genome.
  4. Transcription by host RNA polymerase forms viral mRNA and genome copies.
  5. Translation of mRNA forms viral proteins; new nucleocapsids assembled and released through the host cytoplasmic membrane by budding.

Define latent vs chronic infections.

  • Latent: viruses that hide or stay dormant in the cell after an acute infection but can reemerge. (example: varicella-zoster virus [chicken pox/ shingles])
  • Chronic: virus that cause persistent symptoms over time; if body can’t eliminate virus, the virus can persist in tissues for years before symptoms. (example: HIV)

Compare and contrast plant vs animal viruses.


Plant viruses are more like animal viruses than they are like bacteriophage.

  • May be envelope or non-enveloped
  • May have a DNA or RNA genome
  • May have a broad or narrow host range
  • How do you think they are transmitted?
    > Mechanical vectors (insects)
    > Through wounds from pruning or damage

Explain the 4 stages of the viral growth curve.


Viral growth curve: described by viral titer: number of virions per unit volume.

  1. Inoculation: inoculum of virus binds to cells
  2. Eclipse: virions penetrate the cells
  3. Burst: host cells release many viral particles
  4. Burst size: number of virions released per bacterium

Identify the major attributes of the viral families: Picornaviridae, Retroviridae, Paramyxoviridae, and Coronaviridae.


large family containing 47 genera and 110 species; virion: non-enveloped, 30-32 nm (small), icosahedral; genome: +ssRNA; host range: vertebrates; examples: enterovirus: polio and rhinovirus: common cold

large family of viruses that reverse transcribe their RNA to DNA = RETROVIRUSES; virion: enveloped, 80-100 nm (medium), spherical capsid; genome: dimer(2) +ssRNA; host range: human and animal vertebrates; examples: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which is the virus that causes AIDS

Many members of this family cause human diseases such as measles, mumps, and some parainfluenzas; virion: enveloped, 300-500 nm (large), mostly spherical; genome: -ssRNA; Host range: mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles; spread by physical contact or airborne transmission

Virion: enveloped, 120-160 nm (medium-large) helical capsid; genome: -ssRNA with 7-8 segments; host range: mammals, birds, and fish; examples: influenza (Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase in envelope) and Coronavirus


Compare and contrast viroids, virusoids, and prions. Know an example of each.


Viriods: composed of a short strand of circular RNA that can self replicate
Virusoids: ssRNA that’s not self-replicating and needs a “helper virus” to cause disease
Prions: infectious protein particles, no DNA or RNA required


Define the term fomite and explain how we decide how clean a surface needs to be.


Fomites: various items that humans interact that might harbor microbes; examples: doorknobs, toys, cell phones, etc.

To decide how to clean a surface, you need to ask 2 questions:
1. What’s the application for which that item is used? If the item is inserted in the body, then it must be much cleaner.
2. How resistant are the potential pathogens to antimicrobial treatment? Because C.botulinum can produce endospores that can survive harsh conditions, it must be killed by extreme temperature, etc.


Understand how different BSL are determined and what precautions are taken at each level (BSL-1, BSL-2, BSL-3, and BSL-4)


BSL-1: microbes are not known to cause disease in healthy hosts and pose minimal risk to workers and the environment. (nonpathogenic strains of E.coli)

BSL-2: Microbes are typically indigenous and are associated with disease of varying severity. They pose moderate risk to workers and the environment. (S.aureus)

BSL-3: Microbes are indigenous or exotic and cause serious of potentially lethal disease through respiratory transmission. (M.tuberculosis)

BSL-4: Microbes are dangerous and exotic, posing a high risk of aerosol-transmitted infections, which are frequently fatal without treatment or vaccines. Few labs are at this level. (Ebola and Marburg viruses)


Compare and contrast the processes of sterilization, disinfection, and sanitization.

  1. Sterilization: complete removal or killing of all vegetative cells, endospores, and viruses.
    - Most extreme measure
    - Used in laboratories, medical, and food industry
    - Can be done through physical means, chemical means, or by filtering
    -Chemicals that achieve sterilization are called sterilants.
  2. Disinfection: inactivates most of the microbes on a fomite by chemicals or heat.
    - Surface isn’t sterile after disinfection because endospores remain.
    - Should be fast acting, cheap, and easy to used.
    - Examples: vinegar, bleach
  3. Sanitization: the cleansing of fomites to a level deemed safe for public health.
    - Done by application of heat or chemicals
    - Example: commercial dishwashing or cleaning public restrooms

Define the process of aseptic technique, antiseptics, and degerming, and give examples.


Aseptic technique: prevents contamination of sterile surfaces.
- Collection of protocols that maintain sterility (asepsis)
- If not done correctly in a clinical setting, can cause sepsis in the patient, which is a systemic inflammatory response that can lead to death.
- Medical procedures with risk of infection must be done in a sterile field, a designated area to remain free of all metabolically active microbes, endospores, and viruses

Antiseptics: antimicrobial chemicals safe for use on living skin or tissues.
- Disinfection on surfaces is done using this.
- They must kill bacteria, but not damage tissue. (examples: hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol)

Degerming: reducing microbial number by gentle scrubbing and using a mild chemical. (examples: hand washing, alcohol swabs)


Explain how we can use the microbial death curve to describe the effectiveness of a protocol and define the decimal reduction time.


Microbial Death Curve: describes the effectiveness of a certain protocol.
- The percentage of microbes killed is the most useful information.
- The amount of time it takes for the population to decrease 10-fold is the decimal reduction time (DRT) or D value


Describe the 3 factors that determine how effective a protocol is for reducing microbe number.

  1. Length of time of exposure
  2. Susceptibility of the organism to that disinfectant or protocol
  3. The concentration of the disinfectant or intensity of exposure

Explain how physical methods for controlling microbe growth affect the microbes.


Physical methods for controlling microbe growth include heat, cold, pressure, desiccation(drying), and radiation.

How do they damage microbe?
- Disrupting membranes
- Changing membrane permeability
- Damaging proteins or nucleic acids
- Degradation
- Chemical modification


Describe the physical methods: heat (dry-heat and moist-heat, the details of autoclaving and pasteurization), cold (refrigeration and freezing), pressure, desiccation (drying), and radiation (Ionizing, non-ionizing, and UV rays).


Thermal death point (TDP) is the temperature at which a microbe is killed after a 10-minute exposure.
Thermal death time is the length of time needed to kill a microbe at a certain temperature.
Boiling: oldest form and quite effective on bacteria, but not on endospores (can withstand 20 hours of boiling).
- Dry-heat: is direct application of high temperatures like a Bunsen burner.
> Oxidizing molecules
> Often involves open flame
- Moist-heat: uses steam and is generally more effective because it penetrates cells better.
- Denatures proteins and nucleic acids.

> Autoclaves: use high temperature, steam, and pressure
- 121oC for 20 min
- Slow exhaust
- Materials must be loosely wrapped and have indicator tape.
> Pasteurization: used when boiling or autoclaving would ruin the food (like milk) but does not sterilize.
- Reduces microbe number to prolong time before spoilage
- high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurization, exposes milk to a temperature of 72 °C for 15 seconds
- ultra-high-temperature (UHT) pasteurization, in which the milk is exposed to a temperature of 138 °C for 2 or more seconds. Doesn’t need refrigeration, but changes taste.

- Refrigeration and freezing is also effective at controlling microbe growth.
> Refrigeration (0-7 degree C) slows growth.
> Freezing (-2) may kill microbes or halt growth, but when thawed growth can continue.
> Long term storage is best at -70 degrees C or in liquid nitrogen.

Pressure and Desiccation (drying):
> Pressure: exposure to high pressure often kills many microbes (but not endospores).
- Often used in the food industry to maintain food quality and extend shelf life.
- Pressure between 100 and 800 Mpa
> Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: can be used to treat infections in clinical settings
- Patient breaths pure oxygen at higher-than-normal pressure
- Increases oxygen saturation in tissues that have become hypoxic due to infection
- Increased oxygen saturation also increases efficiency of immune system cells and antibiotics
- Disadvantages: rarely causes oxygen toxicity or can damage delicate tissue due to increased air pressure

Desiccation (drying): has been used to preserve food for a long time.
- Cells need water to survive, so drying controls their growth.
- Can be dried by the sun or freeze-dried (lyophilization)
- The water activity (the water content) can also be decreased by addition of high concentrations of salt or sugar
Most bacteria can’t grow in high osmotic pressure

Radiation is the use of high energy radiation or sunlight is used to kill microbes or slow growth.
- Ionizing radiation: permeates the cell, damages DNA and forms peroxides which are strongly oxidizing
Penetrates packaging to sterile lab supplies that cannot be autoclaved
- Non-ionizing radiation: not powerful enough to permeate packaging
UV rays can even be used at home
- Microwaves
Not effective against spores since they contain little water


Explain how chemical methods for controlling microbe growth affect the microbes and give examples of each. Know specifically how Triclosan works.


Chemicals can be used to control microbial growth by denaturing proteins or disrupting the membrane.
> How can we choose the proper disinfectant or antiseptic?; Consider:
- What kind of microbe are we trying to control?
- How clean does the item need to be?
- Is the chemical toxic to people, animals, or plants?
- How costly is it?
- How easy is it to use?

Phenolics inhibit microbes by denaturing proteins and disrupting membranes.

Heavy Metals kill microbe by acting an inhibitors of enzymes.
- Effective in very low concentrations.
- Disadvantage: toxicity not limited to microbes (can accumulate in human cells and be toxic)
- Examples:
> Mercury: has been used for many years to treat syphilis but is not banned in US for toxicity
> Silver: lined water jugs with silver in ancient times
- Sometimes combined with antibiotics to make them more effective
> Copper, Nickel, and Zinc
- Copper used in swimming pools as an algicide, becoming more popular
- Zinc chloride is very safe, found in mouthwashes

Halogens (iodine, chlorine, and fluorine) Oxidize cellular components, destabilizing them
> Betadine: an iodine containing liquid that’s used to prep skin before surgery
> Chlorine gas: used to clean drinking water but, exposure to people working at treatment plants must be minimized.
- Also used in swimming pools
- Doesn’t kill everything, sometimes boiling’s required.
> Fluoride: added to drinking water for dental health.

Alcohols quickly denature proteins and disrupt membranes.
> Effective concentration: 70-100%[hand sanitizer]
> Mostly bactericidal and fungicidal, but only kill viruses that are enveloped

Surfactants are amphipathic and wash away microbes
> Not considered antiseptics or disinfectants, but may effectively reduce microbes on surfaces by degerming

Peroxygens: Hydrogen peroxide oxidized cellular components
Superchemical Gases: Carbon dioxide lowers intracellular pH
Natural and Chemical Food Preservatives: decrease pH and inhibit enzymes

Triclosan is another bisphenol compound that has seen widespread application in antibacterial products over the last several decades.
At high concentrations, triclosan works by interfering with the outer membrane that protects bacteria, making it permeable so that triclosan can penetrate it and kill the microorganism. At lower concentrations, triclosan attacks several targets.


Understand why good antibiotics display selective toxicity, know the popular targets of antibiotics on bacteria, and know specifically the target of penicillin, streptomycin, polymoxin, rifamycin.


Good antimicrobial agents exhibit selective toxicity.
> Selectively kills microbial targets while sparing host.
> Most antimicrobials are antibiotics because prokaryotes have more unique targets than fungi or viruses.
> Common targets:
- Cell Wall
- Plasma Membrane
- Ribosomes
- Metabolic Pathways
- DNA synthesis


Describe antibiotics in terms of their effect on the target (bactericidal vs bacteriostatic), their effective dose, and their spectrum of activity (broad vs narrow).


Effect on target
> Bacteriostatic: agent causes a reversible inhibition of growth
> Bactericidal: agent kills target.

Spectrum of Activity
> Broad spectrum kills many different types (overuse may lead to resistant infections)
> Narrow spectrum kills only a few types


Describe how antibiotic resistance happens and what it means.


Antibiotic resistance happens when germs like bacteria and fungi develop the ability to defeat the drugs designed to kill them; the germs that are not killed, will keep growing.

  1. Lots of germs. A few are drug resistant
  2. Antibiotics kill bacteria causing the illnesses, as well as good bacteria protecting the body from infection
  3. The drug-resistant bacteria is now allowed to grow and take over
  4. Some bacteria give their drug-resistance other than bacteria, causing more problems

Describe what an anti-viral is and how it works to stop the virus.


Antiviral: a substance that fights against viruses and inhibits their growth.

  • Purine and pyrimidine analogs
    > Ribavirin (Virazole) and Acyclovir (Zovirax) are guanine analogs
    > AZT interferes with reverse transcriptase
  • Protease inhibitors; interferes with protein processing
  • Interferon
  • Immunoenhancers

Define terms like primary pathogen, opportunistic pathogen, pathogenicity, infection, infectious disease, communicable, contagious, iatrogenic disease, nosocomial disease, zoonotic disease. noncommunicable disease, noninfectious disease, resistance, and virulence.


Primary pathogens can cause disease regardless of the host’s microbiota or immune system.

Opportunistic pathogens can only cause disease in a host with compromised defenses.

Pathogenicity is the ability of an organism to produce an infectious disease in another organism.

Infection: successful colonization of a host by a microorganism, which can lead to disease

An infectious disease is caused by a primary pathogen that can be a bacterium, fungus, virus, etc.

communicable, which means they can be spread from person to person either directly or indirectly though an object

contagious, meaning that can be spread directly from person to person

Iatrogenic disease: Diseases that are a result of a medical procedure

Nosocomial disease: Disease contracted in a hospital

Zoonotic disease can be passed from animals to humans.

Noncommunicable disease cannot be passed from human to human.

Noninfectious disease is not caused by a pathogen like cancer or a genetic disorder.

Resistance: the capacity of bacteria to withstand the effects of a harmful chemical agent.

Virulence refers to the degree that a pathogen causes illness or “how sick you get.”


Be familiar with the term human microbiota and describe why they illustrate a symbiotic relationship.


Human Microbiota is the types of microbes present in an environmental habitat such as those on the human skin or in the gastrointestinal tract.

Roles of the Human Microbiota:
- Aid in food digestion.
> Produce enzymes to breakdown proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids
- Make molecules that we need but cannot produce.
> Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Lactobacillus make vitamin B12
> Bifidobacterium make folate and biotin
- Development of the immune system
> The immune system does not properly develop in the absence of microbial stimulation
- Occupy space to prevent pathogen colonization


Explain the different between a sign and a symptom. Define the term syndrome.


Signs: objective and measurable indicators of disease
i.e., changes in body temperature, changes in breathing rate or blood pressure

Symptoms: subjective indicators reported by the patient. Can’t be measured.
i.e., Nausea, loss of appetite, pain
Subject to memory bias, sometimes can be reported on a scale

Syndrome: a specific set of signs and symptoms.

Different causes can lead to the same symptoms or signs


Explain the difference between acute, chronic, and latent disease.


Acute disease has a rapid onset and goes away over days or a week. Example: Flu

Chronic disease can change over weeks, months or years. Example: Stomach ulcers from H. pylori

Latent disease is where the pathogen goes dormant in the body without replicating for long periods of time Example: the virus that causes chicken pox and then shingles


Identify the four characteristics necessary for a microorganism to be a successful pathogen.


For a pathogen to be “successful,” it must accomplish the following steps:
1. Gain entry to the host and adhere.
2. Travel to the location where it can cause infection (invasion)
3. Evade the host’s immune system for a time.
4. Cause damage to the host by multiplication, production of virulence factors and toxins


Discuss the varied ways microorganisms may exit a host.

  1. Alimentary: vomiting, diarrhea, saliva.
  2. Genitourinary: sexual contact.
  3. Respiratory: secretions from coughing, sneezing, or talking. 4. Skin: open wounds.

Discuss the routes of entry and transmission of microorganisms into a host.


Pathogens enter a host through a portal of entry.
> Encounter with a potential pathogen is called exposure or contact.
> Major portals of entry include the skin, mucous membranes (respiratory tract, gut), or parenteral routes (breach in skin or mucosal membrane).
> Most pathogens are suited to a certain portal of entry


Recognize the virulence mechanisms that microorganisms possess that contribute to their pathogenicity.


Virulence is how severe the disease is that the pathogen causes.
We can quantify the virulence of a pathogen by using an LD50 curve.
The LD50 is the dose of pathogen that leads to death in 50% of the animals.


Differentiate between endotoxins and exotoxins and recognize examples of each.

  • Endotoxins: Part of the Gram-negative cell wall
  • Exotoxins: proteins released from the pathogen cell as it grows

Comparison of Exotoxins and Endotoxins:
- Exotoxins: High potency, inactive at 60-80 degrees Celsius, and protein composition
- Endotoxins: Low potency, stable(resists at 120 degrees Celsius), and Lipopolysaccharide composition


Define the field of epidemiology and how it relates to etiology and transmission.

  • Epidemiology:
    the study of the occurrence, distribution, and determinants of health and disease in a population
  • Public health:
    the health of the population as a whole
    > Identifying the nature of a disease and its transmission is a major goal of epidemiology
    > In developed countries, infectious diseases cause fewer deaths than noninfectious diseases. However, in developing countries, infectious diseases account for nearly half of all deaths.

Explain the different ways we can define a population.


Epidemiology looks at the prevalence of a pathogen in a population.
- How is a population defined?
> Can be geographically or if only some people are susceptible, may be more complicated.
> Is there a condition, behavior, or membership that makes an individual more susceptible?

Once the population is defined, then we can analyze the disease with empirical measurements.


Describe morbidity rate vs mortality rate, incidence vs prevalence, and common source epidemics vs propagated epidemics.


Morbidity: the state of being diseased

> Morbidity rate:
- Number of affected individuals during a set period compared to the total population (cases per 100,000)
Mortality rate:
- Number of deaths due to the disease of a period compared to total population (deaths per 100,000)
Incidence: number of new cases in a population
Prevalence: total number infected with a disease (almost always higher than incidence since prevalence is cumulative)
Common source epidemics: contact with a contaminated material(eg: contaminated egg salad at a picnic)
- Many cases in a short time period
Propagated epidemic: spread person to person
- Slower spread, more difficult to track and eliminate


Explain how we can understand etiology by using the Germ Theory of Disease.


When studying an epidemic, scientists must first find the etiological (causative) agent;
- It’s not enough to observe an association
- Need to determine direct causation…how do we do that?
- Remember: GERM THEORY OF DISEASE by Robert Koch
1. The suspected causative agent must be absent from all healthy organisms but present in all diseased organisms
2. The causative agent must be isolated from the diseased organism and grown in pure culture
3. The cultured agent must cause the same disease when inoculated into a healthy, susceptible organism
4. The same causative agent must then be reisolated from the inoculated, diseased organism


Describe the contributions of John Snow and Florence Nightingale to the field of epidemiology.

  • John Snow (1813-1858) is the Father of Epidemiology.
    > Was able to tie an outbreak of cholera to a contaminated water pump in the Soho neighborhood of London
  • Florence Nightingale (1820-1910):
    > Part of a group of nurses dispatched during Crimean war to take care of wounded soldiers
    > Took meticulous notes and presented a monthly report of cause of death, which turned out mostly be infectious disease

Understand the main categories of Epidemiological studies.


There are two main types of epidemiological studies: observational and experimental.

  1. Observational:
    > Data are gathered from participants through measurements or answers to interview questions.
    > No manipulation by scientists
    > Explores associations but doesn’t determine cause
    Observational studies explore correlation, not causation.
    There are different observational methods:
  • Descriptive: gathers info to see how disease spread over time
    > Who gets sick, how many get sick, where do they get sick
  • Analytical: goal is to generate hypothesis for cause
    > Compares affected and unaffected individuals
  • Retrospective: gather data from past to present cases
  • Prospective: follow patients and monitor their disease state throughout study
    2. Experimental:
  • Scientists manipulate the subjects to explore the causative agent associated with a disease or assess treatment options or prevention
  • Much less common because of ethical reasons
  • Can use animals or human subjects
    > Koch’s Germ Theory of Disease
  • Example: Drug efficacy
    > Most often double-blinded to avoid the placebo effect

Explain the concept of a reservoir and the different kinds of reservoirs, including the example of Typhoid Mary.


Reservoirs are places where pathogens normally reside.
- Reservoirs can be living or non-living
> some pathogens can reside in soil or water, either naturally or as a result of contamination
- Humans: Communicable disease
> Carriers:
1. Passive carrier: not sick but, passes the pathogen to next host
2. Active carrier: those who harbor (and shed) and infective agent
> Might be during incubation period or convalescence
> Asymptomatic: do not show signs or symptoms: Typhoid Mary (Salmonella typhi)


Describe the three main types of transmission. Know the three types of direct contact and contrast them with indirect contact. Compare mechanical vectors vs biological vectors.


3 main types of transmission:
1. contact: direct or indirect through fomites
- direct contract: when the pathogen is spread by physical contact of 2 people.
> Vertical direct contact: from mother to child during pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding
> Horizontal direct contact: other forms of contact
> Droplet transmission: when an individual coughs or sneezes, small droplets of mucus that may contain pathogens are ejected (Spread of <1m (if over 1m: airborne transmission))
2. Indirect contact: involves fomites that have become contaminated
- example: droplets on a doorknob
- A new host must touch the contaminated fomite and touch a susceptible portal of entry
2. vehicle: through water, food, or air
- Contamination water leads to 500,000 deaths worldwide according to the WHO
- Dust, aerosols, and long-distance droplet transmission are considered airborne vehicle transmission
- Food borne illness: often spread by the oral-fecal route
3. vector: an animal that carries the pathogen from one host to another
- Mechanical vectors: carry the pathogen from one host to the next without infecting themselves
- Biological vectors: animals that become infected themselves and pass the pathogen


Explain the missions of the CDC and the WHO.


The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is the main national public health agency in the US.
- It protects the public from disease and injury
- Certain diseases called notifiable or reportable diseases must reported by a physician if he/she diagnoses a patient with one. 58 on the list
- Helps keep records on morbidity.
- The CDC publishes the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR).
- Helps healthcare professionals keep on top of the latest epidemiological data

The World Health Organization is an agency of the United Nations that looks a disease data globally.
- Analyzes data about diseases.
- Implements strategies to prevent their spread
> Isolation of those with the disease
> Quarantine; includes healthy individuals who were exposed
> Immunization
> Vector control

The CDC and WHO prepare for emerging or reemerging diseases.
- Diseases that are either new to the human population or have become more prevalent in the last 20 years.


Indicate what is meant by innate or “general defense.”


Innate immunity: Everyone is born with innate (or natural) immunity, a type of general protection.


Describe and give examples of anatomical and physical barriers that protect us from infection including the skin, mucous membranes, tears/saliva, sweat glands, stomach acid and secretions, and the normal microbiota.


Anatomical/ Physical Barriers:
1. Skin
- Comprised of tightly packed epithelial cells
- Top layers dead
> Comprised of keratin (protective waterproofing)
- Top layer is continuously shed to help remove microbes
- Dryness of skin helps inhibit growth
- It’s impossible for microorganisms to penetrate intact skin
- When skin is broken due to an injury (cut, burn, etc.) a subcutaneous infection develops
> If you have a cut, this line of defense is breached
> Using a band aid or disinfectant on the wound will prevent unwanted bacteria from coming inside the body
- Sebaceous glands on skin (chemical barrier):
> produces sebum (oil) which lowers the pH of skin and secretes antimicrobial fatty acids
> Some bacteria can metabolize sebum and cause the inflammatory response associated with acne
2. Mucous membranes
- Line gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary tracts
- Less protective than skin.
- Outer epithelial cells secrete mucus (viscous glycoprotein) to trap microbes
- Mucus removed from body by cilia
Skin and mucosal membranes are made of tightly packed epithelial cells.
These structures between cells limit pathogens from gaining access to the bloodstream.
3. Tears/Saliva and Sweat Glands
- Tears :
> Protect eyes by constantly washing and preventing microorganisms from “settling down”
- Saliva:
> Produced by salivary glands
> Contains lactoperoxidase enzyme which can oxidize components of bacteria and viruses.
. Our sweat, tears, saliva, nasal secretions, and urine also contain an enzyme called lysozyme that breaks down peptidoglycans in cell walls of bacteria.
- Sweat Glands:
> Produce perspiration, which helps maintain body temperature at a constant level and remove microorganisms from the surface of the skin
> High lactic acid content and electrolytes inhibit microbial growth.
> Also has antimicrobial peptides
4. Stomach acid and Secretions
- Stomach Acid:
> Contains hydrochloric acid, enzymes, and mucus
> pH ~1.2-3 -> destroys most pathogens and toxins
> Food particles shield some bacteria.

  • Secretions:
    > Defecation, urination, vaginal, vomiting all expel microorganisms
    . Helicobacter pylori can survive in acid conditions (neutralizes stomach acid).
    If it gets into the stomach, it causes ulcers because it triggers immune response.
    5. Normal Micrbiota Function in Innate Immunity; If something is already living in a space, there is no room for new bacteria to grow
  • Normal microbiota:
    > Colonize the host without causing disease (“good niches”)
    > Prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic microorganisms
    > Maintains or alters pH levels, nutrient availability, oxygen levels
    > May inhibit growth of pathogen growth through competition
  • Vaginal secretions via Lactobacillus acidophilus produce lactic acid and keep pH too low for microbial growth by Candida albicans (causative agent of vaginitis).
  • In the large intestine, E.coli produce chemicals that inhibit the growth of Salmonella and Shigella.
    When the human microbiota is disrupted, pathogens can take advantage
  • taking broad spectrum antibiotics can affect the human microbiota
  • when the normal strains are wiped out in the gut, pathogens such as Clostridium difficile can colonize and cause severe diarrhea and even death
  • Fecal implants have been used to recolonize the normal flora to treat C.difficile infections.

Describe the composition of blood, how blood cells are produced, and the functions of the thymus and lymph nodes.


What’s in our blood?
- Blood composed of plasma (liquid) and formed elements (cells and cell fragments)
- Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
- Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)
- Site of T cell development
- Produce T cell receptors (TCRs) as they develop.
- TCRs bind antigens on a pathogen to stimulate an immune response
Lymph nodes:
- Connected by lymphatic vessels which absorb fluid (lymph) that leaks out of blood vessels
- Lymph circulates through lymph nodes and back to the blood.
- Any pathogens that are in the lymph can be targeted by immune cells in the lymph nodes.


Indicate what is meant by adaptive or specific immunity.


Adaptive Immune Defense:
Third Line of Defense
Against specific pathogens
Includes humoral (antibody-mediated immunity)
and cell-mediated immunity.

Acquired immunity is also called specific immunity because it tailors its attack to a specific antigen previously encountered.


Describe how the body knows something is foreign.

  • Patrolling immune cells read the chemical “flags” on the outside of cells to determine whether they are foreign or not…
  • Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) are components of pathogens that can be recognized by immune cells. Some examples of PAMPs are LPS, peptidoglycan, and flagellin.
  • When the defense cell finds a cell without a “self flag”, the pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on its surface such as Toll-like receptors bind to PAMPs on the outside of the microbe.
  • This interaction leads to immune system response.

Describe the internal defenses such as phagocytosis, interferon, and inflammation.


Phagocytosis: Non-specific mechanism
- When pathogens penetrate the skin and mucous membranes, they are attacked by phagocytes
- Phagocytosis- engulfment of microbes by phagocytic cells (neutrophils, dendritic cells, eosinophils, and macrophages).
- When an infection occurs, immune cells move to the infected area.
> Monocytes mature and become active phagocytic macrophages and dendritic cells.
- At the beginning of infection, neutrophils dominate the infected area, however as infection progresses macrophages concentration increases.
> The pattern of white blood cell activity during infection can be seen in the differentiated white blood cell count.

Stages of Phagocytosis:
1. Chemotaxis:
- Chemical signals attract phagocyte.

  1. Adherence:
    - Phagocyte plasma membrane interacts with microbe.
    - Microbial capsules interfere with adherence.
  2. Ingestion:
    - Microorganism brought into the phagocyte in a membrane bound vesicle called phagosome.
  3. Killing/Elimination:
    - The phagosome fuses with a lysosome and the microbe is killed and digested.
    -Digested material is removed from cell (exocytosis)

Interferons protect cells from viral infection
- Interferons: small proteins produced by certain WBCs and tissue cells with anti-viral activity
> Infected cell produces interferons in response to infection by a virus.
> When cell dies it releases both new viruses and interferons.
> Interferon binds to cell surfaces of nearby cell to induce expression of anti-viral proteins by healthy cells.

Natural Killer Cells
- NK cells activate to destroy the target, which is likely a virally infected or cancerous host cell:
> Granzyme: an enzyme that induces programmed cell death (apoptosis)
> Perforin: pokes holes in (perforates) the target membrane

The four classic signs are redness, fever, swelling, and heat.
- An injury creates an opening in the skin, allowing pathogens to enter body tissues.
- Mast cells release histamines and macrophages release cytokines
- These chemicals attract more immune cells, such as neutrophils and dendritic cells, to help fight the infection.
- Histamines make blood vessels “leaky,” which allows immune cells and fluid to leak out of blood vessels into the tissues where the infection is occurring.

  1. Fever
    - Certain cytokines, particularly I L-1, will cause the host’s body temperature to rise, causing a fever
    - Fever-causing cytokines are called pyrogens because they generate (gen) heat (pyro)
    - A fever is beneficial because it increases circulation rate, which allows leukocytes to get to the site of infection
    - It is also beneficial because some pathogens cannot tolerate the increased temperature
  2. Systemic inflammation and septic shock
    - Widespread (systemic) inflammation can lead to shock as the increased vascular permeability decreases a host’s blood pressure, which can cause damage to multiple organs at the same time
    - Gram-negative bacteria are particularly dangerous because they contain L P S, which triggers a proinflammatory cytokine response
    > Examples: Salmonella species or Escherichia coli, which can be introduced into the peritoneal cavity or the bloodstream by a ruptured or leaking bowel
    GOAL: to remove the injurious agent and its by-products or at least isolate it and to repair damaged tissue.

Indicate what antigens are, and how they relate to the immune system.

  • Antigens are substances that causes your immune system to produce antibodies
    > Capsules, cell walls, flagella, fimbriae, toxins of bacteria, coats of viruses, proteins on surface of foreign blood or cancerous cells
    > The certain part of the antigen that is recognized is the epitope

Describe the general structure and function of antibodies.

  • Antibodies are produced to match each specific foreign antigen’s marker
    > Antibodies are produced by activated B cells
  • Antibodies aid in the removal of antigens or prevent the ability of pathogens to cause widespread infection.

Describe T and B lymphocytes in terms of where they are produced, and where they mature, and their functions. (including the types of T cells –cytotoxic T cells, helper T cells, and regulatory T cells.)


Mediated by two types of cells:
B cells and T cells

> They undergo maturation, learning how to recognize an antigen as a foreign molecule and how to recognize self-antigens as the body’s own molecules, in different tissues

= B cells mature in the bone marrow and are important for antibody production in humoral immunity. (B-cells build an army of antibodies and let them do the fighting)

= T cells mature in the thymus and play a role in cell-mediated immunity. (T-cells fight with bacteria in hand-to-hand combat)
Steps in adaptive immune response:
- Antigen presentation by phagocytes and other infected cells
> Presented on MHC surface proteins
- T-cell activation
> Helper T-cells activate B-cells (also T-cell independent activation)
> Cytotoxic T-cells destroy infected cells
- B-cell expansion
> Antibody production
> Memory

T-independent antigens activate B cells without the help of T helper cells.
- Different antigens: usually lipopolysaccharides and polysaccharides
- Bacterial capsules can contain repeated T-independent antigens and produce weaker immune response without generating any memory cells.
- Infants usually do not have T-independent immune response until the age of 2.

Cell-mediated Immunity: T cells
- T-cells cellular-mediated immunity
- T-cells are SPECIFIC for a particular antigen:
> Through the T cell receptor (TCR) present on the surface of a T-cell
- T cells act directly against antigens and foreign cells when the antigen is presented by macrophages

Types of T cells
- Helper T cells
> Stimulate B and T cells
> B cells must be activated by helper T cells before they can produce antibodies
> AIDS: loss of helper T cells-no antibodies produced

= Cytotoxic T cells
> Responsible for cell mediated immunity
> Specific for a certain antigen
> Directly attack cells physically and chemically by releasing perforins (which makes holes in the plasma membrane of the target cell) and granzymes which induce cell death.
= Regulatory T cells (used to be called Suppressor T cells
> Inhibit B and T cell activity
> Modulate (turn off) the immune response; Help prevent autoimmune disorders


Describe the difference between active and passive immunity. Give or recognize examples of natural active and passive immunity and artificial active and passive immunity.


Naturally acquired:
1. Active immunity: antigens enter the body naturally; body induces antibodies and specialized lymphocytes (ex: immunity to chicken pox after you have it)
2. Passive immunity: antibodies pass from mother to fetus via placenta or to infant via the mother’s milk

Artificially acquired:
1. Active immunity: antigens are introduced in vaccines; body produces antibodies and specialized lymphocytes (ex: immunity to chicken pox after getting the vaccinated)
2. Passive immunity: preformed antibodies in immune serum are introduced by injection (ex: anti-venom)


Explain what a vaccine is and how it relates to adaptive immunity


- Inject a tiny amount of weakened non-infectious virus or bacteria
- The body’s immune system will generate an immune response (antibodies).
- If the person becomes affected with the virus again in the future:
> Body already knows how to kill it and will kill it fast
- The person will not develop severe symptoms of the infection


Explain the 3 different kinds of immune system failures, including allergic reactions.

  1. Immunodeficiencies: these are cases when the immune system is compromised, so that it doesn’t work as well
    > Example: AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a virus that destroys helper T cells, thus reducing the effectiveness of cell-mediated immunity to fight infection or cancer.
  2. Autoimmune diseases: The immune system incorrectly labels certain cell of its own body as foreign and eliminates them.
    > Example: Multiple sclerosis or systematic lupus erythematosus
  3. Hypersensitivities: when the immune system starts to fight a perceived threat such as pollen or a food protein that is indeed harmless.
    > May be mediated by antibodies and give almost immediate response or may activate T cells and cause a delayed response.
    What’s an allergy?
    - Known as an immediate hypersensitivity
    - Body has detected that matter as “foreign” and made antibodies and memory cells against it
    - All further exposures to the agent will be classified as an attack on the body
    - A full immune response will be mounted

Name the six elements that are most associated with organic molecules.

  1. Carbon
  2. Hydrogen
  3. nitrogen
  4. oxygen
  5. phosphorous
  6. sulfur

Definite the term biogeochemical cycle.


Biogeochemical cycle: the cycling of inorganic material from organisms to their non-living environment


Be able to explain the carbon cycle in terms of cycling between heterotroph and autotrophs and cycling between organic and inorganic pools.


The Carbon Cycle
- Living things on earth require carbon to build biological molecules.
- Photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs can use external energy sources to reduce inorganic carbon (CO2) to organic carbon (glucose, etc).
- Heterotrophs require organic carbon they can break down for energy.
- Autotrophs take CO2 and convert it to organic carbon.
- Both autotrophs and heterotrophs take organic carbon and oxidize it to CO2.
- Phototrophic organisms produce organic or fixed carbon and reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
> Oxygenic phototrophic organisms can be divided into two groups: plants and microorganisms
= Plants dominate terrestrial environments
= Microorganisms dominate aquatic environments
- Carbon is cycled through all of Earth’s major carbon reservoirs
> Includes atmosphere, land, oceans, freshwater, sediments, rocks, and biomass
> All nutrient cycles are linked to the carbon cycle, but the nitrogen (N) cycle links particularly strongly because, other than water (H2O), C, and N make up the bulk of living organisms
- Reservoir size and turnover time are important parameters in understanding the cycling of elements
- C exists in different forms in different reservoirs:
> Inorganic carbon in rock (limestone): largest reservoir
> Organic carbon
> Gaseous carbon (CO2, methane, CO)
- Exchange between reservoirs can be very slow or very fast
> Fastest for atmospheric CO2

Carbon turnover
- CO2 is returned to the atmostphere by respiration and decomposition as well as by human-related (anthropogenic) activities
> Microbial decomposition is the largest source of CO2 released to the atmosphere
> Since the Industrial Revolution, human (anthropogenic) activities have increased atmospheric carbon by 40%


Distinguish between methanotrophs and methanogens.

  • Methanotrophs: microorganisms that use methane for their energy source
  • Methanogens: microorganisms that produce methane as a byproduct of metabolism

Understand how methane plays a role in climate change and methods that can be used to mitigate its effects.


Methanogens and methanotrophs: considerations for climate change

  • Methane is about 30x more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2.
  • Responsible for about 30% of global warming.
  • About 70% of total methane emissions are from biological sources.
  • Produced biologically by methanogens as the final step in the degradation of organic matter.

Describe the nitrogen cycles and identify the roles that prokaryotes play in nitrogen fixation, nitrifying, and denitrifying.


Nitrogen Cycle:
- key constituent of cells
- exists in several oxidation states
- four major nitrogen transformations:
1. nitrification
- Nitrification: oxidizing ammonia compounds (NH3, NH2) to nitrate (NO3) or nitrite (NO2)
- Nitrifying bacteria are aerobic chemoautotrophs that use this oxidation to produce energy.
- Once nitrification is complete, the nitrogen can then be assimilated into organic molecules by organisms.
- In marine systems, nitrates can contribute to eutrophication (accumulation of nutrients) in the aquatic environments, which causes algal blooms then death of aquatic organisms.

  1. denitrification
    - Nitrate and other nitrogen oxides are converted to N2
    - Process is strictly anaerobic, but most denitrifiers are facultative aerobes and prefer to use oxygen as their terminal electron acceptor
    - This activity reduces soil nitrogen content and therefore its fertility
    - But is important in waste treatment to remove nitrogen from effluent
  2. anammox
  3. nitrogen fixation
    - Symbiotic bacteria incorporate atmospheric nitrogen into organic molecules: Nitrogen fixation
    - Atmosphere is almost 80% nitrogen, but it is in the form N2 or N≡N
    - Eukaryotes cannot break this triple bond
    - Some bacteria can reduce N2 to NH3
    Many biological molecules including proteins and nucleic acids include nitrogen
    - Getting nitrogen into organisms is difficult because much of the earth’s nitrogen is environmental N2, which is triple-bonded and unusable by plants.
    - Prokaryotes play an important role by doing nitrogen fixation.

Describe the sulfur cycle.


Sulfur is essential for the synthesis of certain macromolecules
- It is part of certain amino acids and in certain vitamins.
- Several microorganisms are responsible for carrying out the sulfur cycle in complex processes.
- Anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria and chemoautotrophic archaea and bacteria use hydrogen sulfide as an electron donor.
- H2S is oxidized it first to elemental sulfur (S0), then to sulfate.
- Decomposing bacteria remove sulfate groups and make hydrogen sulfide and release it back into the air.


Explain what bioremediation is and how prokaryotes are involved.


Bioremediation uses microbial metabolism to remove xenobiotics and other pollutants.
- Xenobiotics are substances made by humans and released into the environment.
- Examples of such contaminants: adhesives, dyes, lubricants, oil and petroleum products, pesticides, etc.
- Two very concerning xenobiotics:
> polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH, carcinogen from crude oil)
> trichloroethylene (TCE) which is a ground water contaminant

Bioremediation can happen at the site (in situ) or transported to another location (ex situ).
- In situ is when the remediation happens at the original contamination site.

Bioremediation can happen at the site or transported to another location.
- Can use native species or introduce foreign species who can degrade certain contaminants.
- Scientist might alter conditions to encourage degradation.
> For example, Rhodococcus and Pseudomonas are known for their ability to degrade many environmental contaminants, like those found in oil.

Environmental Consequences of Large Oil Spills and the Effect of Bioremediation
- Prokaryotes have been used in bioremediation of several major crude oil spills
- The rectangular plot (arrow) was treated with inorganic nutrients to stimulate bioremediation of spilled oil by microorganisms, whereas areas above and to the left were untreated.

Bioremediation and Microbial Degradation of Major Chemical Pollutants: Chlorinated Organics and Plastics
- Plastics of various types are xenobiotics that are not readily degraded by microorganisms
- The recalcitrance of plastics has fueled research efforts into a biodegradable alternative (biopolymers or microbial plastics)

Wastewater Treatment
1. Wastewater
- Domestic sewage or liquid industrial waste
- “Gray water” is the water resulting from washing, bathing, and cooking
- Sewage is water contaminated with human and animal fecal material
2. Wastewater treatment
- Relies on industrial-scale use of microbes for bioconversion
- Following treatment, the discharged treated wastewater (effluent water) is suitable for
> release into surface waters
> release to drinking water purification facilities


Explain how bacteria are involved in the food industry.


The food industry also uses bacteria to make certain foods
1. Fermentation
- Bread
- Beer and wine
- Cheese, yogurt
- Pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, olives
> Acids produced during fermentation lower the pH enough to suppress the growth of spoilage organisms
- Soy sauce, tofu, miso
- Lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Lactococcus and Streptococcus are used in the manufacture of dairy products
2. Food preservation
- Preventing the incorporation of microorganisms into food
> Sanitation
- Preventing the multiplication of microorganisms in food
> Chemical preservatives
> Processing at high temperatures
> Refrigeration
> Pasteurization
> Radiation
> Desiccation
> Bacteriophage (FDA, 2006, ready –to eat meat products)