private costs
costs that fall directly on an economic decision maker
external costs
costs imposed without compensation on someone other than the person who caused them; negative externality
social cost
the entire cost of a decision, including both private costs and any external costs
private benefits
benefits that accrue directly to the decision maker
external benefits
benefits that accrue without compensation to someone other than the person who caused it; positive externality
social benefit
the entire benefits of a decision, including both private benefits and external benefits
a cost or benefit imposed without compensation on someone other than the person who caused it
network externality
the effect that an additional user of a good or participant in an activity has on the value of that good or activity for others
production externality
an externality that occurs when a good or service is being produced
consumption externality
an externality that occurs when a good or service is being consumed
coase theorem
the idea that even in the presence of an externality, individuals can reach an efficient equilibrium through private trades, assuming zero transaction costs
pigovian tax
a tax meant to counterbalance a negative externality
tradable allowance
a production or consumption quota that can be bought and sold
a characteristic of a good or service that allows owners to prevent its use by people who have not paid for it
rival in consumption
the characteristic of a good for which one person’s consumption prevents or decreases others’ ability to consume it
private goods
a good that is both excludable and rival
public goods
a good that is neither excludable nor rival
common resources
a good that is not excludable but is rival
artificially scarce goods
a good that is excludable but not rival
free-rider problem
a problem that occurs when the non-excludability of a public good leads to undersupply
solutions to free-rider problem
change social norms, government provision, assigning property rights