Final Exam Study QUIZZES Flashcards
What is a disadvantage of having small, needlelike leaves?
decreased efficiency of light capture
A thorn is a modified __.
You hammer a nail into a tree trunk 20 ft above the ground (and the tree is currently 30 ft tall). The tree grows taller at a rate of 2 feet per year. How far above ground level will the nail be in 10 years?
20 feet.
Pine needles have needlelike leaves, with the adaptive advantage of __.
decreased surface area, reducing water loss.
A tree will likely die if the bark is stripped off around the entire circumference of the tree. Why?
Phloem cells will likely be removed and, as a result, sugars would no longer be able to be transported from the leaves down to the roots and the roots could die.
Rhizobium bacteria often form an association with plants of the family Fabaceae (including peas and beans). What is their function?
form nodules where nitrogen fixation can occur
Why does nitrogen deficiency in plants cause chlorosis at the tips of older leaves?
nitrogen is a component of chlorophyll, but it is mobile and is re-located from older leaves to growing parts.
Carnivorous plants trap and digest small animals. What is the function of this adaptation?
to obtain nitrogen
Epiphytic plants are
plants that grow on other plants
What soil composition is best suited for plant growth?
equal amounts of sand, clay, and silt
Compared to pure water, the solute potential inside a cell is
An aphid attaches itself to the surface of a stem and pierces the stem with its mouthpart, called a stylet. A droplet of clear, sugary liquid exudes from the back end of the aphid. How can this be explained?
The aphid’s stylet has tapped into phloem, and the pressure from the phloem forced sugar water out of the aphid’s body.
Compared to soil, the water potential of air on a dry summer day is
How can salt-adapted plants like Pacific Ninebark, take up water from salty soils?
They can decrease the solute potential in cells
Tree A is 5 meters tall, and tree B is 10 meters tall. Which tree has to expend more energy to move water up the trunk due to cohesion-tension and transpiration?
Both trees expend virtually no energy, since water movement up the trunk of a tree is driven by evaporation of water from leaves.
When plants are clonally reproduced in the lab, a new plant is grown from a single cell. What must be true for the original cell? It must be
Which of the following flower parts develops into the pericarp?
Botanically speaking, which of the following are berries?
avocado, tomato, banana
Hazel, alder and birch tree have flowers without petals that appear before the leaves are out in the spring. How do you suspect these trees are pollinated?
Their pollen is dispersed by wind.
How many cells are contained in a typical angiosperm embryo sac (female gametophyte)?
Which quality of light results in bending of coleoptiles?
Blue and white
How would you classify the attraction of parasitoid wasps via volatile organic compounds?
indirect plant defense
You are shipping green bananas to a different continent. Which chemical will help speed up the ripening process before selling them?
Lettuce seeds start germinating when last exposed to which light?
The statolith hypothesis explains how plants sense which of the following?
What is a typical feature of tissues that are involved in exchange of energy and materials with the environment?
more branching or folds
Our bodies start sweating when we get too hot. What type of heat exchange does sweating promote?
Which body system functions via chemical signals?
Which of the following organisms is most likely to have the highest total annual energy expenditure?
Which of the following organisms is most likely to have the highest total annual energy expenditure per unit mass?
Cnidarians (such as hydra) are an ancestral lineage of animals. What can be said about digestion in this group of organisms?
Digestion takes place extracellularly.
Leeches are parasites that obtain nutrients by ingesting blood from a host animal. Leeches are
fluid feeders
Why is supplementation with folic acid important before and during pregnancy?
folic acid deprivation is associated with neural tube defects in a fetus
What is a benefit of mechanical digestion, the process of breaking down large chunks of food into smaller pieces?
smaller pieces of food have more surface area for chemical digestion than do larger pieces of food
What leads to type 1 diabetes mellitus?
the individual is not producing enough insulin
In the human heart, what is the sequence of blood flow?
vena cava, right atrium, right ventricle, pulmonary artery
Atmospheric pressure at the summit of Mount Everest is about one third at sea level, which is 760 mm Hg. What is the partial pressure of oxygen at the summit of Mount Everest if oxygen makes up 21% of the atmosphere by volume at both locations?
53 mm Hg
What happens to the carbon dioxide produced by humans during cellular respiration?
It is converted to bicarbonate ions.
In which of these organismal groups does the blow flow directly from respiratory organ to body tissues without first returning to the heart?
What is the theoretical cardiac output of a patient with a heart rate of 60 beats per minute and a stroke volume of 70 mL/beat?
4,200 mL/minute
An organism that lacks their thymus would
be unable to differentiate and mature T cells
A vertebrate organism has successfully fought off a viral infection. 20 years later, it gets infected with the same virus again. Which cell type would recognize the virus and subsequently initial a secondary immune response in the body?
memory cell
Acidity in human sweat is part of which type of immune system?
innate immunity
Lymphocytes mature in which of the following locations?
bone marrow
thymus, bone marrow
Which statement correctly describes the complement system?
a group of proteins that act together in a cascade fashion
Through which process are materials returned to the blood from the filtrate?
What would lead to increase of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)?
sweating-induced dehydration
Where in the kidney does filtration take place?
the glomerulus of the nephron
How do freshwater fish regulate osmotic stress in their environment?
excrete large quantities of water
What is the main source of nitrogenous wastes in animals?
proteins and nucleic acids
Where are hormones produced that are secreted by the posterior pituitary gland?
What type of signaling does testosterone show?
a paracrine signal, an autocrine signal, and an endocrine signal
What do steroid and polypeptide hormones have in common?
They travel through the bloodstream
In which of these organs do we have cells that participate in endocrine and exocrine pathways?
the pancreas
Why do hormones affect only a small number of target cells in the body?
only target cells contain the appropriate receptors
What of the following increases the conduction velocity of action potentials?
large diameter, myelinated axons
If you experimentally increase the concentration of K+ inside a cell while maintaining other ion concentrations as they were, what would happen to the cell’s membrane potential?
the membrane potential would become more negative.
Where are neurotransmitters released?
in a chemical synapse
Which effect does the botulinum toxin, which causes botulism, have?
it inhibits the presynaptic release of acetylcholine
In neurons, what is the role of the sodium-potassium pump?
It pumps sodium ions out of the cell.
It pumps potassium ions into the cell.
What happens when your doctor taps your patellar tendon with a small rubber mallet?
the muscles of the hamstring (on the posterior side of the thighs) are inhibited
the muscles of the quadriceps (on the anterior side of the thighs) are excited
Which part of the nervous system activates the fight or flight response?
Which of the following structures is involved in the knee-jerk reflex in response to tapping the patellar tendon?
spinal cord
Long-term potentiation is required for which of the following functions?
memory storage and learning
Which of the following functions is associated with Wernicke’s and Broca’s regions?
What conversion of sensory input occurs in the mammalian middle ear?
air pressure waves to fluid pressure waves
Compared to fast twitch muscle fibers skeletal muscle fibers, slow twitch muscle fibers __.
are more resistant to fatigue
Why is it hard to sneak up on insects, such as bees? They have __.
Compound eyes with multiple ommatidia
What happens if a patient was exposed to a substance that prevents acetylcholine from binding to muscle receptors?
muscle contractions are prevented, causing paralysis.
What do we call the conversion of a stimulus into an action potential by a receptor cell?
Which of the following has a coefficient of relatedness of 0.25?
an uncle to his nephew
Frodo the beagle learns that if he barks, he gets attention. Which mechanism results in this behavior?
operant conditioning
Which of the following is a type of natural selection that favors altruism by enhancing the reproductive success of relatives?
kin selection
What types of behavior questions are best addressed by research using human twins?
questions about the influence of genetics and environment on behavior
Every morning at the same time, John went into the den to feed his new tropical fish. After a few weeks, he noticed that the fish swam to the top of the tank when he entered the room. Which of the following mechanisms results in this behavior?
classical conditioning