Final Exam Study Guide Flashcards
List Ionization Techniques
1) Electron Ionization
2) Photoionization
3) Multiphotonionization
4) Penning Ionization
5) Surface (Thermal) Ionization
6) Chemical Ionization
7) Negative Chemical Ionization
8) Desorption Chemical Ionization
9) Charge-Exchange Ionization (CE)
10) Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI)
11) Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization (APPI)
12) Thermospray (TSI)
13) Electrospray Ionization
14) Discharge Sources
15) Desorption Ionization (DI)
16) Californium Plasma Desorption (PD)
17) Secondary Ion MS (SIMS)
18) Fast Atom Bombardment
19) Laser Desorption (LD)
20) Matrix assisted laser desorption (MALDI)
21) Surface-Inhanced Laser Desorption (SELDI)
Electron Ionization (EI)
- Current is passed through a metal wire (usually rhenium or tungsten)
- Electrons “boil” off the wire and are accelerated across the source region toward an anode that is usually 70 V more positive.
- Therefore the electron energy is 70 eV
- The electron beam ionizes gaseous sample molecules
- Exclusively for positive ions. e- are spit off and stay off.
- Sample has to be in the gas form originally, it won’t change for you
- Electrons pass near the sample ions, this distorts the electric field of the atom
- If the electron energy is greater than the ionization energy (potential) an electron is ejected from the target.
Features of EI
- Established, simple, cheap. Reproducible EE because EI is a physical process not chemical
- Requires initial ionization
- Large commercially available data set (more than 150,000 spectra)
- Can do positive and negative ions but negative ion sensitivity is low for most compounds
- Good sensitivity
- Interpretable fragmentation patterns
- Degree of fragmentation is varied based on the EE that is varied.
- May produce molecular ions (gives MW info) but sometimes doesn’t (esp. when the size of the molecule increases)
- Works with high resolution and MS/MS experiments
- Physical location of ion production is known (where the filament is, that is where the ion beam is). Makes ion beam focusing easier
- Small amount of kinetic energy is imparted to ions (0.5 eV)
- Can withstand pressures to about 10^-5. too much higher and you could burn the filament
- Ionization occurs after the sample absorbs light from a monochromatic source
- Similar to EI
- Plus: Photon energy can be accurately and precisely controlled. Energy levels can be obtained.
- Each sample molecule absorbs a single photon
- Wavelengths are on the order of 80-180 nm (neon and helium lines)
- This technique measures ion intensity vs. wavelength
Multiphotonionization (MPI)
- Similar to photoionization, but instead multiple ions are absorbed by each molecule b/c the energy of a single irridiating photon is not sufficient to cause ionization. Multiple photons are needed to reach ionization energy.
- Light sources are common lasers such as Nd: YAG, excimers, CO2.
- Highly selective; molecules must absorb at the given wavelength before ionization and fragmentation will occur.
Penning Ionization
- Neutrals in long-lived metastable states transfer energy to sample molecules,forming metastable species which fragment.
- Spectra resembles EI
- Can be used when information on precise energy transfer is important.
- Not widely used because producing a metastable neutral population is tedious
- Primarily used in leak detection and DART (Direct Analysis in Real Time)`
Surface (Thermal) Ionization
- Sample is coated on a filament.
- Heat and electron beam from filament vaporize the sample and produce ions.
- Useful only for low IP materials, like alkali metal salts.
- Used in ionorganic analysis, geochemistry, isotope ratio measurements for inorganics
- Can tell isotopic contribution to any sample.
Chemical Ionization
- Primary ionization is by EI on a reagent gas.
- Reagent molecules react with sample molecules (ion/molecule reactions)
- For quads, sector- reagent gas is at “higher pressures” (10^0 - 10^-3 Torr)
- For ICR, QIT- lower pressures and millisecond to second timescales.
- Most common CI reaction is proton transfer
Negative Chemical Ionization
- With a good match between reagent gas and sample, NCI can be 100-1000 times more sensitive than CI or EI. Very selective.
- A steady-state reagent plasma is achieved at source pressures of 1x10^-2 Torr (Sectors and Quads). Plasmas have equal quantities of positive and negative species.
- By appropriate choice of reagent gas, particular types of negative ions can be generated
- Methane NCI is the most common NCI
- More sensitive than CI
- More sensitive than negative EI, but also more selective so not everything is picked up
Features of CI
- Requires the samples to be in gas phase ; initial vaporization of the sample is required
- Proton transfer provides MW info
- Usually less fragmentation (“Softer”) than EI; How soft it is is dependent on the ionization reaction
- Amount of energy deposited on the ion can be controlled
- Provides structural info that complements EI
- Spectra are less reproducible than EI (Because pressures are more difficult to control then electron beams.
- No large reference spectra library (Pressure is not the same between lab to lab)
- Dirties the source faster than EI (due to higher pressures)
- Sensitivity (LOD)is as good or better than EI
- Reactions other than proton transfer can be used to increase selectivity
Desorption Chemical Ionization (Direct Chemical Ionization)
A special name for when the sample is vaporized directly into the source by placing it on a heated direct inserption probe (DIP)
- Combo of DIP and CI
Charge-Exchange Ionization
- A form of CI
1) Positive ions formed by EI (Positive ions only)
2) Excess internal energy is removed by collisions
3) Reagent ion undergoes an A/M rxn with the sample that involves charge exchange - Allows studies ion internal energy effects on fragmentation
- Much better control over internal energy than EI b/c the energy imparted to the ion is limited by the exothermicity of the CE reaction.
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization
- A type of spray ionization
- Ions are produced externally and injected as pulses into the trap by electrostatic focusing
- Actually high pressure CI
- Source is atmospheric pressure
- Samples are introduced via a small orifice between the source and a flowing gas stream
- Corona discharge method: Ionization is caused by an electrical discharge at the tip of a needle (of Ni β-emitter) held at 3-6 kV
- Used in atmospheric monitoring and LC/MS
- Extremely sensitive for some species (ex: low polarity species that are difficult to ionize by other methods
- Fast pumping necessary and source may “dirty” rapidly
- Specifically shows the molecular ion peak
- Sample doesn’t have to be polar
- Requires a nebulizer gas that is heated , N2
- Most common in positive mode
- Has become a common LC-MS interface/ionization in the past decade.
- Source design often couples ESI and APCI sources
Important Considerations of APCI
- Works best for lower molecular weight (less than 1500 Da)
- Works best for low polarity compounds
- Ionization occurs in the gas phase by CI
- Not as “soft” as ESI (gives more fragments)
- Can work with nonpolar LC solvents
Important Considerations of ESI
- Works best for higher molecular weight compounds
- Works best for polar compounds
- Requires a polar sample to receive a proton
- Ionization occurs primarily within the solution
- LC solvent is always polar
- Can work with amino acids
- Ions are produced externally and injected as pulses into the trap by electrostatic focusing
Atmospheric Pressure Photoionization
-Electrospray technique
- Ions are produced externally and injected as pulses into the trap by electrostatic focusing
-Alternative to APCI and ESI but less common than both
-Often used in conjunction with LC
-Liquid effluent (spray) is irridiated with a UV lamp, causing photonionization. Interactions (collisions or ion/molecule reactions) can also occur with excited molecules/ions from the LC mobile phase.
-Dopant molecules can be adding to the flowing liquid stream leading to proton transfer ion/molecule rxns. that form [M+H]+
-Used in analysis of steroids, pharmaceutical compounds, pesticides, and small natural products
UV = ionization source
Electrospray Ionization (ESI)
- Widely used)
- Most common method for low volatile samples.
- Super good interface w/ LC
- Sample solution can also be flowed at very low rates (less than uL/min.). Sometimes samples is pulled from a glass capillary or other emitter (aka nanospray). B/c of its smaller droplet size, nanospray is less sensitive to salt contaminants than ESI
- Electric field at the needle tip charges the surface of the emerging liquid, dispersing it into a fine spray of charged droplets.
- Droplets are driven by the field toward a capillary. They pass through a flow of bath gas (N2) speeding up the evaporation process
- Droplets decrease in size, yielding quasi-molecular ions.
- Ions in the bath flow reach the glass capillary and pass through two stages of pumping to reach the mass analyzer
Considerations of ESI
- Requires dry gas and high voltage (drying gas assists in evaporating solvent from the new droplets; w/o drying gas the solvent isn’t pumped away and no ions form)
- Samples are usually dissolved in water, methanol, and (often ) acetic acid
- m/z range is usually between 400-1400 m/z. No more than 2000 m/z
- High resolution ; useful in assigning charge and mass
- FT-ICR and orbitraps are the only mass analyzers that can routinely achieve high resolution under ESI conditions.
- Produces highly charged ions
- Multiple charging (high z) means that even species with very high mass (>1,000,000) result in ions with m/z <2500
- Very soft; gives negligible fragmentation even for fragile species
- Biomolecules may retain their solution-phase 3D conformations and non-covalent interactions (H-bonding can be retained with ESI)
- Negative ESI is possible
- Extensive MS pumping
- An LC/MS interface
- Widely commercially available
Generally, the larger the molecule, the greater the number of ____________ that it can sustain.
Bigger the polymer means, _________ electric charges can be accepted. More places to add ________.
more; protons
ESI can not be used with ___________ because it gives a mess of peaks.
organic polymers
Field Desorption Ionization (FD)
- Popular method for observing low volatility species until FAB came out.
- Solid sample is applied (coated) to a fine wire (usually graphite) whose surface contains an array of sharp-pointed needles or “whiskers.” A high voltage is applied to the emitters
- Only positive, singly-charged ions form
- Not technically “soft” (low-energy methods), but only ions produced furthest from the high voltage make it to the mass analyzer. These ions have also generally undergone the least fragmentation.
- Used in pharmaceuticals
Considerations of Field Desorption Ionization
- Spectra aren’t very reproducible and are dependent on emitter shape
- Sample prep is time consuming and difficult.
- Finding and maintaining the correct temp and voltage combination is tedious and requires skill
- High ion KE requires a double focusing magnetic sector mass analyzer or quadrupole
- Highly non-volatile samples can be analyzed
- Relatively uncommon today but still used in the pharmaceutical industry
Discharge Sources
- Sample is vaporized/ionized in a high voltage discharge (plasma) of 1-60 kV
- Includes Inductively coupled plasmas (ICP), AC (spark source) and DC (Townsend, Corona, Hollow Cathode, Glow, Plasma Discharges) versions
- Hard ionization technique; the sample breaks into atomic ions
- Organics fragment extensively
- Liquid and gaseous samples may be directly injected into the discharge. Solids are often mixed into a graphite electrode.
Uses of Discharge Sources
- Elemental isotopic analysis
- Trace metal analysis
- Semiconductor, insulator, thin film analysis
Desorption Ionization (DI)
- Sample is in vacuum
- Does not atomize sample
- Sample is placed on a probe tip, inserted into the MS source and bombarded with particles or photons
- Soft technique (sample is not atomized)
Considerations of Desorption Ionization
- Useful for low (or no)-volatility and/or thermally unstable compounds
- Typical samples: biomolecules, drugs, polymers, metal complexes, catalysts, inorganics
- Different DI techniques yield different spectra
- “Soft” ionization producing quasi-molecular ions with little fragmentation
- Produces positive ad negative ions
- Ions production is often matrix dependent, making quantitation difficult
- MS/MS may be used to obtain structural info
Secondary Ion Mass Sprectrometry
- Common surface analysis technique
- Bombarding Ion Species (Ar+, Xe+, or Cs+)
- Bigger samples (proteins, peptides) can’t be done as well
- Large kinetic energy spread
- Dynamic SIMS: used in surface analysis. Tool for identification and depth profiling of surface components. The ion beam may be scanned across the surface to map the spatial distribution of components. Involves ultra-low pressures to avoid O2 desorption on sample surfaces.
- Organic SIMS: organic samples are deposited on a surface (sometimes monolayers) and subjected to SIMS. Ion formation is generally low. Bombardment may “eat up” sample quickly. To increase ion formation, samples may be deposited on Ag foil (which readily desorb Ag+ adduct ions) or mixed with “preionizing agents such as HCl or NH4Cl
Features of SIMS
- All DI features
- Practical sample size down to nanomoles
- Mass range usually below 5000 Da, but >20,000 Da is possible
- Ion guns can be pulsed or continuous but pulsed is usually better because it increases the sample lifetime. entire SPECTRUM OBTAINED FROM MILLISECOND BURST OF THE ION GUN.
- Requires little sample prep, but SPECTRUM IS MATRIX DEPENDENT
- Experiencing a resurgence in its use because of imaging (TOF-SIMS)
Fast Atom Bombardment
- Dramatically changed MS, leading to a routine analysis of low volatility species
- Sample is dissolved in a low volatility matrix and bombarded with an atom or ion beam (1 - 10 KeV) Sample and matrix (want a matrix that won’t be pumped away) ions are desorbed and ionized. Solution contains 10-20% of sample
- Common bombarding species: Ar, Xe, Ar+ , Xe+ or Cs+
- Common liquid matrices (low volatility): glycerol, thioglycerol, m-nitrobenzyl alcohol
- Bombarding a drop of sample on the probe
- Different than SIMS because it uses atoms instead of ions and a liquid matrix instead of a solid matrix
- Gives a higher yield of organic ions than SIMS
- Been replaced by electrospray and MALDI
Considerations of FAB
- All DI features
- Not commercially sold anymore
- Instrumentally simple and cheap
- Was used in the analysis of biomolecules, drugs, environmental samples, peptide sequencing
- Gives more fragmentation than other DI techniques
- Works best for MW < 5,000 Da, however species up to 24,000 Da have been detected.
- Works best on pre-ionized species and on polar molecules which will readily protonate ; poor for non-polar, but works good on molecules that want to polarize
- High sensitivity for some species.
- Spectra are very dependent on sample prep
- Does the best job of analyzing organometallics
Laser Desorption
- Bombarding species: Laser light
- Except for MALDI, ion formation is generally independent of wavelength but dependent on laser power (which is typically 10^7 to 10^10 Watts/cm^2 , a high power laser)
- Laser is located outside of the MS and is allowed into the system through windows (sapphire or glass) or a fiber optic
- Common LD lasers are pulsed ( Nd:YAG, nitrogen, CO2 or excimers)
- With a pulsed laser, ionization is only for 5-50 ns/spectrum, but a pulsed mass analyzer MUST BE USED. (ToF, ICR, QIT, Orbitrap)
Considerations of Laser Desorption
- Uses: biomolecules, polymers, inorganic species, and surface studies. Samples can have little to no volatility
- More universal than FAB
- Gives more ions than SIMS
- However, lasers are more expensive than ion/atom guns.
- Frequently used with inorganic samples.
- Abundant positive and negative ions are common
Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI)
- “Soft” laser desorption
- Laser is used for ionization
- Sample is mixed with a solid matrix and placed on a target (probe)
- Matrix must have low volatility and form solid crystals
If sample is too volatile for MALDI, use
If sample is too volatile for EI, use
Features of MALDI
- Desorption of very large analyte ions (Greater than 1,000,000 m/z has been observed)
- MALDI is very dependent on sample prep (layering, mixing, etc.)
- Additives to the matrix can increase ion formation
- Preferred method for ORGANIC POLYMERS.
- Low fragmentation
- Bigger molecules can give too many isotopic distribution. Causes broader peaks.
- All DI features
- Widely commercially available
- Mass range : >1,000,000
- Common for both organic and inorganic samples
- Amount of sample used = very small
- May not work as well as FAB for some organics less than 5000 Da, but it will ionize heavier and less volatile species that don’t give FAB spectra
- Can be used for surface analysis and imaging
- Easily automated
- No background gas pressure and few matrix ion problems
- A large number of experimental variables can be controlled, which gives more control over ionization parameters
Surface-Enhanced Laser Desorption Ionization (SELDI)
- A variation of MALDI
- Modified surfaces on the target plate retain specific classes of proteins
- Surfaces may be modified chemically or biologically
- Used in proteomics discovery studies and biomarker research
- Some proteins bind to the plate and others are washed away by a solvent. matrix is then added on top of the bound proteins
Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART)
- Atmospheric pressure ion source that ionizes the sample at ground potential in open air
- Low voltage at sample inlet (1-5 V); no risk of energy if sample orifice is accidentally touched
- DI where sample is placed under ambient conditions into the path of bombarding particles produced by Penning Ionization
- Has been used to analyze solids, liquids, and gases. Sample requires some volatility
- Requires no sample prep
- Ionization can take place directly on the sample surface
- A form of Penning Ionization
- Sampling Inlet is held at about 80 degrees Celsius to prevent condensation
Desorption Electrospray Ionization
- Atmospheric pressure ion source that ionizes the sample under ambient conditions in open air.
- Similar to DART but bombarding species is the spray from ES
- Has been used to analyze solids, liquids, and gases
- Ionization can take place directly on the sample surface
- Combination of ESI and DI
- High molecular weight samples give ESI-like spectra that contains multiply charged ions
The ___________ is always the last stage of analysis because it destroys the sample.
Mass spectrometer
Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry
- mature, routine.
- Gaseous output of GC column (silicon oxide based) is passed through the interface and into the ion source.
- Requires volatile compounds that are thermally stable. If the sample decomposes upon heating, use LC.
- Ionization by EI or CI&EI
- No ESI or MALDI because the samples are not volatile enough
- All mass analyzers may be used, but Q and QIT are the most common. TOF can also be used
- Mass spectra is taken continuously but the rates are dependent on the mass analyzer. (1-10 spectra/second for Q and sectors)
- GC-TOF is an excellent choice for fast chromatography (40,000 spectra/sec)
- 1 GC run may yield hundreds of spectra
What is Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC)
- Equivalent to FID’s output.
- Gives relative abundance of each ion
- Can look for fragment ion and precursor ion
- MS equivalent of a GC detector output
- The ion current from only one ion is displayed
Pumping Needed for GC-MS
1) Capillary Column
2) Packed Column
What is the maximum tolerable source pressure of GC-MS?
10^-4 Torr but prefer lower
What is meant by Capillary column in GC-MS?
- Typical carrier gas flow rate of 1 cm^3/min at 1 atm.
- At 10^-4 Torr, this becomes 10^7 cm^3/ min or 166 L/s
- Typical capacities of turbopumps and diffusion pumps used in mass spectrometry are 50 to 1000 L/s
- Capillary columns have acceptable volumes of gas flow that can be handled by the MS pumps without additional hardware
- Capillary effluent is sent directly in the source
What is meant by Packed column in GC-MS?
- Typical carrier gas flow rate of 20 cm^3/min at 1 atm
- At 10^-4 Torr, this becomes 3300 L/s (not possible with standard pumps)
- Eluent from a packed column CANNOT be sent directly to the source because of the high pressure that would result.
- Packed column eluent is first split or the analytes concentrated prior to its input into the mass spec source.
- Need interface for packed columns.
What does the interface do in GC-MS?
- bring GC effluent to an acceptable MS pressure
- transfer as much of the sample as possible into the MS ( if it doesn’t do this the LOD and sensitivity decr.)
- Avoid broadening the peak
2 types of GC-MS Interfaces
1) Direct Transfer
2) Jet Separation
What is Direct Transfer interface in GC-MS?
- Capillary Column Only
- End of the column is placed in the MS source (EI or CI)
- No interface needed due to the low gas load of the column
What is the Jet separator of GC-MS?
- Most common interface for packed columns
- GC effluent flows through a small nozzle and is directed to a skimmer
- After leaving the nozzle, light carrier gas molecules fan out. A higher % of heavy sample molecules stay on axis and reach the skimmer.
- Achieves about 50-60% efficiency in transporting sample
- Usually made of glass and located in a heated chamber
GCs operate at what pressure
Greater than 760 Torr
MSs operates at what pressure?
10^-5 to 10^-8 Torr ; can take 10^-4 Torr
Reproducible mass spectra require a __________ source pressure. It is important to ___________ pressure changes.
constant ; minimize
What is source pressure?
Pressure of sample in source
The _________ of the chromatographic peak has the most reproducible spectra
_________ analyzers (TOF, FT-ICR) have less pressure distortion because they are not continuously scanning. Therefore, ___________- of spectra minimizes pressure distortions
Pulsed ; rapid acquisition
GC-MS is employed because it
1) requires very little sample
2) provides structural confirmation
3) Has extremely low LOD
SIM can __________ LODs further. Can work with _______ mass analyzers.
Decrease ; scanning
Why might you use GC-MS/MS?
for selected reaction monitoring
Method 624 is an EPA method of analysis for pesticides. What type of compounds are these?
semi-volatile organic compounds (semi-VOC)
EPA methods specify what info in a procedure?
- What type of chromatography column is used
- What temp is the column
- What the flow through rate is
- What the retention time range is
Most EPA spectra is
All chromatography uses these
internal standards
Derivatization in GC-MS (and MS in general) uses
1) Increase sample volatility or thermal stability
2) Enhance the molecular ion (or quasi-molecular ion)
3) Incr. , decr., or direct fragmentation
4) Enhance the selectivity or sensitivity of the ionization process (Make more ions)
5) Improve the GC separation
Derivatization in GC-MS should be
1) Quantitative, producing a single product in good yield
2) Fast and simple (No synthetic organic products)
3) Work well with small amounts of materials
What is the most important derivatives in MS? What do they do?
Triakylsilyl Derivatives ; React readily with OH, SH, and NH to replace the active H with a silyl group. No hydrogen bonding = more volatile compound. Enhances volatility, improves GC properties, and gives a more easily interpretable mass spectra.
What are some Trialkylsilyl derivatives?
- Trimethylchlorosilane (TMCS) and N,O- bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA)
What is TMCS?
What is BSTFA?
Derivatives are added to the sample where?
In solution, not in mass spectrometer. You then inject the sample into the instrument.
What is the most common derivative for MS?
What is another major focus of derivatization in GC-MS?
Locating double bonds, which is especially difficult in long chains
Locating the double bond involves what derivative?
dimethyldisulfide derivative; alpha cleavage is directed to the C-C bond between the two sulfurs. Tells you where the double bond was
Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry
- For samples that aren’t volatile enough or thermally stable enough for GC-MS.
- Possible to obtain their spectra by DI (MALDI) and spray (ESI) techniques, with separation by MS/MS.
- Chromatographic introduction requires LC-MS
- Usually has a UV-Vis Detector (this is std. for LC-MS)
Problem with LC-MS
Interface must take flowing liquid stream to acceptable MS pressure (10^-4 to 10^-6 Torr) while transferring as much sample as possible with little peak broadening
Losing sample in LC-MS would cause
- Decr. LOD
- Decr. Sensitivity
- Would broaden peaks that are already broad with this technique
LC-MS Interfaces
1) Mechanical Transport Device
2) Direct Liquid Introduction
3) Continuous Flow FAB
4) Thermospray
5) Monodisperse Aerosol Generation Interface (MAGIC) or Particle Beam (PB)
6) API
What is Mechanical Transport Device in LC-MS?
- LC-MS interface
- Moving belt (no longer used)
- LC Effluent was sprayed onto a moving polyimide belt; solvent removed by heating; belt rotates to source for EI, CI, or DI; belt cleaned; process restarts
- Problems: Limited volativity range, volatile compounds lost before source; less volatile stay on belt and get it dirty; belt would break; things would pump out of belt before it reached MS source
What is Direct Liquid Introduction?
- Also no longer common
- LC-MS interface
- Lifespan of 3 years
- LC effluent sprayed directly into MS source, sometimes with a splitter between the column and the source.
- Solvent evaporates and becomes a CI reagent gas (bath gas). CI only needs a source pressure of about 10^-3 Torr at best
- Problems: Capillary clogs. Only works with volatile samples vaporized in the source. Only CI spectra was obtained and that was not very useful.
What is Continuous Flow FAB (CF-FAB)
- LC-MS interface
- No longer common
- LC mobile phase either contains glycerol (1-5%) or effluent of the sample that is mixed with glycerol after the column.
- Flowing effluent flows into hollowed probe tip, placed in DIP inlet of machine, and bombarded with FAB/SIMS beam
- Problems: Tricky to set up. Source gets very dirty from glycerol. Salts from LC buffers can clog the probe capillary. Caused electrical arcing, messy, etc.
What is Thermospray (TSP)?
- No longer common
- LC-MS interface
- Makes singly charged ion
- Was popular until ESI came along
- LC effluent passes through a heated capillary into the MS source
- Combo of spray ionization and CI (b/c buffer is doing CI making)
- Soft ionization: [M+H]+ or [M+NH4]+ or [M-H]- with few fragments. Ammonium acetate buffers usually required (used b/c it won’t clog interface by making salts)
- Problem: The heated capillary clogs repeatedly.
What is Particle Beam? (AKA MAGIC)
- LC-MS interface
- 2 jet separators in tandem
- LC effluent (0.1-2 mL/min) passes through an orfice (5-10 um in diameter) into a desolvation chamber at atmospheric pressure
- Orfice produces an aerosol jet spray of uniform drop size (about 2 times the nozzle diameter)
- Spray is hit by a perpendicular He flow to break up drops and prevent recombination
- Drops enter a two stage aerosol-beam separator where the pressure goes from atmosphere to 10^-6 Torr.
- Solvent particles are volatilized, separated by diffusion and pumped away, leaving less volatile liquid droplet by analyte
- Ionization by EI or CI
What happens in the first jet separator of PB?
Where lighter molecules will fan out, and heavier molecules will go through center
What type of molecules won’t work with PB? Why?
Big molecules such as polymers and peptides. Won’t vaporize as easily/quickly as the instrument needs
Compare DIP and PB
DIP requires pure compounds
PB can do mixtures but give similar spectra
What is API?
- Atmospheric Pressure Ionization
- Very soft ionization
- Very common interface for LC-MS
- Form of high pressure CI, with interface and ionization in one stage
- Very soft ionization technique
- Gives singly charged ions for compounds up to MW 1500 (Fairly light compounds)
- May work for samples not polar enough for good ESI
- Almost 100% Ionization efficiency
- Detection limit is not necessarily better than EI because the total ion current is not sampled by the MS
- Instrumentation is relatively simple. Often sources combine API and ESI (or two very similar sources)
If fragmentation in LC-MS is desired, use this interface
What is ESI?
- Electrospray ionization
- Interface and ionization technique
- For LC-MS
- Useful for very high mass samples
- Works for polar compounds with MWs around 100.
- Sample must have some polarity to accept or donate H+
- LC effluent flows through stainless steel needle, the ESI chamber, which has a cylindrical electrode at 3500 V. The electric field at the needle tip charges the liquid surface, dispersing a fine spray of charged droplets
- Droplets are driven by the field toward a glass or metal capillary and pass through a flow of bath gas (N2)
- Coloumb explosions tear the droplets apart and produce highly-charged quasi-molecular ions
With MS/MS you would like an ionization technique that will not introduce further __________. This is so that you will get a good _____________. Break these apart into the ________ ions via the MS/MS chamber
Fragmentation ; precursor ion signal ; product
Capillary Electrophoresis
- Uses ESI and Ionization
- Method for separating ionic species (including highly charged biomolecules)
- Flow rates are hundreds of nL/min. (extremely low)
- Major advantages: speed, high chromatographic resolution (of separations), and small sample volumes
- These are all retained with nanospray
What is the normal flow rate of ESI?
1 uL/min
Inductively coupled plasma mass spect
- Preferred method of analysis for metals
- Method of atomizing and ionizing a sample
- Gives charge, isotopic distribution, MW, identification
- Has temp of 10000 K, can vaporize anything
- Allows the determination of the elemental chemical composition of virtually any material
- Can quantitate all elements in the periodic table
- Can perform multielement analysis
- Can measure individual isotopes of the analyte elements
- Has very low limits of detection (exceeds capability of any other instrument)
- Can determine exactly what species are present
- Highly accurate and precise
- Large linear dynamic range (LARGEST OF ANY INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUE)
- Minimal interferences
- Have to use a rare gas to make the plasma for ICP (commonly argon) ; WHATEVER YOU USE AS YOUR PLASMA CAN NOT BE ANALYZED
Why is Argon the most common plasma of ICP?
-It has a high IP, high purity, and minimal chemical reactivity
How is plasma made?
- An electromagnetic field is generated by applying RF power (ca. 700-1500W) to an antenna (load coil) made of ca. 3 mm diameter copper wire
- Copper wire is wrapped around a quartz torch assembly, which configures and confines the plasma
- An inert gas (Ar, He , N2 or air) flows into the torch assembly at 10-20 L/min.
- Field oscillates at a frequency of the RF generator
- “Seed electrons” are produced from a spark. These electrons are accelerated by the electromagnetic RF field, they collide with the neutral gas atoms and create the plasma. These collisions produce additional electrons, which propagates the process.
- Results in high energy plasma, whose outer regions reach temperatures of 10000K, with core temp. of 5000-7000K
How is the sample introduced in ICP?
- Sample is converted into an aerosol if it is a liquid and introduced into the plasma .
- Liquid samples are usually sprayed directly into the argon stream .
- As you introduce Ar into plasma, you can flow sample into plasma also.
- A variety of nebulization processes may be used to break up the liquid into small particles. The smaller the particle, the more ions it will produce
- Gases and volatile compounds are directly introduced to Ar (meaning the samples go into the ICP torch where it is then vaporized, atomized, and ionized
GC and LC are primarily used for analyzing what kind of samples
ICP is mostly used for
elemental analysis
Solid samples in ICP can
be inserted directly into the plasma. or solid sample is desorbed into a gas by a laser and then entrained in the argon flow
The degree of ionization of an element depends on
its IP
ICP is at what pressure
ICP interface
- ions produced in the plasma pass through a sampler or extraction cone.
- A skimmer cone is located a few mm beyond the sampler cone.
- The two cones are made of Ni or Pt and are water cooled
- 2 stage pumping system lowers the pressure to about 1 Torr after the sampler cone and about 10^-5 Torr as ions enter the mass spectrometer.
- After the interface, ions are guided into the analyzer with a series of metal lenses (electrostatic focusing)
- Photon disk placed at the exit of the skimmer cone prevents photons and energetic neutrals produced in ICP from reaching the mass analyzer
Sampler cone does what?
- Skims off some of the ions
Why don’t you want photons present in ICP?
They produce a signal on the electron multiplier (EM)
Neautrals __________ the analyzer pressure.
Why can’t FT-ICR be used with ICP?
FT-ICR’s high magnetic field interferes with the plasma.
ICP can be used with all mass analyzers except
FT-ICR and orbitrap
What detector is commonly used with ICP?
electron multiplier
Product-Ion Scan
- Primarily for probing structures
- Frequently used with CI and all DI and spray ionization techniques
- Gives molecular formula not structural
- Quad 1: fixed
- Quad 2: scanning
Precursor- Ion Scan
- First mass analyzer passes all ions
-Second mass analyzer is fixed to pass the m/z of the product ion of interest.
-Quad 1: scanning
-Quad 2:fixed
Neutral loss scan
- Quad 1 & 2 are both scanning quads with a fixed mass difference