Final Exam Study Guide Flashcards
when palpating pulses, what system is being evaluated?
when moving a patient with a BMI of 32, what tool should you use?
hoyer lift
which patient should you see first?
- an older client with decreased upper extremity muscle loss
- one with stiff fingers and joints in the morning
- someone who slumps forward when standing
- a patient who can’t grip one of their hands
a patient who can’t grip with one hand
- could be a stroke finding
what stage pressure ulcer is broken skin?
stage 2
what stage pressure ulcer is when the sub-cutaneous is exposed?
stage 3
what stage pressure ulcer is when the bone is exposed?
stage 4
where can you hear vesicular lung sounds?
lung fields
- mostly what we listen to
where can you hear bronchovesicular lung sounds?
near sternal notch
where can you hear bronchial lung sounds?
up by clavicle
how do you classify a patient who has a blood pressure of 138/88?
stage 1
how do you classify a patient who has a blood pressure of 142/96?
stage 2
how do you know if a patient who has cognitive impairment is in pain?
- nonverbal signs
- wong-baker pain scale
after giving pain medications and coming back 30 min later to see how a patient is doing, falls under what part of the nursing process?
an older male experiencing nocturia and unable to fully empty bladder likely has what condition?
what is phimosis?
can’t retract the foreskin
which finding on an abdominal assessment is abnormal?
- soft
- active bowel sound
- convex shape
- ecchymosis
- convex shape
- ecchymosis
right after you put a wound dressing on a patient’s upper arm, a CNA takes BP on that same arm,
is that ok?
- needs to be done on a healthy arm
- cuff 80% arm circumference and 40% of width
- not on same side as mastectomy, PICC, bandage, etc.
a testicle feels rubber y and smooth,
is that normal?
- do not need to go to the doctor
which part of the stethoscope is used to listen for S1, S2 heart sounds?
which joints can perform rotation?
- neck
- wrist
- thumb
- jaw
- finger
- neck
- wrist
- thumb
which sinus is located under the cheekbones?
a patient with rectal itching and blood in their stool likely has what condition?
who is at the greatest risk for skin breakdown?
- patient with a fracture clavicle
- patient with a broken arm
- patient with femur fracture
- patient with hip fracture
femur or hip fracture
- differentiate based on age
- older client less likely to move as much and at higher risk for skin breakdown
what are important points for proper body mechanics?
- push don’t pull
- bend at the knee
- use legs not back to lift
- wide stance
- raise bed to working height
- carry object close to the body
which findings are subject?
- dizziness
- skin color
- skin turgor
- pain
- vitals
- lab results
- dizziness
- pain
which findings are objective?
- dizziness
- skin color
- skin turgor
- pain
- vitals
- lab results
- skin color
- skin turgor
- vitals
- lab results
how do you assess CN X (vagus)?
- ask the patient to swallow and say ahh
- check the gag reflex
how do you assess CN XI (spinal accessory)?
- ask patient to shrug shoulders against resistance
how do you assess CN XII (hypoglossal)?
- stick out tongue
how do you assess CN VII (facial)?
- have client puff out their cheeks
- make faces
- test taste on anterior tongue
how do you assess CN VIII?
- Romberg test
- Whisper test
how can you increase safety for a patient with impairment of CN II?
- adequate lighting
- make clear path
- no cords
- keep glasses close by
- do not put up all 4 bedrails
which cranial nerves are responsible for EOM?
where can you assess a client with dark skin for cyanosis?
- MM
- conjunctiva
- palms
what is circumoral cyanosis?
- purple/blue color around the mouth
- indicates respiratory distress and needs to be addressed immediately
how do you evaluate the effectiveness of respiratory medicatiions?
listen to lungs shortly after administering the treatment
what should you do when you palpate an irregular pulse?
use stethoscope and listen to apical pulse for 60 seconds
how do you assess the carotid?
- palpate unilaterally (never bilaterally)
- auscultate using the bell of the stethoscope
where is the mitral valve located?
between left aria and ventricle