Final Exam Study Flashcards
what 2 factors contribute to partial pressure of a gas in a mixture
% of concentration, and ambient barometric pressure (mmHg)
what are partial pressures of alveolar O2 and CO2 under normal conditions at sea level?
during heavy exercise?
PAO2 = 100mmHg
PACO2 = 40mmHg
during exercise
PAO2 = slight increase
PACO2 = decrease
what are partial pressures of arterial O2 and CO2 under normal conditions at sea level
during heavy exercise?
PaO2 = 95-100mmHg
(slightly lower than alveolar due to A-a oxygen difference)
PaCO2 = 40mmHg
during exercise
PaO2 = slight increase
PaCO2 = decrease
what are partial pressures of venous O2 and CO2 under normal conditions at sea level
during heavy exercise?
PvO2 = 40mmHg
PvCO2 = 45mmHg
during exercise
PvO2 = large decrease
PvCO2 = large decrease
what percent of CO2 is carried in each form in the blood stream
3 forms
70% bicarbonate
20% bound to Hb
10% dissolved in plasma
what causes the Bohr effect
The Bohr effect is a decrease in oxygen-hemoglobin association
increase in blood CO2 means lower pH, so oxygen is released from hemoglobin.
other factors are Increased temperature. Increased 2-3 Diphosphoglycerate as 2-3DPG competes for oxygen slots on hemoglobin
what as anatomical and physiological dead space
anatomical deadspace refers to air left in lung in areas that do not exchange gas (bronchi, etc)
physiological dead space is the TOTAL dead space in lungs, gas exchanging or not.
which parts of the brain contain the BREATHING centres
Pons and Medulla Oblongata
what does erythropoieten do
stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells
produced in kidneys
what do cytokines do
coordinate immune cell function
produced at white blood cells
what does glucagon do
causes liver to release glucose into the bloodstream
produces in pancreas
what does thyroxine do
regulates metabolic rate
what does leptin do
regulates food intake
produced in adipose tissue
what does corticotrophin releasing hormone do
causes anterior pituitary to release ACTH
produced in hypothalamus
what does cortisol do
stress response, effects immune function, catabolic to muscle tissue
produced in adrenal cortex