Final Exam Review Flashcards
Uniform crime reports, offenses known to the police
Counseling and care, treatment instead of imprisonment
What state only has state police?
Protection against self incrimination (Miranda v. Arizona)
Double jeopardy
Due Process required
5th Amendment
Questioning a perspective juror
Voir Dire
Pat down for weapons for officers safety
Terry v. Ohio
Jail unlikely
Done by the president or state governors and clears record
Criminal mind = intent
Mens Rea
Juveniles who were waved to adult court have the same rights as adults tried
Kent v. U.S.
Referee, taking a step back, reality principle
Sum of money or property put up with government as promise you’ll appear in court
To prove or test, always instead of incarceration
Illegal because law against it wrong because prohibited
Mala Prohibita
Don’t think you’ll be good for case, removal of a prospective juror without any reason
Peremptory challenge
When the accused agrees to plead guilty for benefit
Plea Bargaining
4th Amendment acception, seize evidence that is clearly visible without a warrant
Plain View Doctrine
Threat of punishment that can prevent people from committing crimes
Hearing officer determines if the alleged facts are sufficient for court intervention
45% of cases are diverted here
How many circuit courts are in the U.S.?
Sum of money payed to a victim to recover costs like med bills or missed work
Choice, free will, do whatever feels good
Classical School of Criminology
Who are most state and local level
Law enforcement
1 goal, conviction rate, knows what it takes to win
What state does not have police?
Most county level, reelected every 2 years, for needs of the community
Relies on civilians to report, apathy for criminals, stop and frisk
Community Policing
Wrong in itself, crimes inherently wrong
Mala in se
Cannot use deadly force on fleeing suspect
Tennessee v. Garner
Prosecutor, judge, defense attorney
Courtroom Workgroup
Right to assistance of counsel
Fair, speedy and public trial
Right to an impartial jury of peers
6th Amendment
Role that victims play like provoke situation, unwilling to help, no proper precautions
Formal charge, prosecutor presses charges
First Prison in 1785
Massachusetts State Prison
Juveniles do not get juries
Supreme court said the jury can’t do anything a judge cant already do (unnecessary)
Mckeiver v. Pennsylvania
Angel, morals, conscious
How many circuit court judges does Eau Claire County have?
The act of doing something like kidnapping, theft, murder
Actus Rea
Extended rights to nearly all juveniles
In re gault
Transfer to adult court
Depends on what, history, age
How many private prisons does Wisconsin have?
Devil, pleasure principle, urges
Uses their judgement/experience in a way thats different than standard law
Before arraignment, records information and evidence takes suspect into custody
Beyond control, criminals are fundamentally different
Positivists school of criminology
Get out of jail early, release after sentence
Behavior is illegal because of status like truancy, underage drinking, curfew
Status offense
Not prosecuting and lack of evidence
Noelle Prosequi
Person fails to comply with the conditions of their probation or parole, often not arrested
Examples: Not getting a job but hard with conditions of release.
Late to curfew
Attendance at school
Testing positive for a drug
Technical Violation
Sworn statement of fact promising what said is true
Accused have their rights, 6th ammendment
Defense Attorney
Protection against unreasonable search and seizure, needs probable cause of a crime or a warrant from a judge
Exclusionary Rule
Good Faith Exception
Plain View Doctrine (only time do not need warrant)
4th Amendment
Illegally obtained evidence excluded from trial
Exclusionary Rule
% of crimes that are committed but unknown to the police
Dark figure of crime
Adjudicator, negotiator, administrator
Functions of a judge
Separate juvenile court
new terminiology
Illinois Juvenile Court Act
What jurisdiction are most jails
County level
Custodial care (secure or non-secure)
Institutional Programming
Community treatment
Jury calls mistrial
Hung Jury
not required of showing mens rea (criminal intent)
Strict liability
Most guilty
Trial stage
Proceedings are genrally confidential
- # of crimes police no about compared to the #of crimes resolved
Clearance Rate
Person in need of services
parents can’t take kids to court
schools and police
Prior to custodial interrogation you get to know your rights
Miranda v. Arizona
State or king as father/parent
Parens Patriae
Court appearance of an accused person, pleads guilty or not guilty
Punishment as vengence for a criminal act
Harder for inmates to sue institution or officer
Prison Litigation Reform Act
Defense classification=prison
Incarcerated individuals can’t get federal funding for education
Comprehensive crime control act
Court order authorizing actions
Protection against excessive bail
Protection against cruel and unusual punishment
8th Amendment
Mark system-earn points for good behavior
Parole-ticket to leave
Indeterminate sentences
Individualized work and treatment programs
Elmira System (1876)
No rights for inmates
Ruffin v. Commonwealth
Certain rights, can’t starve or abuse and can sue correctional officers
Cooper v. Plate