What was Africville and why was it destroyed?
A small black community living in Nova Scotia since 1749. It was destroyed to make way for the industrial development of Halifax forcing relocation of population.
Why was there outrage at the hiring of leader of Africiville heritage trust restitution plan and what do supporters and critics say?
A white women (Rex. Carole Nixon) was hired and dismissed 1 day after.
Critics of Nixon: she cannot represent African-american Halifax community cause she does not fall into that demographic.
Supporters: Daurene lewis “she was the most qualified candidate”, race does not play a factor in this decision.
What is the CNIB case and why was it controversial?
In 2009, the CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) , hired their first sighted CEO (John Rafferty - excellent resume) . Supporters say that the job should be determined by Merit alone.
Critics: say it is discriminatory to blinds, “a step backwards”.
What is the CNIB case and why was it controversial?
In 2009, the CNIB (Canadian National Institute for the Blind) , hired their first sighted CEO (John Rafferty - excellent resume) . Supporters say that the job should be determined by Merit alone.
Critics: say it is discriminatory to blinds, “a step backwards”.
Discrimination is prohibited by
6 of the core international human rights documents.
What is Wouter Vandenhove concern with discrimination?
That there is no universal standard (definition for it) Therefore its parameters can be manipulated to the users own agenda.
What is the working definition of discrimination that many ethicists agree on:
Discrimination consists of acts, practices, or policies that impose (1) relative disadvantage on persons based on (2) their membership to a salient (noticeable/important) social group.
What is relative discrimination and relative disadvantage
how well a person is treated in relation to others.
Two Reasons why discrimination is wrong:
Richard Yetter: treating me different solely because of my virtue of race, gender age implies that this is significant information to determine my behaviour and I find this extremely insulting to my dignity as an individual. I am a distinct person, a free agent, an individual…
Who founded the idea of justified vs unjustified discrimination.
things alike should be treated
alike” - Aristotle?
things alike should be treated
alike” - Aristotle?
What is justified discrimination
Discrimination of the basis of relevant qualities (things that matter to the situation at hand). Based on morally sound reasons.
What is unjustified discrimination
Discrimination on the basis of irrelevant qualities having nothing to do with subject matter
What is unjustified discrimination
Discrimination on the basis of irrelevant qualities having nothing to do with subject matter
is choosing to not hire a blind person as telemarketer justified or unjustified discrimination.
unjustified. sight has nothing to do with telemarketing.
choosing not to hire a blind person as a pilot is justified or unjustified discrimination
justified. blindness impedes task of flying plane.
Who believes that a person does not deserve the dis/advantages that are due based on her natural endowments (intelligence, athletic ability), these are purely the result of the “natural lottery”
John Rawls
Who believes that our natural endowments are part of who we are; and we own them and the advantages and disadvantages that come from them.
Robert Nozick.
Equality deals with _________, Equity deals with __________
Sameness. Fairness.
What is the basis of the principle of justice
Equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally.
What happened in the case of Sara Landriault?
She tried to apply for the admin assistant’s job in the ministry of Citizenship and immigration and was rejected because the job was restricted to aboriginals.
What was did supporters and critics of Sara Landriault rejection state?
Supporters: I support all extraordinary measures that get the federal government closer to its employment equity targets (NDP MP Pat Martin)
Critics: Hiring should be based on merit, not ethnicity (Immigration minister Jason Kenny)
What is affirmative action:
policy of favouring members of disadvantage group who was discriminated.
What is the aim of affirmative action
to offset discrimination.
What does Section 15 of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms State.
(1) Every individual is equal and under the law without discrimination”
(2) however it does not (make impossible) any law program or activity that has the object of to improve the conditions of the disadvantaged.
What is western university doing as affirmative action.
making aboriginal access to university more accessible and encouraging applications.
What happened in the case of Edward Snowden?
Snowden leaked NSA classified information.
NSA (PRISM) were operated unconstitutionally.
Government criminalized Snowden.
Snowden was granted Asylum in Russia.
Many consider Snowden a hero, a whistleblower.