Final Exam Review Flashcards
No response; total A- no responses to pain, touch, sound or sight
Level 1
Generalized Reflex Response Total A- General responses to all stimuli but not purposeful
Level 2
Localized Response Total A - consistent responses to specific stimuli (withdraws from pain, turns toward sound)
Level 3
Confused/Agitated Max A
- motor activities may not non-purposeful
- short attention span
Level 4 (can be toughest level)
Less than what on the agitated behavioral scale means they would not likely be violent
Less than 23
More than what on the agitated behavioral scale means they need pharmacological intervnetion for violence
More than 28
Confused inappropriate, non-agitated Max A
- distractible
- redirection
- difficulty learning new tasks
- social conversation may be automatic, but inappropriate
- wandering
Level 5
Confused, appropriate, Mod A- inconsistently oriented to person, time, and place
- Begins to recall the past
- consistently follow simple directions
Level 6
Automatic appropriate: Min A for daily living skills- patient can perform all self-care activities and are usually coherent. Have difficulty remembering events and discussions. Should be able to carry out routine activities if physically able to do so. Rational judements, calculations, and solving multi step problems present difficulties. Needs supervision for safety
Level 7
Purposeful, Appropriate: Stand By Assistnace- pt is I for familiar tasks in a distracting environment for one hour. They acknowledge impairments but have difficult with self-monitoring.
-pretty aware of their deficits
Level 8
Purposeful, appropriate: Stand-by A on request- pt able to shift between tasks for several hours. Requires some assistance to adjust to life demands.
Level 9
Purposeful appropriate: Modified I- the patient is goal directed, handling multiple tasks and independently using assistive strategies. Prone to breaks in attention and may require additional time to complete tasks
Level 10
lowest acceptable limit of CPP in TBI patients
ICP above what would be of concern
In what position is the ICP lowest
with HOB increased to 30%
Oxygen levels below what requires medical intervention
Normal Na values
MAP less than what may limit PT in ICU
less than 70
HR less than what may limit PT in ICU
less than 40
HR more than what may limit PT in ICU
more than 130
RR less than what may limit PT in ICU
less than 5
RR more than what may limit PT in ICU
more than 40
generic measure of a patient’s function that can be used across an entire episode of care, from acute and post acute care settings and across different patient conditions (eg. musculoskeletal, neurologic, major medical).It can be administered using either patient or proxy report and has been shown to be practical yet psychometrically appropriate for clinical and research applications