final exam reveiw Flashcards
human nature
biologically inherited nature that can change overtime through experience and environment
- separates human from the rest of the animal kingdom
human dignity
the built in intrinsic excellence that we all posses
- separates us from each other as individuals
- every human being is values and valid
free will
human ability to choose between following instinct or utilizing reason
- the trait that separates humans and animals
the ability to think logically
-allows us to problem solve
social contract theory
an unwritten agreement between the people and their government where the citizens agree to follow laws and give up some rights for the government to protect them
-provides basics for our government
John Locke
English social contract philosopher
-philosophies inspired american and french revolutions
platos allegory
story told through symbols about mans quest for knowledge
-theory that there are more ignorant people then enlightened people
political spectrum
visual representation that charts peoples political ideologies
-allows us to compare political ideologies
political ideology that believes that societal problems should be solved by society
-gives a voice to republicans in society
political ideology that believes that the federal government exits to solve societal problems
-gives a voice to democrats in society
political ideology
various ideas about how the role the government should play in society
-provides bases for government
the division of powers between the national (federal) and state governments
-accommodate diverse viewpoints across the country.
government conducted by and with the consent of the people
- spreads out political decision making across the country
one person or small group has absolute power with out effective constitutional limitations
-removes the peoples dignity and human rights
checks and balances
system of each branch of government can limit the power of other branches
-one branch/person doesn’t take total control of the country
separation of powers
the 3 separate branches of the government- legislative, judicial, executive.
-way to prevent one branch/ group/ person from becoming to powerful
bill of rights
the first 10 amendments of the constitution
-explains our basic rights/freedoms
first amendment
the freedom/right of religion, protest, speech, assembly, and press
-freewill/ freedom to express ourselves
eighth amendment
the right to no cruel or unusual punishment
- protects a persons rights
legislative branch
the branch of government that makes laws,…. congress, house of reps, senate.— Vice President
- makes rules for us all to live with to protect us
executive branch
the branch of the government that carries out laws… president
judicial branch
the branch of the government that interprets laws and declares them constitutional or not.
- determines if something is too hard for us to follow everyday, and if it has a good reason. also protects our 8th amendment.
market economy
production and prices are determines by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses- “invisible hand” guided supply and demand
- if people want it, they can have it
mixed economy
an economic system combining private and public enterprises with economic freedoms for individuals while still including gov. interventions.
- it allows people to both buy and sell, but be protected by those who take control
command economy
gov. determines the quantity and price of goods in economy
- government are making decisions for people for the good of the nation
global economy
all financial interactions among people businesses and governments that crosses international borders
- it allows countries around the world to obtain resources.
businesses or other organizations develop international influences or start operating on an international scale
- changes the way national, businesses, and people interact and changes economic activity between nations, expands trade.
free trade
international trade left to its natural course without tariffs quotas or other restrictions
- makes it easier and cheaper for companies to export and import products and service their trading partner markets.
developed nations
a high- income, a sovereign state that has a high quality of life— stable
- advanced technological infrastructure and have diverse industrial and service centers
develping nations
a sovereign state with a less developed industrial base and a lower human development index compared to other counties
-nations must work together to improve economic status
world trade organization
the general agreement on tariffs and trade
-helps developing countries build their trad capacity
international monetary fund
countries contribute to a pool of funds from which other countries experiencing financial hardship can borrow.
- promotes international trade, exchange- rate stability and sustainable growth.