Final Exam Page 6 Flashcards
What is the nature of “miracle” in biblical thought, particularly in relation to faith?
“Miracle” is not a biblical word, even though we may use it. The Bible prefers terms like “mighty work”, “wonder”, “sign”, “power”, etc. A miracle is an extraordinary event which faith recognizes as an act of God.
What is the significance of Passover?
The event of Passover marked the “passing over” of the Hebrew households by the death angel in the land of Egypt. It was the final mighty work done by God that prompted Pharaoh to allow the Hebrew people to go free. It became a significant feast of communication still celebrated by Jews today.
What is the meaning of Yam Suph?
Most frequently translated “Red Sea”, it more literally means “sea of reeds.” The crossing over of the Yam Suph by the Hebrews was another mighty act of God in their behalf.
What was manna? From where did it come?
Manna was a bread like substance provided for the people by God while they were in the wilderness
What is a suzerainty treaty?
A “Suzerain” was a mighty, powerful king in the ancient world. A “vassal” was a lesser king under a suzerain’s authority. The basic covenant code in the OT is modeled after ancient suzerainty treaties, in which the suzerain establishes what he expects of the vassal kings under his authority. God is likened to a suzerain in authority and power, while the people of Israel are in the position of the vassal.
What is the full meaning of the word “torah”? It is derived from a Hebrew verb meaning what?
While often translated “law,” Torah means “teaching” or “instruction.” It comes from a Hebrew word meaning “to shoot” or “to aim”, hence, “to point out the way.”
What is the nature of the so-called Sinai Covenant (Covenant Code)?
The Covenant Code is found in Exodus 20-24. It is the code established at Sinai that includes the decalogue or the 10 Commandments. It is a conditional covenant modeled on ancient suzerainty treaties and sets forth what God expects of his people. It has a vertical component as well as a horizontal component, both of which set forth how Israel is to live.
What two types of laws are contained in the Covenant Code? What is the difference between conditional and apodictic law?
The two types of laws are apodictic (absolute laws) and conditional (case laws). The Ten Commandments are representative of apodictic or absolute law. “If an ox gores a man…” is an example of case or conditional law.
What was the basic nature and significance of the Mosaic faith for Israel? Be able to list at least three contributions of Moses.
The Mosaic faith and covenant established through Moses became the foundation for the life of Israel in the land of Covenant Promise. It was a conditional covenant, in that Israel would be blessed if they disobeyed the covenant.
Contributions of Moses:
He is responsible for the foundations of the Israelite theocracy (direct rule by God)
He has a strong influence upon the entire Torah.
He served as God’s agent, representative, and covenant mediator.