Final Exam - Multiple Choice Flashcards
Crop Phenological Cycles
-Periodic biological phenomena that are correlated with climatic/annual conditions
-When looking at graphs, it looks like when there is more yield has to do with the time of year
-Useful for accessing crop conditions, droughts, wildfire risks, invasive species etc
Tells us when data should be collected, when crops should be harvested
Vegetation Index
-It is a synthetic image layer that is created from the existing bands of a multispectral image
-Provides information that is not found in other individual bands
Vegetation Index Example
Shows vegetation biomass, land cover, leaf area, and vegetation ground cover
NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)
-Simple numerical indicator that can be used to analyze remote sensing measurements
-Can access if area contains live green vegetation or not
NDVI Values
-Numbers ranging form -1 to 1
-0.1 and below represent barren rock, sand and snow
-0.2 to 0.3 represent shrub and grassland
-0.6 to 0.8 represent temperate and tropical rainforests
-Well-vegetated has higher values
-Water has negative values
NDVI Formula
NIR - Red / NIR + Red
EVI (Enhanced Vegetation Index)
-Improved sensitivity to high biomass regions
-C are coefficients adjusting for atmosphere and L is a soil factor
Image Classification
assigning pixels in an image to one of a number of classes
–> creates a thematic map
Classification schemes; Classes
Simplification and generalization of the real world
What types of classification schemes can you design?
- Broad type-abstractive
- Specific type-concrete
What are Anerdsons Level one land cover classification?
- Urban
- Agriculture
- Rangeland
- Forest Land
- Water
- Wetland
- Barren Land
- Tundra
- Snow or Ice
What is a spectral reflectance curve?
Earth surface features distinctive electromagnetic reflectance properties
Multispectral Classification -> Unsupervised Classification
ISODATA –> more computer automated
Multispectral Classification -> Supervised Classification
Maximum Likelihood classification –> more prior knowledge is needed, more controlled by users
-Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Techniques
-Uses minimum spectral distance to assign a cluster for each pixel
-Repeatedly performs an entire classification and recalculates statistics
Whats the classification process for unsupervised classification?
- Classification scheme
- Classification methods
- Accuracy assessment
Whats the classification process for supervised classification?
- Selection of training samples
- Generation and evaluation of statistical signatures
- Class assignment using a decision rule
What is a training sample?
-samples of homogeneous areas with known class types
-training samples can include fieldwork, aerial photography, maps
-spectral characteristics of training samples are used to generate signatures
What is the decision rule
-supervised classification
-mathematical algorithm that performs the sorting of pixels into distinct classes
What is parallelepiped?
-supervised classification
-has upper and lower limits for every signature in every band
-if pixels are in parallelepiped, they are assigned to that features class
-simple and fast, useful for broad classification
-pixels in gap regions will not be classified or improperly
What is minimum distance?
-supervised classification
-calculates the spectral distance between the measurement vector for the pixel and the mean vector for each signature
-no unclassified pixels, fast decision rule
-pixels that should be unclassified are classified, does not consider class variability
What is maximum likelihood?
-supervised classification
-based on probability that a pixel belongs to a particular class
-most common decision rule
-assumes probabilities are equal for all classes and input bands have normal distribution