Final Exam (MT2 Topics) Flashcards
How was understanding others’ intentions tested?
6 months - doll and ball test
Violation of expectation paradigm
Habituated to reaching for ball
Tested with reaching for ball and reaching for doll
How can understanding intentions vs accidents be tested and at what age?
9 months are more frustrated when adult doesn’t give them toy vs trying to give it and it falls down and breaks
What is joint attention and when does it emerge
At 9-12 months,
When two people are looking at the same thing and are aware that they are both looking at it
When does imitation emerge?
9-12 months
What are the three reasons as to why understanding intentions is important?
- Step toward understanding the minds of others
- Enables joint attention
- Enables imitation
Why do newborns stick out their tongue?
They stick out their tongue as a reflex in response to things they find interesting or arousing
How was imitation intentional actions tested and what were the results?
12 month olds.
Adult with hands occupied and adult with hands free hitting light with head to turn it on
Results: infants in the hands occupied group used their hand to turn it on
Infants in the hands free group used their head to turn it on
What are the three aspects of the theory of mind?
Desires, intentions, knowledge
How was understanding others desires studied and what were the results? (desires and actions)
12 month olds - violation of expectation paradigm
Habituated: Ooh look at the kitty and grabs it
Tested: look at the kitty and grabs it AND grabs the other kitty that it was not expressing desire to.
Babies looked longer at the grabbing other kitty longer
Infants are born with an (implicit / explicit ) sense of self which is proven by:
Implicit: not responding to rooting reflex if they are the ones who initiated it.
At what age does the explicit sense of self develop? What tested this?
18-24 months
Rouge test, recognizing themself in a mirror
How was understanding others preferences vs their own tested and at what age dos this develop?
2 years old (who prefers to play with trucks)
Read a book where the character of the book likes dolls.
Ask the infant whether the character would want to play with a truck or a doll and the infant would respond with truck because THEY like trucks
When it comes to understanding knowledge, what can toddlers infer and at what age?
At three years old, they are able to understand who knows better and they even understand people having areas of expertise, like one person might know the name of things and others might know how to fix it.
What is a falls belief problem? Who passes this and who doesn’t?
False belief problem is the child knowing there are smarties in the pencil case, when they originally guessed there would be pencils inside.
When asked what another child might think is inside, 3 year olds answer smarties, and 5 year olds answer pencils
Place these in the correct order of when they are developed:
1- basic understanding of others’ desires
2- know when others are knowledge specialists
3- understanding others’ action and intentions
4- explicit sense of self
5- understand that others desires are different than ones own
6- pass false belief test
7- joint attention and imitation
3 - 7 - 1 - 4 - 5 - 2 - 6
What explains the stability of social cognition skills?
Children who are better able to understand intentions at 6 months are also better at false belief test at 4 years old. And vice versa if the child was weak.
What is the TPJ (temporal parietal junction )
- how does affect children with ASD
Area of the brain that is consistently active during theory of mind tasks
Children with ASD have atypical TPJ sizes, and struggle on false belief tests even as teenagers
What are three pieces of evidence that support the nativist theory of mind?
- Newborns inherent interest in faces
- Culturally universal trajectory of theory of mind
- TPJ size with ASD
What are the implications of improving executive functioning?
Individual differences in executive functioning are responsible for individual differences in theory of mind. They are correlated.
What 2 pieces of evidence supports the contribution of social interactions with the development of theory of mind?
- Caregiver using mental state talk (think know want) correlates with theory of mind ability
- Preschoolers that have siblings are better at theory of mind tasks especially siblings of the opposite gender
What three factors likely play a role in the development of theory of mind?
- Maturation of the brain TPJ
- Improved executive functioning ability
- Interactions with other people
When do children learn the following ways:
1. Observation and imitation
2. Statistical learning
3. Being taught by others
4. Trial and error
- 9-12 months
- Birth
- 3 years old
- Birth
What procedure / paradigm is used to test speech perception discrimination?
High amplitude sucking procedure with habituation
When new distinguishable stimulus is played, the sucking behaviour should increase
How is preference different form discrimination in the high amplitude sucking procedure?
Preference: multiple stimuli played and sucking behaviour measured and recorded. More sucking means preference
Discrimination: each time the baby produces a strong sucking, a sound is played. Test: hear new speech every time they produce strong suck, sucking behaviour should increase if can distinguish.
What preferences do newborns have when listening to speech
Speech over artificial sounds
Mothers voice over another woman
Native language over foreign language
What does our categorical perception of speech infer?
We perceive speech sound as distinct even though the differences between speech sounds are gradual
Describe the testing of categorical perception of speech with pa and ba
Tested on 1 month olds
- babies tested with different english speech sounds
- babies tested with same English speech sounds but different VOT
Same results as an adult. No increased sucking with same speech sounds but increased sucking with different speech sounds
How was cross language speech perception tested and what were the results?
6 months old - sucking procedure
Habituated to hindi sounds Ta or ta
Tested with Ta and ta, increased sucking when they heard a new ta
How does perceptual narrowing affect speech perception?
Speech perception diminishes at around 8 months and lose the ability to discriminate non native speech sounds at 10-12 months, but native language improves
When does word segmentation begin?
And how is it formed?
Begins at 7 months old via statistical learning of speech patterns (en/fr first last syllable) and distribution of speech sounds (happy baby)