Final Exam (Excluding Midterm 1) Flashcards
Who is Arcesilas?
He is the 8th and last king of Cyrene. He won the chariot race in the Pythian games in 462 and is the recipient of Pindar’s Pythian 4 and 5 poems
Who is Damophilus?
Damophilus is a friend of Pindar’s who was exiled from Cyrene.
Pythian 4 and 5 plead to Arcesilas to allow Damophilus to return home
Who is Euphamus?
A supposed ancestor of Arcesilas. One of the argonauts that sailed with Jason aboard the Argo. (commonly referred to as one of the least important Argonauts)
Who is Battus?
The son of Arcesilas. Both he and his father were chased out of Cyrene and murdered during a civil war. After their murder, Cyrene became a democracy.
Who is Jason
Mythological Hero from “Jason and the Argonauts” Leader of the Argonauts
Is the son of Aeson and is the rightful heir of Iolchus but was too young to rule so he was sent away.
He was raised by the centaur Chiron, who is a legendary trainer and father figure of heroes
What is Iolchus?
The homeland of Jason. Is under the rule of Pelias, Jason’s uncle before seceeding to Jason.
Who is Aeson?
The father of Jason. Ruler of Iolchus before his death
Who is Pelias?
Uncle of Jason. Became the ruler of Iolchus after Aeson’s death
Who is Chiron?
Legendary trainer of heroes.
Is a centaur
Is said to have named Jason
Acted as a father figure and raised Jason, Achilles, and in some stories, Heracles.
What is Colchis?
Colchis is the island where the Golden Fleece is held
Who is Aeetes?
Son of the sun god, Helios.
Ruler of Colchis
Owner of the Golden Fleece
What does Nostos mean?
Literally translated to “To return home” It essentially measn to return to a place in which you belong
Who is Paean?
Apollo in his role of god of healing
Who is Cycnus (Kuh-you-k-ness)
The son of Ares
What are Athloi
What are Athletes?
Someone who performs labours
What are Athla
The Games
What is Pythia?
Pythia is the title of the head oracle at Delphi.
The title is also what the Pythian games are named after, which Apollo made to commemorate his victory over the great snake Python.
Who is Ortygia?
A goddess of the place, specifically Ortygia (the island)
What is Apotheosis?
The process of a man being transformed into a god
Who is Hebe?
The goddess of youth
Wife of Heracles
Who is Mnemosyne?
Goddess of memory, mother of the 9 muses
What is Philei?
Love, specifically to commemorate
What is Phthonera?
Envy (To look at someone with an envious eye)