Final Exam Chapter 16 HIV Flashcards
What does HIV stand for?
Human immunodeficiency virus
What is HIV?
Virus that attacks the immune system (weakens the immune system over time)
What does AIDS stand for?
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
How is AIDS caused?
Caused by HIV, Very serious and life-threatening disease
When the cells fall under 200 cells per cubic millimeter of blood it becomes aids
Facts about HIV in the US?
1.1 million people in the US are HIV-positive, with 15% unaware
Over 39,000 new cases in the US every year
Estimated 12,000 people die of AIDS in the US every year
Facts about HIV worldwide?
Nearly 37 million people around the world live with HIV and over 1 million die from AIDS-related illnesses each year
Race/ethnicity differences in likelihood of acquiring HIV
First strand found in 1980s (not long ago)
First detected in animals (monkeys)
What is meant by, HIV: Retrovirus?
Virus: A virus is a tiny infectious agent that can only replicate inside the cells of a living organism.
Retrovirus: Retroviruses are a specific type of virus that have a unique way of replicating and inserting their genetic material into the host cell’s DNA
How is HIV a retrovirus?
Retrovirus replicate by injecting themselves in host cells literally taking over the genetic workings of the cells
Why is HIV known as a silent killer?
HIV is able to stay in the body in a latent and dormant state (silent killer), it gradually starts replicating itself and in the process begins destroying the T cells ability to function
What are T-Cells responsible for?
responsible for recognizing harmful substances in the body and for attacking such substances
What happens when HIV enters the body?
Enters bloodstream → invades T-cells → injects into cells genetic material → replicates and destroys the T-cell
Facts about HIV in regards to Diversity?
Black – makeup 45% ofHIV diagnoses and 53% of deaths every year
Mostly queer men → frequency of gay anal sex
- Unaware of their HIV status because of lack of regular health check up
- Stigma also prevents them from seeking help
How many stages are there for HIV?
What is stage 1 for HIV?
Stage 1 – may last for a period of 1-8 weeks → fever, headache, sore throat
This initial stage is then followed by a latent period stage 2
What is stage 2 for HIV?
This initial stage is then followed by a latent period (stage 2), in which people experience few, if any, symptoms (up to 10 years)… virus is still active and replicating