Final Exam CH6-12 Flashcards
Memory Storage
required in order to recall past experiences and learning from memory
Information Retrieval
the capacity to retrieve information from memory
Selective Attention
ability to attend to one stimulus to the exclusion of others
Limited Information Processing Capacity
finite amount of space available; tasks that require large amounts of processing space interfere with each other
Attentional Narrowing
as arousal increases, attentional focus narrows
Selective Attention
ability to attend to one stimulus to the exclusion of others; very efficient in highly skilled athletes
Limited Information Processing Capacity
finite amount of space available; tasks that require large amounts of processing space interfere with each other; with practice, can decrease the amount of space a task takes
Attentional Narrowing
as arousal increases, attentional focus narrows
Quiet Eye Period
the time between stimulus and reaction
Playing in the Zone
physical & mental preparation; an absence of conscious regulation during outstanding performance
Ironic Effect
doing exactly what you are trying not to do
Internal Focus
internal body actions (i.e. keep elbow straight)
External Focus
external effects of skill execution (i.e. hit through the ball)
External Focus
external effects of skill execution (i.e. hit through the ball)
Constrained Action Hypothesis
conscious control interacts with automatic control (internal focus)
replacing a negative thought with a positive thought
a method of making adjustments to attitudes
a generic term used to describe emotions, feelings, and moods
a situation specific response to the environment; instantaneous, discrete
facing uncertain, existential threat; the emotion believed to have the most influence on athletic performance
last for weeks or month; associated with the environment
nonspecific response to demands on the body (eustress & distress)
3 main elements of emotion
- physiological change
- subjective experience
- action tendency
Trait Anxiety
a predisposition to respond with increased anxiety
State Anxiety
immediate emotional state characterized by apprehension, fear, tension, & increase in arousal
Cognitive Anxiety
the mental component of anxiety caused by fear of social evaluation, fear of failure, and loss of self-esteem
Somatic Anxiety
physiological response
3 parts of stress process
- environmental situation
- appraisal of environmental situation
- the stress response
Stress response
only occurs if coping skills perceived to be inadequate to deal with situation
Organizational Stress
environmental issues
personal issues
leadership issues
team issues
Functional Perfectionism
characterized by high personal standards and a desire for organization; decreased levels of state anxiety, increased levels of self-confidence; adaptive, autonomous
Disfunctional Perfectionism
characterized by concern over mistakes, parental expectations and criticism, self-doubts, and socially prescribed expectations; increased somatic & cognitive state anxiety; maladaptive, controlling
Inverted U-Theory
best performance occurs at a moderate level of arousal
Drive Theory
the greater the arousal level the higher the performance; gross motor skills, linear process
Profile of mood states (athletes are lower in every mood but vigor)
tension depression anger vigor fatigue confusion
Profile of mood states (athletes are lower in every mood but vigor)
tension depression anger vigor fatigue confusion
constantly changing cognitive & behavioral efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands
Problem Focused Coping Strategy
eliminate the root cause of stress response (i.e. drop out)
Emotion Focused Coping Strategy
regulate emotions in order to reduce stress response (i.e. coping strategies)
Dispositional Hypothesis
learned or trait way of coping with all stress related situations
Dynamic Hypothesis
athletes’ coping responses are fluid (change from situation to situation)
Self Talk
personal dialogue in which athlete interprets feelings, perceptions, convictions, and gives him/herself instructions and reinforcement
Benefits of Self-talk
Developing self-confidence Focusing attention Controlling arousal Maintaining effort Creating & changing mood
Relaxation Strategies
progressive relaxation autogenic training meditation integrative mind body training biofeedback training
Basic types of goals
outcome goals
performance goals
process goals
Outcome goals
focus on the outcome (win vs lose); involve some sort of interpersonal comparison
Performance goals
specify an end product of performance; gives an additional evaluation point (i.e. personal improvement)
Process goals
focus on specific behaviors; improving a process (i.e. keep elbow in)
Process Goal Paradox
a process goal may actually interfere with the smooth execution of a well learned motor skill
Effectiveness of Goal Setting
directed attention effort mobilization persistence development of new learning strategies increase in positive affect
Characteristics of the elite athlete
- confidence in ability
- ability to adjust
- prepared for distractions
- coaches have realistic expectations
- positive attitude
- team unity
- dont complain
Mental toughness
the ability to cope better than your opponents & be more consistent
Effectiveness of mental toughness
increase self-confidence, focusing attention, energizing effort. & enhance athletic performance
Effectiveness of mental toughness
increase self-confidence, focusing attention, energizing effort. & enhance athletic performance
Psychological methods
practices that lead to psychological skill
Psychological skill
learned or innate characteristics of the athlete that make it possible or even likely that she will succeed in sport
3 types of sport psychologists