What is the teaching for diaphragm method of contraception?
-Round flexible device that covers the cervix
- itted for sized by health care provider
- insert up to 6 hrs before and keep in at least 6 hrs after but no more than 24 hrs (increased risk of UTI)
-Used with spermicidal jelly or cream,
-size refitting if weight fluctuates
- Does not prevent STD, Must be washed after each use with mild soap
-empty bladder before insert
What is the risk for teens and pregnancy?
-Complications common PIH or IUGR
-Denial and late pregnancy care
-Social needs override prenatal care
-Growth and development need as well as support growth of the fetus
UTIs during antepartum period?
High risk for UTIs (symptomatic or asymptomatic. UTI correlated to PREMATURE labor.
§ Symptoms of UTI: frequency with urgency, dysuria, hematuria
§ Teach patients to report all symptoms of UTI, especially the urgency to urinate.
What are the three shunts in utero?
ductus arteriosis, foramen ovale, and ductus venosus
What is ductus arteriosis?
valve that shunts blood around lung
What is foramen ovale?
allows blood flow from right to left atrium
What is ductus venosus?
valve that shunts around the liver
What is education on rh test?
- given to Rh neg mothers at 28 weeks gestation
- and again within 72 hours after birth if Rh+ baby
- usual dose 300mcg IM
- After any invasive procedure (amniocentesis).
What are presumptive signs of pregnancy?
breast changes, amenorrhea, N/V, urinary frequency, fatigue, quickening
What are probable signs of pregnancy?
goodell sign, chadwick sign, hegar sign, positive preg test, braxton hicks contractions, ballotement
what are positive signs of pregnancy?
anything from fetus detected by doctor or movement felt (fetal move palpated, visible)
Veins carry ____ blood in utero?
Arteries carry ______ blood in utero?
In utero, there are ___ arteries and ___ veins?
2 arteries, 1 vein
what is normal weight gain in pregnancy?
2 to 4 lbs in 1st trimester
1 lb/week in 2-3
When does the 1st prenatal visit usually occur?
within first 12 weeks
What are the labs drawn at the 1st prenatal visit?
HCG, CBC w/diff, Blood Type & Rh, RPR, HIV, Hemoglobin Electrophoresis (check anemias), A1C, UA, cervical exam and pap smear,
During weeks 12-28 of pregnancy, how often should prenatal visits be?
once a month
What labs are taken at the monthly visits during weeks 12-28?
UA at every visit
TB skin test, Rubella titer, Hep B test, Triple Screen & MSAFP
1hr glucola (24-28 weeks)
How often should prenatal visits be during weeks 29-36?
every 2 weeks
What labs are drawn at the biweekly visits?
UA at every visit
Ultrasound if not done before
Type & Rh
How often should prenatal visits be from weeks 36-delivery?
What labs are taken from 36 weeks-delivery?
Possible U/S for presentation
What are expected physiological changes in pregnancy?
-increase in estrogen and progesterone levels
-uterus changes in size, shape, and position
-increase uterine blood flow and stronger muscles for birth process
-vaginal secretions increase
-expansion of vascular volume 45-50%
-cardiac output increase 25-50%
-clotting factors increased
-oxygen consumption increased 15-20%
-breathing changes from thoracic to diaphragmatic
-basal metabolic rate increases 10-20%
-linea nigra
-striae gravidarum
-palmar erythema
Characteristics of GHTN?
-Hypertension WITHOUT proteinuria after 20 weeks gestation
-Recorded at least 2 separate occasions at least 4-6 hours apart but
within 1 week
-bp normal 1-12 weeks after delivery
Characteristics of mild pre-eclampsia?
BP 140/90mm Hg x2 > 4-6hrs apart
MAP > 105
24hr urine protein > 0.3g
Characteristics of severe pre-eclampsia?
BP > 160/110mm Hg on 2 occasions at least 4 hours apart
MAP >105
24hr urine protein >2g
Nursing care for eeclampsia
- Keep the patient safe
- Turn onto side
- Suction
- Oxygen
- IV Magnesium Sulfate
- Monitor fetus
- Uterine & Cervical Assessment
- Document
Cardinal signs of pre-eclampsia?
-elevated bp
-proteinuria (>0.3g in 24 hrs)
-pathological edema
-weight gain of >4.4 lbs in 1 week
Risk factors for pre-eclampsia?
Chronic renal disease, Chronic hypertension, Family history of preeclampsia, Multiple
gestation, Primigravity or new partner, Maternal age, Diabetes, Rh incompatibility, Obesity
Nursing management for mild pre-eclampsia?
Bedrest – Home or Hospital
Monitoring of BP
Daily weights
Fetal surveillance
Monitor urine protein
Educate on signs to report
Healthy diet & adequate hydration
Emotional support
Nursing management for severe pre-eclampsia?
Hospital bed rest
Maternal & fetal surveillance
Possibly in an ICU setting
Quiet, nonstimulating environment & seizure precautions
Pharmacological interventions
What are lab values/clinical manifestations to watch for HELLP syndrome?
- (H)-hemolysis—Breakdown of RBC as they pass through the small
vessels with endothelial cell damage and fibrin deposit - (EL)- Elevated liver enzymes- A result of impaired hepatic blood flow
and fibrin deposits - Watch for RUQ pain
- Epigastric pain unresponsive to medication
- (LP)-Low platelets (Thrombocytopenia – platelets less than 100,000)
what is placenta previa?
placenta is
implanted in
lower uterine
CMs of placenta previa?
painless bright red bleeding after 20 weeks
Nursing care for placenta previa?
and bed rest
NO vaginal
What is placenta abruption?
separation of
the placenta
CMs of placenta abruption?
Painful abdominal pain with or without bleeding, uterine tenderness, confirmed after delivery
Nursing care for placeta abruption?
immediate delivery, palpate uterus for tenderness and tone, monitor fundal height
Why evaluate bladder during labor?
If bladder is full, then it will not give uterus space to contract therefore causing uterine atony
§ Also, a distended bladder causes a dislodged fundus
What are the types of lochia post-partum?
rubra, serosa, alba
Characteristics of lochia rubra?
-day 1-3
-small, clots,
-red to or red-brown
-fleshy, earthy odor
Characteristics of lochia serosa?
-day 4-10
-decreased amount
-pink or brown tinged