final exam (arg or nonarg) Flashcards
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Many believe that consciousness is a purely physical phenomenon. There is no soul, they say, and the mind is simply a result of electrical and chemical signals interacting in the brain. I reject this notion! Arg | Non arg
You have neglected your duty on several occasions , and you have been absent from work too many times. You are not fit to serve in your current position. Arg | Non arg
C: You are not fit to serve in your current position.
We should go to the beach today because the weather is perfect for going to the breach and there’s a discount on surfing lessons that’s good only today. Arg | Non arg
C: We should go to the beach today.
Half the students were late for class today because of a terrible accident on Highway 2. Arg | Non arg
Non Argument.
Rene hates Julia, and she always upsets him, so he should avoid her. Arg | Non arg
C: He should avoid her.
Rene hates Julia and his feelings against her cause him tremendous pain. Arg | Non arg
Non Argumemt
The space program deserves increased expenditures in the years ahead. not only does the national defense depend upon it, but the program will more than pay for itself in terms of technological spinoffs. Furthermore, at current funding levels the program cannot fulfill its anticipated potential. Arg | Non arg
C: The space program deserves increased expenditures in the years ahead.
The classroom teacher is crucial to the development and academic success of the average student. For this reason, classroom teachers ought to be paid at least the equivalent of administrators at all levels, including the superintendent. Arg | Non arg
C: Classroom teachers ought to be paid at least the equivalent of administrators at all levels including the superintendent.
Even though more of the world is immunized than ever before, many old diseases have proven quite resilient in the face of changing population and environmental conditions, especially in the developing world. New diseases, such as AIDS, have taken their toll in both the North and the South. Arg | Non arg
Non Argument.
The capacity to be alone is a valuable resource. It enables men and women to get in touch with their deepest feelings; to come to terms with loss; to sort out their ideas; to change attitudes. In some instances even the enforced isolation of prison may encourage the growth of the creative mind. Arg | Non arg
C: The capacity to be alone is a valuable resource.
If you understand the techniques and principles of critical thinking, and you have practiced applying them in a variety of situations, you are more likely than not to detect your own one-sided, self centered thinking when it occurs. Arg | Non arg
Non Argument
Expected mothers should never use recreational drugs, since the use of these drugs can jeopardize the development of the fetus. Arg | Non arg
C: Expectant mothers should never use recreational drugs.
The spaceship exploded because the engine failed. Arg | Non arg
Non Argument (merely explaining what happened)
Adam stole the money because he needed to buy food. Arg | Non arg
Non argument
Adam stole the money because 3 people saw him do it. Arg | Non arg
C: Adam stole the money.
If iron is less dense than mercury, then it will float in mercury. Arg | Non arg
Non argument
(if, than statement)