Final Exam Flashcards
The Learning Perspective
Personality is shaped through learning
- learning: the change of behaviour as a function of experience
Two varieties of the learning perspective
- behaviourist theories
- social learning theories
the theoretical view of personality that focuses on overt behaviour and the ways in which it can be affected by rewards and punishments in the environment
the decrease in response to a stimulus on repeated applications
The simplest kind of learning
responding in a similar way to somewhat different stimuli
responding in a different manner to different stimuli
the reduction of a conditioned response by repeating the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus
Emotional conditioning
classical conditioning in which the conditioned response is an emotional reaction
Higher order conditioning
an event in which a former conditioned stimulus now acts as an unconditioned stimulus in a new instance of conditioning
Skinner’s term for the process of learning in which an organism’s behaviour is shaped by the effect of the behaviour on the environment
Operant or Instrumental conditioning
T or F. Continuous rf leads to slower learning
F! Continuous = faster! Partial = more persistent learning!
Vicarious conditioning
- seeing someone else getting punished; associate punishment with behaviour (ex: cheating and getting expelled)
- basic conditioning responses; happening vicariously through someone else but also tends to be stubborn
Social Learning Theory
- the general view that learning is largely or wholly due to modelling, imitation, and other social interactions
- we learn a lot through our social interactions
- aspects of some social learning theories reinterpret ideas rooted in more classic behaviourism
- two perspectives: Rotter and Bandura
Expectancy Value Theory
behavioural decisions are determined not just by the presence or size of rf, but also by beliefs about the likely results of behaviour
Classic behaviourism focuses on the actual rewards/punishments, whereas Rotter…
focuses on the beliefs about reward/punishment
Specific expectancies
the belief that a certain behaviour at a certain time and place will lead to a specific outcome
Generalized expectancies
general beliefs about whether anything you do is likely to make a difference
Two subsets of generalized expectancies
- internal locus of control: those with high generalized expectancies and thus tend to think that what they do affects what happens to them
- external locus of control: those with low generalized expectancies and tend to think that what they do will not make much difference
Efficacy expectations should be the key target for therapeutic interventions
Bandura’s Model of Social Learning
- efficacies can create capacities
Observational learning
- learning a behaviour vicariously. by seeing someone else do it
- other animals also do this
- humans can learn nearly everything from observational learning
- more observational learning shortly right after birth = within hours - newborns can mimic faces ; even if doesn’t mean anything, see someone do it then u will too
- ages 3 -5 = mimicking gender identity; same sex parent
Observational learning requires: (4)
- attention
- retention
- production
- performance
Does engaging with violent media cause violence?
Learning perspective says yes!
- acquiring potential violent behaviours
- rewards for violent behaviours (war hero, etc.)
- desensitization
- BUT other factors need to be considered too so “yes” would be an oversimplification
Problems of Learning Approach
- Oversimplification of situations
- Artificiality of experimental control
- Theories about determinants of behaviour, not personality
A branch of psychology that emphasizes the universal capacity for personal growth
Humanistic Psychology
Psychology is not like any other science as humans are unique
Humanistic Psychology
Eight elements of Humanistic Psychology:
- humanistic: study of humans, not animals
- holistic: human system is greater than sum of its parts
- historic: whole person from birth to death
- phenomenological: focus on interior, experiential, and existential aspects of personality
- real life: person in nature, society, and culture (not just exp lab)
- positivity: joy, fruitful activities, virtuous actions and attributes
- will: choices, decisions, voluntary actions
- value: a philosophy that describes what is valuable
one’s conscious experience of the world
- construal
- choosing your construal as a way to achieve free will
- use of introspection
your particular experience of the world
the task of observing one’s own mental processes
a philosophical theory or approach which emphasizes the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will
Key questions of existentialists
what is the nature of existence?
how does it feel?
what does it mean?
biological experiences
social experiences
inner/psychological experiences
the time, place, and circumstances which you happened to be born into
- has a strong influence on our experiences and existence
unpleasant feelings caused by contemplating the existential concerns
- anguish, forlornness, and despair
Existential guilt
guilt from failing to completely fulfill your possibilities
isolation ; never fully connected to someone so we feel a sense of isolation in the world ; when we feel ppl don’t really know who we fully are as a person ; you are alone in the different choices u make
Facing the existential truths of mortality and meaninglessness requires this
optimistic toughness
What does living in bad faith mean?
living in bad faith entails denying existential concerns through (choosing) adhering to external pressure rather than internal values
3 problems of living in “bad faith”
- immoral and amounts to selling your soul
- surrounding oneself in material “comforts” does not lead to (TRUE) happiness
- it is impossible to not choose as not choosing is a choice
Authentic existence
- alternative to bad faith
- courageously come to terms with the facts of our short mortal lives in which we are the masters of our own destiny within those limits
- the only way to achieve “freedom”, earn dignity, and become more than an object
Yalom’s 4 existential concerns
- death
- freedom
- isolation
- meaninglessness
** existential psychotherapy helps the indiv come to grips with each concern **
The person can only be understood from the perspective of their phenomenal field, the entire panorama of conscious experience
The Fully Functioning Person
- Self-actualization
- faces the world without fear, self-doubt, or neurotic defenses (lives a happier version of the authentic existence)
- stems from unconditional positive regard from important people in your life
Authentic Existence vs Fully functioning person (Rogers)
ffp = happier version bc authentic = lots of cruelty in world, no inherent meaning/purpose, we gotta create that ourselves but fully functional person for Rogers = same person but with a bit more optimistic view of person and others as well; neurotic distortion or defense? Up for debate
T or F. Self actualization is more viewed in indiv cultures but humanistic = universal drives
Maslow vs Rogers
Maslow shared Rogers’ basic assumption that a person’s ultimate need or motive is to self-actualize HOWEVER, this only becomes active after more basic needs are met
- hierarchy of needs
- may explain various differences in motivations and perceptions/attitudes
Humanistic Psychotherapy goal
- help client become a fully functioning person
- therapist develops a genuine and caring relationship with the client and provides unconditional positive regard
- brings true selves more in alignment with ideal selves through adjusting understandings of both
**therapist can’t be changing person!! patient must want to change themselves!!! **
Ideal vs. Actual Selves
- ideal = who we want to be, what we would love to be as our more perfect ideas of ourselves
- actual = who we actually are
- should be some gap; something we are trying to accomplish BUT large gap = depression, anxiety bc feel like failing to achieve what we want to be
Incongruence vs Congruence when it comes to ideal and actual selves
- incongruence between ideal and actual selves = the more open we are to guilt, shame, anxiety, and depression
- congruence = sense of security, high levels of self-esteem, psych well-being, self-actualization
the idea that people like to have their self-concepts confirmed by experience
- self-verification can be harmful = will accept failure
- example: person w negative self concept will react negatively to positive feed back (if suffer from depression or just down in the dumps; only want to hear something bad about them); the + feedback shakes their fundamental view of themselves
People defend against anxiety (caused by incongruence) through __________ of experience and preventing awareness of threatening experiences
- distortion
- musician example
- THE MORE u distort reality, the more problems are gonna come = more anxious, can’t fix heart of issue
- generally, ppl have positive view of self and make excuses to maintain self-esteem
acting in a way to create the very conditions that tend to produce a failure
- requires lack of awareness one is using it
Kelly’s Personal Constructs
- emphasized how one’s cognitive system assembles one’s various construals of the world into individually held theories (personal constructs) which determine the construal of new experiences
- constructs are on a bipolar dimension (good-bad) where other people/objects are also arranged; Role Construct Repertory (Rep) Test
- certain people have certain chronically accessible constructs
- sociality corollary
Sociality Corollary
understanding someone else means understanding their personal construct system
Constructive alternativism
the idea that you are not bound to any particular construct and you can choose from the numerous construals available to you
- many ways to view a single problem/event
- ex: poor grade on an assignment = this is a dumb class vs oh this is where I need to do better
- seek to get as much out of an interaction/transaction ; try to get best deals or if selling something try to sell for highest price; relationship = try to get most out of that interaction
- BUT don’t have to stick to just one thing… if maximizer and wanna be happier -> satisfier
- there is choice and flexibility!! will take a while and some effort but still
- some outcomes short of max are good enough ; try to get something reasonable ; if they don’t get a lot for something oh well nbd ; relationship = happy w dinner and a movie; better life satisfaction
- less likely to experience regret, even if a better option presents itself after a decision has already been made
Positive Psychology
- rxn against the focus on pathology and malfunction
- resurgence in 21st century
- rebirth of humanistic perspective; puts the meaning of life front and center
- investigates traits, processes, and social institutions that promote a happy and meaningful life
- spirituality is big here as well ; ties ppl to something beyond themselves
This focuses on strengths as opposed to weaknesses
Positive Psychology
- includes a promotion of “virtues”
What are virtues?
evolutionarily, each virtue counteracts a threat to survival for individuals and cultures
- six core virtues: courage, justice, humanity (compassion), temperance, wisdom, and transcendence
- > supported by cross-cultural work
Being explicitly aware of and in control of every moment of your experience
- acknowledge feelings and move on so it does not build up
A state of conscious where you lose track of time and self by becoming completely absorbed in what you are doing
- “being in the zone”
- occurs when challenge and skills are well-matched
- perhaps only works for those high in locus of control
Happiness contains 3 components:
- overall satisfaction with life
- satisfaction with how things are going in particular life domains
- generally high levels of positive emotions and low levels of negative emotions
T or F. Happinness is static
F! more dynamic; shifts across ages
Happiness when younger = Intense positive emotions = giddy excited , stoked! ; higher intensity!
Older = relaxed, or low level of intensity, contentness, serenity , calmness etc.
Hedonic vs. Eudaimonic
Hedonic = pleasure seeking (only care about good time without thinking of consequences)
Eudemonic = seeking a meaningful life; happiness with meaning
3 primary sources of happiness
- an individual set point (genetic influence and based on extraversion and neuroticism)
- objective life circumstances
- intentional activities
For higher levels of happiness
- spend $ on experiences, not things
- list things you are thankful for