Final Exam Flashcards
The Aeneid’s author (full name)
Publius Virgilius Maro
Apollo is the god of
The god of War
Causes the storm at the beginning of the book; Jupiter’s wife
Defends his father Mezentius against Aeneas
Latin gods of the household
Lares and Penates
She was never to be given in marriage to an Italian
Aeneas’ father
Rome was built on the ___ hill.
Queen of Carthage
Husband of Venus; god of fire
The gates of war were also called the gates of ___.
Latin god of wine and the theater
The ___ guides Aeneas through the Underworld.
Rutulian prince and Aeneas’ nemesis
Lethe is the river of ___.
Italian king who is powerless to stop the war between the Trojans and Italians
The paradise of the Underworld
The mountain on which the Muses dwell
God of the Underworld
Woman who was raised by her father to be a warrior
King of the Arcadians who agree to help Aeneas in battle
Skillfull in the art of healing, yet can’t heal Aeneas alone
Goddess of nature and fertility
Son of Etruscan king who is mercilessly killed by Turnus
How long have the Trojans been wayward before arriving at Carthage?
7 years
Who is Allecto’s first victim in her rampage to bring the Latins to war?
Queen Amata
What is the sign of the white sow with 30 piglets meant to tell?
That in 30 years Aeneas’ son Ascnaius will found the city of Alba, whose people will found Rome.
Why do the Etruscans want to fight the Rutulians?
Turnus is harboring Mezentius
How does Ascanius accidentally incite war with the Latins?
by killing a stag in a Latin forest.
On Aeneas’ shield are depicted scenes of ___ throughout Rome’s history.
How is the heart of Dido “inflamed”?
During the welcome party for the Trojans, Venus sends Cupid to Dido in the form of young Ascanius, and he inflames Dido’s heart while on her knee.
What reason is given for why the wooden horse is left at the Greek camp?
It is a “votive” offering to the gods for a safe journey home.
Are the Trojans suspicious of the Greek horse?
Nisus is killed while avenging the death of ___.
How is Aeneas wounded in Book 12?
An arrow from an unknown assailant catches him in the leg.
How does Anchises escape Troy?
on Aeneas’ back
What does Tumus take from Pallas that will cost him his life?
his sword-belt
Why is Troy being destroyed?
the let the Trojan horse in
Why do the Etruscans give worship to Hercules?
Hercules fought and killed the demon-like monster Cacus, who wreaked havoc on the Etruscans
Who were the Trojans’ two founders, realized by Anchises?
Dardanus and Teucer
In true poetic justice, what happens to Pyrrhus?
he is killed on the alter commemorating his father, Achilles
To what does Virgil compare Dido in her infatuation?
a wounded doe
What leads Euryalus to follishly plunder the Rutulian camp on his way to retrieve the Aeneas.
the thirst for glory
Why does Dido take her own life?
she knows she has lost the respect of her people and those around her because of her love for Aeneas.
Aeneas does not desire to leave Carthage but chooses to do what?
obey the gods despite his desires
What does Venus ask of Jupiter as the Trojans and Latins fight?
the she take Ascanius away
Why does Aeneas call for the games?
In commemoration of his Father’s death
It is prophesied to Aeneas in the Underworld that peace will only come after what?
much struggle and suffering
Why does Queen Amata hang herself in Book 12?
She is convinced that Turnus, her only hope for a future is dead.
Why does the neighboring ruler Diomed refuse to help the Latins in war?
he sees that Fate is clearly on the side of Aeneas
Describe the inhabitants of the underworld.
“disembodied spirits, a mere semblance of living substance”
Why are some people left behind on the banks of Acheron?
Because they were never given a proper burial
What does Aeneas see that “Kindled in his mind a love for the glory that was to come” in Book ?
He sees a “parade” of his descendants, the Roman people, in the Underworld
What is Tartarus reserved for?
the most despicable inhabitants of the underworld
What do the inhabitants of Elysium spend their days doing?
strikingly everyday things
Why does Turnus’ sword break upon contact with Aeneas’ armor?
Turnus mistakenly grabbed his charioteer’s sword instead of his father’s sturdier sword.
Why is Turnus able to run amuck in the Trojan camp?
because Pandarus and Bitias opened the doors into the camp.
Nisus and Euryalus are discovered by the Latin cavalrymen who see what?
the moonlight gleaming from Euryalus’ helmet, which he took as plunder
Why do the Trojans and Latins agree to a temporary truce?
in order to bury their dead
In Book 11, who begins to rise up and speak in opposition to Turnus when the Latin s realize no more help is coming?
What heals Aeneas’ wound?
an herb from Mount Ida
What makes Turnus leave his ambush position towards the end of Book 11?
He sees the Trojans attacking the walls of his city, which was largely undefended.
Why does Aeneas kill Turnus?
as a sacrifice for the life of Pallas
Who said, “We have suffered worse before and this too will pass.”
Who said, “Whatever it is, I am afraid of Greeks even when they bear gifts.”
Who said, “Now we need your courage. Now let your heart be strong.”
The Sibyl
Who said, “Learn to be just and not to slight the gods.”
Who said, “I pray that we may stand opposed, shore against shore, sea against sea and sword against sword. Let there be war between the nations and between their sons forever.”
Who said, “Leave peach and war to men. War is the business of men.”
Who said, “Strike me, you Rutulians, if you have any feelings!”
Euryalus’ mother
Who said, “The right hand of friendship for which you ask has already been given.”
Who said, “… his only offense is to have loved the wrong friend too much!”
Who said, “… grace these noble spirits with their last rites, for they have shed their blood for this land.”
Who said, “I see no joy in life – that is not what the goods have willed …”
Who said, “For me, my son, you can learn courage and hard toil. Others will teach you about Fortune.”
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“No man could speak of such things and not weep.”
Aeneas, when asked to recount the story of the fall of Troy to Dido.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“These will be your arts.”
Anchises to Aeneas, in the Underworld as he tells Aeneas of the character of the Roman people.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“You, my poor people, will pay for this sacrilege with your blood.”
Latinus to his people, after they resolve to go to war against the Trojans.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“One feeble argument after another … My mind is made up.”
Euryalus to Nisus, while contemplating the glory of his mission to pass through the Rutulian camp and retrieve Aeneas.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“Why are you in such a haste to die?”
Aeneas to Lausus, as Lausus defends his father from Aeneas.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“Fortune comes and goes. She has mocked many a man, and then set his feet back on solid ground.”
Turnus to his warriors encouraging them to fight the Trojans though circumstances look bleak at the moment.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“Troy has fallen. Let it lie, Troy and the name of Troy.”
Juno to Jupiter, while asking that the Trojans become Latins.
Identify the speaker and the context of the give quote.
“This is madness, but before I die, let me be mad.”
Turnus to his sister Juturna, as he resolves to face Aeneas himself in battle.