Books III-IV Flashcards
Bird-like creatures with the faces of women
Trojan murdered by the king of Thrace
Aeneas called it a “little Troy”
Former wife of Hector, now wife of Helenus
Both the sister of Dido and the unfortunate agent in her death
Neighboring ruler to Dido near Carthage
What strange omen occurs in Thrace?
While Aeneas is pulling roots to prepare for a sacrifice, the roots which he pulls drip with blood
Who were the two founders of the Trojan people?
Dardanus of Italy and Teucer of Crete
Who prophesies that the Trojans will experience famine?
Calaeno the Harpy
Why must Aeneas take the long way around Sicily to reach the western shore of Italy?
The sea monsters Scylla and Charybdis dwell in the strait between Sicily and Italy.
To what does Virgil compare Dido in her infatuation?
a wounded doe
How are Aeneas and Dido married?
Juno says she “shall pour down a dark storm of rain and hail on them” while they are out hunting so that they will take refuge in a cave together.
What does Dido lose in her love for Aeneas.
the respect of other people and the surrounding nations
Who said, “See out your ancient mother.”
Who said, “You must never flag in the long toil of exile, and you must leave this place.”
The Penates
Who said, “Now go forward and by your actions raise the greatness of Troy to the skies.”
Who said, “I sense the return of old fires.”
Who said, “Have you entirely forgotten your own kingdom and your own destiny?”
Who said, “It is not by my own will that I search for Italy.”
Who said, “Let there be war between the nations and between the sons forever.”