Final Exam Flashcards
What is the criteria for RAE?
P wave amplitude > 2.5 in lead II
Biphasic P wave in V1 with initial portion > terminal portion
What is the criteria for LAE?
P wave duration > 0.10s in lead II
Terminal portion of the P wave in V1 is negative and can fit 1 small box
What is the criteria for RVH?
R wave > S wave in V1/2
S wave > R wave in V5/6
What is the criteria for LVH?
S wave in V1/2 + R wave in V5/6 > 35 mm
R wave in aVL > 11
R wave in lead I + S wave in lead III > 25
Does the R or L bundle branch divide into separate fascicles?
What is seen on EKG in the presence of RBBB?
QRS > 0.12s and M shaped RR’ in V1/2
Wide S wave in Leads I and V5/6
The ST-T waves normally appear in the opposite direction of the terminal portion of the QRS
What is seen on EKG in the presence of LBBB?
QRS > 0.12s and Wide R wave in Leads I and V5/6
Deep S wave in Leads V1-3
What is seen on EKG in the presence of Left Anterior Fascicle (LAFB) or Left Anterior Hemiblock (LAHB)?
Normal QRS duration
Strong LAD
Tall R waves in Lead I
Deep S waves in Lead III
What is seen on EKG in the presence of Left Posterior Fascicle (LPFB) or Left Posterior Hemiblock (LPHB)?
Normal QRS duration
Strong RAD
Tall R waves in Lead III
Deep S waves in lead I
What is seen on EKG in the presence of Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW): Bundle of Kent?
PR interval < 0.12s
Wide QRS complexes
Delta wave seen in some leads
What is seen on EKG in the presence of Lown-Ganong-Levine (LGL): James fibers?
PR interval < 0.12s
Normal QRS complexes
Absence of Delta wave
What is the normal amplitude and duration of P waves?
- 06s-0.10s
0. 5-2.5mm
What is the normal duration of QRS complexes?
What is the normal amplitude and duration of q waves?
Amplitude is <25% of the R wave
< 0.04s
____ is due to lack of O2 to myocardium
Reversible; no permanent damage.
What is seen on EKG in the presence of ischemia?
T wave inversion (due to delayed repolarization)
Symmetrical, peaked T waves
ST segment depression
____ is due to more prolonged ischemia
Onset of cellular damage, but without necrosis.
What is seen on EKG in the presence of injury?
ST elevation in leads facing injury (due to incomplete depolarization)
____ causes death of injured myocardial cells, is
irreversible, and release of enzymes into circulation?
What enzymes does infarct release into circulation?