Final exam Flashcards


Story of Mary and Martha


Luke 10:38-42

  • –Mary listens to Christ while Martha was working, cleaning and serving him
  • —-Christ seems to rebuke Martha for her cleaning…but He was only actually rebuking her for trying to shame Mary - Martha was trying to correct Mary, thinking she was better than her for cleaning and serving while her sister just sat and listened
  • —Point is that they are both serving Christ in their own way - there is beauty in serving God through cleaning and organizing - sin in Martha for trying to enforce upon Mary HER way of worshiping and not recognizing that Mary’s is also important
  • —–can also be interpreted as stepping away from the business of our hectic lives and pausing to allow time for the Spirit, Christ and the gospel in our lives…but really we are all just worshipping Christ in our individual, personal way - doesn’t mean one is better than the other - also doesn’t mean we should try to apply our ways on someone else
  • —-Vs. 40 - Martha says, “Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.”

Christ stands betwixt the point finger and the person

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Jesus coming in on a donkey


Matthew 21

  • —-Son of David (Solomon) was supposed to be king…but someone secretly was going to come in and take it - so David quickly had Solomon anointed to be King and he rode a Mule around into Jerusalem - and people shouted Hosanna to him (Solomon, son of David)…the rightful King
  • —1 Kings ch. 1 - CR with Matt. 21:9

In Matthew, Christ comes in to Jerusalem on the mule (don’t know whether it is a donkey or a mule) and people shout the same thing in vs. 9 - Hosanna to the rightful King

Where am I in this story?

  • —The donkey does not buck Christ off…they feel vulnerable with someone on top of them…yet they don’t
  • –We can be similar to this donkey - sometimes we have uncomfortable weight or burdens and feel we can’t handle it - but when we allow Christ to take the reigns and be the pilot in our life, we can’t go wrong - don’t need to be afraid or vulnerable
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As they shout “Hosanna” when Christ comes in


CR Matt. 21:9 = PSALM 118:25-26

  • –They are shouting at Jesus from their hymn book (Psalms)
  • —Psalms 113-118 called the “Hallel” (+ 136 called the “Grand Hallel”)
  • —“Hallel” ujah - Hallel means “to praise” and the ujah mans “Jehovah”
  • —-Hallelujah - means praise Jehovah - always stand when you sing it - arise to praise Christ - represents the coming of the Messiah

When Christ comes again in the 2nd coming…He said this is what people will be singing (interesting this is what they sing at His first coming)

  • —Psalm 118 haunting bracket verses of triumphant verses (25-26)
  • —Vs. 22 - stone which builders refused is become the head stone of the corner (1st has to be rejected)
  • —-Vs. 27 - must be bound and sacrificed
  • —In ORDER for the triumphant second coming to occur
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Matt. 21:23-31


Who gave you this authority?? - question that helps us answer this parable
—-Tell us whether the baptism of John was of God or men

28-31 - which of the sons is Christ?? - HIGHLIGHT “I WILL” (29) the son says “I will not” - meaning He did not want to do it…but afterward he repented and went

  • –But in Gethsemane, Christ asked the Father to remove the cup from Him - meaning He did not want to - but repented and turned back
  • –Vs. 30 - the second son is Satan - “go” is italicized - in Greek “I” is all about himself…focused on himself
  • —1st was willing to forget what he wants and do what his father wanted - second son focused on himself
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D&C 130 - when is 2nd coming


○ Vs. 14 - he was pleading to know when the second coming would be

  • —God’s response: “trouble me no more on this matter” - means: STOP asking
  • —Says if he lives to be 85 years old…will see the face of the son of God (Joseph still clueless)
  • —Why is He so ambiguous and vague in His 2nd coming
  • —So faith is still required and encouraged
  • — Problem with procrastinating repentance

he’s repeatedly asking when it will be.

  • –15: stop asking
  • –16: in other words, Joseph just as clueless as he was before he asked
  • –So ambiguous about second coming so faith is still required, you have to be ready at all times
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Matt. 25 (10 virgins)


Wise and foolish

  • —Lamps and oil (the difference btwn wise and foolish is the oil - they ALL have lamps, but the wise brought extra oil)
  • —–Lamps - testimony, oil represents conversion (can all have testimonies but not all are fully converted)
  • —–Home teaching (lamps) and ministering (oil)
  • —Lamps = having Priesthood, oil = worthiness to use it
  • —Lamps = having a temple recommend, oil = going to worship in the temple
  • —-Lamps = light of Christ, oil = gift of the Holy Ghost
  • —In story, they thought the bridegroom was going to come earlier - so they ran out of oil by the time they got here
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Matt. 25 (talents)


—-“individual capacity” - can’t give someone too many talents…don’t give them more than they can handle…don’t hold them accountable to something they cannot handle - so he gives talents accordingly

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Peter cuts of Malcus’ ear


Peter cuts off Malcus’s ear - Luke is the only one that mentions the healing, John is the only one that gives his name - Christ has just suffered for 3 hours in Gethsemane, pain from cutting off ear is nothing compared to that…yet Christ says nothing, just heals him

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Peter denies Christ the first time


John 18:16-17
Peter denies Christ the first time
—-Vs. 18 - the night is so cold everyone is sitting around the fires - cold night in Gethsemane and on the cross
—-Vs. 25 - Peter denies the 2nd time

When does the rooster crow that you notice most? - when everything is quiet…usually in the early morning - usually an hour before sunrise - “wake up call”

  • —So symbolic that the cock crowing is a “wake up call” to Peter - after he denies him 3 times…he hears the cock crow and goes and weeps
  • —Don’t get “cocky” and think you won’t deny him…don’t put yourself in situations where you will and think you won’t
  • —Interesting also because every morning when he hears the cock crow…he will be reminded of his mistake and his desire for change - he now moves forward and become the rock - he never denies Him again
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Judas selling out Jesus


Matt. Mark Luke and John diverge a lot in the final days of Christ’s life

  • –Jesus sent to
    1. Pilate - governor of all the land
  1. Herod - same guy who beheaded John the Baptist
  2. Pilate

Matt. 27 - Matthew’s perspective

  • —Judas sells Jesus for 30 pieces of silver…which at the time was the price for a slave - he goes and hangs himself
  • —They take the 30 pieces of silver…and use it to build a cemetery…the first resident is Judas
  • –In exchange for Jesus, he buys death…he chases temporary earthly things which do him no good in eternity and bring him no happiness - symbolic for us too
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Tradition at passover to release prisoner


Matt. 27:15

  • –every Passover had a feast where by tradition, the governor would choose a prisoner to release to freedom
  • —-So Pilate had interviewed Christ and found Him to be innocent - He tells the Jews he wanted to release Christ
  • —Pilate’s wife even had a dream the night before telling him he should not hurt this just man


  • —Bar - “Son”, “abbas”- son of His father, Abbas - His first name was Jesus Barabbas
  • —“Blessed are ye Simon Barjonah” - “Simon, Son of Jonah”
  • —-Irony because one Barabbas prisoner and one that is the True Jesus, son of the Father

Barabbas is a symbol for me and all of us - we are sinful, imperfect - yet because of Jesus we can be released and free from our sins - just as Barabbas was guilty and was freed from prison

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Luke of Christ sent to Pilate

  • –Pilate sends Christ to Herod - Jesus does not answer him a word - Herod dresses him in purple (royalty)
  • –Herod sends Him back to Pilate - where he washes his hands and sends him over to be scourged and crucified
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notes on the cross


–can’t breathe - use your chest muscles to breathe, which are worn out after 3 hours…then the diaphragm but arm muscles to tired to lift up….then lift with leg muscles but they usually break their legs to make it quick and traumatic - literally cannot breathe

–learn a lot from pictures of Christ on early GRAFITTI

he was crucified hooked at the ankle - sometimes they tied and sometimes they put nails
—hand has lots of nerves and when they pierce the median nerve it will cause that person to go into spasm

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John 11


Jesus wept - mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that are in need of comfort

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John 12


Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with a pound of spikenard oil which is extremely expensive

  • –Judas chastises mary for “wasting the money instead of giving it to the poor
  • —but he was the treasurer and wanted the money for himself.
  • —V7 JST For she hath preserved this ointment until now, that she might anoint me in token of my burial
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Matt 22 - garment

  • —parable of the marriage of the kings son
  • —one guest not wearing the wedding garment

wedding garment= kaphar= covering= atonement = covering of atonement

  • –Christ is questioned by Pharisees and Herodians(romans) about giving tribute to cesar
  • —they try to entangle Christ to have him choose between the law and religion
  • —marriage of seven men to a woman
  • —eternal marriage vs marriage of men
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Matt 23 - also CC Matt 24 with JST Matt

  • –V2 “scribes and the Pharisees sit in th Moses Seat:” = the sit in the seat of judgement/ruling
  • —But this is gods seat
  • —V24 “Ye blind guides, which strain at(out) a gnat, and swallow a camel”
  • —Christ condemns pharisees/scribes for missing the big picture of sin.
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Matt. 5 - Jesus replaces old law with new


Old law: outward orientated, visual, easy to judge
New law: inward focused

Parable of treasures old and new.
-New scriptures, old scriptures

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Man with leprosy story


God may not give you your physical miracle, but he will always give you a spiritual miracle! If you have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to recognize….you will know it and always walk away a better, happier soul!

  1. Worship
  2. Lord, IF thou wilt
  3. Thou canst make me clean
  4. thou canst make ME clean (MY Saviour)

We have hearts and minds which effect the way we communicate. Unfortunately, scriptures only express the words. Put heart, soul, body language, facial expressions, emotions into the scriptures!! Read –>study, make the people real people.

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Mark 4


2 storms: storm on the sea of galilee, storm in their souls (Fear!) - vessel for peace.

If you stay in his ship, he will calm internal and external storms. You will/might have storms, but you will not sink.

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on the fringes - honesty

  • –Does telling the truth make you an honest person? No. Honest people will always tell the truth.
  • –Devils tell the truth with the intent of deceit. God never wants you to hearken to the devil, even when they are telling the truth.

DIRTY: Gentiles, tombs, unclean spirits, pigs.
Bound, Crying, Cutting
—The pigs figured out that they had to pluck their eye out

Jarius: lots of human emotion

  • –12 solid years of a period- considered VERY unclean, totally separated during this time. She breaks every social norm to get to Jesus. Physical healing/miracle. Jesus adds a spiritual miracle. (Be Jarius for a moment: “who touched my clothes?”
  • –Greek word for “virtue”: power

Does Jesus care about cultural norms? No. He becomes what he needs to become, he does what he needs to do.


why does God allow so much bad?

–also what are 2 ways to come into the gospel? (parable of the net)


Why does God allow so much bad?

  • –Loves Agency
  • —Extreme opposition = extreme growth (what happens to a plant when it realizes opposition?)

2 ways to come into gospel: -gospel comes to you, -you come to the gospel
Vs. 47 our missionaries are not supposed to distinguish good from evil besides baptism interview. Don’t be afraid of bringing anyone into the Church. Jesus does the separating, not us. Parable of net.


Key to unlocking parables

–Luke 10

  • –“look for questions or scenario which prompted the parable, then you will know how to interpret it!”
  • –Vs.25 Lawyer…came to Jesus to tempt him (ill-intent) If Jesus quotes scripture…well, he’s focused on a Bible bash (wants to make Jesus look so bad that he’s discredited).
  • —-Jesus will never teach someone who is trying to corner him the higher law (refers them to the law of moses), then gives a parable for his followers/disciples

WHO IS MY NEIGHBOR? (Questions that prompts the parable of the good Samaritan) Parable given for the benefit of the followers “ye who have ears to hear, let him hear”

One way to look at the Parable of the Good Samaritan: the Fall of man (representing Adam and Eve)

  • –Greek word for “Stripped” “ekduo” opposite word of ekduo is enduo (directly translates as ENDOW
  • –“to be clothed in or sink into a sacred garment, something to cover you, protect you.”
  • –This word comes up a lot in the Greek new testament. In english, translated as “to put on” (endow better) “PUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD” DESCRIBES TEMPLE CLOTHING!!!!)

Luke 15:1-2

Law of Moses


Law of Moses has many laws on cleanliness (Jews took it to an extreme)

  • –if you touch them, you are defiled
  • —if you walk with them, you are defiled
  • —the worst thing you can do: sit and share table with them

There is no such thing in a gospel context that is a not-lost sheep. There are only sheep who THINK they aren’t lost. Jesus came to save those who know they are lost.

How do sheep get lost?

  • —They see “greener grass” in front of them and it keeps moving towards it. Suddenly, lost.
  • —The sheep was DISTRACTED and thus wandered form the fold

Story of prodigal son


—Who am I in this parable? How is this my story? What is the far country?

Mosiac law: oldest son gets a double portion (youngest son in the prodigal son got 1/3 of his dad’s inhertiance)
—Asking for inheritance is one of the most disrespectful things ever - implies wants him dead
—-Famine in the land, leads to want: God is teaching us that riotous living always leaves you wanting/searching for more
—Where in the world is our Good Father Shepherd? What effect would it have on you if He treated us like a lost sheep and not a lost son?
—What would your response be? “Get away from me dad” and go to a country farther away. This son did not wander away, he choose. He knowingly rebelled. He left on purpose. If you treat a rebeller like a wanderer, it pushes them further away.
—-Vs.15 Now joined a Gentile household…means that he is “super dirty, awful”
—Vs. 17-18 What must a prodigal son/daughter do before they can come back?
“he came to himself” (recognize/awake) “will arise and go” (act) “will say unto him, Father, I have sinned” (confess)

3 parables and 3 ways to get lost - “if you do not think you’re lost, then I have no mission for you”
–what is NOT lost is NOT found


Matt. 17 - passing keys


Matt. 17

  • -Moses
  • -Elijah (sealing power…promised in Malachi 4)
  • -Elias - these three are going to pass the keys through the laying on of hands to these three!! (Peter - is hinted to have sealing keys), James, John
  • -oral tradition that Elijah will come on passover!

D&C 110: Apr. 3, 1836 - PASSOVER - this is when they rec. the keys
–passover symbolism of the firstborn being saved through the sacrifice of the ultimate FIRST BORN

The three peope who never died were Moses, Elijah, Elias


Tribute Matt. 17:24


Tribute = temple tax

  • -half shackle from every dault to pay for the temple
  • -Jesus pays half shackles for Peter
  • -SO Christ is paying for Peter’s debt
  • —-Peter says
  • —Be like Peter: take Christ’s correction well - if you can’t take the feedback, how are you going to progress?
  • -Are we fathers or children

vs. 27 - Jesus helps Peter fix the mistake fo Peter misspeaking
- -everything that Jesus does is symbolic of the atonement
- -in this story, Jesus pays a price he oesn’t owe (for Peter) bc Peter. can’t pay it himself


Matt. 18 - forgiveness


18: 21-22 - how many times do I have to forgive him? - Peter to Jesus
- —in law of Moses it is 3x
- -However, Peter forgives him 7x - Jesus says to forgive him 70 * 7 – not literally - JUST ALWAYS FORGIVE

Vs. 23 - Jesus gives parable of a king and servants - one servant owed the king 10,000 talents

  • -underneath 10000 write greek root: “MYRIOS” = MYRIA = INNUMERABLE
  • -today 10,000 talents is about 14B dollars - it was unfathomable how much money it was

vs. 26 - the servant says he will pay all that back (IMPOSSIBLE!!)
- -Someone owes the servant 100 pence - 1 penny a day keeps the man clothes, sheltered, and fed - he demands it!!
- -it shows that we are given as astronomical amt. of times to be forgiven - so we must forgive others that much


Matt. 19 - divorce and eternal marriage


Matt 19

  • -vs. 3 - Pharisees getting divorce after divorce
  • -v.6: ONE FLESH (eternal marriage). Figure out how to become 1
  • *whenever someone tempts him he is teaching the old law and whenever they come for genuine advice he teaches the new law

John 8:1-11


John 8 1-11 not does appear in ancient manuscript, most likely not written by John

  • —Woman taken in adultery
  • —First record of Jesus writing
  • —Taught us to condemn sin and love the sinner
  • —Staged trap
  • —She is instantly a believer

Looking forward - John 8 - woman caught in adultery


V.1-11 got added later. Comes from the gospel of the hebrews

V. 6: “he wrote on the ground” we dont know what he wrote.
— One theory: jesus wrote the pharasees names on the ground & who they committed adultery with
—-Another theory: wrote down the commandment of “committing adultery” and looked at the pharasees knowingly
—-Another one: drawing/doodling to draw attention from the woman
This was a trap! They either wanted him to break his own law or go against the law of moses

Christ simply put himself in front of her. Jesus is not backward looking condemning. He is forward looking loving & blessing
—-It was a setup for the woman because they couldn’t take the man.

He was teaching 3 different classrooms:
—The ppl (spectators) around
—The pharasees
—The woman
They were each taught separate lessons
—V.10: jesus draws attention —away from her
V. 41: “we werent born in fornication” like you.. The pharasees are implying that Jesus was born out of marriage because they know that mary was pregnant before they were marry.
—LOWER CASE father means they are calling him Satan.


John 11:11 - Lazarus is dead

  • –Lazarus is dead
  • –Martha stands and keeps busy to deal with grief
  • –Mary weeps
  • –Jesus knows them both and comforts them if the way they need
  • –Weeps with mary

Entry into Jerusalem


Where am I in this story?

  • –John 12: she dumped about a year and 2 months salary (today) onto his feet, about $20,000-30,000 in today’s money
  • —12:6: bag = treasurer. He’s in charge of money of the 12. He is thieving. He doesn’t care about the poor, what was “going to the poor” was going to Judas
  • –Mary feels bad for doing a good thing
  • –19- uses power to destroy fig tree that had no fruit, only time he used power for destruction

Nov. 7 notes - more parables, teachings and conflicts with priests


Matt 22-23

In Matt 21 0 Pharisees ask Jesus where he got his authority

  • –Jesus answers them with a parable (the first is parable of 2 sons!) and then proceeds to answer a question that the Pharisees didn’t even ask
  • –He answered with the parable of the vineyard.
  • -there was a certain householder that planted a vineyard(a symbol of the creation)
  • –Then he left the vineyard(world) to the husbandmen(us)
  • –The Lord of the vineyard(God) sent servants(prophets) every now and then to check on the vineyard; however, the husbandmen kept killing off the servants. Then, after awhile, the Lord of the vineyard sent his only son(Jesus), thinking that the husbandmen wouldn’t ever kill the Lord of the vineyard’s only son
  • –But, the husbandmen still kill son and expect to inherit the vineyard; however, the Lord of the vineyard slew/destroyed the husbandmen(kind of like what will happen to those pharisees at the second coming)

The Pharisees understand that Jesus is talking about them and get angry that Jesus knows their plot

also learn about authority from the story of the son who says I will - Christ acceptshis will - obedience to HF and submission of our will to the Father (Matt. 21:28-32)


Nov. 12 notes - sings of the 2nd coming


at the door
–compare contrast Matt 24 with JST matt.
BD: Christ, names of

Parable of 10 virgins - being prepared - bc JS asked so many times….He won’t be told bc we need to be faithful and prepare regardless of when He comes again


10 virgins again - additional notes of what lamps and oil can represent


testimony and conversion, hometeaching and ministering, Sunday “Mormon” and devoted member of Church of Jesus Christ, doing vs. being, feel spirit vs. Gift of HG, having a temple recommend vs. going and worshipping in the temple, outward actions and inward why, repent once vs. constant repentance, having the knowlege vs. applying the knowledge

when you get things down to the “I” level, you’re more likely to change
—groom coming later than people thought, people have ran out of oil.
—APPLICATION: we need to be ready for the Second Coming because we do not know when he will come
“Give us your oil!”
“no, we will not give you our oil” – not selfish. You can’t live the gospel for someone else, they have to do it for themselves
—bridegroom came, those who were wise were ready, those who were foolish were not allowed in. Foolish say let us in! Bridegroom says “I know you not” – JST says “you know me not!” aka they do not truly know Jesus


Nov. 19th notes - online day


We found out that judas decided to betray jesus before or during dinner but our bible says after

  • –John goes into great detail about what happened in the upper room but he does not give us information about the sacrament or gethsemane
  • –The last supper is the day before passover which means millions of lambs would be slaughtered innocently to save the first born son, symbolic for jesus being killed for our salvation.

Nov. 28th - Gethsemane and oil press


The Atonement and the olive press

Matt. 26

  • -In the oil press process, the olives are crushed using a very heavy stone. - creates a mixture consisting of all parts of the olive
  • –this mixture is then placed in baskets and these baskets are pressed so that the olive and water comes out and separates
  • –During the first pressings of the season the oil comes out and stains the white stones red

This can compare to Christ and how he bled for us from every pore

  • –He was put under great pressure with all the sins, pain, temptations, etc. of the world
  • -He took upon himself everything that everyone has gone through and this has made it to that we can become clean and pure like the olive oil

Dec. 5th - traded for perfection


When the hand has been pierced and then they pierce the median in the wrist, it causes spams that won’t stop for about 2 hours until the muscles wear out

  • —when those muscles give out, they can only breathe using their diaphram. They can’t pull themselves up, so they have to use their feet to push themselves up to open their diaphrams
  • -To kill someone quickly, they would break their legs.

Dec. 12th

  • –Joseph of Arimathea goes and begs to have the body of Christ
  • –Seal up tomb and set 4 guards

Early in the morning (accounts differ greatly)

  • –Matt- Mary Magdalene and other Mary
  • –Mark-sun coming up Salome, Mary Magdalene and other Mary
  • —Luke- Mary Magdalene and other Mary, Joanna, and other women
  • —John- just Mary Magdalen while still dark

Women could not be witnesses in mosaic law
—in all 4 accounts it is just women who witness resurrection

Matt. Says Mary and other Mary saw 2 angels, on the way to tell peter and run into Jesus- he tells them to go to apostles to meet him in galilee
—-Mark 16: vs.1 see stone rolled away and man sitting on right side
— Vs. 8 FINAL verse of mark’s gospel (likely to lose the last page)
—Starting in 5th century additions were put in that took to vs 13 then later vs 20
Luke-ch 24 vs10 see and run back and tell apostles
—Vs. 11 peter probably showed disdain and didn’t believe
John- peter and other disciple ran to tomb to check!


First witnesses of resurrected Jesus


First witness of resurrected body=Mary Magdalen
—Appears to Cleopas and probably his wife on a road to Emmaus
— Then peter and 10 apostles
Week later Thomas
Later 500 people
2500 hundred see resurrected body

Kings James version gets it wrong- touch me not but should be “hold me not”
Commissioning women
—–I will place enmity between thee and the seed of the women (must be Jesus!) only one that didn’t have seed of man
—–First step as a resurrected being, crushing the head of Satan


Christ is the Greek word for…and son of man is what kind of term in Jesus’s day?





More info. about authority and the 2 sons - Matt. 21:28-32


Pharisees ask where he gets his authority…he responds with parable of 2 sons - then they ask Him where they got their authroty? - he responds with parable in the vineyard -
–Shows that Christ answers not only their question but the rewal question they should have asked too - which is “where does everybody else get their power/authority?”

  • –background information about the wedding feast described in this chapter
  • –A Kaphar is a piece of clothing and a covering
  • –In Jewish tradition a kaphar would be provided for everyone in attendance
  • –So, in verse 11 is interesting because it reads, “And when the king came in to see the guests, he was there a man which had not on a wedding garment (kaphar)”
  • -this covering/garment/clothing would be provided. So, the man is rejecting it. He chose to not take it, which would have made him, essentially, disqualified from the wedding feast

–how is this related to the gospel or Christ? So much help, love and power is offered to us. All we have to do is take it. The man without the kaphar on was pretty much adamantly choosing no. He just didn’t take what was offered to him and the one thing that would qualify him to be there


Matt 22:19-21 - Caesar


Pharisees again are trying to tempt Jesus by asking him if they should pay tribute to Caesar

  • –Christ says that Caesar should get what is his (the coins have his picture on them), and that God should get what is his
  • -we all have God’s image and have all been created after His own likeness. Though the Pharisees don’t understand, Christ is teaching them that God doesn’t need money. God asks for us – His very creations
  • –That is what is most valuable to Him. We should give Him ourselves. Our will, might, talents, love, friendship, and everything that we have

Matt 22:23-33 - the Pharisees vs. sadducees


Interesting bc the Sadducees brought the issue to Christ about a woman that had been married to seven different brothers because they all kept dying and then she died…so they asked Jesus “To which brother will she be married in the after life?”

  • –He saiys in verse 30 “For in the resurrection they neither marry…”
  • –means that even though people will have that chance to be sealed through proxy sealings, it also needs to be done with the correct AUTHORITY - so even though that woman was married several times it was never with the right authority
  • –simple answer to their question is that she won’t be married to any of them because she wasn’t even married with the sealing power of God.

imp. it was coming from the sadducees bc they did not have Priesthood so would not be kept in eternities…not Pharisees who actualy had priesthood power as Levite descendants
- -also noting that it was a “Trap” for Jesus - the Sadducees didn’t even believe in eternal marriage or resurrection so they only brought it up bc it was wat Jesus taught


Matt 23:17 - unclean pharisees


“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchers, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.”

Back in Christs day people would be buried in a tomb or sepulcher and their body would be left to rot - would be a very smelly and unclean process…so to keep people away they used to white the outside of the tomb so people would know to stay away
—in these scriptures Christ is telling the Pharisees that they are like a whited sepulcher…they are white and clean on the outside but inside there is a decomposing body or in other words uncleanliness


10 virgins and JST


Matt 25:12 - He replied “Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.”

  • -weird that groom (who is Christ) would say he doesn’t know us
  • –But JST translation says that it says “ye do not know me.”

The HG - diff. beliefs

  1. belief most other Christians have is called Modalism - belief that God is one person with 3 identities - most Christians see God as same with mentions of JC and HG
  2. another is called the Holy Trinity - belief that HF is God, Jesus is God, and HG is God
    - -they also believe that HF is not Jesus, Jesus is not HG, and HG is not the father
    - -big diff. btwn ours and Holy trinity belief is that God is incomprehensible and made of a diff. substance than we are
    - -we also don’t have hymns or praise HG saying “I want to be more like the hG”

traits of the Godhead
–HF is our Father who knows and love sus indiv.
–Christ is our Savior who set perfect ex. for us to follow
John 16:13 gives characteristics of HG: guiding, showing us things to come - he “speaks not of himself”
–interesting that we should not only strive to be like Christ but also like the HG - who doesn’t care about getting any credit - h`e doesn’t testify of himself but of the Father and Christ


moments leading up to Gethsamene


Before Gethsemane, Jesus tells his disciples to fear not for him because he will have God with him the whole time

  • –Jesus appears to not be aware that even God will abandon him on the cross: he will be completely alone. In Gethsemane, Jesus asks God to take this cup from him if it is possible (Matthew 26:39)
  • –It is amazing to know that Jesus, a God, did not know fully what was to come. Yet, he proceded with complete faith, submitting himself wholly to God.

We–like Jesus–do not know always what God has in store for us


word gethsamene means


“pace of the oil press”
–historically oil press would not have been kept in the garden, but a little ways away in a cave - tradition holds that He went to Garden of Gethsemane, but Gethsemane may have been a reference to a place near the Garden

The atonement Christ performed for us was a process he had to go through, it wasn’t just one defining moment in Gethsemane or on the Cross. There wasn’t a time during the atonement that was “most important” because he had to go through the whole process in order to fulfill his atoning sacrifice for us
—My professor taught us that the Atonement started in the Garden, continued through the trials and scourges, and culminated on the Cross.


Luke on the Atonement


Luke was the only one who mentioned the immense pain that the Lord must have been in while paying the price of our sins.

  • –“And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” - 23:44
  • –word in greek that was used is the word “agonia” or the most intense pain that one can imagine.