Final exam Flashcards
Story of Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38-42
- –Mary listens to Christ while Martha was working, cleaning and serving him
- —-Christ seems to rebuke Martha for her cleaning…but He was only actually rebuking her for trying to shame Mary - Martha was trying to correct Mary, thinking she was better than her for cleaning and serving while her sister just sat and listened
- —Point is that they are both serving Christ in their own way - there is beauty in serving God through cleaning and organizing - sin in Martha for trying to enforce upon Mary HER way of worshiping and not recognizing that Mary’s is also important
- —–can also be interpreted as stepping away from the business of our hectic lives and pausing to allow time for the Spirit, Christ and the gospel in our lives…but really we are all just worshipping Christ in our individual, personal way - doesn’t mean one is better than the other - also doesn’t mean we should try to apply our ways on someone else
- —-Vs. 40 - Martha says, “Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? Bid her therefore that she help me.”
Christ stands betwixt the point finger and the person
Jesus coming in on a donkey
Matthew 21
- —-Son of David (Solomon) was supposed to be king…but someone secretly was going to come in and take it - so David quickly had Solomon anointed to be King and he rode a Mule around into Jerusalem - and people shouted Hosanna to him (Solomon, son of David)…the rightful King
- —1 Kings ch. 1 - CR with Matt. 21:9
In Matthew, Christ comes in to Jerusalem on the mule (don’t know whether it is a donkey or a mule) and people shout the same thing in vs. 9 - Hosanna to the rightful King
Where am I in this story?
- —The donkey does not buck Christ off…they feel vulnerable with someone on top of them…yet they don’t
- –We can be similar to this donkey - sometimes we have uncomfortable weight or burdens and feel we can’t handle it - but when we allow Christ to take the reigns and be the pilot in our life, we can’t go wrong - don’t need to be afraid or vulnerable
As they shout “Hosanna” when Christ comes in
CR Matt. 21:9 = PSALM 118:25-26
- –They are shouting at Jesus from their hymn book (Psalms)
- —Psalms 113-118 called the “Hallel” (+ 136 called the “Grand Hallel”)
- —“Hallel” ujah - Hallel means “to praise” and the ujah mans “Jehovah”
- —-Hallelujah - means praise Jehovah - always stand when you sing it - arise to praise Christ - represents the coming of the Messiah
When Christ comes again in the 2nd coming…He said this is what people will be singing (interesting this is what they sing at His first coming)
- —Psalm 118 haunting bracket verses of triumphant verses (25-26)
- —Vs. 22 - stone which builders refused is become the head stone of the corner (1st has to be rejected)
- —-Vs. 27 - must be bound and sacrificed
- —In ORDER for the triumphant second coming to occur
Matt. 21:23-31
Who gave you this authority?? - question that helps us answer this parable
—-Tell us whether the baptism of John was of God or men
28-31 - which of the sons is Christ?? - HIGHLIGHT “I WILL” (29) the son says “I will not” - meaning He did not want to do it…but afterward he repented and went
- –But in Gethsemane, Christ asked the Father to remove the cup from Him - meaning He did not want to - but repented and turned back
- –Vs. 30 - the second son is Satan - “go” is italicized - in Greek “I” is all about himself…focused on himself
- —1st was willing to forget what he wants and do what his father wanted - second son focused on himself
D&C 130 - when is 2nd coming
○ Vs. 14 - he was pleading to know when the second coming would be
- —God’s response: “trouble me no more on this matter” - means: STOP asking
- —Says if he lives to be 85 years old…will see the face of the son of God (Joseph still clueless)
- —Why is He so ambiguous and vague in His 2nd coming
- —So faith is still required and encouraged
- — Problem with procrastinating repentance
he’s repeatedly asking when it will be.
- –15: stop asking
- –16: in other words, Joseph just as clueless as he was before he asked
- –So ambiguous about second coming so faith is still required, you have to be ready at all times
Matt. 25 (10 virgins)
Wise and foolish
- —Lamps and oil (the difference btwn wise and foolish is the oil - they ALL have lamps, but the wise brought extra oil)
- —–Lamps - testimony, oil represents conversion (can all have testimonies but not all are fully converted)
- —–Home teaching (lamps) and ministering (oil)
- —Lamps = having Priesthood, oil = worthiness to use it
- —Lamps = having a temple recommend, oil = going to worship in the temple
- —-Lamps = light of Christ, oil = gift of the Holy Ghost
- —In story, they thought the bridegroom was going to come earlier - so they ran out of oil by the time they got here
Matt. 25 (talents)
—-“individual capacity” - can’t give someone too many talents…don’t give them more than they can handle…don’t hold them accountable to something they cannot handle - so he gives talents accordingly
Peter cuts of Malcus’ ear
Peter cuts off Malcus’s ear - Luke is the only one that mentions the healing, John is the only one that gives his name - Christ has just suffered for 3 hours in Gethsemane, pain from cutting off ear is nothing compared to that…yet Christ says nothing, just heals him
Peter denies Christ the first time
John 18:16-17
Peter denies Christ the first time
—-Vs. 18 - the night is so cold everyone is sitting around the fires - cold night in Gethsemane and on the cross
—-Vs. 25 - Peter denies the 2nd time
When does the rooster crow that you notice most? - when everything is quiet…usually in the early morning - usually an hour before sunrise - “wake up call”
- —So symbolic that the cock crowing is a “wake up call” to Peter - after he denies him 3 times…he hears the cock crow and goes and weeps
- —Don’t get “cocky” and think you won’t deny him…don’t put yourself in situations where you will and think you won’t
- —Interesting also because every morning when he hears the cock crow…he will be reminded of his mistake and his desire for change - he now moves forward and become the rock - he never denies Him again
Judas selling out Jesus
Matt. Mark Luke and John diverge a lot in the final days of Christ’s life
- –Jesus sent to
1. Pilate - governor of all the land
- Herod - same guy who beheaded John the Baptist
- Pilate
Matt. 27 - Matthew’s perspective
- —Judas sells Jesus for 30 pieces of silver…which at the time was the price for a slave - he goes and hangs himself
- —They take the 30 pieces of silver…and use it to build a cemetery…the first resident is Judas
- –In exchange for Jesus, he buys death…he chases temporary earthly things which do him no good in eternity and bring him no happiness - symbolic for us too
Tradition at passover to release prisoner
Matt. 27:15
- –every Passover had a feast where by tradition, the governor would choose a prisoner to release to freedom
- —-So Pilate had interviewed Christ and found Him to be innocent - He tells the Jews he wanted to release Christ
- —Pilate’s wife even had a dream the night before telling him he should not hurt this just man
- —Bar - “Son”, “abbas”- son of His father, Abbas - His first name was Jesus Barabbas
- —“Blessed are ye Simon Barjonah” - “Simon, Son of Jonah”
- —-Irony because one Barabbas prisoner and one that is the True Jesus, son of the Father
Barabbas is a symbol for me and all of us - we are sinful, imperfect - yet because of Jesus we can be released and free from our sins - just as Barabbas was guilty and was freed from prison
Luke of Christ sent to Pilate
- –Pilate sends Christ to Herod - Jesus does not answer him a word - Herod dresses him in purple (royalty)
- –Herod sends Him back to Pilate - where he washes his hands and sends him over to be scourged and crucified
notes on the cross
–can’t breathe - use your chest muscles to breathe, which are worn out after 3 hours…then the diaphragm but arm muscles to tired to lift up….then lift with leg muscles but they usually break their legs to make it quick and traumatic - literally cannot breathe
–learn a lot from pictures of Christ on early GRAFITTI
he was crucified hooked at the ankle - sometimes they tied and sometimes they put nails
—hand has lots of nerves and when they pierce the median nerve it will cause that person to go into spasm
John 11
Jesus wept - mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that are in need of comfort
John 12
Mary anoints the feet of Jesus with a pound of spikenard oil which is extremely expensive
- –Judas chastises mary for “wasting the money instead of giving it to the poor
- —but he was the treasurer and wanted the money for himself.
- —V7 JST For she hath preserved this ointment until now, that she might anoint me in token of my burial
Matt 22 - garment
- —parable of the marriage of the kings son
- —one guest not wearing the wedding garment
wedding garment= kaphar= covering= atonement = covering of atonement
- –Christ is questioned by Pharisees and Herodians(romans) about giving tribute to cesar
- —they try to entangle Christ to have him choose between the law and religion
- —marriage of seven men to a woman
- —eternal marriage vs marriage of men
Matt 23 - also CC Matt 24 with JST Matt
- –V2 “scribes and the Pharisees sit in th Moses Seat:” = the sit in the seat of judgement/ruling
- —But this is gods seat
- —V24 “Ye blind guides, which strain at(out) a gnat, and swallow a camel”
- —Christ condemns pharisees/scribes for missing the big picture of sin.
Matt. 5 - Jesus replaces old law with new
Old law: outward orientated, visual, easy to judge
New law: inward focused
Parable of treasures old and new.
-New scriptures, old scriptures
Man with leprosy story
God may not give you your physical miracle, but he will always give you a spiritual miracle! If you have ears to hear and eyes to see and a heart to recognize….you will know it and always walk away a better, happier soul!
- Worship
- Lord, IF thou wilt
- Thou canst make me clean
- thou canst make ME clean (MY Saviour)
We have hearts and minds which effect the way we communicate. Unfortunately, scriptures only express the words. Put heart, soul, body language, facial expressions, emotions into the scriptures!! Read –>study, make the people real people.
Mark 4
2 storms: storm on the sea of galilee, storm in their souls (Fear!) - vessel for peace.
If you stay in his ship, he will calm internal and external storms. You will/might have storms, but you will not sink.