Exam 1 Flashcards
- Plan of Happiness
- -Mormon 9:12-14
vs. 12 - explains 3 pillars of eternity
13 - ALL men are redeemed
14 - all will remain as they are
filthy = filthy, happy = happy
Alma 11:44
- everyone will be resurrected and everyone will be brought back to God’s presence to be judged
Helaman 14:15-19
15 - Christ must die as part of His atonement
16 - all men are redeemed from his first death which is spiritual death
17 - all men are resurrected and therefore saved from physical death
18 - if we repent not then we will not be righteous
19 - therefore repent!!
plan of happiness
purpose of the plan is to become something (State of being), not just get somewhere (location)
- –we were already WITH god but we were not like Him
- -we were in a state of innocence…with weaknesses and imperfections - no body
- -death means = separation of 2 things
- -ment = process or product of becoming as one
put up circles of plan of salvatio and said “what’s wrong with this?” - can teach about each section without even mentioning Christ’s name…and He is SO CENTRAL to the plan
–not real estae plan to get us where we want to go - YES should focus on reaching celestial kingdom but also focus more on what we trying to BECOME
–the word Elohim means plural Gods, we do not come from a broken home
Bible meaning?
comes from GREEK, BIBLIA, books - literally means “books”
- -originally came from Greek but came into english from old French “bibliotheque” = library)
- -bible as 66 books
- -don’t know how long it took to write each book - dates in which boooks were written (we actually know when most books were written)
- -contrast to BOM where we know each year, person, and age of each book
Languages and history of the Bible
written in 2 major languages: Greek and Hebrew
- -OT comes out of Hebrew language
- -NT comes out of Greek language
- -Greek comes from the common lang. among the rich but the poor still spoke Aramaic
- -Christ spoke Aramaic (context: Babylonians come and invade Jerusalem, take ppl captive, strip them of hebrew and relearn Aramaic)
- -the writers of the NT are writing in GREEK though Christ is speaking Aramaic
Bible translated later into Latin in 325 AD (4th century) - so writers translated 3-7% of Aramaic into Greek (later all into Latin)
- -Peter, James and John and Luke are not writing down everything that Christ is saying, but the way they record it is by ora lstories and sharing with others what they have receivied
- –imperfect translation, recording
If Christ is crucified at 34 AD, Mark (who wrote his gospel first) wrote around 54 AD
–when Bible was being translated (from Latin to English - William Tyndale translated KJV in 16111) - ppl could rent a bible for half a day for a load of hay
The gospels as a stage
- Mark - 7% unique - secretary to Peter - Mark comes late to the play and starts with Christ’s baptism and gives a big scope - fastest moving book and mostly an overview - focsues on DOINGS
- Luke - balance men and women, physician so he cares about suffering, specifically the women - Luke was the only one who mentioned Christ bleeding and the angle coming when he suffers
- -seems to get a lot of his info. from Mary - Matthew - sayings - proving Jesus is the Christ
- John - on stage and backstage - 90% of the book of John is unique
- -probably isolated from Matt., Mark. and Luke
- -divine testimony on a diff. level as far as explaining the eminence of Christ
Starting the book of Matthew
Matt. 1:1-24
3 sets of 14 generations from Abraham to Christ
–superlative: emphasis, a head nod to a great and celestial power
1: 17 - “David” in Hebrew - name by numer of letter makes 13
- -Matt. is listing women who are outcasts!! People who would not have been accepted in the church and who are sinners, harlots and foreigners - these ppl are in Christ’s DNA!!
- -King David is most common name in Bible - he is he be all end all for Jews bc David was told his successor would come from his loins
Thamar - prostitute who tricked Judah into getting her pregnant and then she had a son names Perez
1: 5 - Ruth - she’s a Moabite, not Jewish - SHE’S A GENTILE (becomes a Jew)
1: 6 - Urias’s wife Bathsheba who david killed Urias over - Jews don’t like her, she represents a blotch in their history
1: 16 - Mary was considered a harlot and would have been looked down at as Tamar was - she was highly favored of God and chosen to be mother of Christ and because of that was rejected of men and despies - a women of sorrow and acquainted with grief just as son would be (Isaiah 53:3)
1: 20 - Joseph puts Mary away privily (privately) but angel intervenes and declares the birth of his son from Mary and declares his name as Yeshua (Jehovah - saves) - in Hebrew (aka Jesus)
Birth of John the Baptist - Luke 1
Luke 1:7 - Elizabeth is barren and that is considered shameful bc people think that you did something to anger God
Luke 1:13 - angels don’t wear wrist watches - the Lord had heard Zacharias’s prayer but did not answer until it was in His timing
1:26 - John was born 6 months before Christ
SUMMARY - Mary goes to visit Elizabeth who is 3 months into pregnancy to seek understandning as both women are in the same predicament and John leaps for joy at the presence of Mary/Jesus
–John testified to Elizabeth cofirming the prophecies and purposes of these trials for them
Birth of Newborn King (Luke 2)
no tax was happening, but a Roman census and registry
- -hometown is Bethlahem for Joseph and Mary though they travel from…
- -Mary has the baby
Luke 2 - Ketalema = upper room, the inn (circle INN in the Bible - it is PLURAL!) Fun fact: Christ had last supper in Ketalama
- -since Bethlahem is hometown for Mary and Joseph, then these “INNS” or Ketalama are FAMILY OWNED! All of the family knows that THIS IS NOT JOSEPH’S BAB
- -there was no room [FOR THEM] in the [Ketalama]
- -the irony and sadness is that jesus left an eternal throne and realm to save us all who are dead in the water without a Savior, onyl to be kicked to a stable for his grand entrance and Birth
11- for unto you is Born this day
17 - they made it known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child
19 - Mary kepy all these things and pondered them in her heart - Mary was like Joseph Smith in that she kept this as sacred and was not willing to share with everyone
–Mary brings jesus to the temple - everything is symbolic of the son Jesus Christ
—Christ’s first mortal miracle is saving a whole group of people before they died in the aAmericas
25: CR Leviicus 1:14-17 - THE LAW IS LISTED FOR WHAT YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO DO WITH A PIGEON OR TURTLE DOVE - The priesthood manual of instructions: shows how to perform sacrifices with diff. animals - the pigeon when feathered will have pores from each feather and. it will be bleeding from every pore - they throw the feathers to teh east (East where Gethsemane is and symbolic of the Atonement, the great and terrible day, the last sacrifice”
The wise men
you cannot combine Matt. 2 and Luke 2 - the wise men do not come to the stable like the shephers
–Matt. has a diff. audience - and a year diff. in his writing compared to Luke ( the three kings, it could have been 1 or 2)
Matt 2:3-8 - Mark contrasts for seeking Jesus btwn Herod and wise men
What were they willing to do?
HEROD: - was troubled, gathered, demanded, inquired diligently, sent
WISE MEN: see the young child and fell down and worshipped him, open their treasures, God will finance this family through wise men with gold, frankincense and myrrh
–rome has taken over and no one has token over levitical throne so they are waiting for Messiah to take the throne
end of Luke 2
Mary and Joseph descend from Jerusalem around 3300’ of elevation loss - they are in their family camps in Jericho and all the sudden realize Christ isn’t with them
first recorded words of Christ in mortality: “How is that ye sought me, do you not know that I be about my Father’s business?”
Baptism and temptations of Christ
–Matt. 3-4
Bautizo in Greek = immersion 9however we do not base our practice on this scripture - bc modern revelation told us that is how it is done)
- -Matt. 3:16 - Spirit makes hand gesture of dove (Facsimile #2, item #7)
- -4:1 - footnote: “to be with God”
- -4:2 “ forty” means a long time, not necessarily a specific # of days
- -4:3 Satan’s first word int he NT is “IF” - the first thing he does is try to get us to doubt ourselves and HF - the temptation is not to break the fast, the temptation is to use his power to satisfy bodily hunger
- -4:5 the devil cannot take anyone anywhere - Jesus goes to pinnacle of the temple and satan follows him there
- -4:6 - if Christ were to jump from the pinnacle, he would gain from from his “Stunt” rather than from the words he taught
Summary: christ baptism
Jesus goes to te Jordan river, methabara - the lowest place on earth to find fresh water…Christ is showing that he is going below all to be baptized
- -SECOND RECORDED STMT. OF CHRIST IN MORTALITY: suffer it to be so that I fulfill all righteousness
- -to be obedient, it is a commandment. - if he is not baptized he will break a commandment
Luke 5
2-4 - there may be so many reasons to not let down our nets, but if we are commanded to do it we must regardless of the reasons not to
- -5:5 Simon is the most outspoken of the disciples, but he is also the one who receives the most correction
- -Jesus will always invite you to act when you are at a low point, and he will always ask us to sactifice in high points of our lives
john 2 - the marraige at Cana
John 2:1-2 - Not Christ’s wedding! Traditionally weddings were done in hometown of the groom, thus if he was called away to another city, it would not be his own wedding - probably a relative (cousin, half sister) mary’s control over servants
–note: there is no mention of Joseph from this point on, it is very possible he has passed away and Jesus is now responsible to care for the family
2:4 - Footnote: “What can I do for you?”
Miracle at the wedding - John 2 - marraige at Cana
5: Mary is saying, trust me. emight ask you to do something weird but trust Him and do what he says
- –we are the water pots, w start pure (like water) then are made dirty by sin (washing hands and faces_ and then are made greater and clean through the atonement (Christ turns water to wine)
- -he required steps of faith on the servant to take this gross water and walk to governor in the feast and see it turned to wine as he walks (8-9) - we also must take steps of faith
2: 6 - there are 6 water pots, 6 is evil (666)
- -108-163 gallons of total water btwm them - little indication of how they used the pots to become clean for feasts or parties, but usually it is of washing feet - these were wash pots full of clean water before party and halfway through party they become increasinly dirty
- -Christ partook of the bitter (all our bitter feelings) cup and each week gives us a pure cup of wine (Water now) - we reenact this miracle every week. Its all dirty water, there in no point in comparing how dirty other pots of water are, he will turn it all to wine
First cleansing of Temple - John 2
13-16 - passover is at hand and Jesus went up to jerusalem, they found in the temple oxen and sheep and doves - and the changers of money sitting - when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out - he said unto them…take these thigns hence
17-20 - words meaning TEMPLE in Hebrew:
- –Naos: the proper habitation of God (Acts 7:48, 17:24, 1 Cor. 6:19)
- -Haaran (Hieron): the whole sacred enclosure - the temenos including the outer courts, porches, porticoes, and other related buildings
19-22: destroy this temply and in 3 days I will raise it up
–the temple was still being built even at the time of Jesus
Nicodemus and the Woman of Samaria - John 3
Pharisees take everything very literally
3: 3,5 - missionary 101
- -3 - is trying to get people to see that they belong in the kingdom - Born again-see kingdom
- -5 - is teaching the doctrine of baptism and repentance, born again in the spirit - born again-enter kingdom