final exam Flashcards
What does the term “slow-to-warm babies” refer to?
Babies who are inactive, showing relatively calm reactions to their environment; their moods are generally negative, and they withdraw from new situations, adapting slowly
What is Erikson’s trust vs mistrust stage?
Birth to 1.5 years where infants develop a sense of trust or mistrust, largely depending on how well their needs are met by their caregivers.
What is the “activity theory”?
The theory suggesting that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions, with which they were involved during middle age
What is “social referencing”?
The international search for information about others feelings to help make sense of uncertain circumstances and events
What is the “compensational theory”?
Older adults need to compensate when life tasks require a higher level of capacity
What is the definition of “temperament”?
Patterns of arousal and emotionality that are consistent and enduring characteristics of a individual
What is an “easy baby” (Thomas and Chess)
Babies who have a positive disposition; their body functions operate regularly and they are adaptable
What is the Ainsworth Strange Situation?
A sequence of staged episodes that illustrates the strength of attachment between a child and typically his or her mother
What is the 8 steps of the Ainsworth Strange Situation?
- The mother and baby enter an unfamiliar room
- The mother sits down, leaving the baby free to explore
- The adult stranger enters the room and converses with the mother and then with the baby
- The mother exists the room leaving the baby with the stranger
- The mother returns, greeting and comforting the baby, and the stranger leaves
- The mother departs again, leaving the baby alone
- The stranger returns
- The mother returns and the strangers leaves
What part of development did Bowlby explore?
What is the “ambivalent attachment pattern”?
A style of attachment in which children display a combination of positive and negative reactions to their mothers
What is “stranger anxiety”?
The caution and wariness displayed by infants when encountering an unfamiliar person
What is “attachment”?
The positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a particular individual
What is “theory of mind”?
The ability to attribute mental states, beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires, intentions and perspective that are different from ones owns
What is “separation anxiety”?
The distress displayed by infants when a customary care provider departs
What is the “avoidant attachment pattern”?
A style of attachment in which children do not seek proximity to the mother; after the mother has left, they seem to avoid her when she returns
What is extrinsic motivation?
Motivation that drives people to obtain tangible rewards, such as money and prestige
What are reference groups?
A group of people you compare yourself to; present a set of norms or standards against which adolescents judge their social success
What period of life does Erik Erikson’s generativity-versus-stagnation address?
Middle childhood
What is identity achievement (James Marcia)?
The status of adolescents who commit to a particular identity after a period of crisis
What is a moratorium (James Marcia)?
A period during which they take time off from the upcoming responsibilities of adulthood to explore various roles and possibilities
What is the “social clock”?
The culturally determined psychological timepiece providing a sense of whether we reached the major benchmarks of life at the appropriate time in comparison to our peers