Final Exam Flashcards
Practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of obtaining large profits
October 29, 1929, when stock prices fell sharply in the Great Crash
Black Tuesday
Period Lasting from 1929 to 1941 in which the US economy faltered and unemployment soared
Great depression
Protective tax on imports enacted by Congress in 1930 in an effort to counter the nation’s slide into the great depression
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Policy relied on by President Hoover in the early years of the great depression, whereby local and state governments act as primary agents of economic relief
Group of WW1 veterans who marched on Washington DC, in 1932 to demand early payment of a bonus promised to them by Congress
Bonus army
1935 wall that set up a pension system for retirees, established unemployment insurance, created insurance for victims of work related accidents, and provided aid for poverty-stricken mothers and children, the blind, and the disabled
Social Security Act
New deal law that abolished unfair labor practices, recognized the right of employees to organize labor unions, and gave workers the right to collective bargaining
Wagner Act
1938 law that set a minimum wage, a maximum work week of 44 hours, and outlawed child labor
Fair labor standards act
Organized labor action in which workers stop working and occupy the workplace until their demands are met
Sit-down strike
FDR’s plan to add six new justices to the nine Member Supreme Court after the court had ruled some new deal laws to be unconstitutional
Court packing
Division of the Works progress administration that hired unemployed artists to create artworks for public buildings and sponsored art education programs and exhibitions
Federal art project
A theory of government in which a single party or leader controls the economic, social, and cultural lives of its people
Hatred of and discrimination against Jews
Programs and legislation pushed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Great Depression to promote economic recovery and social reform
New Deal
In early 1935, Roosevelt launched an aggressive campaign to find solutions to the ongoing problems caused by the Great Depression. This campaign created social security
Second New Deal
Policy of granting concessions in order to keep peace
During World War II, the forced march of American and Filipino prisoners of war under brutal conditions lead by the Japanese military
Bataan Death March
World War II battle that took place between Japanese and American aircraft carriers in May 1942, halting the Japanese advance in the Pacific
Battle of coral sea
Tactic of dropping massive amounts of bombs in order to inflict maximum damage
Saturation bombing
Tactic of dropping bombs on key political and industrial targets
Strategic bombing
African-American squadron that escorted bombers in the air war over Europe during World War II
Tuskegee airmen
Turning point of World War II in the Pacific, in which the Japanese advance was stopped
Battle of midway
The 1956 law that authorize the spending of 32 billion to build 41,000 miles of highway
Interstate Highway Act
The Allies invaded Normandy on June 6, 1944
Code name of the U.S. government research project that developed the atomic bomb
Manhattan Project
World War II strategy that involved seizing selected Japanese-held islands in the Pacific while bypassing others
1945 strategy meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin
Yalta Conference
International agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and prisoners of war
Geneva Convention
Trials in which the Nazi leaders were charged with war crimes
Nuremberg trials
Term coined by Winston Churchill to describe the border between the Soviet satellite states and Western Europe
Iron Curtain
Foreign policy that offered economic aid to Western Europe after World War II
Marshall Plan
Military alliance of the Soviet Union and its satellite sates
Warsaw Pact
Policy of threatening to use massive force in response to aggression
Massive retaliation
Belief that only by going to the brink of war could the United States protect itself against Soviet aggression
To place a private resource under government control
Policy of president Eisenhower that stated that the United States would force to help any nation threatened by communism
Eisenhower Doctrine
An ideal or typical household with a father, mother, and children
Nuclear family
A plan that called for three tiers of higher education: research universities, state colleges, and community colleges, all of which were to be accessible to all of the state’s citizens
California Master Plan