Final Exam Flashcards
What is the Limbic System of the brain?
Emotions: Agression, Fear
Emotionally-Conditioned Behaviour
Short-Term memory Processing
Where is the Hypothalamus
At the base of the thalamus in the Dienchephlon
Where is the Motor componant of the Trigeminal (V)
Where is the Sensory Nuecli of the Trigeminal (V)?
In the Medulla
What branch of the Trigeminal is Motor?
v3 Mandibular (Motor to masticatory mm) (Sensory to lower jaw, tongue, cheek, and ear)
What hole does the Trigeminal V3 Mandibular exit the skull?
Oval Foramen
Is Trigeminal V2 Maxillary Sensory or Motor? And to what?
What hole does the Trigeminal V2 Maxillary exit the skull through?
- Sensory - Nose and Upper Jaw
- Round Foramen
- Is the Trigeminal V1 Opthalmic Motor or Sensory? And to what?
- What hole does it exit the skull?
- What 3 other crainial nerves exit the skull through this hole?
- Sensory to the Eye
- Orbital Fissure
- Crainal Nerves III, IV, VI
- III = Oculormotor
- IV = Trochlear
- VI = Abducent
What nerve is sensory to the entire muzzle? And where does it exit?
Infraorbital Nerve which is a branch of the V2 Maxillary Branch of the Trigeminal
Indicate the areas of cutaneous sensation related to the 3 branches of the Trigeminal Nerve
What nerve could be damaged to cause Dry Eye?
Major petrosal Nerve which is a branch of the Facial VII nerve.
- What nerve crosses the tympanic membrane exposing it to infections?
- What is it Motor to?
- What is it Sensory to?
- Chorda tympani which is a branch of the Facial Nerve VII
- Motor to Sublingual, Submandibular salivary glands
- Sensory to Taste Buds - Rostral 2/3rds of tongue
What nerves can be damaged by ear infections?
Corda tympani and Facial (proper)
Where does the Facial (VII) nerve exit the skull?
Stylomastoid Foramen
Testing Sensory to the inside and outside of the ear pinnea,what 2 nerves are involved?
Inside is Facial VII
Outside is Trigeminal (Mandibular)
Facial nerve is Motor and Sensory to what parts of the body?
Motor to the facial muscles
Sensory to the inner surface of the ear
The Facial Nerve and the Vestibularcochlear Nerve enter the skull through which hole?
Internal Acoustic Meatus
Name the 3 branches of the Facial Muscle shown in the picture
Name the Glands and Ducts here
The Glossopharyngeal IX is Motor to what and Sensory to Where?
Where does the Glossopharyngeal IX exit the skull?
- Motor to the Pharynx and Sensory to the Tongue
- Tympanooccipital Fissue along with Vagus X and Accessory XI
Which two nerves run through the Pharyngeal Plexus?
WHat nerve do the Cranial ANd Recurrent laryngeal nerve branch from?
The Vagus Nerve runs alongside which Artery?
Carotid Artery
Where does the Hypoglossal exit the skull?
What function does it have and to what?
Hypoglossal Canal
Motor to the Tongue
Name the 4 nerves shown in this picture.
What Branch of the Facial (VII) joins a branch of the Mandibular (V3)?
And what nerve is this called?
What is its function?
Chorda Tympani (VII) Joins the Lingual Nerve (Branch of the Mandibular (V3)
The Function of this is senxory to the 2/3rds of the tongue
Name the ganglion where the Vagus splits to Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
Middle Cervical Ganglion
-Then travels along the Ansus Sub Claivian to the Cervicothoracic ganglion
There has been nerve damage to this Cat. What is the syndrome called?
Horners Syndrome
What are 2 reasons an eye would look sunken in?
Through Atrophy of the Masticatory Muscles (Temporal Muscle), or through Emanciation
What is the 2 names used for where your eyelids join each other?
Medial & Lateral Canthus
Medial & Lateral Commissure
What is the little bump situated on the medial canthus of the eye?
Lacrimal Caruncle
What is Cilia of the eye?
What is Supercilia
What is the Tarsus of the eye?
It is a fibrous plate above and below which stiffens the eyelids
What is Conjunctiva?
It is a mucus membrane lining the space around the eye
What are the names of the two conjunctiva?
Palpebral Conjunctiva (conjuctiva attached to the inside of the eyelid)
Bulbar Conjuctiva (Conjuctiva over the sclera (white of the eye) / Eye itself)
What is the Nictitating membrane commonly referred to?
The 3rd eyelid.
What is Cherry Eye?
It is then the Nictitans Gland of the 3rd eyelid becomes inflamed (prolapsed)
Explain where tears are formed and their route of travel
Tears form in the Lacrimal gland dorsal-lateral of the eye. It then runs around the eye and towards the medial canthus, where it enters the Lacrimal puncta. It then runs through 2 Lacrimal Ducts and join up at the Lacrimal Sac. From here it runs down through the nasolacrimal duct into the nose.
What is the white of the eye called?
Where would I find Aquious Fluid?
Anterior Chamber
- In the eye the Dorsal Oblique Muscle is inovated by which Nerve?
- What muscle can pull the eye into the head?
- Where do all the eye muscles originate from except for the Ventral Oblique?
- What are the 4 other eye muscles named?
- The Trochlea Nerve
- Retractor Bulbi
- Annulus
- Rectus (Lateral, Medial, Ventral, Dorsal)
Name the 3 tunics of the eye
- Sclera (Includes Sclera and Cornea)
- Uvea (Includes Choroid, Ciliary Body and Iris)
- Retina
What is the name of the area where the Optic Nerve passes through the Sclera?
Lamina Cribrosa
What makes the Lens focus on its target?
Ciliary body, Processes and Zonules
What are the 2 muscles that Constrict and Dilate the Pupil?
Iris Constrictor Muscle
Iris Dilator Muscle
Explain there Aqueous Fluid is produce and then reabsorbed