final exam Flashcards
social inequality
inequality in the distribution of power, resources, or other “things b/w people, groups, or societies.
social stratification
a condition in which the inequality in society is structured into social layers that are difficult to pemeate
most extreme form of legalized social inequality; Enslaved individuals are owned by other people
heredity systems of rank, usually religiously dictated, that tend to be fixed and immobile
estates: estate system
feudalism; required peasants to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection
Gini coefficient
a number, typically scaled 0-100, that represents the inequality in the distribution of x.
Gini coefficient of U.S. wealth inequality
cost of “economy diet” times three.
poverty line
around 10K for one person, 20K for family of four
amount of U.S. citizens in poverty
1 out of every 9 people
absolute poverty
minimum level of subsistence that no family should live below
relative poverty
floating standard by which people at the bottom of a society are judged as being disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole
social mobility
movement of individuals or groups from one position in a society’s stratification system to another
open and closed stratified systems
indicate the amount of social mobility in a society
open stratification system
position of each individual influenced by the person’s achieved position
closed stratification system
allows little or no possibility of moving up
racial group
set apart from others because of obvious physical differences
ethnic group
set apart from others because of national origin or cultural patterns
minority groups
set apart from others because of less power and/or smaller numbers
biological insignificance of race
there are no “pure races”
lots of mixing
we’re all 99.9% same genetically
social construction of race
process whereby people define a group as “race” on physical features despite the fact that there is little biological basis