Final Exam Flashcards
Central powers in WWI
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria
Entente powers in WWI
Britain, France, Russia, and their colonial possessions
Components that made WWI destructive
-industrialization-machine guns-tanks-submarines-lethal gas
Schleifan Plan
-1914-German plan to get the French out of the war quickly
Marne Battle
-Sep 1914-German assault on France-each tried to outflank each other wound up in Belgium-600miles of trenches-western front
Eastern Front wars
-Austria-Hungary vs Russia-where the sig. battles of central powers-more things happened
Battle of Tannenburg
-August 1914-Germans destroyed Russians-German prowess in the rail system-brought prestige to Hindenburg and Lindendorff
Why Turkey entered WWI
-Russia declared war because Russian ports were attacked along the Black Sea
Why Italy entered WWI
-Britain and France promised parts of the Ottoman Empire
Battle of Jutlan
-May 1916-Naval battle off Danish peninsula between Germany and France-tactically a Germany victory-but Brits drove them back
-sunk may 7, 1915 by German u-boat-germans thought the ship carried contraband-it wasn’t carrying anything-stirred anti-german sentiments and pissed off Americans and Brits
Battle of Verdunn
-Feb-Dec 1916-French victory-Germans wanted to destroy French morale like they did in Russia-awful trench warfare
April 1917 on Western Front
-Nivelle offensive-promised the battle would win the war-failed because Germans found out about the plan and French mutinied and refused to fight
Commander in Chief Petain in France
-instituted a rotation system so people not always on the front lines 1917-promised no more attacks on German lines until Americans got to Europe
Galipoli Campaign
-1915-Brits tried to get Turkey out of the war-to open up trade routes to Russia and provide resources to the russians-would make Germany lose an ally-Turkey won
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
- March 3, 1918-between German and Russians-took Russians out of the war-peace treaty
- really hard terms for Russia (reparations, lost territories etc)
Impact of a change in German leadership to Hindenburg and Leudendorf
-became dictators as well as military leaders (clausewitz would’ve shit himself)-they were determined to win the war with whatever it took-convinced ppl that Germany would win so didn’t prepare for post war situation-
Impact of a change in German leadership to Hindenburg and Leudendorf
-became dictators as well as military leaders (clausewitz would’ve shit himself)-they were determined to win the war with whatever it took-convinced ppl that Germany would win so didn’t prepare for post war situation-should have made peace
Arthur Zimmerman
-German-sent message to Mexico saying they could get back territory that it had lost to US if they sided with Germany
Battle of Belleau Wood
-1918-US victory over Germany-US naval prowess demonstrated
Nicholas II
-Tsar of Russia-made himself Chief of army-Russia was losing on E. Front-abducted and murdered in revolution
-new chancellor of Germany-asked for peace based on the 14 pts
Woodrow Wilson
-leader of Progressive movement-founding father of heocons (american primacy)-pro entente cause trade with Britain and France-reelected in 1916 on the platform that he would keep the US out of war-League of Nations
Compiegne (Armistice Day)
-Nov 11, 1918-armistice (really a surrender)-Germans had 2 wks to evacuate allied territories so wouldn’t be able to resume if negotiations fell through
Paris Peace Conference
-Jan 1919-Brit: Lloyd George-French: Clemenceau-Italy: Vitorrio Orlando-US: Woodrow Wilson-Germans sent delegation but weren’t allowed to participate
4 treaties that came out of Versailles
-with Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, and Turkey
Versailles Treaty
-Jun 28, 1919-3 types of clauses (military, reparations, territory)-New German republic being punished for mistakes of old monarchy
Military clauses in Versailles
- get rid of german armaments 2. no general staff (made one anyways and named it something else)3. germany occupied to make sure complied with military terms4. couldn’t have any ppl at border of France and Belgium or Swiss borders
Territorial clauses in Versailles
- lost all colonies to Britain2. Austria separate from Germany3. big area went to Poland4. lost Sudetanland (became a big prob in 1939)
Reparations clauses in Versailles
- germ accept full responsibility for calamities2. payments in bonds to assure ppl that germs were actually paying (not really)
Weimar Republic
-new govt after Kaisar’s abducation-constitution very similar to bismarck’s
Bonus marchers
-US-wanted early bonus for fighting in WWI cause of depression-MacArthur brutally drove them out
uses ideology to stir people up; appeal to emotions rather than reason
Keynes on reparations
-didn’t like them-thought germany should build up balance of trade to help them recover after the war-but people wanted to make germany suffer
ABC bonds
-fooled public into thinking the Germans were actually paying
Treaty of Rapallo
-April 1922-Germany and Russia-renounced Brest Litovsk-restore diplomatic relations-economic cooperation
Ruhr Episode
-1923-economy wasn’t getting better after moratorium on reparations-France taken over factories as payments of reparations-German workers went on strike-German govt couldn’t afford to pay unemployment–>greatest inflation -middle class hurt the most cause savings went to shit
Nazi tried to take over Bavarian government
-Let by Hitler-Beer Hall Putsch -Hitler captured and tried for treason - 5 years in prison
Dawes Plan
Jan 1924-called for gradual rise of German payments over a 5 year period-occupied cities in Germany evacuated
League of Nations
-HQ in Geneva-disagreed about what the League’s role was supposed to be
-German chancellor-Bismarckian realist-created new currency after Ruhr Episode-negotiated Lacarno (conciliatory and fulfillment)
Geneva Protocol
-prohibited the use of chemical/biological weapons in international warfare
Lacarno Agreements
1925-Brits, France, Germ, Italy, Belg, Czech, Poland-Stresemann and Briand Nobel -Germany negotiated as an equal-Rhineland Pact (demilitarized)-territorial disputes resolved
-seized power in 1922-marxist regime-nationalized all private property
-confiscated all land and made huge farms run by the government-peasants revolted (burned and shot livestock)-Stalin killed 10 m peasants-purged members of the party who would challenge him-wanted to spread communism-feared that the capitalist states would work together to topple Bolshevik regime
-nationalist-Italian fascist party-democracy doesn’t work-black shirts army-anti intellectual–obey
Kellogg Briand Pact
August 27, 1928- US and France-pledge to arbitrate differences and ban war-declaration of intent–no enforcement-basis for Nuremberg trials
Young Plan
-1929-set a terminal date for reparations at 1988
Maginot Line
-France authorized construction of defensive barrier between Germany and France–stopped at Belgium
Herbert Hoover
-adopted traditional approach cut back on expenditures and ride it out
-Keynesian-prime economy through govt expenditures
-German chancellor after war-cut government spending-wasn’t in office long enough to help combat the depression
Manchurian Episode
- 1931-1932-Japanese army challenged Chinese for Manchuria-communist party in China fled till under Mao control-China and Japan members of the League-League didn’t do anything cause couldn’t enforce
- Japan ended up resigning from the League
Hitler’s 2 personal political ideas in Vienna
- greater german nationalism
2. anti-semitism (many Jews in central Europe hadn’t assimilated into society)
2 goals in Mein Kampf
- acquisition of terriroty for Germany
- struggle within the white race for purification
Mein Kampf
- Hitler’s memoir
- written in prison after his failed coup in Bavaria
- history=radical struggles and war
Why radicals accepted Nazi radicals’ ideas
-Starting in 1929 Germany’s already crippled economy spiraled
Brown Shirts
- beat up opposition and instilled terror
- Rohm was leader
Ernst Rohm
- commander of the Nazi militia
- executed on the Night of Long Knives because opposed Hitler
- leader Himmler
- in charge of conducting Holocaust
- carried out Night of Long Knives
Enabling Act
- 4 yr act to allow Hitler to bypass legilature
Night of Long Knives
- Summer 1934
- purge of the S.A
- did away with office of President and the constitution
Hitler’s domestic policy
- full employment
- Nuremburg laws
- Night of Broken Glass (uprising against Jews)
Hitler’s foreign policy
- freed Germany of Versailles terms
- sold himself as a reasonable statesman
- dominated central europe
Non aggression pact with Poland
- 1934
- stunned French b/c French and Polish had bilateral agreement to protect against germany
Saar Plebecite
- 1935
- ppl would get to vote on whether to be French or German
- most thought theyd want to be French
- voted to be German
German announcement of rearmament
Spring 1935
- reinstituted draft
- announced airforce
- League said it had been violated
Stressa Meeting
April 1935
- condemn german action
- allegiance to Lacarno
- ensure Austrian independence
- didn’t really do anything
Coup attempt in Austria
- summer 1934
- Nazi party in Austria tried to take power
- killed Dollfuss: chancellor of Austria
- Italy mobilized along Austrian border
Anglo-German Naval Agreement
June 1935
- Germans could match submarine tonage of Brits
- could have 35% of navy that the Brits had
- Brits agreed cause didn’t want another naval race
Franco-Soviet Alliance
- bilateral military agreement to keep peace
- Levau and Litvinov
- SU signed another with Czechs wouldn’t help them if french didn’t
Abyssinian Affair
- wedge between Brit/French and Italy
- Italy wanted Ethiopia
- Wal Wal incident
Wal Wal incident
- Italians faked an attack by locals to have an excuse to attack the locals
- Ethiopia went to the League for help
- League imposed sanctions on Italy (League impotent)
Remilitarization of the Rhineland
- Germany sent troops into Rhineland to get a reaction out of the French
- French didn’t do anything cause didn’t want another war
- violated Versailles and Lacarno
- allowed Germany to pursue domination in E. Europe that the demilitarized zone had prevented
Spanish Civil War
- Italy supported Franco’s governmtn which isolated it from Britain and France
- Germany sent supplies to Franco
- Franco took power: leader of fascist party backed by right wing European leaders
- Germ and Italy started working together
3 blocks of power in 1937
- Brit and France (status quo)
- Germany and Italy (wanted change)
- Soviet Union
Hossbach memorendum
- Hitler announced his plans in the event of his death
- unity of Austria and Germany
- Move against Czechs cause France would do nothing
- go to war against Britain and maybe France by 1942
foreign minister of Germany
Chancellor of Austria
- Hitler demands that he allow Nazi party to take over in Austrian politics in 1938
- Schuschnigg lets Austrians choose for themselves
- didn’t happen though
- Hitler got pissed
union of Germany and Austria
- March 1938
- after mobilized along the German border
- after the Chancellor of Austria changed to someone who wanted it
Curzon line
- between Poland and SU
- Poles didn’t like it cause wanted more of that territory owned by SU
- areas of Czech inhabited by Germans
- Hitler wanted it and believed France wouldn’t fight to protect Czechs
- Hitler tried to say that Germans were being mistreated by Czech govt
Chamberlain met with Hitler 1938
- to discuss Sudetenland
- French govt agreed to tell Czechs to give it up
- then met again and Hitler changed his mind–said it was too late
- looked like war
Munich Agreement
- allowed Nazi Germany to annex the Sudetenland
- height of appeasement
Ides of March 1939
veil was removed; saw Hitler for what he really was
- invaded and occupied Bohemia and Moravia (Czechoslovakia)
- no longer about ethnic Germans
Brits assume Poland is Germany’s next target
- offers military alliance
- they were right
- succeeded Litvinov as foreign minister of Russia
- principal signatory of the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact of 1939
Nazi-Soviet Non-aggression Pact
- 1939
- 10 yr non aggression pact
- SU would get a sliver of Poland they had lost
- key signatories (Ribbentropp and Molotov)
Start of WWII
- Schleswig-Hostein dreadnaught open fired on Polish ship
- Brits gave Germans 48 hours to stop or would declare war
- Declared on Sept 3 1939
- France did too
- first British naval casualty of WWII
- torpedoed by german U-boat in Atlantic
Why Germans had an advantage in 1939
- didn’t use tanks like in WWI
- Guderian (concentrate tanks in armored division use speed and guns to break enemy lines)
- motorized infantry divisions
- MOBILE everything
- lightning wars (airforce)
Hitler Plan
- plan to attack France and low countries w/ all German mechanized units
- to clear English channel coast to move against the British Isles
- postponed 15 times cause of weather
- worked after 4 years (1940) France out
Winter War
- Russia vs Finland
- Nov 1939 to March 1940
- Russians wanted territory
- Russians won but humiliating cause hard to beat the Fins
- dilemma for Brits cause considered sending troops to help Fins
Weser Exercise
April 1940
-German seizure of Denmark
Operation Sea Lion
- 1940
- german plan to invade Britain
- first major setback
- ended up getting lost and bombing a civilian residential area
Churchill response to Sea Lion
- ordered a revenge strike on Berlin
- Hitler got pissed…again and ordered to bomb British cities
Balkan Interlude
- postponed attack till June 1941
- Germans bailed out Italians after Greeks defeated them
Operation Barbarossa
- unleashed the worst war in the history of mankind
- Germans tried to take over Russia
- horrible geography and huge casualties on both sides
- Stalin had a nervous breakdown
- 3mil Russian POW
Difference between Stalin and Hitler
- Stalin learned from his mistakes and put military experts in charge
- Hitler had to micromanage everything and made himself commander of the army
Sino-Japanese War
- US opposed
- became sig because Japanese pressured the French in letting them occupy indo China
Lend-Lease Act
-gave pres right to give whatever aid he felt necessary for the survival of a state with US interests
- brought out of retirement in August 1941
- in charge of all the forces in the West
Meeting at Placentia Bay
- Churchill and Roosevelt
- Atlantic Charter and a Germany first strategy
Atlantic Charter
allow ppl to freely choose their govt
Germany first strategy
- negotiated at Placentia Bay
- put Japan on back burner cause not enough resources to fight both
Arcadia Conference
- Churchill in Washington
- British would strengthen forces in Pacific
- invade N. Africa
- no separate peace w/ beligerents
Operation Torch
- 1943
- British and US invaded N. Africa in French occupied Algeria and Morocco
- Allied victory
Germans invaded Stalingrad 1942
- 1/2 mill Germs dead
- huge defeat for Hitler
- ppl lost confidence led to Hitler’s ass. attempt
Mussolini gov’t overthrown
- 1943
- replaced by Badaglio
- switched to allied side but got knocked out of the war
Tehran Conference
- invasion of France would happen in Spring 1944
- partition of Germany would be 3 zones of occupation
- E. third of pre war poland to SU
- future organization of the UN
Yalta Conference
Feb 1945
- France became member of occupation to help Brit balance Russia in Germany
- allowed democratic elections in Poland, czech, romania etc
- wanted Russia to declare war on Japan to ensure dem govts
End of the war
May 7-8 1945
- Hitler suicide
- german surrender
- Japan surrendered Fall 1945
Potsdam Conference
July-August 1945
- new leaders of each power present
- common enemy defeated