Final Exam 2 Flashcards
Sir ector
Foster father of Arthur
King Arthur unit
Sir Kay
A knight whose gruff manners present a special challenge to young Arthur whom he calls Wart. A foster brother
Lady of the lake
A fairy who gives Arthur the magic sword Excalibur
Morgan le Fay
Arthur’s half sister who constantly uses we magic to challenge him. She gives Lancelot the ultimatum to choose one of the four queens as his lover or die
Wife of Arthur whose love for Lancelot eventually leads to the kingdoms doom
This knight is challenged by striking a cauldron outside his castle. He hangs the shields of his defeated opponents I a nearby tree
The knight who slays Tarquine, best friends with Arthur, Guinevere’s lover
Challenged by the green knight at the Christmas feast, this knight must return a year later to receive a blow from the green knights axe
Son of sir Lancelot whose purity finally allows him to succeed in quest for the holy grail
Sir bedivere
The one who returns the Excalibur sword back to lake when Arthur dies
The magician
Green knight
=the old year, come full circle, why seasons change allegory, the test of initiation
Illustration in medieval manuscript, not meant to be realistic, colorful depictions
Honor code of the knights: defend the defenseless
Medieval romance
Genre of tragedy and comedy together, has hero superior to nature and people, hero has magic powers not subject to nature
Pre-Raphaelites painters
Victorian England in late 19 the century
The lady of shalott
Identity in isolation: writes name on boat, many paintings of her
John William Waterhouse
Influenced by pre-Raphaelites, this artist painted two famous depictions of lady of shalott- realistic style with symbolism/half sick of shadows
Isolde of the White Hands
She tells Tristan that an approaching ship has a black sail when it really has a white one
Princess Isolde or Isolde the fair
Daughter of the king and queen of Ireland. Through a love potion she falls madly in love with Tristan
Miguel de Cervantes
Author of don Quixote
Early 7th century monk, names Arthur the hero at badon hills
Made Arthur a descendant of Aeneas, first shaper of Arthur legend, first to mention Merlin the magician
Geoffrey of Monmouth
Introduced the Round Table
High Middle Ages, features love triangle, single hero adventure story, dies before answering holy grail
Chretien de Troyes
Le morte d’arthur, wrote while in prison, William Caxton published off gutenburgs printing press, wrote during end of Middle Ages and knighthood
Sir Thomas Malory
Idylls of the king, made Arthur a moral leader
Alfred Lord Tennyson
20th century, the once and future king, humorous and modern
T. H. White
a very typical example of a certain person or thing.
“the book is a perfect archetype of the genre”
False or illogical reasoning
Fallacy of composition
Applying an attribute of the parts to the whole
Fallacy of division
Applying an attribute of the whole to one of its parts
Fallacy of accident
Applying a general rule to every case-Marcia at shg and service
Post hoc fallacy
Because 2 events follow each other in time, one concludes that the first event caused the second
Begging the question
An argument in which the conclusion is used as one of the premises
False analogy
Because 2 things are alike in some respect, they aren’t necessarily alike in all respects
Ad Hominem
Attacking the person rather than the issue
Non sequitur
Argument with a missing claim, or untrue premise
Appeal to force
Ad baculum-
Appeal to pity
As misericordian
Argument from ignorance
One can’t argue something true simply because it hasn’t been proven false
Complex question
A question that assumes a prior question has already been asked and answered
Bandwagon appeal
Reasoning that something is true because everyone accepts it as true- ad populum
the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
a person, animal, or object regarded as representing or embodying a quality, concept, or thing.
English sonnet
A lyric poem arranged as three quatrains and a couplet
Go over poetry notecards
In a different deck
“A marriage Proposal”
Anton Chekhov- farce and realism
“The Bet”
Anton Chekhov- short story, realism
“Two Friends”
Guy de Maupassant - short story, realism
“How Much Land Does A Man Need”
Leo Tolstoy- didactic lit/allegory
“An Honest Thief”
Fyodor Dostoevsky - supplemental book
“The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World”
Gabriel Garcia Marquez- short story and magical realism
Describe characteristics of works made during these times
Classicism, Romanticism (Jean-Jacques Rousseau), Realism, Magical Realism
This period wanted to use the scientists objectivity to describe the world.
Rousseau’s insistence that he is a unique individual unlike any other is representative of what period?
The bizarre and fantastic are treated as if they are ordinary and common
Magical Realism
The customs and laws of society are good for the individual
Defined by balance, order, and symmetry.
The state of nature makes the individual better, society destroys the individual.
Maupassant, Chekhov, and Tolstoy
This period judges the art of antiquity to be the foundation of creative activity, the rules of the past should continue to guide the artist
Uses emotional, flowery language that describes a subjective experience.
Describes the world as it is rather than as we would like it to be
Revival of Greek and roman forms Reason Balance, form, order Convention (rules for society, art) Society
New forms
Nature over convention
Individual over society
Imagination and subjectivity
Objective presentation of life as it is, not as we would like it to be
A slice of life
Chekhov is a
Literary timeline
Golden age of Greece
5th century bc. 500-400
Fall of Roman Empire
476 ad
Middle Ages
Between 476 ad to 1500
Entering modern era
Age of Enlightenment (18th cent)
18th/19th century- 1800
1900- 19th century
Author boigraphies
Taganrog, Russia
Normandie, France
Yasnaya Pollyanna, Russia
Moscow, Russia
Aractaca, Columbia
He was a medical doctor who treated patients throughout his literary career
Anton Chekhov
He fought in the Crimean war
Leo Tolstoy
He fought in the Franco Prussian war
Guy de Maupassant
Though he was never in the army himself, his grandfather had served as a colonel in the was of a 1000 days
A recipient of the Nobel peace prize in literature
The author of War and Peace later repudiated it.
He had been born into a life of privilege at his family’s estate. Yasnaya polyana. He would be buried there later after attempting to give away all his possessions
Undertaking a journey across Siberia, he visited the penal colony at Sakhalin in order to interview all of its inmates
His “boule de suif” demonstrated that individuals are trapped by society
His short stories from the 1840s are centered in the city of st Petersburg
He finished One Hundred Years of Solitude after 18 months of intensive work.
Franz Kafka
The metamorphosis
Born July 3, 1883 in Prague
Died June 3, 1924 in Vienna of tuberculosis
Born into a…
Middle class, German speaking, Jewish family
Elite German high school
Law degree in 1906 from university of Prague
Worked for workers accident insurance agency
Wrote on side
Chronic illness- migraines, insomnia, boils
Tuberculosis- spent a lot of time in sanatorium for treatment, retired in 1922
Literary works
Instructed by max brod to destroy all writings
Published a few short stories
A literary artistic movement that originated in the 1920s. Reveal unconscious mind.
Works according to nonlogical model
Expression of thought exercised in absence of control of reason
Characteristics of surrealism
Unconscious- free association
Psychoanalytic theory
Repression and the unconscious
“Before the Law”
And surrealism connections essay
Elie Wiesel
Moishe the Beadle
Jewish mystic and master of the Kabbalah. His warnings to the people of Sighet go unheeded.
Idea, the Kapo
The Kapo of Elie’s work block at Buna who forces 100 men to work on Sunday so he can meet with a polish girl
Concentration camp where Elie arrives after leaving Sighet
Place at which Elie’s father dies.
Where Elie lives, in the Jewish ghetto
Work foreman who forces Elie to surrender his gold crown
A violinist who plays the most beautiful music Elie has ever heard.
Concentration camp at which Elie has his foot surgery
The Dutch oberkapos pipel
The young boy who was hung for following orders- was innocent. A death parallel to Jesus’s. Compare this hanging to old man hanging and religion
Development of the Modern Novel
What is a novel?
extended piece of prose fiction about characters and their actions in everyday life
Traditional elements of a novel include:
many characters, strong plot, and unity of theme
The Thousand and One Nights
aka Arabian Nights, a collection of stories of unknown origin which recount the tales of Scheherazade to her husband, king Shahryar.
TTAON dates to
1000 BC; collected by an Egyptian story teller between 14-16th centuries. known in Europe in 18th century. “Aladdin, Ali Baba, and Sinbad the Sailor”
Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes
emergence of English novel 1605,1615
Pamela by Samuel Richardson
1740- first novels, Virtue Rewarded
Robinson Cruesoe by Daniel Defoe
one of the first novels 1719
Things Fall Apart
Chinua Achebe
the author
Life of Achebe
1930-2013; Born of Ibo and Christian parents
Father was teacher at Christian missionary school
His Education-Govt college in Umuchia, university college, Nigerian Broadcasting Corp (1954-1966), Biafran ministry of Info, Professor at Univ. of Nigeria, Massachusetts, and Connecticut
Major Characters in
main character, huge, big, severe, fear of failure and weakness
the sacrificed virgin son of another village, Okonkwo’s “adopted son” that he kills in fear of being seen as weak
the earth goddess, source of all fertility, ultimate judge of morality
Only child of O’s second wife, Ekwefi bc she survived infancy. Beautiful and O wishes she were a boy
Okonkwo’s wise old uncle in Mbanta
Rev. James Smith
Missionary who is unconcerned about the number of converts achieved; he is more concerned about their strict understanding of doctrine
Christian convert who was believed to have killed the sacred python, and he wants a holy war against the tribe
He debates religion with Mr. Brown without converting to Christianity, yet he still sends his son to the missionary school
Okonkwo’s father, a drunken debtor, weak and left with nothing
Isaac is his Christian name, O’s oldest son who is seen as weak just like Unoka
O’s second wife, Ezinma’s mom, good friends with Chielo, suffered ogbange
O’s friend who questions tradition, does not believe they can fight in war, has daughters wedding
Mr. Brown
Missionary whose policies are marked by compromise and accommodation with the people of Umuofia
District Commissioner
“One of the most infuriating habits of these people was their love of superfluous words.” In this quote the narrator is assuming the perspective of whom?
Leader of the egwugwu who bears no ill will against Rev. Smith but leads the other egwugwu in burning down the church
people of Abame
the clan is no more due to the “white man”
spirits of the ancestors of Nigerian clans
Outcasts who are forever taboo, they may never use a razor or cut their long hair
a changeling, child spirit born, dies young, and is reborn again, must find iwiyuwa or the stone that connects the ogbange to the spirit world to end it
The Holocaust is an ATROCITY like no other. The sheer brutality like no other.
A cruel act or brutal act
You might call Sarah’s neighbor truly ECCENTRIC. He has a fully automated bowling alley.
strange, peculiar
Professors often live in an ivory tower, their ETHEREAL ideas seem remote and abstract to most.
heavenly, spiritual, extremely delicate- light or stars
Overwhelmed by the news that his bff is moving, Robert’s PENSIVE mood continued all day.
thoughtful in a sad, wistful way
A king who has taken control of another kingdom by force might be called an USURPER
one who takes something illegally
We lost the game, there was nothing to do but walk DEJECTEDLY off the court and into the locker room.
in a dishearted, depressed way
Not having any food for 3 years, the prisoner of war was utterly EMACIATED.
abnormally thin or weak
Chris is a big fan of Harry Potter. To his friends he seemed like a FANATIC.
extremely enthusiastic
Despite the impatient, long line of people, the cashier remained UNPERTURBED and waited efficiently on each person asap.
calm and serene, untroubled
The student METICULOUSLY went over every detail of his paper.
showing great attention to detail, very careful and precise
an original sum invested or lent
The first __ of logic is that a thing cannot be…
The ___ reason I have gathered you here is to explain our new insurance coverage.
The ___ of the loan was $5,000.
a flattering or pleasing statement or action used as a means of gently persuading someone to do something
A rapid movement in a circle or spiral
annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand
requiring considerable time and effort
sealed air tight
a forgetting or having forgotten
dried up or shriveled
the belief that God can best be known through direct personal experience
a person moving in a mechanical manner
the quality of being clear and readily understood
to address with angry speech or tirade
expressing sorrow, mournful
like ashes, pale or pallid in color
extreme poverty like Moishe
often fluctuating pain in the abdomen
The growing violence between the 2 ethnic groups was a sign of INCIPIENT racial tension.
in an initial stage, beginning to happen, appear or develop
She set for herself an ARDUOUS goal of becoming the President of the USA.
involving strenuous, difficult effort
During interrogation, the suspect refused acknowledgement of the crime and FEIGNED ignorance.
to give a false appearance, to pretend
No one except the Cardinals knows the exact procedures of electing a pope, making the whole event rather ESOTERIC.
intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.
Chicago is well known for talkative politicians. I just met a VOLUBLE politician on my last visit there.
talkative, rotating, turning
a person who behaves badly or breaks the law
THe gods of ancient myth seem to be CAPRICIOUS.
given to sudden and accountable changes of mood or behavior on a whim. not good for leaders
Lincoln’s farewell address at the train station was a VALEDICTION given without any preparation.
action of saying farewell. goodbye speech
The separated twins were POIGNANTLY reunited at an unexpected time, leaving them in tears.
deeply effective, keen sense, brings tears to eyes
Despite best efforts, the class could not convince the sub that they dont have homework. She did not believe their SPECIOUS convincing.
having a false look of truth, deceptive attraction
The President had no intention of granting his APPROBATION to renegotiate a plan approved by both sides.
approval or praise
not showing due respect for another person, impertinent
quality of sound, rich, deep voice
showing willingness, boldness
Extremely unpleasant; repulsive.
Remedy or set right (an undesirable or unfair situation):
Large or heavy and therefore difficult to carry or use; unwieldy:
Public shame or disgrace:
deeply rooted hatred
Insulting, abusive, or highly critical language: