Final Exam Flashcards
Family Systems Approach
Relationships should be studied individually in a family
- Certain relationships cause impact on others
Historical Changes in Family Changes
Historical changes and changes in technology impact family systems + development
- More dependence on tech to raise kids
- Blended/single parent families rather than nuclear
- More parental monitoring
- Increased divorce rates, increased remarriage rates, increased age of marriage, increased rates of single parents, more dual income families, number of kids has decreased, years w/o kids increased, mixed/blended (multiethnic) families
Changes in Marital Satisfaction Across Time + What Affects It
When + Why Divorces are Likely to Occur
Different Adult Responses to Divorce
Reciprocal Socialization
Differential Parenting
Internal Working Model
Attachment Styles Based on the Strange Situation/Adult Attachment Interview
Parenting Discipline Techniques + Their Effects on Moral Development
- Best case, leads to pro-social behavior and less internalizing behaviors
- Not fully non-negative
Love Withdrawal
- Mixed case, not good or bad
Power Assertion
- Negative impact as kids are told they are bad but not why
- Often delayed reaction which leads to confusion
Induction (Parenting)
Letting child know behavior is wrong and telling them how they should act instead
Love Withdrawal (Parenting)
Withholding attention, affection, or support after wrongdoing
Power Assertion (Parenting)
Asserting power, yelling, can be physical or psychological abuse
- Asserting dominance
- Instilss negative association w/ parent
Baumrind’s Parenting Styles + Outcomes in Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood
Authoritative(high warmth/restriction)
- Wants best for kids and love them, but recognize that requires expectations and consequences
- Can engage in negotiation/not always rules
Authoritarian (low warmth/high restriction)
- Rules + expectation and consequences but not involved and supportive, no flexibility or rational, parent dominance
Permissive (high warmth/low restriction)
- Very loving and supportive and want kids to succeed but feel rules will restrict them
- Give kids what they want no questions asked
Disengaged (low warmth/restriction)
- Different realms of them
- Work before family
- Addiction or Abuse
Different Types of Sibling Relationships
Development Changes from Preadolescent —> Adolescence —> Emerging Adulthood in Sibling Relationships
Changes in Parent-Child Relationship that Occur in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Effects of Extended Family Relationships and How They Differ
Parenting and Families Parenting Implications
Historical Changes in Adolescent School Attendance + What Affected Them
Federal Laws Related to Secondary Schooling (2 Laws)
Differences Between Types of Schools in the U.S. vs. Europe
Effects of School + Classroom Size
School Climate + It’s Effect on Adolescents
Family Effects on Academics
Peer Effects on Academics
Work Effects on Academics
Focus of Secondary Schooling in U.S. vs. Europe/Asia
Giftedness + How They Differ from Non-Gifted
Historical Changes in College Attendance
College Retention + What Affects It
Different College Subcultures
Effects of College
Reasons and Effects of Taking a Gap Year
School Parenting Implication
Traditional Forms of Adolescent Work
How + Why Traditional Forms of Adolescent Work Have Changed
Factors Related to the Exploitation of Adolescent Work
Debt Bondage
Historical Changes in Working During Adolescence in the US + What Affected the Changes
Positive and Negative Effects of Working During Adolescence
“Forgotten Half”
Models of Work Force Training in US vs. Europe
Super’s Occupational Goal Development Model + Timing of Each Occurence
Theories Related to Effects of the Influence of Media
Media Practice Model
How Media is Used by Adolescents
Effects Various Mediums Have Been Found to Influence Adolescents + Controversies of Each
Media Policy Implications