final exam Flashcards
a form of counseling that is related to specific situations in life that may create crises and produce human pain and suffering
situational counseling
how many tasks of mourning are there
Worden presents counseling principles and procedures; how many are there
a style of counseling where the counselor takes an active speaking role in asking questions and suggesting courses of action
which of these is not one of the tasks of mourning
burry the memories of the deceased
who describes mourning as being similar to the process of healing
a type of counseling in which a counselor shares a body of special information with a counselee
when the funeral director consults with the family from the time the death occurs unit the final disposition, this is referred to as
at need counseling
this style of counseling includes any type of counseling in which the counselor does not offer any direct advice or direction but encourages the client to talk freely
non directive
an intervention with people who’s needs are so specific that they can only be met by specifically trained physicians or psychologists
a non directive method of counseling which stresses the inherent worth of the client and the natural capacity for growth and health
person centered counseling
grief extending over a long period of time without resolution
complicated grief
when discussing the tasks of mourning, what is the first task
accept the reality of the loss
normalizing grief, following up with post funeral counseling, and providing contacts for the families with other support groups are what
responsibilities of funeral directors
which counselor defines counseling as any time someone helps someone else with a problem
which of these is not a characteristic of effective funeral directing
which counselor defines counseling as advice, especially that is given as a result of consultation
funeral service counseling that consists of those appropriate and helpful acts of counseling that comes after the funeral
post funeral counseling
which counselor defines counseling as good communication within and between men; or good (free) communication within or between men is always therapeutic
who developed the tasks of mourning
the death becomes more of a reality as each ___ occurs without the deceased
when dealing with grieving families, what is the best thing you could say and/or do
just listen
reactions that result in clinical depression, anxiety, phobias, alcoholism, substance abuse and PTSD are considered
exaggerated greif reactions
the bereaved is moving to a new area and does not have friends/neighbors that understand that they are grieving. what factor is causing them to fail to grieve
social factor
this is to help people facilitate uncomplicated grief, or normal grief, to a healthy adaptation to the tasks of mourning within a reasonable time frame
grief counseling
how many mediating factor are there that help explain how different people react to grief
when discussing unspeakable deaths, such as suicide, this can make it hard for people to grieve appropriately. what type of factor is when identifying why people fail to grieve
social factors
a mother is struggling with the sudden loss of her son, who committed suicide. which mediator would this best be classified under
how the person died
reactions where the bereaved is experiencing symptoms and behaviors that cause the bereaved difficulty, but they do not recognize the fact that the symptoms or behaviors are due to their loss
masked grief reactions
experiencing high levels of disruptions following a death can create higher levels of depression, which mediator is this
concurrent stress
the changing thoughts and actions that an individual uses to manage the external and internal demands of stressful situations are called what
coping styles
redefining, or the ability to find something positive in a bad situation
active emotional coping
when trying to better understand how someone grieves, finding out if a person has experienced a loss in the past and how they dealt with the death, is an example of which mediator
historical antecedents
when should grief counseling occur
7 days after the death (1 week)
self help groups, trained professionals, and volunteers are examples of people who can be
which scenario is more likely to cause a complicated grief response for the bereaved
the bereaved losing their middle aged mother who lives farther away
the inability for a person to tolerate emotional extremes, resulting in a withdraw as a defense, is what type of factor when identifying why people fail to grieve
personality factors
a service that provides specialized techniques, that are used to help people with abnormal or complicated grief reactions
greif therapy
women and men grieve differently and usually, those that are older survivors grieve better than younger survivors. which mediator would this be classified under
personality variables
a form of coping where there is a change in a method that works or ineffectively quit when that one method used doesn’t work
problem solving coping
this is a form of attachment that is recognized by behavior organized around the goal of self reliance and independence. shows minimal emotions to a death
avoidant/dismissing attachment
how many basic counseling procedures are there
reactions that are excessive in duration and never comes to a satisfactory conclusion
chronic grief reactions
this is an attachment style that is developed through good parenting and other early healthy relationships
secure attachement
this is the least effective form of coping styles, including blaming others or situations, distractions, and social withdraw
avoidant emotional coping
when discussing counseling procedures, what is the first thing that needs to be accomplished. what is the first procedure
help the survivor actualize the loss
who encourages counselors to take an extensive family history, which should cover at least 2 generations, as part of the intake procedure to asses the impact of intergenerational conflict
grief in anticipation of death of loss
anticipatory grief
describes the distribution of power within the family
family power relationships
the individuals ability to adjust to the psychological and emotional changes brought on by a stressful event such as the death of a significant other
when discussing the stages in the family life style, which stage consists of parents helping their children transition into adulthood and adjust to an empty nest
launching adult children
characteristic ways of responding to stress
views the family as a social system with its won characteristics, rules, roles, communication patterns, and power structure
family systems theory
Bowen describes the family unit as having stasis and calm when each member is
functioning at a reasonable efficiency
in family power relationships there are 2 main patterns, one being monopoly. what does a monopoly relationship describe
power is held by one person
the tendency to make strong affectional bonds with others coming from the need for security and safety
these are the patterns of interactions between family members, their roles, and the factors that shape their interactions
family dynamics
factors that can affect families during their time of loss - values and beliefs can affect how people cope with stress, see themselves, and the world around them
stability in this factor can impact someones access to resources and opportunities, such as healthcare, education, and other essential services
inhibited, suppressed or postponed responses to a loss
delayed grief
which family member would result in the largest disturbance of functional equilibrium in a family
a mother who was the main provider
helping people facilitate grief to a healthy resolution
greif counseling
redirecting feelings toward a person or object other than one who caused the feelings originally
as counselors, experiencing grief can make it difficult for us to be helpful to another person experiencing this. this can often portray emotions such as
frustration or anger
the mental and physical condition that occurs when a person must adjust or adapt to the environment
grief where mourning customs are unclear due to an inappropriate death and the absence of prior bereavement experience
anomic grief
who says “the loss of a loved person is one of the most intensely painful experiences any human being can suffer, and not only is it painful to experience, but also painful to witness, if only we’re so important to help”
an emotion or set of emotions due to loss
an event capable of producing physical or emotional stress
an outward expression of grief
what does an equality relationship describe
power is shared among everyone
the act or event of separation or loss that results in the experience of grief
the stages in the family life cycle in family therapy descirbes the
the emotional and intellectual stages that families go through from childhood to retirement
the ability to be considerate and friendly as demonstrated by both verbal and non verbal behaviors
warmth and caring
those who have been associated with death involving drug abuse in the past, may tend to
project their conflicts over loss and abandonment onto their present day families