Final exam Flashcards
Which concept introduced by Irenaeus described the distinct roles of the Son and Spirit in creation?
A: The two hand of God
Irenaeus referred to the Holy Spirit as the “wisdom,” which distinguishes it from the Logos as emphasizing its unique role in creation and the renewal of humanity.
What three words translate in English the Old Testament word ruach?
C: Wind, breath, spirit
The council of Nicaea in 325 AD provided a detailed explanation of the role and divinity of the Holy Spirit.
What does the term “eschatology” primarily refer to in Christian theology?
C: Study of the end times and ultimate destiny
How does Christian eschatology view the concept of time?
B: Time is linear and moves toward a specific goal
Which of the following does not typically feature in traditional Christian views of eschatology?
D: Reincarnation into a new life form
Symbols of the Holy Spirit in scripture are…
E: All of the above (Cloud, Water, Dove, Fire)
Which of the following is one of Jesus’ teachings regarding the Holy Spirit?
D: All of the above (He is the gift of God, He is the Spirit of truth, He will be “another” helper/comforter)
One of the characteristics that prove the divinity of a subject (person) is being a recipient of worship.
How does Derrida depict speaking other languages?
A: An act of hospitality
What did Lyotard call speaking in tongues?
D: A call to community
On the day of Pentecost, the redeemed human community is presented to the world as the future of creation.
Pentecost marks the restoration/renewal of humanity as a charismatic being made to be united with the Spirit.
Pentecost could be viewed as the second New Testament Trinitarian theophany.
Pentecost is viewed as a continuation of the negative consequences of Babel’s imperial project.
What does the Greek word paracletos mean?
B: Helper
Which of the following describe the visible church?
A and B (The church is the observable community of believers on the earth; The church is an object of present faith and future hope)
In certain respects, the Second Vatican Council can be seen to echo themes associated with the Reformation.
The term “catholic” derives from what Greek phrase?
D: Kath’holou
What are the major approaches to the issue of the unity of the church?
E: All of the above (Imperialist approach, Platonic approach, Eschatological approach, Biological approach)
What does the Greek word Katholikos mean?
D: All of the above (Universal, Comprehensive, General)
What does “alter Christus” mean?
B: Other Christ
Who proffered the notion of the double procession of the Holy Spirit?
C: Augustine of Hippo
The definition of the Greek word pneuma is “wind, breath, spirit.”
The enlightenment utilitarian outlook led many to believe that eternal punishment served no practical purpose.
Jesus teaches that the Holy Spirit will be “another” helper/comforter.
Who asserted that translatability of human language is a “call to community”?
C: Jean-Francois Lyotard
The original assertion about the Holy Spirit from the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed was…
Single procession
The New Testament Greek word mysterion means “mystery” and is used in relation to God’s saving work in Christ.
Ambrose of Milan stated that baptism is essential for the believer’s regeneration.
The term sacrament is used in the Western Church to indicate various Christian rites and their accompanying ceremonies.
The most common definition in the Western Church today is that a sacrament is…
A: A visible sign of inward grace
In the 3rd century AD, Tertullian used the Latin term sacramentum to translate the Greek word…
D: Mysterion
Which theologian believed that the distinction between the invisible and the visible church is basically eschatological?
C: Augustine of Hippo
Which is one of the 4 ways “catholic” is used by Cyril of Jerusalem?
E: All of the above
Which of the following did Jesus not call the Holy Spirit?
D: A judgment to believers
The term “filioque” is a Latin term that means “and the Son,” which refers to the double procession of the Spirit.
Martin Luther believed that all baptized believers are part of a “universal priesthood of all believers.”
Isaac Watts penned a hymn about the Church being a(n)…
A: Enclosed garden
What does “ubi Christus, ibi ecclesia” mean?
C: Where Christ is there is the Church
What is not a characteristic that defines a divine being?
D: Divine appearance
To Calvin, the preaching of the word and right administration of the sacrament are linked with the presence of Christ and wherever Christ is, there his church is to be found as well.
Eastern Position:
A single procession of the Spirit
Western Position:
A double procession of the Spirit
Gregory of Nazianzus conceded that many orthodox Christian theologians were uncertain as to whether to treat the Holy Spirit “as an activity, as the creator, or as God.”
Which of the following is not a symbol of the Holy Spirit?
D: Bread
In the theology of the Eastern Church, it is all of creation, not just humanity, that is to be united with the Spirit.
Pentecost marks the restoration/renewal of humanity as a charismatic being made to be united with the Spirit.
The Nicene Creed offers little explanation of the Holy Spirit.
The task of the Holy Spirit is to…
A: Lead the faithful into God’s life
Irenaeus of Lyons sees the Holy Spirit as the wisdom of God.
“To predestine” is mentioned 6 times in the New Testament.
We are saved for…
D: All of the above
Which theologian insisted upon distinct yet related roles of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within the economy of salvation?
What does Pneumatology refer to?
C: Doctrine of the Spirit
Who said “God became human in order that humans might become God”?
A: Athanasius of Alexandria
What does atonement mean?
C: To make one
What did Pontius Pilate exclaim when presenting Jesus to the crowds?
A: Behold the Man
Which of the following is part of the tri-dimensional understanding of the world in the context of soteriology?
D: All of the above
What does theopneustos mean?
C: God-breathed
What is the second Trinitarian theophany in the New Testament?
B: The Transfiguration