Exam 1 Flashcards
What did Martin Luther fundamentally say faith is?
The existence of God can neither be proved nor disproved with total certainty: True or False
Which Italian theologian revolutionized the idea that we cannot prove or disprove God’s existence?
Thomas Aquinas
In the writing of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, what were his beliefs on the suffering of God?
Our God bears our suffering and anguish with us
The Bible is the fundamental source of theology: True or False
How does Martin Luther describe faith?
A confidence in God
God gave us free will so that we could choose to love: True or False
According to Thomas Aquinas, God is the single, original cause: True or False
Which 19th century mathematician argues against faith as they believed that it was “wrong always… for anyone to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”?
William Kingdon Clifford
Dietrich Bonhoeffer presents the idea that God is a “suffering God.” What is the significance of God experiencing the suffering of his creation?
It showcases how God’s willingness to take on the suffering of humanity in order not to abandon them
What is Aquinas’ teleological argument?
Everything was created for a purpose and the designer of the purpose is God
What is prayer’s importance for theology?
It is the origin of theology
Which theologian argues that a suffering God is the foundation of an authentically Christian theology?
Jürgen Moltmann
What are the sources of Christian theology?
Scripture, Tradition, Reason, Experience
According to Bonhoeffer, God suffers: True or False
The patriotic period comes after the Apostolic period: True or False
What is Christification?
A Christian practice of holiness
How does Buber’s distinction between I-it and I-thou relationships help us understand God?
It emphasizes a personal relationship between God and humans
What is telos?
The end result of something
What concept does martin Luther’s “theology of the cross” emphasize?
The suffering and crucified nature of God
Confession is needed at baptism: True or False
Who in the Bible is called the “Wisdom of God”?
Jesus Christ
What does theology teach us about worship?
It teaches us who we worship (God)
What does “fiducia” mean?
Who argues that “that a God who cannot suffer is a deficient, not a perfect God”?
Jürgen Moltmann
What parental analogies are used for God?
God as father and mother
Which theologian claimed that God is “without passions”?
God is neither male or female: True or False
We use analogies in the Bible because the human mind does not have the ability to behold God directly: True or False
Jürgen Moltmann argued that God cannot suffer because he is not a deficient, imperfect God: True or False
The Hebrew word “Adonai” means “master” or “lord” when referring to YHWH: True or False
God’s existence can be proven but not reasoned: True or False
Marcion argued that the Old Testament…
Should be shunned by christians
God’s origination of man is personal, not ______
Which writer argued that true love was rooted in pain?
Kazoo Kitamori
The name YHWH-raffle mean which of the following?
The Lord our healer
A communicable attribute of God is one that humans can comprehend because we can exemplify them to a lesser extent: True or False
The term “attributes of God” refers to characteristics used to describe the character and qualities of God: True or False
YHWH-Nissi means:
The Lord our banner
What is the “Tetragrammaton”?
The name of YHWH
We should always think of the attributes and the character of God as being inseparable from one another: True or False
What does El-Shaddai mean?
God Almighty
It is impossible to comprehend God: True or False
The Bible is an example of specific revelation: True or False
Adonai is the Hebrew name of the Lord: True or False
Adonai is the Hebrew name of the Lord: True or False
Many writers have pointed out that the Christian practice of prayer seems to be molded on the relationship between who?
Children and parent
The Greek word for “revelation,” apokalipsis, means what?
The Law, given by God to the Israelites, falls into which type of revelation:
What is the most sacred name of God in the Old Testament:
Christ is the telos of humanity: True or False
The Pentateuch is the first 5 books of the Bible: True or False
What name did God reveal to Moses in the burning bush?
The most significant development of the doctrine of the Trinity is connected with:
The term “perichoresis” is used to articulate the Tri-unity of God in a way that sustains the difference of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: True or False
Monotheism is fundamental to the Judeo-Christian faith: True or False
The most significant developments of the doctrine of the Trinity are connected with the development of Christology and, consequently, of Pneumatology: True or False
The Nicene-Constantipolitain Creed is an expansion of the Nicene Creed with a longer section on the Holy Spirit, affirming the Spirit’s divinity as equal to that of the Father and the Son: True or False
Modalism affirms that there is one God who has three different modes (manners) of appearance: True or False
The Old Testament emphasizes the oneness of God and the New Testament also asserts it: True or False
The doctrine of the Trinity can be regarded as the result of reflection on the pattern of divine activity revealed in the Bible and continued in Christian experience: True or False
The doctrine of the Trinity is the product of…
There is a subordination in the Trinity with the Father as head and the Son and Spirit as lesser divinities below him: True or False
The word “Trinity” cannot be found in the Bible: True or False
What is the proper name of God according to Robert Jenson?
Father, Son , Holy Spirit
What heresy says that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not three distinct hypostases but rather three different manifestations of the one God?
The term “economy of salvation” refers to the way in which God has ordered the salvation of humanity in history: True or False
Which early Christian theologian was most associated with opposing Gnosticism and affirming the goodness of creation?
Irenaeus of Lyons
What did the Gnostic worldview primarily emphasize regarding the material world?
The material world is evils and created by a lesser deity
Who argued that the Trinity was a protective doctrine intended to safeguard the complete meaning of God from oversimplified understandings?
Emil Brunner
What term is used to describe the common element of a group of Trinitarian heresies associated with Noetus and Praxeas in the late 2nd century, and Sabellius in the 3rd century?
Karen Kirby did not criticize Moltmann’s notion of “the social Trinity”: True or False
Who tries to “liberate” the Christian doctrine of the Trinity from the confines of ancient and modern metaphysics of substance and metaphysics of transcendental subjectivity?
What is the attribute of “immutability”?
God’s divine constancy and changeless perfection
What was Irenaeus’ argument against Marcion of Sinope’s idea of there being two different gods – one who is the creator and another who is the redeemer?
That there is only one God who created and redeemed the world
What phrase did Irenaeus use that meant “the way in which the one God has ordered the salvation of humanity in history”?
Economy of Salvation
What does doxology mean?
Giving God glory and praise
Who articulates the Trinity as a “community of being”?
According to Scripture and tradition, all three persons of the Trinity are present in the act of creation: True or False
Homoiousia means “same substance”: True or False
Who was present with Christ at the Transfiguration?
Elijah and Moses