Final Exam Flashcards
the biological sex that someone is labeled at birth, usually based only on the appearance of one’s genitals
assigned sex
a persons deep internal understanding of their own gender
gender identity
things a person does- how they dress, act, behave - that are coded as gender
gender expression
a person whose gender identity is different from their assigned sex at birth
person whose gender identity is the same as or similar to their sex assigned at birth
a person whose gendered expression is somehow different from what is traditionally expected of their biological sex/gender identity
tendency of people to think that their way of thinking & acting & believing are the only right, proper and moral way to act
cultural imposition
an intrusive projection of ones values or behavior patterns onto others
the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patters of another group
feeling in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another
unjust treatment based on culture alone (and all that goes with culture)
adverse or hostile attitude because a person belongs to a group
3 types of prejudice
- stigmatization
- stereotyping
- marginalization/oppression
individuals are depersonalized by negative labels: “gimp” or “cripples”
applying false attributes to an entire group
victims are subjected to unfair or unequal treatment
cultural destructiveness
- views other cultures as problematic
- may seek to destroy that minority culture
cultural incapacity
- believes in the superiority of the mainstream culture
-stereotypes and paternalism are reinforced by the dominant culture. do not seek to destroy the minority culture
cultural blindness
believing that one culture makes no difference in how services are provided.
- English should be understood by all
cultural pre-competence
- recognizes cultural differences & their own weaknesses in addressing them
- seeks to educate themselves about these differences
cultural competence
accepting and respecting differences, continual self assessment regarding culture
cultural proficiency
- holds cultural differences in high regard
- educates others
- develops skills and forms partnerships
CLAS standards
developed to reduce disparities in quality of care & improve healthcare services for all people living in the US
higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality experienced by one population group relative to another
health disparity
health-care disparity
differences between groups in health insurance coverage, access to and use of care/quality of care
reasons for health disparities
- economic/socioeconomic status
- limited minority providers
- distrust of system
- bias, prejudice, stereotypes
- cultural & language barriers
- adherence issues
behavioral risk factors
- obesity
- alcohol
- hypertension
- lack of exercise
5 domains of SDOH
- economic stability
- educational access & quality
- health care access & quality
- neighborhood & built environment
- social & community context
core health indicators
- life expectancy
- mortality
- immunizations
- risk factors
- access to drinking water
- income, education, $ spent on health care
what is the role of public health
prevention & promotion