Final Exam Flashcards
_____ Energy Impact Spatter is usually associated with a ____ type crime.
There __ size ____ between, Low, Medium and High Energy blood spatter.
___ Energy Blood spatter is the result of an energy or force greater than ___ __ per second.
High/100 feet
Bloodstain evidence is a ______ phenomenon, which has been shown through repeated _____ in the discipline.
The ____ end or ____ end of a ____ bloodstain will point in the _____ it was traveling.
pointed/tapered/Parent/ direction
The analyst can often determine which ___ the blows were struck with in a ____ scene by looking at the ___-___ patterns.
An individual blood drop in ___ ___ is in the shape of a ___ during most of the fall.
This is the direct result of a phenomenon known as s____ ___.
free fall/ sphere/surface tension
___ ____, in a normal environment, will travel approximately _’ at _____ in a ______ plane.
back spatter/ 4’/ maximum/horizontal
____ blood is not only associated with a _____ occurrence but with ____ blood, explosion and ___ ___ machinery.
misting/gunshot/expectorant/high speed
Two examples of __ Energy Bloodstains would be ___ ___ and ___ blood ____.
low/blood drips/ passive/ flows
The ___ in a bloodstain will be identified by the short __ and long ___.
An __-degree bloodstain will be _____ as a 90-degree bloodstain and it will have the blood volume pulled to the ____ ___ of the stain by ___.
80/misidentified/bottom half/ gravity
To locate the point/area of _____ you need to draw a ___ line through the ___ ___ of several well formed bloodstains
convergence/straight/long axis
A 90-degree bloodstain will have a ____ to ____ ratio of :.
length to width/ 1:1
____ _____ was thought by many to be the modern day ___ of bloodstain analyst.
Herbert MacDonell/ father
___ ___ worked on the ___ ____ Case.
Paul Kirk/ Sam Sheppard
The d___ of ___ taken by a droplet in relation to a t___ can also be called
___ ____.
direction of travel/target/Flight path
A blood flow created by ___ alone, with no _____ action involved is ___ ____.
gravity/ circulatory/passive flow
A stain created when an object moves through a __-____ bloodstain on another surface is a ___.
pre-existing/ wipe
The ____ of blood onto a target by a ___ object that is bloodstained is a ____.
In s____ ___ bloodstains a red flag (caution) might go up if all of the strings in the 2-d come back to a ____.
Your goal in identifying an ____ is to identify a range of ____ and _____.
origin/possible/ impossible
The ___ History of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis dates back to the ___’s.
P_____ arcs are affected by the ____ of the droplet and ___ ___.
The factors that directly affect ____ blood spatter’s ____ flight path are a__ ____, ____ and ___.
misting/horizontal/air resistance/gravity/energy
In order to make some determination as to what happened to produce ___ bloodstains the analyst will study the following: D____, ____, ___, and n___ of the spatter.
In some instances it is possible to include or exclude a ___ as possibly making a __-___ ___ by the __ of the bloodstains and the ___ of the blood ____.
weapon/cast-off trail/size/width/trail
In order to ____ a bloodstain to identify the i___ a__ you need to identify what within the bloodstain?- the true ____.
measure/impact angle/ellipse
You might be able to determine the _____ an individual blood drop fell if you know the v____ of the blood ___.
When blood is dripped into ___ ____ on the floor very close to a __, the S___ pattern creates a “_” pattern on the wall.
wet blood/wall/satellite/V/
A “___” type pattern tends to be associated with ____.
The simulated ____ ___ spurt leaves a ___ on the floor that begins approximately at the ___ and leads to the i____ ___.
horizontal/arterial/trail/origin/impact site/
If the scene has a lot of blood ___ and ___-___ stain ___ you would expect the ___ to possibly have some spatter and cast-off stains on them.
If you find __-___ bloodstain trails on the ___ they tend to indicate that ___ ___was used.
cast-off/ceiling/ blunt force/
When a ___ has been hit multiple times in the same area with o_______ w____ the most accurate method of identifying the ___ of wounds is the ___ of __-__ bloodstain t____.
head/overlapping wounds/number/ number/cast-off/ trails
In __-__ ___ you can identify the _____ number of blows struck.
cast-off trails/ minimum/
The ___ impact to a person’s head ___ ___ produce ___-___.
first/will not/cast-off
In the ___ __ experiment sometimes you can include or exclude a ___ as causing a __ ____ ___.
cast-off/ weapon/cast-off trail
In the cast-off experiment you can sometimes tell which ___ swung the weapon and ___ the attacker based on __-___ stains.
The best bloodstains stains to use for _____ in the ____ ____ experiment are ___ on the ___ surface
reconstruction/mouse trap/spatter/horizontal
The s___ of the blood spatter from the m___ ___ tends to be ____ in size from a ___ vs. ___ ___.
size/mouse trap/smaller/slam/free fall
The ____ ___ experiment is intended to simulate ___ energy impact and ___ ____ such as a beating.
mouse trap/medium/blunt trauma/
The _____ of a bloodstain dropped onto a clean piece of glass tends to _____ in diameter as the _____ increases and ____ in diameter as the ____ decreases.
The ____ vs. d___ blood drop experiments shows that you need to consider the ____ the drop lands on.
The _____ number of well formed bloodstains that are recommended to identify a p___/___ of ___ is _.
minimum/point/area of origin/4
The best ___ for producing __-____ bloodstains include, s___, n___, ___ and ___.
In order to identify a p___/___ of ___ for a ___ of bloodstains you would need to know if the bloodstains are :
well ___,
if it was produced by a ____ ____ impact,
if there is more than __ ____.
point/area of origin/group/
formed/medium velocity/one occurrence
The ___/___ of ___ give a range like __ to __” from the floor, not an ___ ___ like 17 13/16” from the ___.
point/area of origins/ 17 to 18’‘/exact height/ floor