1/2 Flashcards
The _____ can often determine which ____ the blows were struck with in a ____ scene by looking at the cast-off _____.
The _____ can identify the ____ _____ of _____ struck by counting the ___-___ t____.
analyst/minimum number/blows/cast-off trails
In some instances it is possible to i____ or e_____ a _____ as possibly making a cast-off ___ by the ___ of the blood____ and the w____ of the blood ____.
An individual ___ ____ in ___ ____ is in a ____ shape during most of the fall.
blood drop/free fall/sphere
Two of the factors that you must consider in determining a bloodstain’s ____ ____ are the ____ and _____.
flight path/velocity/gravity
____ ___, in a normal environment, will travel approximately _’ at _______ in a _______ plane.
back spatter/4’/maximum/horizontal
____ stains eliminate the ability to ___ anything of value other than the _____ of t____.
distorted/decipher/direction of travel
____ blood spatter ___ always associated with a _____ occurrence.
Two examples of ___ energy bloodstains would be:
low/blood drips/passive blood flows
____ Energy Impact Spatter is usually associated with a ____ type crime.
There is an ____ in ___ between, Low, Medium and High Energy blood spatter.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis __ ____ in courts of law because it is ____ in ____.
is accepted/uniform/character
___ ____ Blood spatter is the result of an energy or force ___ than ___ feet per second.
High energy/ greater/100/
The p___ or t____ __ of a Parent bloodstain will ____ in the ____ it Was heading.
pointed/tapered end/point/direction
______ ____ is a ___ pattern created when blood ____ an artery under pressure.
Arterial gushing/large/escaped
____ ____ is a ___ pattern created when blood ____ an artery under pressure
Arterial spurts/small/escapes
____ ____ is the droplet from which ___ ____ originates.
parent stain/satellite spatter
____ ____ is spattered to a target through the mechanical process of ___.
expiratory blood/breathing
___-___ blood is blood which has been t___ from a _____ object.
A ____ is created when an object p___ t____ ___ blood.
wipe/passes through existing
____ ____ is a pattern created when a __, ___ object comes in contact with ___ ____.
Transfer pattern/wet bloody/another surface
____ ___ is small drops of blood which ___ ___ from the ___spatter/stain.
Satellite spatter/break off/parent
____ ___ is created when a ___ of blood strikes a surface at ___ energy.
splash pattern/volume/low
___ ____ are bloodstains which are projected ____ the i___ creating the ___ or ____.
back spatter/ towards/item/force or energy
____ _____ are bloodstains projected in the ____ direction as the ____.
forward spatter/same/force
______/_____/void Pattern are effects that help to ___ an o___ or b___ in a crime.
A ___ is a ___ of blood and other contaminants.
_____ are bloodstains created by the application of some ___ or ____.
spatter/force or energy
____ are ___ edges of a stain which ____ out from the spatter/stain
____/___ of ___ is a point in space where the blood spatter ____.
origin/point of origin/originated
___ is a pattern created when a ____ object comes into contact with another ___, normally considered a _____ movement.
____ _____ are bloodstains that have ____ with some other object and then ___ to the final ___.
ricochet stain/impacted/fallen/target
____/____ is blood which has been reduced to a ___ s____.
Atomized/misting/fine spray
____ of ____ is the angle at which a blood droplet ____ the target ____.
Angle of Impact/strikes/surface
_____ _____ is an action caused when blood between ___ i___ are in the process of being ___.
capillary action/two items/separated
____ is the location where the blood ____.
____ Patterns is a characteristic pattern created when blood ___ into ____ blood.
_____ blood is blood striking a t___ under _____.
_____ Site is the area on the ____ that is being ____.
Impact/body/ struck
The ____ history of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis dates back to the ___’s.
The first people to truly examine bloodstains with a view toward ____ stain differences were the ____.
William _____ and Stuart ___ published “ _____ of Bloodstain Evidence at ___ ___”.
Eckert/James/interpretation/crime scenes
Terry ___ and Barton ____ published “____ and Practical _____ in Bloodstain Pattern Analysis”.
Victor ____ talked about the ____ method.
Baltzhazard/ stringing
Paul ___ worked on the ___ ____ case
Kirk/sam sheppard
Herbert _____ was thought by many to be the ___ __ “f___ of bloodstain pattern analysis”.
Macdonnel/modern day/father
If there are four back swings cast-off and two forward swing cast-off, how many blows would this be consistent with: Mi…
minimum of 5.
Blood in flight is in the shape of a:
To make some determination as to what happened to produce STATIC bloodstains the analyst will study:
D, S, S, and N.
Dispersion pattern
Factors that directly affect MISTING blood spatter’s horizontal flight path:
G,E, and A.
Air Resistance