Final Exam Flashcards
Hobbs/ Leviathan
The foundation of the modern state
Hobbs states that WHERE THERE IS NO AUTHORITY THERE IS NO PEACE. There is nothing stoping people from harming each other
Peace if Westphalia
In the 17th Century, after several war in Europe, the peace of Westphalia established physical boundaries within these boundaries, the state has the sole and complete justification over what happens.
War makes the state and states make the war
A single great power that serves as a global force. Ex U.S. post Cold War
A primary theory of IR that state states will act in the best interest for themselves and to assert the most power. Power politics/
The absence of an ruling authority
Security dilemma
When one state militarizes for security, another state will see that and in contract feel more insecure and then militarize in response
A leading theory in IR that promotes the liberal idealist way of think that in the current day alines with the western system; securing rights and liberties for all people. Can be seen as Utopian
Mutual benefit from international cooperation
Discredits power politics
Utopian think
A type of thinking in IR that isn’t realistic and can tend to be too optimistic to the reality of the situation
National Self Determination
Post world war 1, many countries particularly in the Middle East that were broken up from the ottoman empire, started to group together based on different demographics. They then began striving for statehood based on these ideals
The act of delaying or compromising with an aggressor in attempts to deescalate a situation.
Neville chamberlain against the Nazis
Balfour Declaration
A declaration from the UK to the zionest after world war 2 which deemed Palestine as the ‘jewish homeland’
Huntingtons Clash of Civilization
In a post Cold War world Huntington speculated that conflict would be created from cultural and religions differences as opposed conflict from ideological differences. Some examples of these groups; Hindu, western, islamic, Caribbean etc.
Fukyamas end of history
After the fall of communism and the Soviet Union and the prevail of the western liberal democracy. Fukuyama speculates that This form of government is the furtherest form of government evolution. Liberal democracy promotes human right and liberties.
The newest mainstream International relations theory that emphases the importance of states actors identities on global politics. Born out of the Cold War. States that state will act in a manner that reflects both their individual identity as well as the states identity
Jus ad bellum
Should war be waged? The moral doctrine that sets up if a country should go to war