Chapter 1 Flashcards
‘Monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force’
Max Weber; defines a state as a human community that claims territory. Emphasis what the state does
Decentralized system of government that dominated 500-1500
Public power in private possession
Land was given in exchange for power through military leverage
When there is no state that is formed there can be no peace because nothing is stopping people from hurting each other.
Sovereignty therefore implies authority to prevail over jurisdiction
The peace published outlining Hobbes argument for establishing state sovereignty

Peace of Westphalia
Independent states that have responsibility for their own state
End of the 80 years war- outlined the modern state
Coexistence states that recognize other state sovereignty
Religious freedom 
‘ the only legitimate foundation for sovereign statehood’
The people

Influence, great power over smaller states
Leadership and dominance from one country over another.
Military political, economic pop-culture 
Great power
The most important role is to give structure to international politics
You must look at the space, a country occupies the quantity and quality of land in the combatants of the military organization and arms forces
The most important role of a great power is to preserve international order
Conflict is inevitable in international relations, war is the decisive means of settling issues.
Avoid wishful thinking, treats international politics with how they are, and not how they wish they would be.
Hans j Morgenthau
Six rules
1. politics is governed by objective laws which have roots in human nature.
2. Politics is all about power
3. Concept of interest to find us power is universally valid contact
4. Political realism is aware of the moral significance of political action.
5. Political realism, refuses to identify the moral aspirations of a particular nation with the moral principles that govern the universe.
6. policy must come out of political analysis. 
System= structure + interested units
Structure is made up of three components
What is ordering principle, either hierarchy or anarchy?
Depreciation of states
Distribution of capabilities- underline primary function to produce their own security
Security dilemma
Providing the ones on security, can inverse the seven sense of insecurity by states
If one state militarizes the others will to in respons which is a dangerous borrow that can lead to every state feeling more insecure.
Political philosophy of modern West
Basically a perfect society in theory
Philosophy based on the rights of the individuals liberty.
Kent perpetual peace
War not peace is the natural state, therefore peace must be established
The ruler of a state must be a citizen of the Republic

Utopian thinking
Aspires to a world without war, where power is not the primary determinant of relationships.